CEMS Research Focus Areas 2019

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College of Economic and Management Sciences

Research focus areas(2019)

College of Economic and Management Sciences
Research Focus Areas for master’s and doctoral studies

The number of M and D registrations should be informed by the availability of suitable supervisors to ensure that available supervisory capacity is not exceeded. This will
maintain supervisor/student ratios that would be conducive to high-quality results.

1.1 School of Economic and Financial Sciences

Department name Focus Area Lead Researcher Capacity per Focus

(Contact Person) Area/Research Team
Department of Economics Development Economics Prof Lalthapersad-Pillay Masters: up to 9
E-mail: lalthp@unisa.ac.za Doctorates: up to 5

History and Philosophy of Economics Prof D Hodge Masters: up to 2

E-mail: hodged@unisa.ac.za Doctorates: up to 2

International Economics Prof S Nhamo Masters: up to 4

E-mail: nhamos@unisa.ac.za Doctorates: up to 2

Macroeconomics Prof TLA Leshoro Masters: up to 7

E-mail: lesholat@unisa.ac.za Doctorates: up to 3

Department name Focus Area Lead Researcher Capacity per Focus
(Contact Person) Area/Research Team
Microeconomics Prof B Moyo Masters: up to 1
E-mail: moyob@unisa.ac.za Doctorates: up to 1

Monetary Economics Prof P-H van Eeghen Masters: up to 6

E-mail: veeghph@unisa.ac.za Doctorates: up to 2

Public Economics Prof T van der Merwe Masters: up to 10

E-mail: Doctorates: up to 5

Department of Decision Financial Modelling Prof Petrus Potgieter Masters: up to 5

Sciences E-mail: Doctorates: up to 3

Heuristics, Optimisation and Statistical Prof Safari Mukeru Masters: up to 5

Modelling E-mail:Mukers@unisa.ac.za Doctorates: up to 3

Computability, Complexity and Randomness Prof Willem Fouche Masters: up to 5

in Decision Science (CCRDS) E-mail: Doctorates: up to 3

Department name Focus Area Lead Researcher Capacity per Focus
(Contact Person) Area/Research Team

Department of Finance, Financial Management Prof K Tsaurai Masters: up to 6

Risk Management and Email: tsaurk@unisa.ac.za Doctorates: up to 4

Financial Markets and Institutions Prof Daniel Makina Masters: up to 8

Email: makind@unisa.ac.za Doctorates: up to 3

Investment Management Prof K Tsaurai Masters: up to 5

Email: tsaurk@unisa.ac.za Doctorates: up to 3

Risk Management Prof J Young Masters: up to 6

Email: youngj@unisa.ac.za Doctorates: up to 2

Small Business Finance Prof Ashley Mutezo Masters: up to 3

Email: muteza@unisa.ac.za Doctorates: up to 2

1.2 School of Management Sciences

Department name Focus Area Lead Researcher Capacity per Focus

(Contact Person) Area/Research Team
Department of Business Competitive Intelligence Prof Nisha Sedwass Masters: up to 2
Management E-mail: sewdan@unisa.ac.za Doctorates: up to4

South African Automotive Industry Prof S Rudansky-Kloppers Masters: up to 9

E-mail: Rudans@unisa.ac.za Doctorates: up to 6

Business Management in South Africa – Prof Edmund Ferreira Masters: 15

Growth and profitability of SMMEs E-mail: eferreir@unisa.ac.za Doctorates: 5

Corporate Sustainability Mrs Catherine le Roux Masters: up to 2

E-mail: lrouxc1@unisa.ac.za Doctorates: 0

Strategies for the connected world Mrs Karen Stander Masters: up to 3

Email: standk@unis.a.cza Doctorates: up to 1

Department name Focus Area Lead Researcher Capacity per Focus
(Contact Person) Area/Research Team

Management of technology and corporate Prof Sumei van Antwerpen Masters: up to 5

information E-mail: vanans@unisa.ac.za Doctorates: up to 2

Department of Human Human Resource Development Dr JC Diedericks Masters: up to 11

Resources Management Email: diedejc@unisa.ac.za Doctorates: up to 2

Labour and Employment Relations Dr AJ de Bruyn Masters: up to 11

Email: dbruyaj@unisa.ac.za Doctorates: up to 2

Human Resource Management and Prof Adele Bezuidenhout Masters: up to 28

Organisational Psychology Email: bezuia@unisa.ac.za Doctorates: up to 12

Department of Marketing Consumer Behaviour Prof K Makhitha Entire department:

Department name Focus Area Lead Researcher Capacity per Focus
(Contact Person) Area/Research Team
and Retail Management makhikm@unisa.ac.za Masters: up to 6
Doctorates: up to 2

Digital Marketing & Technology Mr R Machado Entire department:

Email: machar@unisa.ac.za Masters: up to 6
Doctorates: up to 2

Marketing & Africanisation Mr R Machado Entire department:

Email: machar@unisa.ac.za Masters: up to 6
Doctorates: up to 2

Marketing Strategy Mr R Machado Entire department:

Email: machar@unisa.ac.za Masters: up to 6
Doctorates: up to 2

Small Business Marketing Mr R Machado Entire department:

Email: machar@unisa.ac.za Masters: up to 6
Doctorates: up to 2

Department of Industrial Organisational Psychology and Change Mr A Flotman Masters: up to 1

and Organisational Email: Flotma@unisa.ac.za Doctorates: up to 0

Department name Focus Area Lead Researcher Capacity per Focus
(Contact Person) Area/Research Team

Afrocentric Perspectives Dr KP Moalusi Masters: up to 1

Email: moalukp@unisa.ac.za Doctorates: up to 1

Systems Psychodynamics Prof MS May Masters: up to 1

Email: Mayms@unisa.ac.za Doctorates: up to 2

Measurement of individual characteristics Prof S Grobler Masters: up to 1

and organisational behaviour Email: grobls@unisa.ac.za Doctorates: up to 2

Neuroleadership Prof DJ Geldenhuys Masters: up to 1

Email: Geldedj@unisa.ac.za Doctorates: up to 2

Performance management, reward and Prof F Maloa Masters: up to 1

remuneration Email: maloaf@unisa.ac.za Doctorates: up to 1

Department name Focus Area Lead Researcher Capacity per Focus
(Contact Person) Area/Research Team

Psychology of career and human capacity Prof M Coetzee Masters: up to 1

development and retention Email: Coetzm1@unisa.ac.za Doctorates: up to 0

Qualitative studies in employee well-being Prof HA Barnard Masters: up to 1

and adjustment Email: barnaha@unisa.ac.za Doctorates: up to 2

Work-related sense of coherence Dr N Bekwa Masters: up to 6

Email: Bekwann@unisa.ac.za Doctorates: up to 2

Socio-analytic methods Prof MS May Masters: up to 1

Email: mayms@unisa.ac.za Doctorates: up to 1

Institute for Corporate Socially responsible, sustainable and ethical Prof Neil Eccles Masters: 0

Department name Focus Area Lead Researcher Capacity per Focus
(Contact Person) Area/Research Team
Citizenship investment E-mail: ecclens@unisa.ac.za Doctorates: 1

Teaching Business Ethics Prof Neil Eccles Masters: 0

E-mail: ecclens@unisa.ac.za Doctorates: 1

Information Security as a Social Prof Mariki Eloff Masters: up to 2

Responsibility E-mail: eloffmm@unisa.ac.za Doctorates: up to 2

Sustainable Development Goals, Climate Prof Godwell Nhamo Masters: up to 2

Change, Green Economy, Renewable Energy E-mail: nhamog@unisa.ac.za Doctorates: up to 2
and Africa Agenda 2063

1.3 School of Public and Operations Management

Department name Focus Area Lead Researcher Capacity per Focus

(Contact Person) Area/Research Team
Department of Operations Management of technology and corporate Prof Sumei van Antwerpen Masters: up to 5
Management information E-mail: vanans@unisa.ac.za Doctorates: up to 2

Total quality management Prof Kosie Oschman Masters: up to 1

Email: oschmjj@unisa.ac.za Doctorates: 0

Quality management Mr Feizel Ally Masters: up to 1

Email: allyf@unisa.ac.za Doctorates: 0

Project management Prof Rigard J Steenkamp Masters: up to 2

E-mail: steenrj@unisa.ac.za Doctorates: up to 2

Work Study Dr Barnes Sookdeo Masters: up to 4

Email: bsookdeo@unisa.ac.za Doctorates: up to 2

Department name Focus Area Lead Researcher Capacity per Focus
(Contact Person) Area/Research Team

Operations Management Prof A S Tolmay Masters: up to 6

Email: etolmaas@unisa.ac.za Doctorates: 0

Safety management systems Mr Preshodan Naidoo Masters: up to 2

Email: naidoop@unisa.ac.za Doctorates: 0

Disaster management Mr John Mashala Masters: up to 2

Email: masjajj@unisa.ac.za Doctorates: 0

Incident & accident analysis Dr Elriza Esterhuyzen Masters: up to 2

Email: estere@unisa.ac.za Doctorate: up to 1

Department name Focus Area Lead Researcher Capacity per Focus
(Contact Person) Area/Research Team

Safety strategy Dr Elriza Esterhuyzen Masters: up to 2

Email: estere@unisa.ac.za Doctorate: up to 1

SMEs & safety entrepreneurship Ms Leonie Louw Masters: up to 2

Email: lubbelb@unisa.ac.za Doctorate: up to 1

Toxicology & hygiene Dr Elriza Esterhuyzen Masters: up to 2

Email: estere@unisa.ac.za Doctorate: up to 1

Compliance Dr Elriza Esterhuyzen Masters: up to 2

Email: estere@unisa.ac.za Doctorate: up to 1

Wellbeing, wellness and competitive Prof H Nienaber Masters: up to 2

advantage Email: nienah@unisa.ac.za Doctorate: up to 1

Department name Focus Area Lead Researcher Capacity per Focus
(Contact Person) Area/Research Team

Department Entrepreneurship Prof Evelyn Chiloane-Tsoka Masters: up to 12

Entrepreneurship, Supply Email: chiloge@unisa.ac.za Doctorate: up to 10
Chain, Transport, Tourism
and Logistics Management

Procurement and Supply Chain Management Prof IM Ambe Masters: up to 4

Email: ambeim@unisa.ac.za Doctorate: up to 3

Integrated Logistics Prof Hannie Badenhorst Masters: up to 2

E-mail: Badenja@unisa.ac.za Doctorate: up to 2

Business and Leisure Tourism and Events Prof C van Zyl Masters: up to 6
Email: vzylc@unisa.ac.za Doctorate: up to 5

Sustainable Tourism Dr Elricke Botha Masters: up to 5

E-mail: vlogge@unisa.ac.za Doctorate: up to 1

Department name Focus Area Lead Researcher Capacity per Focus
(Contact Person) Area/Research Team

Hospitality and Attractions Management Prof Nellie Swart Masters: up to 3

E-mail: swartmp@unisa.ac.za Doctorate: up to 2

Marketing of Tourism Destinations and Prof C van Zyl Masters: up to 4

Tourism Businesses Email: vzylc@unisa.ac.za Doctorate: up to 3

Transport and Travel & Tourism Prof C van Zyl Masters: up to 2

Email: vzylc@unisa.ac.za Doctorate: up to 2

Department of Public Local Government Management Prof S Kahn The number of students
Administration and kahnsb@unisa.ac.za selected will depend on the
Management capacity available in the

Meaningful Knowledge Prof JS Wessels The number of students

selected will depend on the

Department name Focus Area Lead Researcher Capacity per Focus
(Contact Person) Area/Research Team
wessejs@unisa.ac.za capacity available in the

Public Administration Education Prof LC Van Jaarsveldt The number of students

vjaarlc@unisa.ac.za selected will depend on the
capacity available in the

Public Finance Prof GM Ferreira The number of students

ferregm@unisa.ac.za selected will depend on the
capacity available in the

Public Human Resource and Organisational Prof EJ Van der Westhuizen The number of students
Studies vdwesej@unisa.ac.za selected will depend on the
capacity available in the

Public Policy Prof WN Webb The number of students

webbwn@unisa.ac.za selected will depend on the
capacity available in the

Department name Focus Area Lead Researcher Capacity per Focus
(Contact Person) Area/Research Team
Public Service Delivery Prof EJ Nealer The number of students
nealeej@unisa.ac.za selected will depend on the
capacity available in the

Research Ethics Governance Prof JS Wessels The number of students

wessejs@unisa.ac.za selected will depend on the
capacity available in the


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