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Part I. Make up questions for the following underlined words and phrases in the following case

This 42-year-old salesman(1) had a severe attack of central chest pain(2) six months ago(3) which
lasted 10 mins(4) and was relieved by rest(5). This has recurred several times after exertion(6). His
father died aged 56(7) of a coronary thrombosis(8). Physical examination was normal and I refer him
to you for further assessment in view of his age.


2. _____________________________________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________________________________

4. _____________________________________________________________________

5. _____________________________________________________________________

6.___Does it/ the pain come on at any particular time?__

7. ____What was your father’s cause of death? What did your father die of?__________

8. _____________________________________________________________________

The patient was a 59-year-old man, head of a small engineering firm (I), who complained of central
chest pain (2) which occurred on exertion (3) and was sometimes accompanied by sweating (4). He
smoked 40 cigarettes a day (5). The pain had first appeared three months previously (6) and was
becoming increasingly frequent (7), He had noticed some weight gain recently (4 kg) (8) and also
complained that his hair had become very dull and lifeless. He felt the cold much more than he used to.
He denied any palpitations (9) or ankle oedema (10).


2. _____________________________________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________________________________

4. _____________________________________________________________________

5. _____________________________________________________________________


7. _____________________________________________________________________

8. _____________________________________________________________________

9. _____________________________________________________________________

10. _____________________________________________________________________
Patient’s abdominal pain (1) began 2 years ago (2) when she first had intermittent, sharp epigastric
pain(3). Each episode lasted 2 to 4 hours (4). She also didn’t feel like eating and being off the food (5).
Eventually, she was diagnosed as having cholecystitis with cholelithiasis and underwent
cholecystectomy. Three to five large calcified stones were found.


2. _____________________________________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________________________________

4. _____________________________________________________________________

5. ______Apart from the pain, do you feel anything else?_____

During the last three weeks he has had three attacks of chest tightness (1) and pain radiating into the
upper right arm (2) . The attacks have come on after exertion (3) and have lasted several minutes (4).
He has noticed ankle oedema increasing during the day and relieved by overnight rest. He also gives a
month ҆s history of intermittent claudication of the right leg (5) relieved by rest. Last night he had an
attack of acute retrosternal chest pain lasting 15 minutes, associated with extreme restlessness and a
rusty spit.


2. _____________________________________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________________________________

4. _____________________________________________________________________

5. _____________________________________________________________________

Mr Peter Wilson is a 48 year old(1) steelrope worker (2) who gives history of breathlessness on
exertion of one year ҆s duration and a productive cough which he has for some year(3). During the
last three weeks he has had three attacks of chest tightness (4)and pain radiating into the upper right
arm. The attacks have come on affer exertion and have lasted several minutes (5). He has noticed
ankle oedema increasing during the day and relieved by overnight rest


2. _____________________________________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________________________________

4. _____________________________________________________________________
5. _____________________________________________________________________

Mr. Peter Wilson complained that he had an attack of chest pain last night (1). The pain was behind his
breast bone (2). He also had an aching pain in his neck and right arm (3). The pain lasted for 15
minutes (4). He was very restless and couldn’t sleep. He has also had rusty coloured spit (5).


2. _____________________________________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________________________________

4. _____________________________________________________________________

5. _____________________________________________________________________

Part II. Give advices for a 42-year old patient who was diagnosed with……... Tell him what he should
or shouldn’t do.

Giving advice:

- should: 50/50/ ought to/ had better

- must (= really necessary)/ have to

- if I were you, I would…

- imperative:

Give advicce for a patient who is trying to lose weight:

- Food to avoid: fatty food, salt/ sugar, crisps, biscuits, cakes, etc

- fibre

- white meat vs read meat

- dairy products: skimmed milk/ semi-skimmed

- ways of cooking: grilling, steaming, using vegetable oil, not frying

- snacking

- 5 potions and preferably more fruit and vegetables a day

- (oily) fish2/3 times a week

- drink 2-4 liters fluid, i.e. water; not tea/ alcohol

1. Give advices for a patient who was diagnosed with hypertension.

Eating/ drinking Not putting too much salt in food.

Give up smoking and alcohol

Healthy food with lots of fruits and vegetables

Exercise Spend more time on doing exercises

Habit Not stay up too late

2. Give advices for a 10-year old girl who is suffering from diabetes type 2.

Eating/ drinking Cut down on sugar & rice

Eating smaller and ore frequent meals.

Healthy food with lots of fruits and vegetables

Exercise get plenty of physical activity and maintain a healthy weight.


3. Give advices for a man who is suffering from chronic gastritis.

Eating/ drinking Eating smaller and ore frequent meals.

Avoiding irritating foods, such as spicy, acidic (for example, fruit juices), fried
or fatty foods.

Not drinking any alcohol.

Stopping smoking

Exercise get plenty of physical activity and maintain a healthy weight.

Habit Relax/ reducing stress

4. Give advices for a woman who was diagnosed with prolapsed intervertebral disc.

(listening part 2 –Unit7)

Eating/ drinking


6. Give advices for a boy who was diagnosed with obesity/ overweight/ ….

 Healthy eating plan and regular physical activity. Following a healthy eating plan with
fewer calories is often the first step in trying to treat overweight and obesity. ...

 Changing your habits. ...

 Weight-management programs. ...

 Weight-loss medicines. ...

 Weight-loss devices. ...

 eat healthy meals, drinks and snacks.

 less screen time and more sleep.

7. Give advices for a man who is suffering from duodenal ulcer.

Dietary and that may be recommended include:

Eat smaller and more frequent meals (e.g. 6 small meals each day)

Eat slowly to allow time to digest.

Stay upright while eating after meals.

Avoid the consumption of food or drink in the 2 hours before bedtime.

Avoid the consumption of alcohol.

Lifestyle and home remedies

1. Consider switching pain relievers. If you use pain relievers regularly, ask your doctor whether
acetaminophen (Tylenol, others) may be an option for you.

2. Control stress. Stress may worsen the signs and symptoms of a peptic ulcer. ...

3. Don't smoke. ...

4. Limit or avoid alcohol.

8. Give advices for a girl who is suffering from disfiguring acnes.

Have your teen use over-the-counter acne products, and wash problem areas with a gentle
cleanser twice daily.

After washing the skin, treat with a topical product containing adapelene.

Do not touch or pick at problem areas.

Protect skin from the sun.

Avoid excessive amounts of cosmetics.

Help your teenager manage and reduce stress. Stress can cause acne to flare.

If you has tried over-the-counter acne products for several weeks without improvements,
schedule an appointment with a dermatologist or pediatrician

9. Give advices for patient who was diagnosed with hypertension.

Men and women who are 65 or older aim for a blood pressure lower than 130/80m m Hg.

Regulate their blood pressure through lifestyle changes such as: increasing physical activity;
eating a heart-healthy diet that’s low in salt, and limiting alcohol; don’t smoke, get a good night’s

Manage stress

Check BP twice a day, every day for one week

Aim for a healthy weight.

Exercise with Moderate activity, such as brisk walking or swimming, can lower high blood

10. Give advices for a woman who is suffering from insomnia/ sleeplessness

Keep your bedtime and wake time consistent from day to day, including on weekends.

Stay active. Regular activity helps promote a good night's sleep.

Schedule exercise at least a few hours before bedtime and avoid stimulating activities before

Even if you’re taking a medication, it’s still best to work with your doctor to make other lifestyle
changes that will help you sleep better.

Most over-the-counter sleep aids contain antihistamines. One effect of these is drowsiness.
They’re not a good choice for long-term use, as they can cause dizziness, memory problems, and
daytime sleepiness.

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