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Design and Methodology 17



This study presents the research design, population and locale of the study, data

gathering tools, data gathering procedure, and statistical treatment data that will be used in this


Research Design

The study used the quantitative descriptive and documentary methods of research.

Quantitative descriptive is a quantitative research method that attempts to collect quantifiable

information for statistical analysis of the population and Documentary methods are the

techniques used to categorize, investigate, interpret and identify the limitations of physical

sources, most commonly written documents.

Quantitative Research encompasses a range of methods concerned with the systematic

investigation of social phenomena, using statistical or numerical data. Therefore, quantitative

research involves measurement and assumes that the phenomena under study can be

measured. It sets out to analyses data for trends and relationships and to verify the

measurements made (Watson, 2015).

The researcher gathered bits of information that describe the rate of VAW that was

reported during the Covid 19 Pandemic. This study will conduct on DSWD and Police Municipal

Station of Pinukpuk, in the year of 2022 of October. Data will be collect using records survey

form such as questionnaire checklist of equipment to collect numerical data, which measured

the different forms of violence, including Physical violence, Sexual violence, psychological

violence and Economic violence. With the use of gathering tools was distributed among

anonymous subjects through. The subjects were asked to complete the questioner based on the

report that they were recorded during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Design and Methodology 18

Population and Locale of the Study

The study is conducted in the Municipality of Pinukpuk, Kalinga. We choose this

Municipality of Pinukpuk in this study because Pinukpuk has many VAW cases that have been

recorded. The respondents are the VAW Desk of the different 23 barangays, second the

Women protection center of the municipal police station and third the violence against women

council of Department of Social Welfare Development (DSWD) at Pinukpuk, Kalinga who

recorded VAW cases.

The participants are chosen using Purposive Sampling Method, Purposive sampling

refers to a group of non-probability sampling techniques in which units are selected because

they have characteristics that you need in your sample in other words, units are selected “on

purpose” in purposive sampling.

Data Gathering Tools

The researchers used Survey Questionnaires as a data gathering tool to collect the data

needed for the study, and they also conducted a record review. Interview questionnaires refer to

a research instrument, in which a series of question, is typed or printed along with the choice of

answers, expected to be marked by the respondents, used for survey or statistical study. It

consists of formalized set of questions, in a definite order on a form, which are mailed to the

respondents or manually delivered to them for answers. The respondents are supposed to read,

comprehend and give their responses, in the space provided (Surbhi, 2018). This Data

gathering Tool is appropriate to be used since this study will look into the reported Violence

against Women in Pinukpuk.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researcher's preparedness in conducting this study, particularly in drafting a survey

questionnaire to be signed by the research adviser, will be observed, and the methods used in

drafting a survey questionnaire may result in some biases in the researcher's interpretation,

which must be avoided. The researchers follow ethical standards to avoid cause harm to the
Design and Methodology 19

respondent, regardless of their sex, and they are qualified to conduct the study. Once the

survey questionnaire has been approved by the research adviser, the researchers has prepared

a letter to the Pinukpuk Mayor, Municipal Police Station, DSWD Pinukpuk, Kalinga to ask

permission to conduct the study in Taga, Pinukpuk, Kalinga.

After the permission was granted, the researchers distribute the survey questionnaires

checklist to the respondents of barangay Taga, Pinukpuk, Kalinga. Assurance was given to the

respondents that the information that will be gathered, will be confidentially treated and will only

be used for educational purposes.

Treatment of Data

The researchers analyzed the collected data through using Statistical Analysis. The

following statistical tools employed in the analysis raw frequencies and percentage. These

Statistical treatments applied to the Quantitative Data that will be gathered through the

questionnaire checklist.

Frequency and Percentage Distribution- Used to determine the percentage usually for

data on profile. (e.g., level, age, gender, etc.).

Formula: %= x 100


% = Percent

f = Frequency

N = Number of cases

Mean- Used to get the average or central value (e.g., level, status, etc.)

Formula: x=


X = Mean
Design and Methodology 20

∑× = sum of all scores

N = Number of cases

Analysis of variance (ANOVA)- Used to find out if the frequency of two or more variables

in the study differ significantly or test the significant difference among several; groups.

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