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3rd Year 1st Semester
Lokendra Prashad Bhatta


P R E P A R E D B Y : L O K E N 1D R A P R A S H A D B H A T T A
1. Define project with its characteristics. Explain various phases of project.
Ans: A project is a temporary Endeavour under taken to produce a unique product,
service, or result
 Project is a method which enables us to move from idea to action, structuring the
various stages in that process;
 Project sets out to alter the (social) environment in which it is to take place;
 project takes shape in a certain social, spatial and temporal context;
 project has an educational dimension and enables people to learn by experiment;
 project is the product of collective activity;
 necessarily involves evaluation, which establishes a link between idea and action

Characteristics of Project
(a)Projects have a purpose:
 Projects have clearly-defined aims and set out to produce clearly-defined results.
 Their purpose is to solve a ―problem‖, and this involves analyzing needs
 It aims at lasting social change.
(b)Projects are realistic:
 Their aims must be achievable, and this means taking account both of
requirements and of the financial and human resources available.
(c)Projects are limited in time and space:
 They have a beginning and an end, and are implemented in a specific place and
(d)Projects are complex:
 Projects call on various planning and implementation skills, and involve various
partners and players.
(e)Projects are collective:
 Projects are the product of collective Endeavour. They are run by teams, involve
various partners and cater for the needs of others.
(f)Projects are unique:
 All projects stem from new ideas. They provide a specific response to a need
(problem) in a specific context. They are innovative.
(g)Projects are an adventure:
 Every project is different and ground-breaking; they always involve some
uncertainty and risk.
(i)Projects can be assessed:
 Projects are planned and broken down into measurable aims, which must be
open to evaluation.
(j)Projects are made up of stages:
 projects have distinct, identifiable stages : step by step)

Prepared by: Lokendra [2]

Various phases of project/ cycle of project/stage of project
(a)Project initiation
 This is the first phase of the project
 Under this, the introduction of the project, work area, process, financial resource
 In this phase includes, work such as preparing the draft of the project, interacting
with the stakeholders etc.
(b)Project planning
 This includes analyzing the project and determining where, where, why and how
much investment the project will be made and making a plan.
 At this stage, a blueprint for work management budgeting and material
mobilization is prepared.
(C)Project executing
 At this stage, the actual tasks under the project are conducted the project is
 At this stage everyone is organized to achieve the object by scientific and
effective use of recourses.
(d)Monitoring and controlling
 Clear information about the will be facilitate the way to achieve the set objective
only by using appropriate method
 Monitoring should be done to see if the work is being done properly and if the
quality is not maintained, the works should be taken under control and brought to
justice or action should be taken.
(e)Project closing
 The entire work should be completed within the stipulated time.
 After the completion of the work or different stages its impact should be evaluate
and moved forward.

Prepared by: Lokendra [3]

2. Define management. Write down the basic principles of management.
Ans: The management process comprises all functions which transform resources
such as men, materials, money, machines, methods, marketing and management into
products and services to satisfy the consumers’ needs. These resources as a whole are
termed as 7 M’s. Thus the management process comprises of functions such as
planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling.
Principle of management:
 Division of work
 Authority and responsibility
 Discipline
 Unity of command
 Subordination of individual interest
 Remuneration
 The degree of centralization
 Line of authority
 Order and equity
 Stability of tenure of personnel
 Initiative

3. Define management. What are the functions of management?

Ans: The management process comprises all functions which transform resources such
as men, materials, money, machines, methods, marketing and management into
products and services to satisfy the consumers’ needs. These resources as a whole are
termed as 7 M’s. Thus the management process comprises of functions such as
planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling.

Functions of Management:
 Look ahead and chart out future course of operation
 Formulation of Objectives, Policies, Procedure, Rules, Programmers and Budgets
 Bringing people together and tying them together in the pursuit of common
 Enumeration of activities, classification of activities, fitting individuals into
functions, assignment of authority for action
 Act of guiding, overseeing and leading people.
 Motivation, leadership, decision making.
 Laying standards, comparing actual and correcting deviation-achieve objectives
according to plans.

Prepared by: Lokendra [4]

 Synchronizing and unifying the actions of a group of people
4. How do you define leader? What are the characteristics of good leader?
Ans: Leadership is the ability of an individual or a group of people to influence and
guide followers or members of an organization society or team.

Characteristics of good leader:

 High level personal integrity.
 Work on your priorities.
 Critical thinking.
 Have vision and goal.
 Strong communicator.
 Self motivated.
 Help others, develop along the way.
 A lifelong learner.
 Maintain high level of enthusing.
 Keeping your feet on the ground.
 Leaders are service oriented.
 A pleasing personality.
 Definiteness of decision.
 Sympathy and understanding.

Prepared by: Lokendra [5]

5. What do you understand by motivation? Discuss the importance of motivation
in the surveying profession.
Ans: Motivation is an action or word which influences others in terms of culture, work
behavior etc. Motivation is derived from, the word motive which means a need the
required satisfaction.
Motivation is the art of inspiring and encouraging subordinates or people to do work
effectively so that both organizational and individual goals can be achieved.

Importance of motivation in survey profession;

(a)Lead to profitable operation.
 Motivation boosts employee productivity and engagement, leading to increased
profitability for the organization.
(b)Overcomes resistance to change:
 Motivation helps employees embrace and adapt to change, facilitating smooth
transition and fostering growth.
(c)Minimize Human Recourses:
 Motivated employees utilize their skills and expertise to the fullest resulting in
enhancement productivity and efficiency.
(d)Enhances Employee satisfaction:
 Motivation brings a sense of fulfillment and job satisfaction, leading to increased
loyalty and a positive work environment.
(e)Reduces Disputes and strikes
 Motivated employees engage in constructive communication, reducing conflicts
and labor unrest.
(f)Ensures workforce stability:
 Motivated employees are less likely to leave providing continuity, smoother
operations and cohesive work culture.

Prepared by: Lokendra [6]

6. Define costing and write about ABC costing?
Ans: Costing is any system for assigning costs to an element of a business. Costing is
typically used to develop costs for any or all of the following:
 Customers
 Distribution channels
 Employees
 Geographic regions
 Products

ABC Costing
Activity Based Costing is a management accounting approach which allocate all direct
and indirect (overhead) costs to cost objects (products and services) in order to help
management understand critical business information. It allocates direct and indirect
costs to products and services based on the level of activities used to create and deliver
those products and services.
In ABC method resources are assigned to activities, then activities are assigned to cost
object based on their use. It measure business process performance, activity by
Direct Cost
Direct costs a cost that can be directly traced to producing specific goods or services.
e.g., salaries for project staff and materials required for a particular project

Indirect costs
Indirect costs are costs that are not directly accountable to a cost object (such as a
particular function or product). Indirect costs may be either fixed or variable. Indirect
costs include taxes, administration, personnel and security costs, and are also known as

Prepared by: Lokendra [7]

7. What do you mean by TOR? Write the elements/content/components used in it
along with its purpose.
Ans: A description of the purpose, structure and jurisdiction of project, meeting
committee is called Terms of Reference.
 It is a complete document stating the purpose of the TOR project.
 It is creates understanding among stakeholders TOR is also known as project
 TOR describes how o explain, develop and verify the purpose the project.
 It is provides a basis for future decisions after project approval.
 It is makes clear the work and responsibilities of people at different levels.
The purpose of TOR
 To specify the amount and type of work to be accomplished by the project.
 It is a governance document that establishes and determines the relationships
between all project stakeholders.
 Terms of Reference are developed once a project has been identified, defined and
Element /components /contents used in TOR as follows:
 Project goal, objectives and scope of project
 Stakeholder’s role, rights and responsibilities, resource of mobilization, quality
 Work division structure and scheduling.
 Success factors, risk and other indicators are explained.

Prepared by: Lokendra [8]

8. Define survey management. Point out its importance in surveying and mapping
Ans: Survey management is the proper management of surveying and mapping
operation and provides accurate and efficient result using modern and scientific
Its importance are listed below
 It helps in optimum use of resource.
 It helps in development of technology and equipment.
 It helps to make good coordination between staff of different department and
 It helps to motivate and makes to keep good team work.
 It helps to increase the ability ,knowledge and skill of the member by providing
proper training , research ,seminars .etc
 It helps to conduct surveying and mapping task in time within a given budget.
 It helps to run project successfully.
 Proper management of resources, management of staff and budget required for
surveying and mapping.

9. What are the factors to be considered to make good coordination between

Ans: The factors to be considered to make good coordination between organization are
given below:-
 Coordination in different activities between members of organizations.
 Coordination between staffs member
 Communication between staffs member
 Leadership commitment
 Setting a common goal
 Defined and agreed joint outcomes
 Planning 

Prepared by: Lokendra [9]

10. What are the importance of planning in survey and mapping project?
Ans: Importance of planning in survey and mapping project are as follows:
 Planning creates optimum use of resources.
 Planning makes the objectives clear and specific.
 Planning provides proper direction for project.
 Planning reduces the risk of uncertainity in project.
 Planning brings economy in operation.
 Planning helps in decision making for running any project.
 Planning keeps good control in project
 Planning helps to achieve objectives.
 Planning encourage creativity and innovation in project.
 Planning establishes good relationship and coordination in project.

11. What is quality management? How quality can be achieved during surveying
and mapping.
Ans: Quality management is the act of overseeing all activities and tasks needed to
maintain a desired level of excellence. This includes the determination of a quality
policy, creating and implementing quality planning and assurance, and quality control
and quality improvement.
Quality can be achieved in surveying and mapping by following ways.
 Preparation of specification, methodology, manuals etc
 Training of staffs
 Standardization of equipment and quality control of materials
 Constant checking of products
 Maintenance of equipments and purchase of quality materials
 Preparation of regular report about quality achieved
 Proper supervision of the progress of field work.

Prepared by: Lokendra [10]

12. Define evaluation and what the methods of evaluation are.
Ans: Evaluation is systemic determination of merit, worth and significance of
something or someone using criteria against a set of standard.
 Evaluation is to draw; to assess; to compute an expression
 Evaluation is the process of making judgment based on criteria and evidence.
Methods of evaluation are given below
(a)By Observation
It is evaluation done on the basic of field observation by the leader of any
organization. Observation includes
 Field performance ,Field behavior ,Field activities ,Concentration in field and
(b)By collection and interpretation
 Comparing of existing output data with old ones.
 Checking of strengths and weaknesses with various Candidates.
(c)By conference and deliberation

13. What is proposal writing? What are the contents in technical proposal
writing? Write objectives of proposal.
Ans: Proposal is a document, which proposes something, such as a project, to the
concerned authority .The most important goal of a proposal is to get your project or
suggestions approved.
Contents in technical proposal writing are given below
1. Background
2. Problem statement
3. Rationale
4. Scope and objectives
5. Methodology
 Study area
 Accessories required
 Overall methodology
 Work schedule
6. Expected outcomes
7. Expected limitation
8. Conclusion
9. References
Objectives of proposal are as follows:
 Your proposal should define the problem and state how you plan to solve the
 Do not assume that your readers will believe your solution is the best.
 Your proposal should be researched thoroughly.
 Your proposal should prove that your solution works.
 Your proposal should be financially feasible.
Prepared by: Lokendra [11]
 Your finished proposal should look attractive.
14. What are the safety measures that should be adopted by a building
construction company for safety of its employee working at cold and steeply site
like mustang?
Ans: Safety measures are given below:-
 Check the weather forecast before going out.
 Provision of necessary medicine required to protect from cold like frostbite,
hypothermia etc
 Provision of thick and warm dress, with a wind resistant outer layer.
 When it is cold, provision of a hat, mittens or insulated gloves, scarf, neck tube or
facemask to protect from cold.
 Provision of warm and waterproof footwear. When it is very cold, or when the
wind chill is significant, cover as much exposed skin as possible. Your body's
extremities, such as the ears, nose, fingers and toes lose heat the fastest.
 Watch for signs of frostbite and hypothermia.
 Some people are more susceptible to the cold, particularly children, the elderly
and those with circulation problems.
 Check on elderly relatives and neighbors to ensure they are warm enough and
have sufficient supplies, particularly when the weather is cold or snowy. They
might not feel comfortable going outside to shop and may require food,
medications and other supplies.
 The use of alcohol and certain medications will increase your susceptibility to
 Provision of shoe having grip to protect from sliding.

15. What are the points to be considered in report writing?

Ans: The point to be considered while report writing are given below:-
 Be clear, informative, and concise. Use tables and easy to understand graphs to
explain numbers.
 Address your report to the reader. Use terminology which is easy to understand
for the reader. This often requires learning something about the field.
 Don’t use unnecessary difficult word and sentences.
 Explain what you now know or have discovered about the problem, with very
little emphasis on how you got there. The reader rarely needs to know the step by
step process.
 Give practical information of the results in language the reader should find
 Include summary tables and plots in the body of the text
 Label all figures and tables so it is virtually understandable when viewed alone.
 Practice, practice, practice on preparing neat, effective reports. Use a word
processor that helps with spelling and to a lesser degree grammar.
 Headings and sub-headings matter a lot. As they are first viewed, they need to be

Prepared by: Lokendra [12]

 Strong content is a must.
 Maintaining logic flow among sections and sub-sections along with a proper tone
is a must when writing a report.
16. What is presentation and how presentation skilled can be improved.
Ans: Presentation skills are the skills you need in delivering effective and engaging
presentations to a variety of audiences. These skills cover a variety of areas such as the
structure of your presentation, the design of your slides, the tone of your voice and the
body language you convey.
Way to improve presentation skill:
 Practice
 Transform nervous energy into enthusiasm
 Attend other presentation
 Arrive early
 Adjust to your surrounding
 Meet and greet
 Use positive visualization, Smile
 Take long breath
 Don’t try to cover too much material.
 Work on your pauses.
 Actively engage in audience
 Use a power stance
 Speak clearly and loudly.
 Eye contact with audience
 Move around the classroom
 Illustrate with picture and example
 Put Legible slide only Finish on given Time

17. Define Licensing? What are the importance of licensing provision for
enhancement of professional in field of surveying and mapping?
Ans: Formal permission from a governmental or other constituted authority to do
something, as to carry on some business or profession.
 A certificate, tag, plate, etc., giving proof of such permission; official permit: a
driver's license
 Permission to do or not to do something.
Importance is listed below:
 To obtain rights to technology to the surveyor.
 To obtain continuing access to technical help in surveying and mapping field.
 To benefit from the good reputation of the licensor by gaining ability to use its
 To obtain quick entry without cost and technology.
 To obtain access to the licensors facilities.
 To supplement the license research and development.
Prepared by: Lokendra [13]
18. What are the rules to handle Q/A in presentation.
Ans: Rule of handle Q/a in presentation:
 Do your best to anticipate what types of questions you may be asked.
 Practice answering them
 Some speakers prepare backup visual aids to use when answering anticipated
(b)Don’t Preface Answers
 Try to avoid saying “That’s a very good question; I’m glad you asked it.”
 It can seem like a sign that you aren’t sure of the answer
 At the end of your session, just say “Thank you for all of your excellent
 IF the question is long or complicated, try restating it to clarify.
 Use phrases such as: So your question was…?
This can help you and remind the audience of the question as well.
You can also do this to soften any possible hostile language used.
It can buy you time when you are considering your response.
 Repeat the question so that everyone can hear it.
 Sometimes the person who asks doesn’t speak loud enough.
 This also allows time for you to think.
(e)Maintain Your Style
 Try to maintain the same level of composure that you had throughout your
 If you were calm and collected during your presentation, try to stay that way.
 Try not to sound nervous.
If you change your composure, the audience might feel you lack confidence in
your position or the information you presented.
(f) Be Honest
 IF you don’t know the answer, say so.
 Just say, “I don’t know the answer, but I will find out and get back to you.”
 Or, if you know someone else in the room who might know the answer, you
might ask them for help.
 Don’t answer
(g)Involve the Whole Audience
 Don’t be the speaker who gets involved with only the person who asked the
question and ignores everyone else.
 Make sure that you answer the question for the whole audience and not just one
(h)Follow the 25%-75% Rule
 Direct 25% of your eye contact to the person who asked the question.
Prepared by: Lokendra [14]
 Direct 75% of your eye contact to the rest of the audience.
 Don’t ignore anyone.
 This keeps you in command of the situation.
(i)Keep to the Point
 Don’t stay on an issue too long.
 Speaking too long can bore the audience.
Say just enough to answer the question and address the issue but not enough to
bore people.

19. What are the duty and responsibility of team leader of a survey team?
Ans: The duty and responsibility of team leader of a survey team are listed
 To conduct the project in given time and budget.
 Solving of problem arises during period of the project.
 Managing of all the infrastructure and equipment required for the project.
 Provide necessary direction to other staff.
 Proper monitoring and supervision in the field work.
 To establish coordination between staff member in project.

20. Define report. What are the contents of technical report? Write purpose of
Ans: Report is an account given of a particular matter, especially in the form of
project/official document, after thorough investigation or consideration by an
appointed person or body.
Contents of technical report:
1. Table of content
2. List of figure
3. List of table
4. List of abbreviation
5. Abstract and acknowledgement
6. Introduction
 Principle
 Objectives
 Scope
 Technical terms
7. Method
 Instrument used
 Area of project
 Specification
 Overall methodology(Flow chart)
 Sources of error
 Limitation
8. Output, analysis and discussion
Prepared by: Lokendra [15]
9. Conclusion and Recommendation
10. Bibliography
11. Appendices
The purpose of report:
The report exists to provide the reader with useful information
 Should this drug be licensed?
How do we fit non-linear regressions?
 It succeeds if it effectively communicates the information to the intended audience
 It fails otherwise!!
21. Define Safety management? What are the points to be considered in safety
management in surveying field?
Ans: Safety management is an organizational function, which ensures that all safety
risks have been identified, assessed and satisfactorily mitigated.
Point to be considered during safety management in surveying field are listed below
Personal safety
 Use helmet while working in construction site.
 Use mask to protect from dust and smoke.
 Use raincoat to protect from rain.
 Use colorful jacket while working on the road construction so that it can be visible
from far away.
 Used shoes having gripped that prevent us from sliding and sliping.
 Do not work alone
Equipment safety
 Maintaining of the temperature of room while putting the instrument.
 Use survey umbrella to protect instrument from sun and rain.
 Check the instrument condition before taking it into field.
 While laying out the instrument from the box, check the instrument condition and
position carefully.
 While transferring instrument from one place to another it is necessary to put the
instrument in instrument box.
 Check all the equipment after completion of daily field work.
 The instrument should be given to train person only.
 Put all the equipment in own places like batteries, charger, cables etc.
Data safety
1. Protection of written data
 Written data should put in water proof bag.
 While putting data in office room, data should be kept in dry and near room
having fire extinguisher.
2. Protection of digital Data
 Backup of data into computer to protect from data losses.
 Handover data to higher authority in office.
 Use password policy to protect data from misusing.
Prepared by: Lokendra [16]
 Back ping of data in different storage media.
22. Define public relation. What are the need and importance public relations in
Ans: Public relation is a strategy communication process that builds mutually
beneficial relationships between organizations and their publics.”
 Public relation is the practice of consciously managing their lease and spread of
information between an individual or an organization and the public in order to
affect the public perception.

Need and Importance public relations in survey:

(a)To provide information about
 Objectives and activities of the organization
 Existing rules, regulation and procedures of the organization
 Cautionary measure
(b).To receive public opinion about
 Quality of goods/services of the organization
 Their interest, choice or preference
 Their comments/suggestions
(c).To removes all public misunderstanding and misconception about goods/services
which the organization delivers
(d).To boost organizational image
(e).To create favorable work environment

23. What are the roles of surveyor according to FIG?

Ans: The roles of surveyor according to FIG:
1. The surveying profession is recognized globally as one that adheres to fundamental
ethical principles.
2. The International Federation of Surveyors (FIG) recognizes that, due to
international differences of culture, language, and legal and socials stems, the task of
preparing a detailed code of professional conduct must rest with each member
association, which also has the responsibility to implement and enforce such abode.
3. FIG also recognizes that, given the global mobility of surveyors, it is important to
establish common ethical principles and code so professional conduct.
4. A professional is distinguished by certain characteristics including:
 Mastery of a particular intellectual skill, acquired by education and training;
 acceptance of duties to society in addition to duties to clients and employers;
 an outlook that is essentially objective
 The rendering of personal service to a high standard of conduct and performance.
5. Professional surveyors recognize that their ethical responsibilities extend to the
public, to their clients and employers, to their peers and to their employees.
6. Supporting and participating in the continuing development of the surveying

Prepared by: Lokendra [17]

7. Serving with honesty and forthrightness and within areas of their competence; and
using their expertise for the enhancement of society and the stewardship of resources.
24. What is first aid? What Are the Symptoms of an Animal Bite? How to treat?
Symptoms of animal bite:
Ans: The first aid is emergency care given immediately to injured person. The purpose
of first is to minimize injury and future disability.
Symptoms of animal bite:
 localized redness around your wound
 warmth around the bite area
 red streaks leading away from the bite
 a fever
 swelling
 pain
How to treat for the animal bite wound:
 Stop the wound from bleeding by applying direct pressure with a clean, dry cloth.
 Wash the wound.
 Apply an antibacterial ointment to the wound.
 Put on a dry, sterile bandage.
 If the bite is on the neck, head, face, hand, fingers, or feet, call your provider right

25. What is altitude sickness? What are the symptoms of altitude sickness? How
is altitude sickness treated?
Ans: Altitude sickness, also known as mountain sickness, can happen if you travel to a
high altitude. Altitude sickness can affect any body being young or physically fit does
not decrease the risk. Altitude sickness can be fatal if not treated.
Symptoms of altitude sickness:
 If you have altitude sickness, you are likely to feel dizzy and weak, might also
have a headache and feel nauseous and It can feel like a hangover.
 People with HAPE can feel short of breath and have a cough and a racing heart. In
extreme cases, their lips turn blue.
 Altitude sickness can also cause your brain to swell with fluid, which is
sometimes known as high altitude cerebral edema or HACE.
 People with HACE can feel confused and irritable and behave in an erratic way.

Some ways to treat altitude sickness

 If you have altitude sickness, you should stay at the same altitude or go lower
until the symptoms disappear.
 Rest, fluids and painkillers are likely to improve the symptoms.
 Do not continue to climb higher.
 It is best not to drink alcohol or take sedatives or sleeping pills because they
interfere with the body's adaptation to high altitude.

Prepared by: Lokendra [18]

 If you have signs of altitude sickness affecting your lungs or your brain, this is a
medical emergency.
 You need help to descend as soon as possible.
 Breathing oxygen from a tank can help.

26. What do you understand by first aid? Write symptoms and preventive
measures of hypothermia
Ans: First aid is refers to the emergency or immediate care you should provide when a
person in injured or ill until full medical treatment is available:
Symptoms of hypothermia:
 Shivering
 Exhaustion of feelings very tired.
 Confusion
 Memory loss Slurred speech
 Drowsiness
 Fumbling hands
Measure to be avoids hypothermia:
 Wear warm, multi-layered clothing with good hand and feet protection.
 Wear warm headgear.
 Do not wear wet clothes.
 Find suitable shelter to stay warm.
27. What are the symptoms of a snake bite? How are snake bites treated?
Ans: Symptoms of snake bite:
 Redness, swelling and tissue damage, or complete destruction, in the area of the
 Abnormal blood clotting and bleeding. Severe bleeding can lead to a hemorrhage
or kidney failure.
 Low blood pressure, a faster heart rate and a weaker pulse.
 Nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, anxiety, headaches, dizziness and blurred vision.
 Difficulty breathing, or in serious cases, complete loss of breath.
 Increased production of saliva and sweat
 Weakness in your muscles and numbness in the face or limbs.
Some ways to treat snake bites
 Remove any jewelry or watches, as these could cut into the skin if swelling
 Keep the area of the bite below the heart in order to slow the spread of venom
through the bloodstream.
 Remain still and calm and rest in the recovery position. Moving around a lot will
cause the venom to spread faster through the body.
 Cover the bite with a clean, dry bandage.

Prepared by: Lokendra [19]

28. What are the symptoms of brain swelling or lungs? How to treat brain
swelling or lungs?
Ans: Symptoms of brain swelling or lungs:
 a headache
 nausea, vomiting
 dizziness
 memory problems
 difficulty speaking
 seizures
 vision loss
 neck pain
 difficulty moving
Some ways to treatment of brain swelling:
 Correcting metabolic derangements.
 Placing a ventricular shunt.
 Managing the fluid
 Controlling blood sugar
 Controlling blood pressure

Prepared by: Lokendra [20]

29. What do you understand by ethics? Explain ethical principle.
Ans; Ethics define conduct, honor, morality, guidelines for human actions, rules or
standards, expected behavior. The discipline dealing with what is good &bad &with
moral duty & obligation. A comparative evaluation stating or implying that something
is good or bad, right or wrong, or better or worse.

Ethical Principles
 Surveyors maintain the highest standards of honesty and integrity towards those
with whom they come into contact, either directly or indirectly
 Accurately and conscientiously measure, record and interpret all data and offer
impartial advice based thereon.
(b). Independence
 Surveyors diligently and faithfully execute their role according to the law
 Maintain their objectivity and give their clients and employers unbiased advice,
without prejudice or favor either towards or against other organizations or
(c). Care and competence
 Surveyors maintain their knowledge and skills keep abreast of developments in
their fields of practice and apply their expertise for the benefit of society;
 only take on work that they reasonably believe they will be able to carry out in a
professional manner; and
 Exercise care in the performance of their duties.

 Surveyors maintain confidentiality about the affairs of their current and former
clients and employers unless required by law to make disclosures;
 Avoid conflicts of interest;
 Take environmental concerns into account in their operations and activities;
 Conduct their work to the best of their ability, giving due consideration to the
rights of all parties.

Prepared by: Lokendra [21]

30. Find the critical path of the project.

Sln: The longest path that any project takes is called critical path.

Prepared by: Lokendra [22]

31. Short Notes
(a) Technical Standards
 Universally or widely accepted, agreed upon, or established means of determining
what something should be
 An established norm or requirement for project
 Formal document that establishes uniform engineering or technical criteria,
methods, processes, and practices
 In other word, it is :custom, convention, company product, corporate standard
 Generally accepted and dominant
Examples: Corporation, Trade unions, Military, Business contract, Government for
(b) Technical Specification
 An explicit set of requirements for an item, material, component, system or
 Used to formalize the technical aspects of a procurement agreement or contract
 Exact statement of particular needs to be satisfied
 Technical facts
 Characterizes the product, define the task
Specification helps
 To define the product/ task in micro level
 To maintain accuracy or achieve quality
 To meet standards
Examples: Specification for buying new Total station, GPS

(c)Quality Management
Three Quality management processes:
(i) Quality Planning: Identifying which quality standards are relevant to the project
and determining how to satisfy them
(ii)Perform Quality Assurance: application of planned, systematic, quality activities
to ensure that the project will employ all processes needed to meet requirements
(iii)Perform Quality Control: Involves monitoring specific project results to
determine whether they comply with relevant quality standards and identifying ways
to eliminate causes of unsatisfying results

(d) Task Supervision

Task supervision is a teaching learning process which provides: -constant observation,
monitoring, evaluation, guidance to workers To enable them to perform their activities
effectively and efficiently maintaining required standards
Prepared by: Lokendra [23]
Techniques of Supervision:
 Observation E.g. Field visit
 Interview and questioning
 Individual and group conferences
 Performance evaluation-self, peer, supervisor, and general public evaluation
 Verbal and written reports
(e) Objectives of proposal
 Your proposal should define the problem and state how you plan to solve the
 Do not assume that your readers will believe your solution is the best.
 Your proposal should be researched thoroughly.
 Your proposal should prove that your solution works.
 Your proposal should be financially feasible.
 Your finished proposal should look attractive.
(f) Reports
 Report is an account given of a particular matter, especially in the form of
project/official document, after thorough investigation or consideration by an
appointed person or body.
 A spoken or written description of an event or situation, especially one intended
for publication or broadcasting in the media.
(g) Public Relation
 Public relation (PR) is a unique management function which helps organizations
to establish and maintain mutual lines of communications, understanding,
acceptance, and cooperation with their publics.
Public relations have mainly four elements:
 Learning about public desires and aspiration
 Advising the public about what it should desire
 Ensuring satisfactory contact between public and government
 Informing to the public about what an institution done
(h) Presentation Skill
 Presentation skills have value beyond increasing public understanding.
 It can breach interdisciplinary boundaries within science and help colleagues with
different viewpoints catch a glimpse of a bigger picture.
 Articulating vision and common goals has long been a cornerstone of leadership
on the battlefield.
 Scientists would be wise to adopt a similar strategy.
 Being a good communicator is not tradeoff.
 It makes you a better professional.

Prepared by: Lokendra [24]


Prepared by: Lokendra [25]

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