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Benefit Illustration for Pramerica Life Rakshak Smart

Product Code: T48 Quote Generated by: PLIL

Quotation Date: Wed Mar 20 2024
This benefit illustration is intended to show year-wise premiums payable and benefits under the policy. The illustration is in accordance with the guidelines set by Life Insurance Council & Insurance
Regulatory and Development Authority of India. Some benefits are guaranteed and some benefits are variable with returns based on the future performance of your insurer carrying on life insurance
business. If your policy offers guaranteed benefits then these will be clearly marked “guaranteed” in the illustration table on this page. If your policy offers variable benefits then the illustrations on this
page will show two different rates of assumed future investment returns. These assumed rates of return are not guaranteed and they are not the upper or lower limits of what you might get back, as
the value of your policy is dependent on a number of factors including actual future investment performance.
Customer Details Proposal No.:
Name of the Policyholder: ASHUTOSH GAUTAM Name Of the Product: Pramerica Life Rakshak Smart
A Non-linked Non-Participating Individual Life Insurance Savings
Age: 34 Years Tag Line:
Gender: Male Unique Identification No.: 140N075V02
GST & Cess Rate (first year): 4.5%
GST & Cess Rate (2nd year
Name of Life Assured: ASHUTOSH GAUTAM
Age: 34 Years
Gender: Male
Extras (if applicable)
Policy Details Underwriting Extra Details Applicable Rate Duration (years)
Policy Term: 20 Years
Premium Paying Term: 12 Years
Policy Option (Plan Option selected by you): Life
Payout Frequency Annual
Savings Booster Rs 22,29,874
Base Sum Assured: Rs 16,39,613
Sum Assured On Death: Rs 22,00,000
(at inception of Policy)
Medical Sum Under Consideration (MSUC): Rs. 29,51,303. The mentioned amount can be referred to
Mode of Premium Payment: Annual determine the medical requirements.#
Amount of Instalment Premium: Rs 2,00,000

Communication Address:
Pramerica Life Insurance Limited 4th Floor, Building No-9B,DLF Cyber City, Phase - III,Gurgaon - 122002, Haryana, Registration No. 140

Company Salesperson's Signature:_______________________________ Proposer's Signature:_______________________________

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Premium Summary
Base Plan Riders Total Instalment Premium
Instalment Premium without GST & Cess Rs 2,00,000 NA Rs 2,00,000
Instalment Premium with First Year GST & Cess Rs 2,09,000 NA Rs 2,09,000
Instalment Premium with GST & Cess 2nd Year Onwards Rs 2,04,500 NA Rs 2,04,500

Communication Address:
Pramerica Life Insurance Limited 4th Floor, Building No-9B,DLF Cyber City, Phase - III,Gurgaon - 122002, Haryana, Registration No. 140

Company Salesperson's Signature:_______________________________ Proposer's Signature:_______________________________

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(Amount in Rupees)

Survival Accrued Death Death Benefit Death Benefit Total Min

Base Special
Policy Annualized Benefits / Annual Maturity Benefit Sum Of Payable At The End Death Guaranteed
Age Sum Surrender
Year Premium Loyalty Guaranteed Benefit immediate Monthly Of The Policy Term Benefit Surrender
Assured Value
Additions Additions (A) Payouts (B) (C) A+B+C Value
1 35 2,00,000 0 16,39,613 0 0 22,00,000 0 0 22,00,000 0 0
2 36 2,00,000 0 16,39,613 0 0 22,00,000 0 0 22,00,000 1,20,000 1,69,563
3 37 2,00,000 0 16,39,613 0 0 22,00,000 0 0 22,00,000 2,10,000 2,71,971
4 38 2,00,000 0 16,39,613 0 0 22,00,000 0 0 22,00,000 4,00,000 3,87,768
5 39 2,00,000 0 16,39,613 0 0 22,00,000 0 0 22,00,000 5,30,000 5,18,528
6 40 2,00,000 0 16,39,613 0 0 22,00,000 0 0 22,00,000 6,60,000 6,65,273
7 41 2,00,000 0 16,39,613 0 0 22,00,000 0 0 22,00,000 8,12,000 8,30,191
8 42 2,00,000 0 16,39,613 0 0 22,00,000 0 0 22,00,000 9,60,000 10,14,374
9 43 2,00,000 0 16,39,613 0 0 22,50,000 0 0 22,50,000 11,34,000 12,20,179
10 44 2,00,000 0 16,39,613 0 0 25,50,000 0 0 25,50,000 13,00,000 14,49,350
11 45 2,00,000 0 16,39,613 1,31,169 0 29,91,169 0 0 29,91,169 15,52,167 17,69,705
12 46 2,00,000 0 16,39,613 2,62,338 0 34,42,338 0 0 34,42,338 18,03,141 21,28,874
13 47 0 0 16,39,613 4,09,903 0 36,49,903 0 0 36,49,903 19,63,018 23,62,805
14 48 0 0 16,39,613 5,57,468 0 38,57,468 0 0 38,57,468 21,14,858 26,21,364
15 49 0 0 16,39,613 7,21,430 0 40,81,430 0 0 40,81,430 23,19,286 29,18,409
16 50 0 0 16,39,613 8,85,391 0 43,05,391 0 0 43,05,391 25,22,951 32,47,680
17 51 0 0 16,39,613 10,65,748 0 45,45,748 0 0 45,45,748 27,89,926 36,27,037
18 52 0 0 16,39,613 12,46,106 0 47,86,106 0 0 47,86,106 30,66,417 40,48,395
19 53 0 0 16,39,613 14,42,859 0 50,42,859 0 0 50,42,859 34,68,818 45,29,749
20 54 0 0 16,39,613 16,39,613 0 52,99,613 0 0 52,99,613 0 0
21 55 0 0 0 0 8,19,807 0 0 0 0 0 0
22 56 0 0 0 0 8,19,807 0 0 0 0 0 0

Communication Address:
Pramerica Life Insurance Limited 4th Floor, Building No-9B,DLF Cyber City, Phase - III,Gurgaon - 122002, Haryana, Registration No. 140

Company Salesperson's Signature:_______________________________ Proposer's Signature:_______________________________

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(Amount in Rupees)

Survival Accrued Death Death Benefit Death Benefit Total Min

Base Special
Policy Annualized Benefits / Annual Maturity Benefit Sum Of Payable At The End Death Guaranteed
Age Sum Surrender
Year Premium Loyalty Guaranteed Benefit immediate Monthly Of The Policy Term Benefit Surrender
Assured Value
Additions Additions (A) Payouts (B) (C) A+B+C Value
23 57 0 0 0 0 8,19,807 0 0 0 0 0 0
24 58 0 0 0 0 8,19,807 0 0 0 0 0 0
25 59 0 0 0 0 30,49,680 0 0 0 0 0 0

# In addition to mentioned MSUC amount, decision to conduct medicals may also take into account detailed underwriting and any previously existing policy (if any) of the customer with
Pramerica Life Insurance Ltd.

Communication Address:
Pramerica Life Insurance Limited 4th Floor, Building No-9B,DLF Cyber City, Phase - III,Gurgaon - 122002, Haryana, Registration No. 140

Company Salesperson's Signature:_______________________________ Proposer's Signature:_______________________________

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Conditions applicable specific to this product:

1. The illustrated benefits are assumed as at end of the Policy Year.

2. For Rakshak Smart Life option: The death benefit shall be payable in lump sum and is equal to Sum Assured on Death plus all Accrued Annual Guaranteed Additions till the date of death. Sum
Assured on Death is higher of:
a) 11 times of Annualised premium (or)
b) 105% of the total premiums paid till date of death (excluding underwriting extra and taxes if any) (or)
c) Base Sum Assured (or)
d) X% of Total Premiums Paid till the date of death, where X% is 105% in the first policy year, increasing by an amount equal to 2.5% for every completed policy year till the end of policy term.
3. The Maturity Benefit is defined as sum of following:
a) Guaranteed Income benefit, in arrears as per the frequency chosen (annual or monthly), during the payout period of 5 years from the maturity date; plus
b) Savings Booster payable at the end of payout period
4. The beneficiary shall continue to receive the outstanding guaranteed income benefits & savings booster even after the death of the life insured during the payout period, as per the scheduled
dates. The claim payment obligation of the Company will end on the payment of lump sum amount, if opted.
5. The policy will acquire Surrender value after payment of at least two year's Premium in full. Thereafter, if the customer decides not to pay further Premiums, he/she would have the option to either
surrender the Policy or let the Policy continue with reduced benefits in accordance with Policy Document.
6. Surrender Value Payable is higher of Guaranteed Surrender Value and Special Surrender Value. Surrender value payable is subject to change, basis change in special surrender value. The
Policyholder can contact the Company regarding the latest available surrender value under the Policy.
7. Pramerica Life Rakshak Smart is only the name of the Policy and does not in any way indicate the quality of the policy, its future prospects or returns.

General Conditions:

1. The benefits payable on death and maturity under this plan are guaranteed.
2. The illustrative benefits above assume that all Premium are paid on due date at the beginning of the policy year.
3. Annualized Premium excludes underwriting extra premium, frequency loadings on premiums, the premiums paid towards the riders, if any and Goods & Service Tax and applicable Cess.
4. The Instalment premium mentioned above (with First Year and 2nd Year GST & Cess) is the Premium payable on the due date and includes tax which is levied as per the applicable tax rates.
5. Installment Premium without GST & Cess is the Premium payable on the due date excluding tax.
6. Past Performance of any plan of the company is not necessarily indicative of the future performance of any of the plans.
7. For more details on risk factors, description of benefits or for any other benefit available under the policy, please refer to the sales brochure and Policy document.
8. For any further clarifications, please feel free to get in touch with your Company Salesperson.
9. Please contact the Company for further details on various premium paying mediums available under the plan.
10. Tax Benefits may be available as per the prevailing Income Tax laws.

I, …………………………………,have explained the premiums, and benefits I ________________________________________, having received the information
under the product fully to the prospect / policyholder. with respect to the above, have understood the above illustration and
Date: statements before entering into the contract.
Place: Date:

Signature of the Agent/Intermediary/ Official Signature of Prospect / Policyholder

Communication Address:
Pramerica Life Insurance Limited 4th Floor, Building No-9B,DLF Cyber City, Phase - III,Gurgaon - 122002, Haryana, Registration No. 140

Company Salesperson's Signature:_______________________________ Proposer's Signature:_______________________________

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