Diy Script

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-Hello everyone, my name is Valentine Ho , I’m Husnaina , I’m sharrifah , I’m Bryan And we are the
FUNtastic Four

Information of school:

-Our school is SMK Kai Chung , which is located at Jalan Kelupu Bandar Bintangor Sarawak

-there are currently 932 number of students , 67 number of teachers and 8 number of supporting
stuff in our school

Effect of Plastic & paper:

-From production to pollution , paper & plastic is a growing global problem

-this human -made materials has seem it spread to almost every area of life and all over the planet

-If we can’t live without it , how do we innovate to live with it?

Introduce Product:

-so , my team tackling this papers & plastics problem by innovating paper & plastic into something
that is going to give huge impact to the community in my school

-we would like to introduce our project called the ‘RnR’ or can be known as Read and Rest .

Problem statement:

-in the morning , the students seems to not interested In studying or reading books in the class

-beside the book rack always seems so lame and messy , and this is the main reason of my team to
make this RnR project

Product (need to have animation/pic):

-RnR is mostly made-up of paper & plastic and have cylindrical shape

-It consists of 3 tier of rack

-which is the bottom part , middle part & the upper part

-the bottom part have the radius of 50cm with the height of 30cm , which contain an extendable
chair that is made-up of eggtray and 2 plain boxes

-the middle part have a radius of 50cm and 30 cm height , this part consist of a rotatable bookshelf
which is divided into 4 part

-lastly , the upper part , at this part , it is made up of few tissue roll and a strong boxes on the top


-The materials that we need to make this product is

1. Mr.DIY Hot glue Gun

2. Mr.DIY Hot Glue Stick
3. Boxes
4. Plactic
5. Scissors
6. Cutter knife
7. Rotatable plate

This are the materials and the total cost of making this product:

Item Quantity Price Each (RM) Total Price (rm)


-So as we can see this product is affordable and give a plenty of benefits to our school

-it give courages to the student to the student to read in their free time in class

-beside it tide up the book rack and cleaning corners of the class which give the student conducive
learning atmosphere

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