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Characteristics of Policy Making:

Dror, viewed Public Policy making as the procedure which contains complex and dynamic, he
defined it as, “process decides major guidelines for action directed at the future, mainly by
governmental organs. These guidelines (policies) formally aim at achieving what is in the public
interest by the best possible means”. He recognized some characteristics of public policy
procedure and they are:

1. The system of policy making contains of many components which are interconnected by the
aid of communication and feedback. Some of this can be visible but other part may be covered
and it is not possible to recognize such elements.

2. Policy making is an active procedure because it has continuous actions inside the society and
alters according to the altering conditions.

3. It contains of many sub systems and their involvement differs in the amount depending on the
times, nature and problems of the societies.

4. Each sub system a different contribution to the procedure of public policy it in fact relies on its
characteristics which can differ from different societies.

5. It can be regarded as a kind of decision making procedure, therefore, it accepts many models
planned in the area of decision making.

6. Public policy proposes overall directions instead of complete commands concerning the orders
to be pursued because it is not a plan to give complete guiding principle.

7. The similar action can be observed in Public policy formulating, in certain times it also
focused to carry the alterations in its own edifice and device or in the policy maker himself.

8. Policy making is future oriented, means, it targets at altering the future, and it deals with the
futuristic improvements. It also concerns with actions in the future and their outcomes.

9. It is chief apprehension with activities taken by the governmental organizations. Whereas,

some of the public policies can be treated by the private persons and NGOs as well.

10. The most important aspect of this in the modern political systems is that it targets at attaining
in the interest of the public. Therefore, it makes the policies for the sake of public interest.
11. It not only targets at attaining the public interest, but also involves to get the best out of it. It
tries to spend less money and to get maximum benefit.

These characteristics of public policy formulation are also pooled by other concerned procedures
such as planning and decision making.

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