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CIRCULAR NO: IPHS/24-25/008 18th April 2024

Dear Parents,

Greetings from IPHS,RAK!

Ensuring the safety of our students is the top priority at IPHS. With this in mind, we kindly request parents of
students who use their own transportation to indicate the mode of transport their child utilizes to commute to
Please fill out the consent form below and submit the hard copy to your child's Class Teacher no later than
Monday, April 22, 2024. We also remind parents to exercise increased vigilance during arrival and dispersal
times, particularly when crossing roads.

Ms.Jisha Jayan

Consent Form

Student's Name: ______________________ Class & Division: ______________________

My child will come to school by:

 By walk
 By cycle
 By car (with parent)
 By car (with friends/guardian/sibling)

I take full responsibility for ensuring the safety of my child during his/her travel to school.

Parent's Name: ______________________

Mobile No.: ______________________
Date: ______________________
Signature: ______________________

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