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lonometiy i pre $SUIe (Jop) s moasure d:

The baocolo
ith the help of an instuent Catled

vilable al,
’The tNo hnsic tyrs of tonomethys
0 Indenttio0,tonmety.
O Applnation tonometiy
Class:ficaton of lonometyy i
Tonometve s (on be divide d at töjing to the
Shage of tie defoyination :- îndentation 4appat


COntat Non- conNtat

JndentatHon Applration Ojta! Ar-p


Varable Föjce onstarct fae

0ge mackay
pldmann ferkins Tonpen
tononnetny is based on the fundome
fact that a plunqey N! indent a Soft

than a hard eyo.
ihe ldentaion tonometry in cunent ue is thal

Schio oometry &

schiot2 tonomete r is aSimple hond held tonorm
ter most Commonly Used in developng (0un tries.
1echnicaly it is easy to perfom.
It consists of
*Handle , for hokding the instrument in Vertical
osition on, the (ineo.
Foot pbte, whiCh vests on the Calna.
# plunger hhich moves fieely ithio a shast in
the foot pbte.

the plorger, hch ean be incieaed to 7.5 Ond lo


’ It is chgap ptable,
’ Does not require a slit lamp.
’It con be doe on' supine position.
>Con measure loP @ven o0 an eye t sanes
Disodvarntagei &
’ Heauy potentially dangerous , as
is made to vest on (§nea. plunger
’Cõjneal abrasons may ocCOS.
-’ DIPfcOlt to disinfoct.
Has an effect of colneal iqidity on Yeadina

-’Before torometry. the fot plate ond loner

end of plungey should be sterlized
-Föl ve peated vse în muttiple patient it Can
sterilized by dipping the toot plate in
Ather, obsolute altohol, aetone 3i. by heatng
the foot plate in the fhme d spxit.
patent shoU Hbe Supin position.
Maestising the (öjnea ith 2-4 perent
t p i a fwylocaine.

yests the foot plate of tho tonomoter

pti(aty 0n the (enter.
)the Yeadng 0n State is Vecöded as soon as
the needle beOMeS stoady.
In the end tonometer is lfted Ond Qdrop
f aotibotic is i0stttled.

he conNce pt of appanati on
intioduced by. oldon' in 954. tonometry has
It is based on imbert fcr las P= HA
" pessuve isde .a sphere CP)
"equal to the fyce f)
" Area of iatening CA)
’ The comonly used applanaton torpmeties aHa
lépldmann torometer $
’It is the întenabonal cinical standod fo

t corsists of double moUnted on a

tonchrd slit ump
ond ofteoxescien stip ofte
mo:sol ond ipe tioin eye
plre te ligdt sooxce bo to 65 degrt:
- l to the piobe.
plare the chn vot ond headitest onthe
-see in skt lonp the Probe and pies are
cnly nith one eye.
SMOVe,uns! the ionet S edge of
c the Sens Ca
’If the es ave tÙo hicdo , too thìn he
\eodigshill not be
b accurate.
oXONOe the Cölnea after Iop in e
’7he ieodinq on the Kncb shouki be motg,
by 1o and Yecalced a mm of Hg.

It shors Stiongy Itsho to loN peA

irveosed Pressure wMhle aplanatg
ije applaating'
shons (ahetted foal position
Nbich tho inne edqei ol tho emi- rt vlor
mOKe Nith eoch other.
Contac t

Contact lens should he Temovecd because

flooesceo Nil| be absöbed i0to the sot
lns toinio9 it ye hoN/9veen.
pttent Near bad le nses should be duise
th hea ther lenses at least f3 ! bouY.
fferentes in Iop Teadings bet heen the
and ealuated .further.
’ Jopical anesthet cs Con maro cNal epthel'um
mobe f1 covOSions md detieasei in Jeflex
Secretios of teams.

Accurate eadng:

(annot be perf&e ons eye ith îjee tton.

’Need: st lamp
7NOt QCCUYote when conea is regular.
hond eld tonometer
-- t is
he Son
Same bpism o
the instumont Dizetoretor
ldmonn optonation
bartety is t8ed to pos tho lhh an

tis ahond he d,non-contot tonoroor

that (on be usod it Athe patrat n
posti on.

4Jt is a computeised pockot tonomete,

1t enploys a mcascopit trohsduer shich
applonateJ the Cöjrea a Conerts Topintb elett

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