IDAX322 Achieving DFR Success

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To meet an ever-demanding market
for reliable insulation condition
analysers, Megger is proud to present
the latest Dielectric Frequency
Response test instrument in the
IDAX family: IDAX 322. It is a robust
hand-carried instrument that has
many features that enable efficient
diagnostic and efficient use of the
testing time.

diagnostics, dielectric frequency
response, HV insulation, bushing,
instrument transformer, testing

90 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Volume 8, Issue 2 | 2021


The Megger
IDAX 322
Achieving DFR Success for All Applications

The Megger IDAX 322 is operated by an easy-to-use software with

assessment guidance informed by international standards and over
25 years of field experience with DFR technology

o meet an ever-demanding mar- encountered in the field. The instrument stresses, which contribute to the deg-
ket for reliable insulation condi- can, of course, be used in a laboratory en- radation and ageing of their insulation
tion analysers, Megger is proud vironment, but the 322’s state-of-the-art systems. The detrimental effects are of-
to present the latest Dielectric design and features practically eliminate ten imperceptible by basic testing tech-
Frequency Response (DFR) test instru- the difficulties of achieving reliable, ac- niques, such as line-frequency % DF or
ment in the IDAX family: IDAX 322. curate, and fast diagnosis of high voltage % PF, so operations and asset managers
(HV) insulation systems in the field with must rely on advanced testing techniques
Since 1997, when the first portable DFR its industry-leading 1.4 kV RMS output. such as DFR to identify proactive actions
instrument, the ‘IDA’, was brought to IDAX 322 is optimised for DFR testing of for extending the service life of these crit-
the field, the analysis of the dielectric re- HV and EHV (extra high voltage) bush- ical-power-grid components.
sponse of different insulation materials in ings, CTs, and voltage transformers (VTs)
the frequency domain has reached several while working equally well for power With the introduction of DFR as a corner-
applications. Among these, the most suc- transformers. stone of advanced field diagnostics proce-
cessful to date in the power industry is the dures, critical details about the condition
measure of power transformer insulation IDAX 322 is ready for the most demand- of the insulation systems began to emerge.
systems. ing field conditions. The instrument is DFR’s evolution in the transformer indus-
operated by an easy-to-use software with try is ongoing. The DFR technique has
To replicate this success for other critical assessment guidance informed by inter- been described in many technical docu-
components in the power grid, a group national standards and over 25 years of ments and is recognised in several inter-
of internationally renowned specialists at field experience with DFR technology. national standards. Today, Megger is the
Megger identified the ‘must-have’ require- leader in the ‘field’ DFR technology, and
ments for hardware and software features IDAX users can be found across a wide
1. Introduction of DFR
and technical capabilities in an optimised spectrum in the power industry, includ-
DFR test instrument. For example, one Dielectric Frequency Response (DFR) ing OEMs, academia, utilities, and service
named capability was a sufficient test volt- is a measurement technique in which companies.
age. Given the comparatively low capac- capacitance and losses (dissipation fac-
itance of components such as bushings tor (% DF), tan delta (% TD), or power
1.1. DFR applications
and current transformers (CTs), a higher factor (% PF)) are measured over a wide
test voltage than a DFR test instrument’s frequency range. Typical DFR test fre- “Originally, Megger’s IDAX insula-
typical 140 V output is necessary to im- quencies are 1 kHz to 1 mHz for mois- tion analyser was used for MV ca-
prove the signal-to-noise ratio and allow ture assessment of power transformers bles with XLPE and EPR insulation.
for their accurate measurement, especially and 1 kHz to 10 mHz (a 5-minute test) Since 1997, the use of HV DFR for
in noisy environments. for other applications, such as CT, VT, insulation diagnostics of cable insu-
and bushing assessments. These power lation was well investigated. IDAX
Megger’s IDAX 322 has been designed grid components work under a variety enabled many researchers across the
to ease work and overcome challenges of thermal, electrical, and mechanical world (both in academia and indus-

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The EMI depends on several different substation cannot be controlled, but its ef-
fect can be minimised, foremost by using
parameters in the substation, such as a test instrument that measures entirely
substation voltage level and distance in the frequency domain. Time-domain
(DC) measurements are much more sus-
from disturbance ceptible to EMI bias. Secondly, a higher
test voltage can be used to improve the
signal-to-noise ratio (SNR).

try) to use DFR as a tool in their re- transformers, but the evolution of ap- The negative effect of EMI has been well
search, resulting in new applications plications did not stop there. The work documented while testing instrument
for IDAX where the most prominent presented by CIGRE regarding reliabil- transformers in the field. Academic re-
became oil-paper systems where ity analysis of power transformers and search carried out at both the KHT Royal
high voltages were not required bushings evidenced the need to analyse Institute of Technology in Sweden and
for condition assessment” explains not only the main transformer insula- the Tennessee Technological University
Dr. Peter Werelius – Megger’s Senior tion but also the insulation of bushings (TTU) in the USA provided some of the
Applications Specialist and designer and instrument transformers in the net- very first DFR test results on instrument
of the first IDA instrument. work. HV and EHV bushings age as any transformers. Since then, a great amount
other insulation system, but their mea- of work has been implemented to improve
A power transformer’s interwinding in- surement presents different challenges high voltage CT, VT, and capacitive volt-
sulation became the most common DFR than those for power transformers. The age transformer (CVT) analyses.
test object. Accurate measurement of measured current of a low capacitance
this insulation system’s unique dielec- specimen is quite low and, particularly at “Megger presented a solution to the
tric response facilitates a determination frequencies below 1 Hz, is very sensitive EMI problem several years ago with
of the percentage of residual moisture to electromagnetic interference (EMI). VAX020, a high voltage amplifi-
concentration in the solid insulation as er that allowed the output signal of
well as the conductivity of the liquid insu- Megger’s DFR database indicates that in 140 V RMS from the IDAX to become
lation. operational HV substations, the line-fre- 10 times greater, stepping up the test
quency AC interference ranges between voltage signal to 1.4 kV RMS” adds
DFR became essential for the definitive 0 – 100 µA, and DC interference ranges Dr. Roberts Neimanis – Megger’s
assessment of oil-paper insulation in between 0 – 50 nA [1]. Interference in the DFR Product Manager.

Figure 1. IDAX 322 and its new accessories for HV bushing testing

92 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Volume 8, Issue 2 | 2021

2. Effective testing with
reliable results 10

The IDAX 322 is a combination of both

% DF @ 0.5 kV
the IDAX300S and VAX020, built into a
lightweight 13 kg (28 lbs), hand-carried
instrument, making testing very man-
% DF @ 1.4 kV

ageable for the user. Available testing
time is limited in a field environment, so
performing an error-free, representative,
and repeatable measurement efficiently
is paramount. Incorrect or inadequate
test connections are often to blame for 0.1
test results that prompt the recommen- 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
dation to repeat the test. While the soft- Frequency [Hz]
ware aids with correct lead placement,
the IDAX 322 arrives with new accesso- Figure 2. Effect of EMI on DFR measurement [2]
ries (Fig. 1) that minimise the chances for
poor connections of the test leads to the
test specimen. ITC allows for comparative analysis of HV
EMI, of course, is the most prevalent bushings and instrument transformers test-
source of frustration when trying to access
the DFR of a test object. The EMI depends
ed at different temperatures and accurate
on several different parameters in the sub- verification against limits provided in refer-
station, such as substation voltage level
and distance from disturbance. IDAX 322 ence standards
provides at least 10 times higher SNR as
compared to any other DFR instrument
currently available. Therefore, the instru- One of the most indispensable functions The technical brochure CIGRE 755
ment guarantees the effective utilisation available in the IDAX family is the indi- -Transformer Bushing Reliability states
of valuable testing time in the field. A field vidual temperature correction (ITC) al- that “Recent publications present promis-
example shown in Fig. 2 illustrates the gorithm. A material’s percentage power ing FDS or DFR analysis on OIP bushings
benefit of the 1.4 kV output that IDAX factor or dissipation factor measured as based on the individual temperature cor-
322 offers. a function of frequency is temperature rection (ITC) method.”
and condition dependent. The materi-
al will change its dielectric properties The IDAX 322 provides an accurate
3. IDAX 322 additional
due to contamination, ageing, or deg- DFR curve (black curve in Fig. 3) and,
features radation. The insulation temperature through the use of the ITC method, a
The IDAX 322 incorporates all of the varies due to operation and ambient ‘temperature corrected’ DFR curve (red
great features available in the IDAX 300, conditions, and ITC has demonstrated curve in Fig. 3), in addition to a 20 °C
including a two-ammeter design. The the ability to properly correct not only equivalent % DF/PF value. This means
benefit of having two available metering power frequency but also the entire di- that the test can be performed at a wide
systems is the unique advantage of test- electric response to a normalised tem- range of temperatures, allowing great-
ing two capacitances simultaneously. perature of 20 °C. er freedom when deciding upon a test
“That means a great reduction of “The temperature behaviour of % PF
testing time when multiple capac- or % DF is unique, as is the dielectric To run IDAX 322, one needs an exter-
itances can be tested under a sim- response for each bushing. The di- nal PC with the IDAX software, which
ilar connection or testing two HV electric response in the frequency do- features a user-friendly interface that
bushings at the same time. No other main and the temperature response guides the user from start to finish. The
instrument is capable of simultane- of the insulation in the bushing are software will show the relevant hook-
ous measurement in the frequen- directly related. ITC allows for com- up for the selected test object, assur-
cy domain. In some dual-channel parative analysis of HV bushings and ing quick and confident connections.
instruments, both channels share instrument transformers tested at Before starting the test, the software
a single ammeter and, with these, different temperatures and accurate suggests a stop frequency based on the
either half as many measurements verification against limits provid- temperature and test object, which will
are made, or no timesaving is real- ed in reference standards,” affirms provide just enough measuring points
ised” enthuses Dr. Diego Robalino – Megger’s Busi- to accurately produce a representative
Jill Duplessis – Megger’s Global ness Development Director Power DFR curve while minimising unneces-
Technical Marketing Manager. Transformers. sary, extended test time. Once the test

w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 93

10 is finished, all the relevant graphs are

presented along with an analysis of rel-
evant test parameters that is easy to read,
DFR - measured interpret and helps the user make correct
conclusions about the asset. The parame-
DFR corrected - ITC ters displayed in the analysis section vary
for different test objects; a bushing is
% DF

evaluated by % DF or % PF at 3 different
frequencies, while the analysis of a power
transformer focuses on moisture content
and oil conductivity. The limits used for
the analysis are based on international
standards together with over 25 years
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 of experience with DFR measurements.
Frequency [Hz] Limits depend on the insulation type.
For example, an oil-impregnated paper
(OIP) bushing will have different limits
than a resin-impregnated paper (RIP)

4. IDAX 322 - Efficient

IDAX technology and DFR have prov-
en their value countless times through-
out the years. For example, in tests
Figure 3: A DFR curve on an HV CT and its corresponding 20 °C temperature-corrected curve done on a population of 800 kV CTs
[3], IDAX was able to detect problems
10 that did not appear in the basic power
factor test at line frequency. In Fig. 4,
three 800 kV CTs of similar construc-
tion exhibit differences in their di-
electric responses even though their
line-frequency % DF test results coin-

cide. CT1 exhibits a typical good re-
sponse, CT2 an aged-service response,
and CT3 displays behaviour commen-
surate with insulation that has a high
degree of contamination.
0.1 1 10 100 1000 Fig. 5 provides another example of
Frequency [Hz]
DFR test results. This testing was per-
CT1 CT2 CT3 formed on two 110 kV transformer
Figure 4: Dielectric response of HV CTs under different degradation conditions OIP bushings (H1 & H3). At line fre-
quency, a negligible difference in per
cent dissipation factor appears, and
the faulty bushing is hard to detect.
However, as test frequencies lower, H3
H1 (Good)
starts to deviate from what is expected
H3 (Bad) (H1), and the fault becomes apparent,
possibly indicating degradation and /
or contamination within the bushing.

These are a mere two examples that un-

derscore the insightful diagnostics that
DFR offers for HV bushings and instru-
ment transformers, outside of its more
0.1 common use for power transformers.
0. 0 1 0.1 1 10 10 0 10 00 DFR will continue to evolve and cement
Frequency [Hz]
itself as an essential tool in the toolbox
Figure 5: DFR on good and bad 110 kV OIP bushings for diagnostics of HV bushings and in-

94 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Volume 8, Issue 2 | 2021

strument transformers. The IDAX fam- IDAX technology and DFR was able to de-
ily, with its latest addition of IDAX 322,
is ready to support this transition, offer- tect problems at the 800 kV CTs that did not
ing unique features that make DFR test-
ing available and reliable for everyone.
appear in the basic power factor test at line
[1] P. Werelius, M. Ohlen, J. Skoldin, Di- former Failure by Dielectric Conference (EIC), Knoxville, TN,
electric Frequency Response Measure- Frequency Response Technique , USA, 2020, pp. 72-75, doi: 10.1109/
ment Technology for Measurements in 2020 IEEE Electrical Insulation EIC47619.2020.9158762
High Interference AC and HVDC Sub-
stations,” in Techcon Asia-Pacific, 2011

[2] I. Güner, D. M. Robalino, P. Were- Author

lius, HV and EHV bushing condition Olle Benzler, MSc., joined Megger in 2018 in the posi-
assessment – field experience, 2016
CIGRE IEC Colloqium, Montreal, QC, tion of Applications Engineer. He is based in Stockholm,
Canada Sweden. Mr. Benzler’s primary focus is diagnostics of
power transformers and HV-insulation.
[3] D. M. Robalino, I. Güner, Inves-
tigation of EHV Current Trans-

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