Lecture 11 Ss

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• High: means the effect of the risk would be very high and non-tolerable.

– The company might face loss.

• Medium: it is tolerable but not desirable.

–The company may suffer financially but there is a limited risk.

• Low: It is tolerable. There lies little or no external exposure or no financial loss.


Negligible Minor Moderate Significant Severe

Very likely Low medium Medium Medium high High High

Likely Low Low medium Medium Medium high High

Likelihood Possible Low Low medium Medium Medium high Medium high

Unlikely Low Low medium Low medium Medium Medium high

Very unlikely Low Low Low medium Medium Medium

• Basic Methods for Risk Management

• Avoid:

• Mitigate:

• Transfer:

• Accept:
• The best thing you can do with a risk is avoid it.

• If you can prevent it from happening, it definitely won’t hurt your


• The easiest way to avoid this risk is to walk away from the cliff, but

that may not be an option on all project.

• (Business Risk)
• An organization may decide not to make a risky investment. After analyzing the investment risks
and rewards, risk managers may deem the project.

• (Technical risk)
• A company may choose to implement a proven and pre-tested technology instead of adopting a
new, untested technology.

• (Project Risk)
• A company may hire higher quality of developers to avoid time and quality risks
• If you can’t avoid the risk, you can mitigate it.

• This means taking some sort of action that will cause it

to do as little damage to your project as possible.

• As you plan the deadlines for the project or/and sprint, take into consideration all possible factors

that may lead to late delivery.

• Always assign tasks taking into consideration the number of team members available as well as

their skills, strengths and weaknesses.

• Always inform about your progress and address all problems/blockers during the Daily Scrum.

That’s the best way to go about quality assurance in software development.

• One effective way to deal with a risk is to pay someone else to
accept it for you.

• The most common way to do this is to buy insurance.

• Another way to let the client be involved in the risk effect (time
and cost)
• When you can’t avoid, mitigate, or transfer a risk, then you have to
accept it.

• But even when you accept a risk, at least you’ve looked at the
alternatives and you know what will happen if it occurs.

• If you can’t avoid the risk, and there’s nothing you can do to reduce
its impact, then accepting it is your only choice.
The point in risk management whatever the decision (Mitigate, Transfer, Accept)
is monitoring “tracking” risk from the beginning to the end of a project.

It is essential to have a risk tracking mechanisms, project managers should know

where they are with projects at all times.

The level of volatility points to the likelihood of a feature changing, while

completeness refers to how far you are in developing it.
Initiation Planning Implementation Phase Deployment Phase
Phase Phase Phase
The execution phase involves carrying out the details of your project plan
phase in order to deliver your products or services to your clients.

First comes project planning. Then comes project execution. No matter how well you plan, your
project won’t be successful unless you can effectively implement your ideas.

Project execution typically involves three primary components:

 Following processes,

 Managing people,

 Distributing information.
• During the planning phase of project management, you should have outlined systems and procedures
to help finish your project within your organization’s requirements (time, cost and quality).

• Project manager should follow internal activities and external communications

• Internal activities: the project task (done just in time with the required quality)

• External communication: interact with third-party vendors who supply essential raw materials.
• You can look to your plan for guidance and move ahead with

• However, if circumstances or market forces change, or user changes

requirements your plan should be modified.
• Making sure your personnel are following the project plan is essential, but
keeping people on task is not your only job.

• It’s important that you also motivate, encourage, and cheer the team on.

• Pausing to celebrate each incremental victory is one way to show the team
how much you value them, and it will inspire them to keep up the hard work.
• The project execution phase is often the most extensive phase of the project life cycle.

• Involve your clients and stakeholders throughout the execution phase of the project.
• When you keep stakeholders in the loop, you can prevent costly misunderstandings and delays.

• Instead of be separated from the client for weeks or months to complete an individual task
involve them in all activities.

• Two different development techniques in software (waterfall, Agile)

• Update PMP and Communication Management Plan to assure project performance
(completing in time).

• The PMP should also be changed as a respond to user requirements changes or

business requirements changes
• Such as devices, servers, network components, and other equipment
needed to start the implementation phase.

• In modern software development methodologies implementation is

not delivered as a complete unit, instead it is delivered in cycles.

• To start each cycle its prerequisites should be reviewed and accepted.

• The Development Team begins implementation with the following tasks:

– Selection of standards, methods, and tools for deploying the system

– Carrying out of Implementation Phase activities according to the detailed project (work

breakdown structure) WBS started during the Planning Phase.

– Implementation activities need to be performed in cycles. (using Scrum board)

• Review of the change management process to ensure all Test Phase modifications have been
• The Development Team installs the system in the production environment.

• While installing the system, the Development Team should keep the configuration information
updated by following the Configuration Management Plan defined in the Design Phase.

• The Development Team will repeat this activity for each iteration associated with a release to

• (implementation and delivery phases are interconnected in software development)

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