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w¥ Ge Hypo @ynous = Superior EG 43 Molyateoe, Fabacca, Qolavacase, Lihiacae. G k and © gente Hed? aterierd . o ey plum. Rose , Peach dz epignous Jnferiovt one aH " Asteraceae, [Composit | Cucurbiis - Crowd s. — Quava- Amruth. vi “C clu Pobats Pevstsleat abn 1 fourd in Bolanatene Tomeli, Brirjal, Tuk of Poppy — Asterateoe - Sunflower Woy Chay santheraum Coal bulbn > Tridax \alvate aeslivahen— cCalekopis Awisled— Bhandi( Abelmosdius) china vse, cotton + Hibiscu S Gossypium ae Nave 9009 be duoisted Cc Imbricolz 4 @ - dae Nexillary, Anjerrer side Imbiicat® osve is nck ma Paatteuloot (143) dureotion. Ge Cassia, Culmohar (Caes alpina cea2 | ae —> Cortmbos< | inf lore Stan <— Zygeomor phic Flo we Vn eee na «x Nex papt leonaceous corl|g of the Pfower. Qe aes posjerior |cregesh odd pet} a ichandard ) Vekillum. Ke cr peal flae Keel petal - Anjervew petals erclose esental organ Poslero anjerior ig Aused at thers-Venteal mong ines / aegtnalien gl ts descendingly. imbericalz aestwohten (top & bobrn) Every petal cvealaps another petal, thet ts present toward: anlenion b i ths is Giles | tar) Conctihen This ghovss entanophily of piston mechanicm aihrade, Insect aig en wing dardasd pelal is peels esenls pressure on \ee\ petals fer ne dot Ces! shana a out , Receives Pollen greens present en Abdomen © tase? of dath lower at goes inside, thon slomens Come ouf, deposit Te ad en the aldomen of insed, movement of essentral organs is Vie o piston. Hon it is piston mechanism lon mechanism, First stigma cornes out , and In Pts Zorg, pero Piston mechanism Ponours perceived the pall Crr088 powlin ok en (allegarny) Androe cium conshlufes shamens = mrevesporopyle palangyains Anther i | pp dictad 4 = Pollen FA arent Be proximed near the origin = Proximed awey Prom Ihe origins diclal Ts of anthey Prev Need question The proumal end of the flamer} ig attavhod fi Dae 2) petod S Lor2 4) Sepals Condon ced hip of ico] Peering Plants with =Pruits A typical angiasperen Pea ey) Mleete erty ecciiiole \naving two theca — SME dithecous the bilobed Pate (c) tooacued ( telragona?) Coneistirg of ees microsporr gia» oD ineach lobe. Mreresporarg iA develop Pusher and become pallen secs Pellen aeons Aan produced in Pollensacg Skamen ents mole reproductive creates Plaver: glevile slamen ts Called a+ Slaminode 29: Cassi when 2 Flower Contains only Fleece prey ata ta Ow Cold as chami nole Plo wwers AdheziC0 mnambers of ene floral vthorl fuse with Ahe members of pera local whor| Cohesion members of one Lleval whor), fuse. with the ymembers of Same lore ne 12 ghomens fuse themselves - Cohesien gt Stamens Pave usith petals — Adhesion sh Sepals Fuse Homcelves — Cohesion. Gramopelaeus —> Cohesion. Syncompevs ——> Cohesion jous ——> cohesion Themselves - Cohesion Unton of stamens with Zi ae Cohesion of shamens Adel phy ae See ee Adelphy filaments of the SJamens unite, whereas the anther Uses remain free xh is 3 Mapes - Crome Sepa 8 Porm One bundle — Monadelphoys- Malvocese 4 4uso bundles Diadelphous — Fabaceae at head Soren peace exe monade| phous <— emtelana: Avachre. sh thes fore or bundles- polyade phouc, cifrus GN syn jsious Cords 60 filaments are Cece whereas Ahe anther Qobes are untlad . Found in Agleraceae disc flovels ih 4 becouse +03 Flovets ewe fernale Synancry Both Alaments and anthers at) avefuged- Cucurbits Ddle sion of stamens » 2 piphyllous é i tepalous dhamens fuse with Perianth., Ahak ts undifferentolad ai ard Covtolla Colllad tepals a ania Lliaceae i ‘A Fo fae 343 eee 2) Epssepalous — chamens aretused with Sepals aon Geen in Silver oak or Grivellia. 3 Epi petalous slamens axe fused with petals Scan DN Obsemed i9 Solanaceae, Malyawee ... fum ahamens are Pysed with shgma te) Cynosk Seen in Calobepls Mustard vs chomes of a flower axe of equal Lemath a but m Some Species , ghamene may be of unequl fongth \ithn Same Power O DrDynamous 2) Tetradynomous, immer fe axe, Didynamous Tebrandyous i ‘ _ 4 i oul two ase Shores ea. Ocrmum (Posi) — Lamraceae | [Baretta inver & ave b Tebrodynamous Wexendvous aftils ef: Brassica campestris - Mustard — Brassicaceae oo ullaite rust of mMushard so ed ~ Fury ( @ ) Caw by ay os ys a8 Oy shops OP K.C.A ouker 2 are Shorter Floral lagram with loa formula Gynoeciun is Semole repreduchve par} of she Blower also enown 4S pish| the Flower with Orly pishl, 1S Called aa pishlote or Pewolo Planer Crynoeuun is ynode up of Carpels = Megane Cavepels may be eres A pocarpous — Mrchelra Rasa Lotus - Nelambo Sncorpous — Mustard, Carpels may be united - P Papaner— Poppy. MY poure Sinearpous | a) Pie sri lbe b) Papavier- Syncaxpous pish| ce) Mrchelra- Apocarpous | Gi | Ba) ole URL, Namco dvug ) ehtained from Sprum is Cmtorphine - Pavex of unri pened seeds of Poppy Cen All cereals When pishl Conbans on ena coxpel - Monocasypellayy > Esaacsss Elen Biconpellord —F pish| uth otarpds, Acheramoe Solandwoe Byrassicatane Tricosp — Ulracese penta 3 Molva tae Mul compellory —> athrus [orange — Rutaceae Bah Conped consists of 3 parts skqma~ Aistalpont style ove —> Seed “Ty — proximal pat 7 Fart Shama ts the platfonn , and receptive port of Pollergmins one bene Ore or more ovules, Found abraded & cushion Qine Placenta Arrangement of ovules wutthin ON ig corlad Placentahen Plauntatren is of different “pes ) Morgeral > agile ») Perietel U)Frecentral 5) Basal on 2 ey Sept mews oe a Cx) 0 5 cavepels oo Marginal Paral Froocontal_ Basal 5 Qocules : : : a TS. bends Dp) Axle platentaken Ail the Compels ove unilad and foam a antral axis, t Wid) owlhes osu athadead. ef" @olanacane. The pidht is bs cen mul Loulan alien Uhiacane Rutawne et 2D Me ine) Placaniatren Plaanta forms art aang the venbra he ov ord ovwes ose borne on the vi Bulge of the o Porm Ass 29! Fabateos, (Mone Carrell piste] and unboubaxr 3) parietal Hacntakron owses are Seecrad| either inside the Oery or periphesall peaks of the one™ pas in ds —7 cucrrbrts- cucurbt }acese maucteme} { Braseica camgosteis| and Aegemone Ahe pishl| is ee etter, Oh ita eecormes) brDoolon due to eee cer mee 4) Free cantrol Placentaten hie cnullreaxpelleny over buk septa ara olrsent the axis becorres free. (O pvules ase borne abound Cerro free axis 2 Th is alco unilouwlar Seen in Dianthus ard Primvose 2) Baal placalation gh i brcanpetlng uniboulan, wferior Neat. | one owle is bome A base of the owe Rourel in Acheraceae members Tridex, Morr gota Sunfl ewe anabropovs onule on bad placentalren (Gwraminee) Poataos members Twoar , Peal Podly Bales, Harze,, Sheet, oats, Rajva, Grasses. EROLT — plnte with feuils ove Gilad angiosperms Anat@z enclosed, SPErM= seed. naked Seok, The ceade without Peusls ore caled os Guemnasherms she. Plans without eads > Non- flowering planks -cxyPtog.ams, or ar ee algae. Br Ja ond Pleridophy}a Seeds ave projected by Pouiks, Hil ther cuspersof) Gludy of Peurls 16 Called os Pomology— Largest Peart (‘seal ) is Lodleecra maldivica - double coconut: ZrraVlos| ands ox fowl i orchids, Balanoshors owbonthe efx. ON KvonePoums into Seott after fetdisotten Feurt Poumad without fostilisatren — Parthenocoxpy asa Seabhest Paytheno COspic Pevas Porthenocanpy- Can lot wducad by Phytolanmanes Live auxing ard (nibberellms 24: Grapes, Bamana, Wolzmelon, Terral: ek Deleer i 2ecilg phafoust ie Perirnad Prove other an ves itrs @ihed uh Folee fe ] adible false deus sl eee Seeds yok Dat ic enclosed by falge faust Plesha ard torre in to folee feu} fal ce favat vaithoud Tras Pam an Ape Ahaharnns 5S we Can not find a \ > fatee Reus — pedical eee Arnacerdivn, Qccidantoles Prrecordracane eh queda ae Overy dvansfouns raeleeeouc oe Cotlod 08 true Peutl- Flashy Feusts eee ae They one Q Lipes Dey Pause seglehiscent Fleshy Louth pericorP (feust wall) 1s Fleahy This pericomp ts divided » & 3 rs, Oubew epicarp, psidd\e WEBoCOHP ard fnnex™ endo corp Aakash Ss endocasy> ic the Fealane of al) deupeg meso caxp — Crdocorp ahi Hepat Fleep Story mesomep a us sho ce Cori s Obbainad. The Seed Ceeded plants ane Called os spermato phy}es angios pams Crgenno Spores Seed is the bass of ogriculhre Ceed 1s the ullimae produc of Seaval reprodudin. Sead ic the representabive of neat generation cules hransum in to Seede after fesitilisoton i a al Seed is moda up of ale ot an oe a embyoral Ce ! Zs Cotyledons—— eheuduse of dicet Seed tre emelops osound the ovwle ov Collad as Integumenks ialeguments Trancboun into Seed coats. Ouker integunun} —> outer Seed wat —» Testa Tn Pome grorele (Aron) tesla is Jury aod edible T Cotton Aesia Contoms cellulosic Pinos — Cloth weavieg, Gnner inh cpamend Tmer Seed cnol > Tegan owls ____+ Sead Mi cnoprle —=7 Sead pore \withinthe Seed cxot - embyd— Emniovtore} ots and Codyledons. mn Reel fae colvledons axe often Flashy by Shoroge of Peod mater ed (\\ \ | \ ae Hslum = Parkokthe ovwle 18 ata 6 Z ticropyle (Sead po Petenta ve) wos Which Sead absoubs, Wolis . and 0, before Re Gesrnsnoks on. Prmvle, Colyledon. Pedicle The port of the embarjeral axis above the coblelon 7 Alwnile the post of the embygsral ois below the Coliladons Codsoly Tin angiaspermns (Flewerng plents ) double Soot licabron staves place Fertisation 1) @ne rela ap cal 7 Agua Synga @) bo Tr) é "d noth: mel, | paonnuclel-7 PEN _ Neg fertlisabe 2) archer malar 3 ee ‘¢ PEN —> Free nuclasst lungions —z Qiquid erdosperm a) Pos fesbiisation P in Sid evclacpesrn ongrospesme (Flowering flanks] | 3n Provides nourishnnaty to the emb: Tn Some of the argiasperms the em) Used ere endacpey =m , Non endagpesnrac Seed or enalbummous Seed S eR: erajon ly ot Locks - Fabatace members In Some & the angiosperms, erdwepeam is pasty concurred, ard Postly yemoms along with the Seed . abe 032 Catled ax endospernic ot Albuminous Ceeds alert Fi ef ows bx of monoracs Lire Uliacene , Aretacane CoConut Poaceae rnemberS, ol anatana. ae Tn alk cereals endaspern is the adtble Part Cashr (Ricinus Communis- Euplhoulta Cent Th prechidaceoa (monotof fomaly) endosperm 16 nob ata) Fersrrod, orchidateoe most odvanced Ferny — Rrrallat Seods ose. fourd im ordudatoe Parosites eriphyles asa Found io orchidetaca Nanda 4 can Fk Zreuckuse of _Morvo ledsnous seed The feurl of oa of Poccese is Cotled Canfopsrs. In eae Single Goad te pregerd > Seed coak acl feud cuouk (_pextcosp) Goth axe Completely FAysed. excoph of Seod, pore Erdosperm Oceuples vere cpate, bully ard cknes Food motesual. D\euson foyer Conciels of Aleuzo plots, setdn with proteins th te BO, becaue ib is pont of endacpenmn- th ic tn ved tole. Advah emg is presen} a grove Embrye neler ore large, shield & Cntyledon Catlad Scutellun The embryonal axis Conlams Plumule ard Rodide. plumule is enclosed by Coleoptle Redidla. t¢ enclatek by Coleoshiza Tip of plumule is Cotlad as eptcoly|, whuch hes choo apex are] Leet primordia. plumule te encecadt ly hollow Foliar shruct- -un Clad ob Codsophle rod cle cud rookcop both axe anclaged by on undifferentralad Bhoath Cold os Corleorghiza Erdos penn onlays coleophle Coleosuza Kcutellun os2 Baan in the Seede At cereals £uth a Moi ze | Fie | qeoin bud nck m all monceol s

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