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Science &

Technology (S&T)

Department of Biological Sciences

College of Arts and Sciences
Kabacan, Cotabato
Science, Technology and Society

Learning Objectives

❑To trace the history of S&T

across time (historical
❑To explain how Philippine
scientific and technological
inventions were shaped by
various social contexts.
Science, Technology and Society


Science, Technology and Society

What’s in a historical
✓ can be understood as a precursor of a thing
✓ an antecedent of a something unfolded or
existed before it
✓ historical antecedents in S&T can be
understood as the previous state of science
and technology or previous scientific or
technological tools that paved the way for
more advanced and sophisticated S&T to
Science, Technology and Society

A brief history of discoveries

Science, Technology and Society

S&T in the Ancient times

(through 599 BCE)
❑ Divided into 3
1.Stone Age
Mesolithic& Neolithic)
2. Bronze Age
3. Iron Age

Bunch, B and Hellemans, A. The History of Science and Technology. Houghton Mifflin Company. New York, USA. 2004.
Science, Technology and Society

S&T in the Ancient times

❑ Stone tools have been the first
recognized technology (or
❑ Wooden tools could have
preceded stones by millions of
❑ Made by one of our direct
ancestors (H. habilis or H.
rudolfensis) 2,500,000 years
❑ Early tools were some broken
pebbles, then improved by
flaking pieces off a core,
creating distinctive shapes with
a single cutting edge
Bunch, B and Hellemans, A. The History of Science and Technology. Houghton Mifflin Company. New York, USA. 2004.
Science, Technology and Society

S&T in the Ancient times

❑ Characterized by:
❑ Hunting & gathering (or
❑ Use of fire (man’s earliest
❑ Agricultural revolution
❑ Use of metal, instead of
stone tools, towards the
❑ Pottery and other ceramics,
along with glass were
dominant (Ceramics age)
❑ Civilization began to arise
(manufacturing, trading,
villages have rulers, etc.)

Bunch, B and Hellemans, A. The History of Science and Technology. Houghton Mifflin Company. New York, USA. 2004.
Science, Technology and Society

S&T in the Ancient times

❑ Outstanding Ancient Inventions
❑ Ancient Wheel
❑ Paper
❑ Shadoof
❑ Antikythera mechanism
❑ Aeolipile
Science, Technology and Society

Some thoughts…

“With the beginnings of metallurgy, the

Stone Age of man comes to an end; with
the beginnings of writing, prehistory comes
to an end; with the beginnings of
agriculture, man's parasitism on nature
gives way to co-operation with nature”
–R.J. Forbes
Science, Technology and Society

S&T in the Middle Ages

(476 through 1500)
❑ Decline of science in Europe
❑ Use of currency replaced by
❑ Trade ceased entirely
❑ Poverty was endemic and
people suffered from wars,
piracy, famine, and
❑ Chinese philosophy
developed theories on
matter and living beings
Science, Technology and Society

Middle Ages
 Major advances in scientific and
technological development, including a
steady increase of new inventions, introduction
of innovations in traditional production, and
emergence of scientific thinking and method,
had taken place.
 Many medieval universities at the time stirred
scientific thinking and provided infrastructure
for scientific communities to flourish.
Science, Technology and Society

S&T in the middle ages

(530 through 1452)

 Revival of Western
science started
during the last
centuries of the first
 Technological
revolution took
 Vast improvements
in communication
and transportation
Science, Technology and Society

S&T in the Ancient times

❑ Outstanding Middle Age Inventions
❑ Heavy Plough
❑ Gunpowder
❑ Paper Money
❑ Mechanical clock
Science, Technology and Society

Modern Age
 As world population steadily increased,
people of the modern age realized the
utmost importance of increasing the
efficiency of transportation, communication,
and production.
 Industrialization took place, but greater risks
in human health, food safety, and
environment rose, which had to be
simultaneously addressed as scientific and
technological progress unfolded at an
unimaginable speed.
Science, Technology and Society

Rise of modern S&T

(1895 through 1945)
 Large number of scientists
 Science became much more of
a communal effort
 Science started having an effect
on society directly
(the time span between a discovery and
its technical application became shorter)
 Science became highly successful in
explaining the nature of matter,
mechanisms of chemical reactions,
fundamental processes of life, and the
general structure of the universe
Science, Technology and Society

Rise of modern S&T

(1895 through 1945)
❑ Quantum theory changed the
way philosophers think about the
❑ Technology did not remain
confined to large enterprises only
(became an important part of
everyday life)
❑ Enormous growth of automobile
❑ Electricity revolutionized
❑ Laboratories for testing and
development of new products
were established
Science, Technology and Society

S&T in the Ancient times

❑ Outstanding Middle Age Inventions
❑ Compound microscope
❑ Telescope
❑ Jacquard Loom
❑ Engine-powered Airplane
❑ Television
Science, Technology and Society

Big science and

the Post-industrial society
(1946 through 1972)
❑ Discoveries and
inventions reached
practical applications as
a result of WW2
(synthetic rubber, radar,
DDT, penicillin, fusion
and fission bombs, jet
powered aircraft,
helicopter, ballistic
missiles, nuclear
weapons, and the
electronic digital
Science, Technology and Society

Big science and

the Post-industrial society
(1946 through 1972)
❑ Science became “big”
❑ Equipment/instruments were
shared (interdisciplinary)
❑ Even larger number of
scientists, scientists having
❑ Science changed society
❑ Availability of automobiles
changed how people
❑ Automation allowed many
manufacturing processes to
be done by less skilled

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