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Final Report Interviews

1st semester 2010/2011

Yulia Popova N 8924

I interviewed three people from different fields of profession, which are independent of each other and had experiences in different countries. But I can conclude from these interviews that the biggest challenge for which all respondents have been corruption, regardless of the country where the experience was made. Experiences of the interviewees were made in third world countries, where the problem of corruption is in the foreground and which is difficult to resolve because it is a way of life of people there is acceptable. This report tried to find some way to solving the difficulties overcome by the interviewees.

Characterization of the interviewees

The interviewees were selected without any criterion right, are people with an experience outside Portugal and wanted to talk about that experience. It is not easy to find people who are interested in giving an interview and losing a little of your time, in addition people need to trust who you're interviewing them because the subjects of their negative experiences are not spoken aloud and is usually more difficult when people still have ties with the company. For example, the lawyer, whom I interviewed, was concerned about the fact that this work be disclosed or used in any way, his name appears, because for him it may mean future problems related to country with which he continues to work and to company that works directly for the government. As he explained to me and I know it's true, the government of Angola before letting the person go to work in your country does a search on the employee to see if he ever said anything bad to the public on the country's regime. So I should be more careful in these matters and in this case I say it is very important to have some trust with the interviewee. On the other hand the manager of a company I interviewed also declined to divulge the name of the company as it continues to work there, only this time, he is a department in Portugal. And these moments of people understand the possible consequences and the fear of speaking the same happened at the beginning of the

interview, after everything is combined and spoken before, but without recorder. When turned on the recorder in both cases the people were about to give up. The problem was that people needed to talk about negative experiences and not positive.

Description and characterization of adjustment challenges

The challenges are for the most part adapt to different culture and corruption, which passed by my interviewees. When we talk about different cultures we do not always realize how different they may be. As I said, in third world countries, corruption is part of life, then is a certain culture, which is not easy to adopt. Then there's the other problem of not being able to speak, which implies that the government schemes are not very democratic and that in most cases there is no freedom of expression. The other challenges overcome by people who have worked abroad but who remain in the background to the problem such as corruption, which influences the work process in a very negative, were climate, legislation, religion, food and habits of foreign countries.

Description and characterization of adjustment strategies

To overcome these challenges could suggest the following recommendations, for example, before going to work out to study the culture of the people of a foreign country, how work and even the form of laser and rest, to successfully integrate better into the team work and do not have communication difficulties. Now in relation to corruption is difficult to give any solution because sometimes things are out of control, and almost always is a nice little moment for people who do not have the habit of dealing with such situations. So best help is to try to integrate themselves better and try to get friends from abroad who could help in more complicated situations and explain how everything works, because no one knows better the country that the people themselves that trains the country

In an increasingly globalized world work outside the country is becoming more normal. Working abroad opens horizons, enriches the experience and gives arguments to be more easily enter the job market, either in Portugal or in any other country. However, while it may seem simple, it must be well informed in order to make the right choices. But through the interviews we can conclude that all challenges related to differences in cultures, climate and habits on your side, if people need to confront things more complicated and difficult to overcome, that is corruption. It is difficult to work in a regime quite different from the usual and most try to play the best from their functions and at the end of the disappointment felt by all that while trying cannot achieve the objectives.

Detailed characterization of each interviewee

1. Name: Alexandre Marco Rodrigues Gender: Male Age: 35 years old Country of origin: Portugal Country of expatriation: Angola Function while expatriate: lawyer Years/month of expatriation: 1 year and 2 month Company name while expatriate: the company did not disclose 2. Name: Paula Guerreira de Sousa Gender: Female Age: 43 years old Country of origin: Portugal Country of expatriation: Uruguay

Function while expatriate: director of public relations Years/month of expatriation: 6 month Company name while expatriate: Portugalia Airline 3. Name: Joo Vera Martins Gender: Male Age: 39 years old Country of origin: Portugal Country of expatriation: Sao Tome Function while expatriate: manager Years/month of expatriation: 8 month Company name while expatriate: the company did not disclose

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