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Namal University Mianwali

Department of Computer Science

CS-240: Computer Organization and Assembly Language

Faculty Member Semester
Dr.Muhammad Sadiq Amin

Class/Section Date

Lab 9: Bit wise and Shift operations in Assembly


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Name Registration No.
(Max. 8) (Max. 7) (Max. 15)
Muhammad Shahbaz BSCS-2022-30
Namal University

Lab 9: Bit wise and Shift operations in Assembly Language


The objective of this lab is to use bitwise operator for multiplication in Assembly language

CS-240: Computer Organization and Assembly Language 2

Namal University

Mask: A mask is a bit pattern that is defined by a programmer, which allows specific bits in a
piece of data to be set, cleared, tested or altered.

Setting Bits to 1:
To turn on a specific bit, we can use the OR bitwise operation and a suitable mask.
For example, if we need to turn on Bit 4 and Bit 7 of a byte (remember that the bit on the right
hand side is Bit 0), you can use the mask 1001 0000 and the OR bitwise operation.

Resetting/Clear bits to 0
We can't force a bit to be 0 using the OR command. We can use the bitwise command AND with a
suitable mask,
For example, we want to reset Bits 0, 1 and 2 in a byte but leave all the other bits as they were.
You would use the mask 1111 1000 along with the AND bitwise operator.

CS-240: Computer Organization and Assembly Language 3

Namal University

The TEST instruction

The test instruction performs a bitwise AND on two operands. The flags SF , ZF , PF are modified
while the result of the AND is discarded.

• TEST destination, source

o Performs AND, does notstore the result o
Flags are set

CS-240: Computer Organization and Assembly Language 4

Namal University

CS-240: Computer Organization and Assembly Language 5

Namal University


Exercise 1: Write assembly code to find number of ones in32-bit hex number using bit wise



ask BYTE "Enter a number to calculate number of 1's it has:", 0

show BYTE "The no of 1's it has :",0
counter BYTE 0

main PROC

CS-240: Computer Organization and Assembly Language 6

Namal University

mov edx, OFFSET ask

call writestring
call crlf
call readhex
call crlf
call crlf
mov ecx, 32
mov ebx, eax
mov counter, 0

shr ebx, 1
jnc skip
inc counter
loop LOOP1
mov edx, offset show
call writestring
movzx eax, counter
call writeint

main ENDP
END main

Exercise 2: In the following code sequence, show the value of AL after each shift or rotate
instruction has executed and explain:

CS-240: Computer Organization and Assembly Language 7

Namal University

a. mov al,0D4h shr



It is shifted towards

b. mov al,0D4h sar

c. mov al,0D4h sar
d. mov al,0D4h rol
e. mov al,0D4h ror

ANS (A):
The value of al before right shifting:11010100
The value of al after right shifting:01101010
Explanation: The lsb is copied into CF and 0 is append at place of msb in case of right shift.

The value of al before right shifting:11010100
The value of al after right arithmatic shifting: 11101010
Explanation: The lsb is copied into CF and 0 msb retains its position in case of sar, because here
counter is 4 that is why answer is 11101010 .

The value of al before right shifting:11010100
The value of al after right arithmatic shifting: 11111101
Explanation: The lsb is copied into CF and msb retains its position in case of sar as here counter
is 4 that Is why answer is so.

CS-240: Computer Organization and Assembly Language 8

Namal University

The value of al before right shifting:11010100
The value of al after rotate left : 01001101
Explanation: The msb is copied into CF and it is also copied at lsb in case of Rol, as here counter
is 4 that’s why answer is 01001101.

The value of al before right shifting:11010100
The value of al after rotate left : 01001101
Explanation: The msb is copied into CF and it is also copied at MSB in case of Ror, as here
counter is 4 that’s why answer is 01001101.

Exercise 3: Write ASM instructions that calculate EAX * 21 using binary multiplication (shift
and add operations). Hint: 21 = 10101=24 + 22 + 20.
13*21=13*(24 + 22 + 20)=13*24 + 13*22 + 13*20



ASK BYTE "Enter any number:", 0

show BYTE "Result after multiplaying the no with 21 is :",0

main PROC

mov edx, OFFSET ASK

call writestring

call readint
call crlf

mov ebx, eax

mov ecx, eax

shl eax, 4

CS-240: Computer Organization and Assembly Language 9

Namal University

shl ecx, 2

add eax, ebx

add eax, ecx
mov edx,OFFSET show
call writestring
call writeint

main ENDP
END main


In this we perform different shifting ,loke shl,shr,sar,sal and some rotations like rol,and
ror. We also perform a task which calculates the no 1’s in a integer. At the end we perform
multiplication by using shl command.

CS-240: Computer Organization and Assembly Language 10

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