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16 September 2023 10:41 AM

1.1 Introduction to DBMS Page 1

Data, Database and DBMS
16 September 2023 10:44 AM

1.1 Introduction to DBMS Page 2

1.1 Introduction to DBMS Page 3
Database Systems v/s File Systems
16 September 2023 11:58 AM

1.1 Introduction to DBMS Page 4

1.1 Introduction to DBMS Page 5
ACID, Advantages and applications of DBMS
16 September 2023 02:47 PM

1.1 Introduction to DBMS Page 6

1.1 Introduction to DBMS Page 7
Data Abstraction, Terminologies
16 September 2023 03:56 PM

1.1 Introduction to DBMS Page 8

1.1 Introduction to DBMS Page 9
DBMS Architecture
28 October 2023 10:31 AM

1.1 Introduction to DBMS Page 10

1.1 Introduction to DBMS Page 11
1.1 Introduction to DBMS Page 12
1.1 Introduction to DBMS Page 13
Server System Architecture
28 October 2023 11:33 AM

1.1 Introduction to DBMS Page 14

DBMS Classification
28 October 2023 12:04 PM

1.1 Introduction to DBMS Page 15

1.1 Introduction to DBMS Page 16
1.1 Introduction to DBMS Page 17
Database Design
28 October 2023 12:57 PM

1.1 Introduction to DBMS Page 18

1.1 Introduction to DBMS Page 19
1.1 Introduction to DBMS Page 20
1.1 Introduction to DBMS Page 21
1.1 Introduction to DBMS Page 22
1.1 Introduction to DBMS Page 23
Data Modeling
29 October 2023 11:24 AM

1.2 Data Modeling Page 24

Entity Relationship model
29 October 2023 11:44 AM

1.2 Data Modeling Page 25

1.2 Data Modeling Page 26
ER Model Components
29 October 2023 12:33 PM

1.2 Data Modeling Page 27

1.2 Data Modeling Page 28
1.2 Data Modeling Page 29
Extended ER Model
07 November 2023 12:14 PM

1.2 Data Modeling Page 30

1.2 Data Modeling Page 31
Create ERD
29 October 2023 06:28 PM

1.2 Data Modeling Page 32

1.2 Data Modeling Page 33
1.2 Data Modeling Page 34
29 October 2023 06:25 PM

1.2 Data Modeling Page 35

1.2 Data Modeling Page 36
1.2 Data Modeling Page 37
1.2 Data Modeling Page 38
1.2 Data Modeling Page 39
Relational Model
06 November 2023 07:39 PM

1.2 Data Modeling Page 40

1.2 Data Modeling Page 41
1.2 Data Modeling Page 42
Codd's Rules
07 November 2023 12:48 PM

1.2 Data Modeling Page 43

1.2 Data Modeling Page 44
1.2 Data Modeling Page 45
1.2 Data Modeling Page 46
18 November 2023 12:37 PM

2. Database Design Page 47

Functional Dependencies
18 November 2023 12:38 PM

2. Database Design Page 48

2. Database Design Page 49
2. Database Design Page 50
Inference rules
18 November 2023 01:22 PM

2. Database Design Page 51

2. Database Design Page 52
2. Database Design Page 53
Functional dependency closure
18 November 2023 02:37 PM

2. Database Design Page 54

2. Database Design Page 55
Minimal / Canonical Cover
18 November 2023 04:33 PM

2. Database Design Page 56

2. Database Design Page 57
18 November 2023 05:35 PM

2. Database Design Page 58

2. Database Design Page 59
20 November 2023 12:08 PM

2. Database Design Page 60

2. Database Design Page 61
2. Database Design Page 62
2. Database Design Page 63
2. Database Design Page 64
22 November 2023 06:06 PM

3. Query Language Page 65

Relational Algebra
22 November 2023 06:08 PM

Operation Purpose
Select(σ) The SELECT operation is used for selecting a subset of the tuples according to a
given selection condition
Projection(π) The projection eliminates all attributes of the input relation but those mentioned in
the projection list.
Union UNION is symbolized by symbol. It includes all tuples that are in tables A or in B.
Set Difference(-) The result of A – B, is a relation which includes all tuples that are in A but not in B.
Intersection(∩) Intersection defines a relation consisting of a set of all tuple that are in both A and
Cartesian Cartesian operation is helpful to merge columns from two relations.
Inner Join Inner join, includes only those tuples that satisfy the matching criteria.
Theta Join(θ) The general case of JOIN operation is called a Theta join. It is denoted by symbol θ.

3. Query Language Page 66

Theta Join(θ) The general case of JOIN operation is called a Theta join. It is denoted by symbol θ.
EQUI Join When a theta join uses only equivalence condition, it becomes a equi join.
Natural Join() Natural join can only be performed if there is a common attribute between the
Outer Join In an outer join, along with tuples that satisfy the matching criteria.
Left Outer Join( ) In the left outer join, operation allows keeping all tuple in the left relation.
Right Outer join( ) In the right outer join, operation allows keeping all tuple in the right relation.
Full Outer Join( ) In a full outer join, all tuples from both relations are included in the result
irrespective of the matching condition.

3. Query Language Page 67

Relational Algebra : Operations and Joins
22 November 2023 06:19 PM

3. Query Language Page 68


3. Query Language Page 69

3. Query Language Page 70

3. Query Language Page 71

3. Query Language Page 72
3. Query Language Page 73
22 November 2023 10:07 PM

3. Query Language Page 74

3. Query Language Page 75
3. Query Language Page 76
22 November 2023 10:46 PM

3. Query Language Page 77

3. Query Language Page 78
3. Query Language Page 79
3. Query Language Page 80
3. Query Language Page 81
23 November 2023 07:38 PM

3. Query Language Page 82

3. Query Language Page 83
3. Query Language Page 84
Aggregate, Numerical, Date, String functions
23 November 2023 10:45 AM

3. Query Language Page 85

3. Query Language Page 86
3. Query Language Page 87
SQL Joins
23 November 2023 11:31 AM

3. Query Language Page 88

3. Query Language Page 89
3. Query Language Page 90
Nested queries
23 November 2023 07:31 PM

3. Query Language Page 91

3. Query Language Page 92
SQL Stored procedure
23 November 2023 09:08 PM

3. Query Language Page 93

3. Query Language Page 94
3. Query Language Page 95
SQL Functions
23 November 2023 10:18 PM

3. Query Language Page 96

Function Stored Procedure
Always returns a single value; Can return zero, single or multiple values.
either scalar or a table.
Functions are compiled and Stored procedures are stored in parsed and compiled
executed at run time. state in the database.
Only Select statements. DML Can perform any operation on database objects
statements like update & insert including select and DML statements.
are not allowed.
Allows only input parameters. Allows both input and output parameters
Does not allow output
3. Query Language Page 97
Does not allow the use of Allows use of Try…Catch blocks for exception handling.
Try…Catch blocks for exception
Cannot have transactions Can have transactions within a stored procedure.
within a function.
Cannot call a stored procedure Can call a function from a stored procedure.
from a function.
Functions can be called from a Stored procedures cannot be called from a Select/Where
Select statement. or Having statements. Execute statement has to be used
to execute a stored procedure.
Functions can be used in JOIN Stored procedures cannot be used in JOIN clauses

3. Query Language Page 98

Triggers and Views
23 November 2023 11:18 PM

3. Query Language Page 99

3. Query Language Page 100
3. Query Language Page 101
25 November 2023 03:32 PM

4.1 Storage and Querying Page 102

Overview of Physical Storage System
25 November 2023 03:36 PM

4.1 Storage and Querying Page 103

4.1 Storage and Querying Page 104
4.1 Storage and Querying Page 105
File Structure
25 November 2023 04:31 PM

4.1 Storage and Querying Page 106

4.1 Storage and Querying Page 107
4.1 Storage and Querying Page 108
4.1 Storage and Querying Page 109
25 November 2023 07:01 PM

4.1 Storage and Querying Page 110

4.1 Storage and Querying Page 111
4.1 Storage and Querying Page 112
Query Processing & Optimization
25 November 2023 09:13 PM

4.1 Storage and Querying Page 113

4.1 Storage and Querying Page 114
4.1 Storage and Querying Page 115
26 November 2023 07:18 AM

4.2 Transaction Management Page 116

Intro and ACID
26 November 2023 07:19 AM

4.2 Transaction Management Page 117

4.2 Transaction Management Page 118
4.2 Transaction Management Page 119
4.2 Transaction Management Page 120
State Diagram
26 November 2023 08:13 AM

4.2 Transaction Management Page 121

4.2 Transaction Management Page 122
DBMS Schedules
26 November 2023 08:36 AM

4.2 Transaction Management Page 123

4.2 Transaction Management Page 124
4.2 Transaction Management Page 125
26 November 2023 10:39 AM

4.2 Transaction Management Page 126

4.2 Transaction Management Page 127
4.2 Transaction Management Page 128
4.2 Transaction Management Page 129
4.2 Transaction Management Page 130
26 November 2023 01:32 PM

5. Parallel and distributed DBs Page 131

Parallel DBMS
26 November 2023 01:33 PM

5. Parallel and distributed DBs Page 132

5. Parallel and distributed DBs Page 133
5. Parallel and distributed DBs Page 134
Parallel DBMS Architecture
26 November 2023 02:00 PM

5. Parallel and distributed DBs Page 135

I/O Parallelism
26 November 2023 02:12 PM

5. Parallel and distributed DBs Page 136

Partitioning Techniques
26 November 2023 02:34 PM

5. Parallel and distributed DBs Page 137

5. Parallel and distributed DBs Page 138
Inter, Intra...
26 November 2023 04:17 PM

5. Parallel and distributed DBs Page 139

Distributed Databases
26 November 2023 05:08 PM

5. Parallel and distributed DBs Page 140

5. Parallel and distributed DBs Page 141
5. Parallel and distributed DBs Page 142
Distributed Data Storage
26 November 2023 05:44 PM

5. Parallel and distributed DBs Page 143

5. Parallel and distributed DBs Page 144
5. Parallel and distributed DBs Page 145
27 November 2023 07:38 AM

6. Data Warehousing Page 146

27 November 2023 07:42 AM

6. Data Warehousing Page 147

6. Data Warehousing Page 148
6. Data Warehousing Page 149
Architecture and Components
27 November 2023 08:25 AM

6. Data Warehousing Page 150

6. Data Warehousing Page 151
6. Data Warehousing Page 152
27 November 2023 09:51 AM

6. Data Warehousing Page 153

6. Data Warehousing Page 154
6. Data Warehousing Page 155
6. Data Warehousing Page 156
6. Data Warehousing Page 157
OLAP Types
27 November 2023 12:09 PM

6. Data Warehousing Page 158

6. Data Warehousing Page 159
Big Data
27 November 2023 02:46 PM

6. Data Warehousing Page 160

6. Data Warehousing Page 161
No - SQL
27 November 2023 04:25 PM

6. Data Warehousing Page 162

6. Data Warehousing Page 163
06 December 2023 04:47 PM

Q1] What is Inter query parallelism and Intra query parallelism?

Q2] Explain ACID properties.

Q3] Explain approaches for storing the relation in distributed data storage?

Q4] Write the types of fragmentation?

Q5] Explain Computer system Memory Hierarchy Concept.

Q.6] What are different types of physical storage systems available for databases?

Q.7]Explain DBMS architecture Components in detail.

Q.8]Write a short note on File structures.

Q.9]Explain concept of Indexing.

Q.10] Differentiate B tree and B+ tree indexing scheme.

Q.11]Write short note on Query processing and Query optimization.

Q.12] Explain CAP theorem.

Q.13]What do you mean by Serializability? Explain Conflict serializability?

Q.14] What is the need of View serializability? Explain with suitable example.

Q.15]Explain different types of schedules in transaction management.

Q.16]Explain Parallel database architectures.

Q.17] What are different types of Distributed database system.?

Q.18]Write a short note on partitioning techniques.

Q.19]Write a short note on Query Processing and Query Optimization.

Q.20]SQL vs NOSQL databases

Q.21]Explain Different types of NOSQL databases with suitable examples.

Q.22]Describe Data warehouse architecture in details along with diagram.

Q.23] What do you mean by OLAP. Differentiate between OLAP VS OLTP.

QB Page 164

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