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Monday, 25 March, 2024 5:05 AM

System Analyst
- Managing computer-generated information

Need for Systems Analysis and Design

- Installing a system without proper planning leads to great user dissatisfaction and causes
system disuse
- Lends structure to the information systems
- A series of processes systematically undertaken to improve a business

Roles of System Analyst

- Able to work w people of all descriptions and experienced in working with computers
- Consultant, supporting expert, agent of change

Qualities of System Analyst

- Problem solver, communicator, strong personal and professional ethics, self-disciplined and

(SLDC) Systems Development Life Cycle

- Phased approach to solving business problems

Incorporating Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) Considerations

- The quality of work life can be improved by taking a human-centered approach at the outset
of a project

1. Identifying problems, opportunities, and objectives

- Interviewing user management

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- Interviewing user management
- Estimate the scope of the project
- Document the results
- Feasibility report can make a decision on whether to proceed with the proposed project
2. Determining Human Information Requirements
- Interviewing
- Observe the decision maker's behavior and environment
- Prototyping
- Understands the old system and know how to make new system
3. Analyzing system needs
- Create data flow, activity, or sequence diagrams
- Complete the data dictionary
- Analyze the structured decisions made
4. Designing the recommended system
- Design the system
5. Developing and documenting software
- Works with programmers to develop any original software
- Works with user to develop effective documentation
- Document software
6. Testing and maintaining the system
- Test and maintain
7. Implementing and evaluating the system
- Train users
- Analyst plan smooth conversion from old system to new system
- Review and evaluate system

Impact of maintenance
- Removing software errors
- Enhancing existing software
- Over time, the cost of continued maintenance will be greater than creating an entirely new

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Approaches to structured analysis and design and to the systems development life cycle
- Traditional systems development life cycle
- CASE systems development life cycle
- object-oriented systems analysis and design

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