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Vocabulary Grammar

4.1 Present Perfect/ Never Ever

Make a speech +) S+have/has +V3/V_ed
Make a meal -) S+haven’t/hasn’t+V3/V_ed
Make a phone call ?) Have/Has+S+V3/V_ed?
Make a decision Yes/No ……..
Do a project with a big team Ex:
Do business in another language A: Have you ever been to the Maldives
Do well/badly in an exam B: No,never
Do your homework on the way to A: Have you ever visited Madrid?
school B: She’s never been to a nightclub
A prize
Kinds of songs
History Can/have to/must
Literature S+can(can’t)/have to/must(musn’t) +V
Art Ex:
IT(information technology) You can use dictionaries during the
Physics exam
Biology We have to study for our exam
Geography You must return the books to the
Design and technology library before Friday
PE(physical education) You mustn’t chew gum in the
Drama classroom
Make mistakes
Give a performance
Wear a school uniform
Play musical instrument
Study a foreign language

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