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Theology 4 (Final output)

1. Synthesis

In theology 4, we see the different perspectives of church to the society that we live in and also how the
teachings of Lord of St. Vincent’s will be applied. Along with socio-political challenges and concerns that
have a significant impact on the lives of individuals, families, and cultures.

On the topics presented in theology 4, it usually tackles about government or governance. The various
social issues that have been influencing and challenging us not only as individuals but also as a group
have posed a threat to modern society. Many people's lives are being increasingly influenced by
globalization, which is contributing to both change and retreat. Globalization is the idea of governing a
particular issue to be solved or eradicate globally. Globalization continues to circulate around us,
perhaps without our knowledge, altering our everyday lives. It's happening right now. Since people,
whether on purpose or by mistake, encourage it to happen. Good governance can be connected to
Globalization since leaders are the ones who are making globalization happen. Good governance is
presented that a good and legitimate government is in need of a society according to the social
teachings of the church. The Common Good is exactly one of the most critical factors for society's
existence. Such rights must be enhanced, secured, and safeguarded as part of good governance.

Furthermore, our common home is suffering from global environmental destruction as a result of
globalization, and all of good will is called to search and find meaningful solutions in the spirit of unity
and concern for life. Environmental protection is more than a matter of economics or technology. Above
all, it is a spiritual and human problem. Additionally, we must see health care as a global concern,
especially in developing and underdeveloped countries. It has a constant impact on our everyday lives in
a variety of respects. In relation to the topic of health and wellness, health care is in dire need of
attention since as an individual, we must note that our lives are valuable and medical facilities should be
used wisely to ensure human life and integrity with real health care, rather than being squandered on
wasteful services. Also, the Church teachings classify the human person is created in the image of God
therefore every individual must be respected, defended, and nurtured.

Moreover, It is important to recognize that "job" is a spiritual calling, as our Creator is a worker who
created all, including mankind. The rich traditions of the Church have been used to re-examine the very
essence of labor in light of God's view of our involvement in God's artistic work. Workers deserve not
only to be paid, but also to see the product of their combined labor and its monetary worth. People are
able to see their development through spiritual and physical and including the improvement for the
world. Migration, for some people, is the idea of working or earning more money outside the country.
Philippines is classified as one of the leading overseas workers. Both a gift and a curse, migration has a
social and emotional effect on both parents and children left behind. Since migrants are miles away from
their family, with the use of technology communication can help their family in overcoming the
situation. Computer-Mediated Communication changed not only the medium of communication but the
communication itself. According to Pope Francis, Communication requires one to recognize that we are
both human beings and children of God. Also he added that following Jesus, the Good Samaritan, means
choosing "between a bruised Church that goes out into the streets and a Church that is self-absorbed."

Overall, it may be said that the topics given are evident in the present time and with the teachings of the
church, we can have a different perspectives on how to see or evaluate things. Globalization mostly has
the major effect for all the topics since it affects us without even knowing it and leaders are in charge of
those decisions but in some time, they lack the attribute of good governance. Through the government
acts, the church always has a side in that particular issue or topic.

2. Name a relevant and a particular issues (choose from any of the topics on Theo 4) that challenge
you to participate in Jesus' and Vincent's mission today?
- The issue that challenge me to participate is the good governance relating to the take of
Philippine Government to the different situation. The type of leadership that the
government has is not efficient enough to the people which leads to the suffering of people.
Since I’m a within that group of people suffering, my perspective to the government has
drastically impacted negatively.

3. What should be your response to such challenge and what change that must be done to affect
the whole system or society?
- Since we are in a democratic country, we should be wise enough to vote for a rightful leader
to ensure the quality leadership that he will provide. Some people are getting paid for the
votes of the senators or other type of government official. This type of doing must be
stopped and people must be aware that the leader that they are voting for money will be a
long-term. Also, those who are qualified in the elections that performing this kind of
strategy must be disqualified since it is unfair and wrong.

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