Academia Quantum Advances and Innovation

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Published: 2024-05-31

Academia Quantum: advances and innovation in

quantum science and technology
Steven K. Lamoreaux1,∗

Citation: Lamoreaux SK. Academia Quantum: advances and innovation in quantum science and technology. Academia Quantum

1. Introduction
Academia Quantum has been launched to enhance the sharing authors to present their work as intended without numerous ar-
of theoretical and experimental concepts and techniques in the bitrary and time-consuming revisions.
burgeoning quantum science and technology fields. Initially, this
Another principal challenge is the speed of academic pub-
journal will be divided into five sections as follows: Quantum
lishing. Over the last 20 years, the time required for the
Physics and Optics; Metrology, Sensing, and Instrumentation;
publication of peer-reviewed papers has been considerably
Quantum Communications and Cryptography; Quantum Com-
reduced by the transition to electronic publishing, and by
puting and Simulation; and Quantum Materials and Devices. The
communications through email. However, several delay-
sections will be expanded, divided, and added to in the future as
ing steps in publishing remain, including the time required
the journal community grows and evolves to reflect the multi- and
to identify suitable and willing reviewers, evaluate papers,
interdisciplinary nature of our field. Our goal is to publish peer-
and formulate well-reasoned editorial decisions. Academia
reviewed papers that advance knowledge in these sub-fields, as
Quantum and other Academia journals provide accelerated
well as document the development of our understanding of funda-
manuscript processing by the use of enhanced editorial al-
mental principles and applications. Academia Quantum provides
gorithms and workflow controls. Our goal is to reach rapid
(i) expert peer review processes that will ensure continued trust in
decisions that permit authors to present their work largely as
the journal, (ii) rapid publication based on fast turnaround times,
intended, possibly augmented by reviewer and editor feedback.
and (iii) broad dissemination to, and serve the needs of, the truly
A paper’s ultimate merit and value can only be truly estab-
global millions of members, in addition to serving
lished through community scientific discussions and its future
the needs of the worldwide scientific and technical communities
irrespective of membership (which is encouraged,
and it’s free). Like all worthwhile things in life, there is great competition in
the sciences: for funding, positions, students, ideas, ascendancy
There are challenges in the public sharing of knowledge and in a sub-field, and even publication. The last thing a serious sci-
information through scientific publication. A principal one is entist needs is competition with journal editors and referees. It
establishing continued trust that the knowledge and information is often said that there are “too many papers” being submit-
presented in a publication are reliable and conform to ethical stan- ted and published. To those who hold this view, the future is
dards. The worldwide sharing of scientific knowledge and expert bleak, for as the world continues to develop economically and
opinions and the accessibility of vast amounts of data and facts educationally, these numbers are only going to increase. The
have been enabled in new and revolutionary ways thanks to the model of publishing does not recognize limits in the
internet, but in a largely unfiltered manner. Academia Quantum number of papers and has unlimited distribution via its founda-
uses peer review and expert assessments by mem- tion on the open source model. As an aside, the putative “too many
bers as the foundation of the trust in the content that we publish. papers” problem is difficult to understand. The famous ArXiv
The technical analysis and editorial assessment of a paper, which preprint server has over 2.4 million papers, and allowing a gen-
includes reviewing overall concepts, methodology, data presenta- erous 10 MB storage per paper requires roughly 24 TB to con-
tion, and/or experimental interpretations, ideally is done in part- tain the entire ArXiv. Today, this is a trivial amount of physical
nership with the author(s). We expect that authors will adhere storage, so equipment (digital memory size, library shelf space,
to responsible conduct in research and recognize their own duty printing press capacities, etc.) is no longer a limitation to pub-
and self-responsibility to judge the scope and quality of their own lication volume. The ArXiv has been transformative to science
work relative to contemporary studies, and to cite original work and technology, as it allows for the rapid dissemination of new
properly. This is an author-centric philosophy to which Academia results and is easily searchable. The presence of paper on the
Quantum will aspire. Of course, our reviewers can ArXiv brings it greater visibility than if it is published in a jour-
validate interpretations and, via feedback to authors, can enhance nal accessible only through a paid subscription. One drawback
the quality and potential significance of a paper, while allowing is that papers on the ArXiv are initially only lightly filtered, as

Department of Physics, Yale University, New Haven, P.O. Box 208120, CT 06520-8120, USA.


ACADEMIA QUANTUM 2024, 1 1 of 3

a serious peer review is outside its purview. has 2. Community engagement
brought peer review into the model of rapid publication.
Academia Quantum is an expansion of, a com- currently holds, in total, over 55 million papers. munity in which dedicated members distribute published work
There is a saying, “Several months in the laboratory will save sev- through networking and file-sharing. The commu-
eral hours in the library” [1]. With search engines, several hours nity has evolved into a trusted group of readers, authors, review-
is now several minutes, even with the vastly increased amount of ers, and editors. Academia Quantum is inclusive and supports
information that must be filtered. Even with a cornucopia of pa- peer-review studies from its own members and welcomes contri-
pers, it is still possible to quickly find the ones of specific inter- butions from all investigators in its subfields. Accepted papers will
est. In the early days of the internet, there was a prediction that be rapidly distributed among the community and
by the year 2000, with the number of bogus meta-tag descriptors beyond, thereby ensuring maximal exposure of findings, concepts,
and keywords doubling monthly, no search engine results would and opinions.
be meaningful [1]. Of course, that did not come to pass, and with
In addition to original theoretical and experimental papers, we
AI-enhanced searching, if it continues to prove feasible and stable,
will also consider for publication research reviews, perspectives,
we can be hopeful that soon we will be able to directly find exactly
position statements, and methods, provided that there is clear
what we need, and minutes will become seconds. The perception
utility to the field. Our audience is very broad and includes sci-
of “too many papers” is thereby outdated.
entists in academic and industrial settings, applied engineers, as
A cornerstone of the scientific method is the verification of pre- well as students, fellows, research associates, and policy-makers.
vious results. Historically, papers describing verification studies
were readily published, while nowadays such work is viewed as
derivative and lacking in novelty. In fact, all work is derivative, so Additional information
labeling a paper as such is a judgment call. Papers that offer in-
Received: 2024-05-27
cremental steps in the development of the state of the art can be
extraordinarily valuable and Academia Quantum recognizes this. Accepted: 2024-05-29

My own vision of Academia Quantum is that it is a welcoming Published: 2024-05-31

and inclusive publication and discussion venue. Peer review will
Academia Quantum papers should be cited as Academia Quan-
ensure that the papers published here are viewed as valid, and
tum 2024, ISSN pending,
of sufficient quality to build tenure cases, and for grant applica-
6261. The journal’s official abbreviation is Acad. Quant.
tions and in the reporting of the resulting products. In the end,
the true value of the paper is based on the community response
and through citations of the paper. Publisher's note
My hope is that the refereeing process of Academia Quantum stays neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in
will be positive for the author, the reader, and the field. We all published maps and institutional affiliations. All claims expressed
have stories; my own 1997 paper on the Casimir force was ini- in this article are solely those of the authors and do not necessar-
tially rejected for being derivative, but the referee requested a ily represent those of their affiliated organizations, or those of the
better drawing because they’d like to discuss the results in a talk. publisher, the editors, or the reviewers. Any product that may be
Needless to say, after pointing out that such a drawing would be evaluated in this article, or claim that may be made by its manu-
otherwise unavailable, my paper was published and immediately facturer, is not guaranteed or endorsed by the publisher.
started an entirely new field of precision measurements of this
and related effects, and has been cited more than 2,500 times.
Time was wasted dealing with refereeing in this instance—time Copyright
that could have been spent improving the paper.
©2024 copyright by the authors. This article is an open
The acceptance of a paper and its publication in a peer-reviewed access article distributed under the terms and condi-
journal is a mark of accomplishment that one can take pride in. tions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license
Conducting research and writing a paper has much in common (
with the process of writing poetry, as elucidated by the great Rus-
sian poet Anna Akhmatova [2]
I’m careless of the ode’s exalted sentence
1. Bloch A. Murphy’s Law : What else can go wrong in
And of the elegy’s delicious guile.
the 21th century! New York: Price Stern Sloan; 1999. See,
I say the verse should ill befit the senses,
respectively, Westheimer’s Discovery, p. 24, and Knowles’s
Escape the common file.
Laws (#2), p. 40.
If you could know what gibberish empowers
The verse that grows, from all abashment freed, 2. Akhmatova A. I’m careless of the ode’s exalted sentence
Like dandelions’ yellow summer flowers, (translated by Evgenia Sarkisyants). Available from:
Like burdock and like quinoa weed.
The freshly smelling tar, the cry of anger,
Of mold upon the wall the mystery sight...
And here it comes, the verse, both gay and tender,
To your and my delight.

ACADEMIA QUANTUM 2024, 1 2 of 3

Professor Steven K. Lamoreaux, Editor-in-Chief

Steven K. Lamoreaux has worked in both academia and industry, and his research has
covered a vast array of topics, from nuclear and particle experimental physics to quan-
tum computing and information. He received his Ph.D. in 1986 from the University of
Washington, advised by Prof. E. Norval Fortson. His dissertation, Searches for Spatial
Anisotropy and a Permanent Electric Dipole Moment using Optically Pumped Mercury
was awarded that year’s Joseph P. Henderson Prize for the outstanding Ph.D. disserta-
tion. He then became a UW postdoc and was deployed to the Institut Laue-Langevin in
Grenoble, France, where he worked on a neutron electric dipole experiment employing
ultracold neutrons (UCN) and ended up co-authoring a book on the subject of UCN. Dur-
ing the ensuing years, he spent considerable time at the Hahn-Meitner Institut in Berlin
where he continued fundamental physics studies that employed cold neutron beams. In
1996, he became a staff member at the Los Alamos National Laboratory where he initially
worked on a trapped ion quantum computer and on quantum cryptography, and later
became the Leader of the Dynamics Materials Team in the Physics Division. He was pro-
moted to Laboratory Fellow in 1999. In 2006, Steve was offered, and accepted, a Physics
faculty position at Yale and is presently the principal investigator of an astrophysics
experiment that employs quantum-enhanced measurement techniques in a search for
galactic halo dark matter in the form of axions. He recently co-authored, with R. Golub,
a book The Historical and Physical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics, published by
For his “Extensive contributions to precision measurements science,” Steve was the inau-
gural recipient of the 1999 Francis M. Pipkin Award from the American Physical Society.
He was named a Fellow of the American Physical Society in 1996, and in 2008, he was
among the inaugural group of Outstanding Referees, a then-new honor bestowed by the
APS, currently with about 150 inductees per year.
Steve has served as the reviewer of hundreds of physics papers and grant applications and
has served on review panels and committees, including the Cost and Schedule Review of
Advanced LIGO.

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