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What is photovoltaic system and how does it works also

state advantaged and disadvantages of solar photovoltaic
(PV) power generation. Furthermore, Differentiate between
solar and wind energy.

A photovoltaic (PV) system is a technology that converts sunlight di-

rectly into electricity using semiconductor materials, usually silicon.
This process is achieved through the photovoltaic effect, where pho-
tons from sunlight knock electrons free from atoms, generating a
flow of electricity. Here's how it works:

1. **Photovoltaic Cells**:
Photovoltaic cells, commonly known as solar cells, are the building
blocks of a PV system. These cells are made of semiconductor materi-
als like silicon. When sunlight hits the cells, it excites electrons, creat-
ing an electric current.
2. **Solar Panels**:
Photovoltaic cells are connected together and encapsulated within
panels to form a solar array. These panels are typically installed on
rooftops or in open areas where they can receive maximum sunlight

3. **Inverter**:
The electricity generated by the solar panels is in direct current (DC)
form. An inverter converts this DC electricity into alternating current
(AC), which is used in most household appliances and the electricity
4. **Grid Connection or Battery Storage**:
The converted AC electricity can be used to power appliances directly
in homes or businesses. Excess electricity can be fed back into the
grid for credit or stored in batteries for later use, providing energy
when sunlight is not available, such as during nighttime or cloudy

Advantages of solar photovoltaic (PV) power generation:

1. **Renewable**:
Solar energy is an abundant and renewable resource, making it
environmentally friendly compared to fossil fuels.

2. **Low Operating Costs**:

Once installed, solar PV systems have minimal operating costs
since sunlight is free.

3. **Reduced Electricity Bills**:

Solar panels can significantly reduce electricity bills, especially in
areas with high sunlight exposure, by generating electricity onsite.
4. **Scalability**:
PV systems can be scaled to meet various energy needs, from
small residential installations to large-scale solar farms.

5. **Low Maintenance**:
Solar panels require minimal maintenance, typically limited to oc-
casional cleaning to remove dust and debris.

Disadvantages of solar photovoltaic (PV) power generation:

1. **Intermittency**:
Solar energy is intermittent and dependent on weather condi-
tions, with no generation during nighttime and reduced generation
on cloudy days.

2. **High Initial Costs**:

Despite decreasing costs over the years, the initial investment for
installing solar PV systems can still be relatively high.

3. **Space Requirements**:
Large-scale solar installations require significant land or rooftop
space, which may not be feasible in densely populated areas.
4. **Energy Storage Challenges**:
Storing excess energy for use during periods of low sunlight can
be expensive and technologically challenging, although battery
storage solutions are improving.

5. **Environmental Impact**:
While solar energy itself is clean, the manufacturing and disposal
of solar panels can have environmental impacts if not managed
Difference between solar and wind energy:

1. **Source**:
Solar energy is derived from sunlight, while wind energy is derived
from the kinetic energy of wind.
2. **Availability**:
Solar energy is available during the day when sunlight is present,
while wind energy is available as long as there is wind, which can
vary throughout the day and night.

3. **Location**:
Solar energy can be harnessed anywhere with sufficient sunlight,
while wind energy is more dependent on geographic location and
wind patterns.

4. **Infrastructure**:
Solar energy requires solar panels and related infrastructure like
inverters, while wind energy requires wind turbines and related in-

5. **Intermittency**:
Both solar and wind energy are intermittent sources of energy,
meaning their availability fluctuates based on weather conditions.
However, wind energy may have more consistent generation pat-
terns in some regions compared to solar energy.

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