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The Moro Problem

1. Interview all of the member of your household and ask the following

a. What is your perception of the Muslims?

b. Is your perception the Muslims based on what you studied in school or based
on what was introduced to you by the media or other people?

2. Based on the interview you conducted, write a short narrative and state
whether the negative perception of the Muslims continues to thrive in your

a. What is your perception Muslims are those who They are more likely to have
of the Muslims? follow the Islamic religion. tied boundaries with other
They believe in one God, religions and cultures. But
called Allah, and follow still remain good to people
the teachings of the they interact with.
Qur'an, their sacred
scripture. Muslims pray,
give to charity, fast during

b. Is your perception of - My perception, yes, it is My perception is from my

Muslims based on what you based on what I studied. knowledge gained from
studied in school or based school, and also how I have
interacted with some
on what was introduced to
Muslims. And I am not fond
of believing easily in media
you by the media or other and from what other
people? people says.

Short Narrative
Nowadays, the perception to Muslim people is being dealt with kindness
unlike in the past. By the help of knowledge from the teachings of the school,
they do not introduce muslims as villains and bad people. Instead we learned to
respect their strong ties respecting their own religion, beliefs, culture and
traditions. They are still great people despite everything that happened from the
past. Muslim people deserve respect and acceptance from the society, and
treat them with no barriers and also not be feared.

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