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Compass 1.6.

5 Browser Interface User Guide

Compass 1.6.5 Browser

User Guide

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Compass 1.6.5 Browser Interface User Guide

Blank Page or Safety Statements

iv Compass 1.6.5 Browser Interface User Guide | Sept, 2020
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Compass 1.6.5 Browser Interface User Guide

Welcome to Compass.............................................................................................................................. 1
New and improved in Compass 1.6.5 ................................................................................................... 1
Support for new Smoke Controller to Compass ................................................................................ 1
Support for AlerView v1.1................................................................................................................. 1
Compass Config Tool now supports install or upgrade to SQL Server Express 2019 ........................ 1
Compass interface basics ........................................................................................................................ 1
Header ................................................................................................................................................ 1
Tool bar ............................................................................................................................................... 2
Navigation tree .................................................................................................................................... 2
Feature Dashboard .............................................................................................................................. 2
Notification Banner .............................................................................................................................. 2
Content display area ............................................................................................................................ 2
Printing .................................................................................................................................................... 3
Alarm Manager ........................................................................................................................................ 4
Using Alarm Manager .......................................................................................................................... 4
Opening Alarm Manager .................................................................................................................. 4
Using filters ...................................................................................................................................... 4
Viewing alarms ................................................................................................................................ 4
About alarms ........................................................................................................................................... 4
Creating Alarms....................................................................................................................................... 5
Creating a command fail alarm ............................................................................................................ 5
Creating a binary alarm ........................................................................................................................... 6
Creating an analog (fixed limit) alarm ....................................................................................................... 8
Creating a floating limit alarm ......................................................................................................... 10
Viewing alarms .................................................................................................................................. 12
Alarm Manager icons ..................................................................................................................... 12
Viewing a list of alarms .................................................................................................................. 14
Alarm notifications.......................................................................................................................... 16
Viewing alarm history ..................................................................................................................... 16
Viewing alarm occurrences ............................................................................................................ 16
Viewing and adding alarm comments ............................................................................................. 18
Configuring alarms............................................................................................................................. 18
Changing alarm configuration......................................................................................................... 18
Configuring alarm priorities ............................................................................................................ 19
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Assigning alarm priorities ............................................................................................................... 19

Setting the alarm archive interval ................................................................................................... 20
Turning audio annunciation ON or OFF .......................................................................................... 20
Changing the alarm annunciation sound......................................................................................... 20
Re-configuring a live data point ...................................................................................................... 21
Deleting an alarm ........................................................................................................................... 21
Acting on alarm occurrences.............................................................................................................. 22
Acknowledging alarms ................................................................................................................... 22
Clearing alarms.............................................................................................................................. 22
Purging alarms............................................................................................................................... 22
Disabling an alarm ......................................................................................................................... 23
About alarm handlers......................................................................................................................... 23
About alarm handlers ..................................................................................................................... 23
Creating an alarm handler .............................................................................................................. 23
Configuring workstation alarm recipients ........................................................................................ 24
Configuring pager alarm recipients ................................................................................................. 25
Configuring email alarm recipients ................................................................................................. 26
Adding an alarm recipient............................................................................................................... 27
Removing an alarm recipient.......................................................................................................... 27
DataViewer............................................................................................................................................ 27
About DataViewer.............................................................................................................................. 27
Control area ................................................................................................................................... 27
Set Date/Time................................................................................................................................ 28
Select Trendlogs and Energy Logs................................................................................................. 28
Load Data ...................................................................................................................................... 28
Chart area...................................................................................................................................... 29
Summary chart .............................................................................................................................. 29
Main chart...................................................................................................................................... 29
About trendlogs and energy logs........................................................................................................ 29
About trendlogs and energy logs .................................................................................................... 29
Viewing trendlog and energy log data............................................................................................. 29
Creating a trendlog ........................................................................................................................ 30
Viewing trendlog configuration ....................................................................................................... 32
Editing a trendlog ........................................................................................................................... 32
Deleting a trendlog ......................................................................................................................... 33

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DataViewer tools ............................................................................................................................... 34

Show Min-Max Values ................................................................................................................... 34
Copy URL to Clipboard .................................................................................................................. 34
Export log data............................................................................................................................... 34
Toggle tool tips .............................................................................................................................. 35
About the DataViewer interface .......................................................................................................... 35
About the DataViewer interface ...................................................................................................... 35
Selecting logs to view..................................................................................................................... 36
Panning and zooming .................................................................................................................... 36
Viewing log data in a table ............................................................................................................. 38
Setting the time frame .................................................................................................................... 38
About the secondary Y-axis ........................................................................................................... 38
For touchscreen user ..................................................................................................................... 39
About host devices......................................................................................................................... 39
Schedules ............................................................................................................................................. 39
Creating a schedule ........................................................................................................................... 39
Editing a schedule time block............................................................................................................. 40
Changing schedule components for a point ........................................................................................ 40
Adding an event................................................................................................................................. 40
Adding a holiday ................................................................................................................................ 41
Setting the default workweek for a schedule....................................................................................... 41
Viewing points and zones controlled by a schedule ............................................................................ 41
Removing a schedule from a point ..................................................................................................... 41
Viewing a list of scheduled points and zones...................................................................................... 42
EASE .................................................................................................................................................... 43
About EASE ...................................................................................................................................... 43
What's New.................................................................................................................................... 43
Prerequisites for EASE ...................................................................................................................... 43
Navigating to EASE in Compass ........................................................................................................ 43
Creating a Schedule using EASE ....................................................................................................... 44
Adding Work Week Schedules ........................................................................................................... 45
Editing Work Week Schedule ............................................................................................................. 46
Adding Holiday Schedule in EASE ..................................................................................................... 47
Editing the Holiday Schedule in EASE ............................................................................................... 47
Adding Event in EASE ....................................................................................................................... 48

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Editing Event in EASE ....................................................................................................................... 48

Recurrence in EASE .......................................................................................................................... 49
EDIT Series ....................................................................................................................................... 49
Templates ......................................................................................................................................... 50
Optimum Start ................................................................................................................................... 50
Summary pages .................................................................................................................................... 50
Configuring summary pages .............................................................................................................. 51
Viewing summary pages .................................................................................................................... 54
Changing system data from summary pages...................................................................................... 54
Viewing snapshots of summary page data ......................................................................................... 54
Data displays and templates .................................................................................................................. 55
About data displays and templates..................................................................................................... 55
Editing displays and templates ........................................................................................................... 55
Changing data on displays ................................................................................................................. 55
About the navigation tree ................................................................................................................... 56
About the navigation tree ............................................................................................................... 56
Creating a navigation tree .............................................................................................................. 56
Checking navtree issues ................................................................................................................ 57
System tools.......................................................................................................................................... 58
About system tools ............................................................................................................................ 58
Changing your password ................................................................................................................... 58
Viewing system activity ...................................................................................................................... 58
Managing user sessions .................................................................................................................... 59
Monitoring wireless networks ............................................................................................................. 59
Monitoring wireless networks ......................................................................................................... 59
Comparing data sets ...................................................................................................................... 59
System Request Monitor........................................................................................................................ 60
About System Request Monitor.......................................................................................................... 60
System Request Monitor interface ..................................................................................................... 60
Using filters........................................................................................................................................ 60
Viewing operations ............................................................................................................................ 61
Viewing schedule hosts ..................................................................................................................... 62
Viewing affected resources ................................................................................................................ 63
Rebuild Schedule .............................................................................................................................. 64

viii Compass 1.6.5 Browser Interface User Guide | Sept, 2020
©2020 Honeywell
Compass 1.6.5 Browser Interface User Guide

Welcome to Compass, Alerton’s operator workstation software for building automation systems.
Compass is your command and control center for facility operations — from HVAC equipment to
irrigation, lighting, security, and more. Here, you can view and command site equipment and
systems with unprecedented flexibility and power.

New and improved in Compass 1.6.5

Support for new Smoke Controller to Compass
Compass 1.6.5 now supports a new advanced building Smoke controller VGC-S which is a
specialized UL 864/UUKL (edition 10) global controller. The VGC-S is an advanced building
controller with an alarm process ID setup enabled, which also supports BD3 or BD9.

Compass 1.6.5 supports new Alerton UUKL smoke control parts listed below. Compass will
recognize and supports them over FSCS network:

• VGC-S – Alerton Global Controller UUKL Model 400

• VLC-1188-E-S – VLC BACNET 11-8-8-UUKL
• VLC-16160-E-S – VLC BACNET 16-16-0-UUKL

Support for AlerView v1.1

Compass 1.6.5 Device Manager is now compatible with AlerView v1.1 to send APK (application
file) to AlerView. Compass also supports sending file, Device
Properties, and BACnet Timer Sync.

Compass Config Tool now supports install or upgrade to SQL Server Express
Compass 1.6.5 is capable to install or upgrade MS SQL Server Express 2019 from "Compass
Config Tool Actions menu".


The Compass interface is made up of a header, a tool bar, and the content display area.

The header includes branding information (a dealer logo and/or a customer logo) and the user
name or the user currently logged in. Clicking the user name opens a menu that allows the user
to enable or disable tool tips, enable or disable automatic scaling of the content display area
(Autoscaling), logging out, and change their password (non-LDAP users).

1 Compass 1.6.5 Browser Interface User Guide | Sept, 2020
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Tool bar
The tool bar is a set of icons on the left side of the page. Click the icons to navigate data
displays, use Compass tools, open the EASE application, import resources and to show or hide

Navigation tree
The navigation tree presents system zones and devices in a graphical tree. You can set up the
tree to reflect system configuration in different views. For example, you could list devices by
floors in a building or by network number. Access the navigation tree by clicking the Navigation
icon in the left navigation panel. The navigation tree’s appearance is configured by entering data
in a spreadsheet file on the Compass workstation. See the Compass workstation documentation
for more information.

Feature Dashboard
Feature dashboard provide quick access to such Compass features as:
• Advanced Reporting
• Alarm Manager
• DataViewer
• Schedule Points/Zones
• Summary Pages
• System Activity
• System Request Monitor
• Top Display
• User Sessions
Open the feature buttons panel by clicking the icon in the left navigation panel.
Notification Banner
A notification banner appears at the top of the window when -
• An alarm is annunciated. It lists the point in alarm and the time elapsed since the
occurrence. It also provides a link to Alarm Manager.
• Device status in System Request Monitor changes. It also provides a link to System
Request Monitor to view the operation details.
• An event is triggered in EASE.
• Wireless Commissioning Reporting Tool updates the live data, snapshots, or compared
• User updates a navigation tree.
• A background operation is initiated. On completion, the banner displays either a success
message or an error, and a link to the application.
Content display area
The content area is the main working area where data displays, alarms, and trend logs are
shown. You can interact with some items on data displays. When enabled, tool tips appear
when the mouse hovers over an point on the display. Enable or disable point tool tips by clicking

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Compass 1.6.5 Browser Interface User Guide

the user name in the upper right corner of the screen and then selecting Enable/Disable Point
Tool tip. To increase the viewable area, click the Show/Hide Controls icon at the bottom of the
tool bar. Click the icon again to restore the controls.

You can print a Compass screen by clicking the printer icon at the top right of some screens or
by using the browser Print function.

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Using Alarm Manager
Alarm Manager shows critical information about the alarms that have occurred in your system.
You can view all alarms or specific types of alarms (for example, high limit) for the date range
you specify.
Opening Alarm Manager
You can open the Alarm Manager by:

• Clicking the Alarm Manager button on the Features Dashboard.

• Clicking Alarms>Alarm Manager from a context menu.
• Clicking View Alarms on the alarm notification banner.
Using filters
Click Filter Options to expand and collapse the filter area. Filter Options lets you select alarms
on these criteria:
• Alarm status (enabled, disabled, or both)
• Alarm state (in alarm, returned to normal, and so on)
• Priority
• Alarm Description
Select or type the criteria you are using to filter and then click Update Table.

Viewing alarms
The alarm list shows all current alarms that meet the criteria selected in Filter Options. By
default, they are sorted by status, then by priority, and then by the date and time that they
occurred. Sort the list by clicking the column headings.

Navigate to additional pages in the list using the page number icons at the lower right.

Alarms monitor data points in the BACtalk system for conditions you specify, and then generate
alarm messages when one of those conditions is met.
Three components make up a Compass alarm:
• The monitored property, which is the status or value that the alarm watches for an alarm
• The alarm setup (in BACnet, technically known as an event-enrollment object), which is
saved in a global or building controller. It watches the monitored point to generate an alarm.
• The alarm handler (in BACnet, technically known as a notification class object), which
determines what pagers and email accounts are notified when an alarm occurs. NOTE: Only
the Compass primary workstation (server) MUST be defined in alarm handlers.

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Creating a command fail alarm
Set up a command fail alarm to compare the value of the monitored property (point) to a
command-reference property value. If they do not match, an alarm occurs.
1. From a data display, right-click the point, select Alarms and then click Configure.The Point
Alarms window appears.
2. If an alarm already exists for the point, click Add Alarm.The Add New Alarm - Select
Alarm Type dialog box appears.
3. Click COMMAND FAIL.The Add Command Fail Alarm dialog box appears.
4. Configure the alarm and save it. Items marked with asterisks are required.
Additional Information:

Field Description

Host Device Select a host device from the drop down list. Choosing a host
device near the monitored device will conserve network bandwidth.

Alarm Description The alarm description appears in parentheses in listings of alarms,

in alarm history records, and in Compass alarm messages. The
alarm description should include a pointer to the device and object
where the alarm originates (for example, “Device 110114, AI 1”). In
certain circumstances, the alarm description may be the only way
to find the true source of the alarm.

Alarm Handler Select a device from the drop down list. An alarm handler must be
configured before it will appear in the list.

Priority A number between 1 and 255 (default is 127) that Alarm Manager
uses to sort alarms in the alarm list. Alarms with the lowest priority
numbers are shown at the top of the list.

Cmdpoint Device, Select a device, point type, and point instance from the drop down
Type, and Instance lists. This point will be compared to the point for which the alarm is
being set up.

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Field Description

Delay The number of seconds an alarm condition must exist before an

alarm occurs. Use the delay to prevent alarms from occurring too
frequently due to operating anomalies.

Notifications As a general rule, leave both of these check boxes enabled. To

temporarily disable an alarm, you can clear both check boxes.

Messages to Send Alarm messages appear in alarm histories, BACnet Alarm

Message dialog boxes, and email alarm notifications. Use alarm
messages to characterize the alarm and to indicate in plain
language where the alarm is coming from.

Display a link in the Displays a link to a URL, display, or template when the alarm is
alarm message annunciated. For example, you can display a URL to a camera
view of a door or zone that is in an alarm state to visually check the
alarm condition.


Set up a binary alarm to monitor the status of a binary point.
1. From a data display, right-click the point, select Alarms and then click Configure.The Point
Alarms window appears.
2. If an alarm already exists for the point, click Add Alarm.
3. Step the Add New Alarm - Select Alarm Type dialog box appears.
4. Click BINARY (ON/OFF). The Add Binary Alarm dialog box appears.
5. Configure the alarm and save it. Items marked with asterisks are required.

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Field Description

Host Device Select a host device from the drop down list. Choosing a host device
near the monitored device will conserve network bandwidth.

Alarm Description The alarm description appears in parentheses in listings of alarms, in

alarm history records, and in Compass alarm messages. The alarm
description should include a pointer to the device and object where
the alarm originates (for example, “Device 110114, AI 1”). In certain
circumstances, the alarm description may be the only way to find the
true source of the alarm.

Alarm Handler Select a device from the drop down list. An alarm handler must be
configured at the primary workstation before it will appear in the list.

Priority A number between 1 and 255 (default is 127) that Alarm Manager
uses to sort alarms in the alarm list. Alarms with the lowest priority
numbers are shown at the top of the list.

Alarm Select off->on or on->off from the drop down list. If the monitored
point value changes from the expected state, the point goes into
alarm. If a delay is set, the alarm is not annunciated until the delay
time has passed and only then if the alarm condition still exists.

Delay The number of seconds an alarm condition must exist before an alarm
occurs. Use the delay to prevent alarms from occurring too frequently
due to operating anomalies.

Notifications As a general rule, leave both of these check boxes enabled. To

temporarily disable an alarm, you can clear both check boxes.

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Field Description

Messages to Send Alarm messages appear in alarm histories, BACnet Alarm Message
dialog boxes, and email alarm notifications. Use alarm messages to
characterize the alarm and to indicate in plain language where the
alarm is coming from.

Display a link in the Displays a link to a URL, display, or template when the alarm is
alarm message annunciated. For example, you can display a URL to a camera view
of a door or zone that is in an alarm state to visually check the alarm


When working in the web interface on a Compass workstation, you can create new alarms using
the context menu.
1. From a data display, right-click the point, select Alarms and then click Configure. The Add
New Alarm - Select Alarm Type dialog box appears.
2. Click ANALOG (FIXED LIMIT). The Add Fixed Limit Alarm dialog box appears.
3. Configure the alarm and save it. Items marked with asterisks are required.
Additional Information:

Field Description

Host Device Select a host device from the drop down list. Choosing a host
device near the monitored device will conserve network

Alarm Description The alarm description appears in parentheses in listings of

alarms, in alarm history records, and in Compass alarm
messages. The alarm description should include a pointer to the
device and object where the alarm originates (for example,
“Device 110114, AI 1”). In certain circumstances, the alarm
description may be the only way to find the true source of the

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Field Description

Alarm Handler Select a device from the drop down list. An alarm handler must
be configured before it will appear in the list.

Priority A number between 1 and 255 (default is 127) that Alarm

Manager uses to sort alarms in the alarm list. Alarms with the
lowest priority numbers are shown at the top of the list.

High Limit If the monitored point value goes above this limit, a high limit
alarm occurs. If a delay is set, the alarm does not occur until the
delay time has passed and only then if the alarm condition still

Low Limit If the monitored point value goes below this limit, a low limit
alarm occurs. If a delay is set, the alarm does not occur until the
delay time has passed and only then if the alarm condition still

Deadband The deadband value establishes a range in which no change

occurs. The deadband value is added to the low limit equation
and subtracted from the high limit equation to determine when
the alarm returns to normal.

Delay The number of seconds an alarm condition must exist before an

alarm occurs. Use the delay to prevent alarms from occurring
too frequently due to operating anomalies.

Notifications As a general rule, leave both of these check boxes enabled. To

temporarily disable an alarm, you can clear both check boxes.

Messages to Send Alarm messages appear in alarm histories, BACnet Alarm

Message dialog boxes, and email alarm notifications. Use alarm
messages to characterize the alarm and to indicate in plain
language where the alarm is coming from.

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Field Description

Display a link in the Displays a link to a URL, display, or template when the alarm is
alarm message annunciated. For example, you can display a URL to a camera
view of a door or zone that is in an alarm state to visually check
the alarm condition.

Creating a floating limit alarm

Set up a floating limit alarm to compare a monitored analog property to a setpoint reference
1. From a data display, right-click the point, select Alarms and then click Configure. The Point
Alarms window appears.
2. If an alarm already exists for the point, click Add Alarm.
3. The Add New Alarm - Select Alarm Type dialog box appears.
4. Click FLOATING LIMIT. The Add Floating Limit Alarm dialog box appears.
5. Configure the alarm and save it. Items marked with asterisks are required.

Field Description

Host Device Select a host device from the drop down list. Choosing a host
device near the monitored device will conserve network

Alarm Description The alarm description appears in parentheses in listings of

alarms, in alarm history records, and in Compass alarm
messages. The alarm description should include a pointer to the
device and object where the alarm originates (for example,
“Device 110114, AI 1”). In certain circumstances, the alarm
description may be the only way to find the true source of the

Alarm Handler Select a device from the drop down list. An alarm handler must
be configured before it will appear in the list.

Priority A number between 1 and 255 (default is 127) that Alarm

Manager uses to sort alarms in the alarm list. Alarms with the
lowest priority numbers are shown at the top of the list.

Setpoint Device, Type, Select the setpoint-reference property you want to compare to
and Instance the monitored analog property. If the monitored property varies
above or below this setpoint reference by the values specified
for the high limit or low limit offsets, an alarm occurs. You can

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Field Description
specify an external device point for SP reference when the alarm
host supports BACnet event-enrollment objects.

High Limit Offset Type the value to add to the setpoint-reference property to
determine if the monitored property is out of the desired range. If
the monitored point value goes above this limit, a high limit
alarm occurs. If a delay is set, the alarm does not occur until the
delay time has passed and only then if the alarm condition still

Low Limit Offset Type the value to subtract from the setpoint-reference property
to determine if the monitored property is out of the desired
range. If the monitored point value goes below this limit, a low
limit alarm occurs. If a delay is set, the alarm does not occur
until the delay time has passed and only then if the alarm
condition still exists.

Deadband The deadband value establishes a range in which no change

occurs. The deadband value is added to the low limit equation
and subtracted from the high limit equation to determine when
the alarm returns to normal.

Delay The number of seconds an alarm condition must exist before an

alarm occurs. Use the delay to prevent alarms from occurring
too frequently due to operating anomalies.

Notifications As a general rule, leave both of these check boxes enabled. To

temporarily disable an alarm, you can clear both check boxes.

Messages to Send Alarm messages appear in alarm histories, BACnet Alarm

Message dialog boxes, and email alarm notifications. Use alarm
messages to characterize the alarm and to indicate in plain
language where the alarm is coming from.

Display a link in the Displays a link to a URL, display, or template when the alarm is
alarm message annunciated. For example, you can display a URL to a camera
view of a door or zone that is in an alarm state to visually check
the alarm condition.

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Viewing alarms
Alarm Manager icons
The Alarm Manager icons and the alarm status they represent.
Binary alarms
Icon Alarm Status

In alarm, unacknowledged

In alarm, acknowledged

Returned to normal, unacknowledge

Returned to normal, acknowledged

High limit alarms

Icon Alarm Status

In alarm, unacknowledged

In alarm, acknowledged

Returned to normal, unacknowledged

Returned to normal, acknowledged

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Low limit alarms

Icon Alarm Status

In alarm, unacknowledged

In alarm, acknowledged

Returned to normal, unacknowledged

Returned to normal, acknowledged

Communication alarms

Icon Alarm Status

In alarm, unacknowledged

In alarm, acknowledged

Returned to normal, unacknowledged

Returned to normal, acknowledged

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Fault alarms

Icon Alarm Status

In alarm, unacknowledged

In alarm, acknowledged

Returned to normal, unacknowledged

Returned to normal, acknowledged

No occurrence

Icon Alarm Status

Alarm Count = 0, no occurrences in Alarm Manager table.

(no check mark)

Viewing a list of alarms

Use Alarm Manager to see a list of current and past alarms.

NOTE: Alarms with zero occurrences are displayed only when the Date Range
starts on 01/01/1970.

1. From a Compass display, Click Feature Dashboard.

2. Click Filter Options.
3. The Alarm Manager dialog box appears on the screen opens, shows list of alarms.
4. To filter the alarm list, click Filter Options, set the filter criteria, and then click Update Table.

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Column Description

Alarm Status

Description Shows the text from the Description field in the alarm
configuration. Clicking the description text opens a configured
or default display or template.

Priority The priority assigned to the alarm. Higher priority alarms

appear at the top of the list.

Occurrence Range Set a date range. Only alarm occurrences within this range will
be listed in the table.

5. Sort the list by clicking the column headings (cannot sort on Live Data). Data is
sorted in this order:

Primary Sort (Selected Secondary Tertiary


Status (default sort order) Priority Most Recent Occurrence

Description none none

Count Description none

Priority Status Most Recent Occurrence

Most Recent Occurrence Description none

Acked By Description none

Acked Time Description none

Avg Duration Description none

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NOTE: Alarm status is sorted in this order before secondary and tertiary sorting
is applied:

• Off Normal, unacknowledged

• Fault, unacknowledged
• Off Normal, acknowledged
• Fault, acknowledged
• Normal, unacknowledged
• Normal, acknowledged
• No alarm
6. Right click a device description or live data value to access a context menu (does not apply
to communication failure alarms).
Alarm notifications
An alarm banner appears at the top of the window when an alarm is annunciated. It lists the
point in alarm and the time elapsed since the occurrence. It also provides a link to Alarm
Viewing alarm history
View a list of all alarm occurrences, including those archived or cleared from the Alarm Manager
list. Alarms are shown only from devices for which the user has device privileges.
1. From Alarm Manager, click View Alarm History. The Alarm History page opens.
2. Sort the list by clicking on a column heading (cannot sort on Status). Clicking the column
heading again toggles between ascending and descending order.
3. Filter the alarms by clicking Filter Options and then selecting filter criteria.

NOTE: You can also right-click an alarm record and then click Alarm History.
History view displays all alarm occurrences of alarms created for the selected

Viewing alarm occurrences

See a list of occurrences for an alarm.
1. In Alarm Manager, click the arrow next to the Status column. The alarm list expands
showing the five most recent occurrences.
2. To see all occurrences of the alarm, click View all alarm occurrences.

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3. Each instance of the alarm is listed with these data:

Column Description


Previous Occurrences The number of times the alarm has occurred within the last
archive period.

Acked By and Acked Time The user that acknowledged the alarm and the date/time it
was acknowledged.

Time elapsed between occurrence and return to normal.

Time elapsed between occurrence and acknowledgement.

This may read zero or empty if the alarm returns to normal
before being acknowledged.

Time elapsed between acknowledgement and return to

normal. This may read zero or empty if the alarm returns to
normal before being acknowledged.

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4. To view or add comments to an occurrence, click the yellow comment icon. The number on
the icon indicates the number of comments added to that occurrence. Once saved,
comments cannot be edited or deleted.
5. To clear or purge an alarm occurrence, click Action and then click Clear or Purge. Clearing
an alarm removes it from the Alarm Manager table and retains it in the historical database.
Purging an alarm removes it from Alarm Manager and the database.
Viewing and adding alarm comments
View comments appended to alarm occurrences and create comments.
1. In Alarm Manager, click the Comment icon. The numbers in the icons indicate the number
of comments added for each occurrence.

2. The Comments dialog box appears. It shows the alarm conditions, provides space to add a
comment, and lists previous comments.
3. To add a comment, click the text box and then type a comment.

NOTE - Once a note has been added, it cannot be edited or deleted.

Configuring alarms
Changing alarm configuration
1. From a data display, right-click a point, select Alarms, and then click Configure. The Point
Alarms window appears.
2. Select an alarm and then click Edit Selected Alarm.The Edit Alarm Configuration dialog box
3. Type a description and select an alarm handler.
4. Change the alarm parameters: High Limit, Low Limit, Deadband, and Delay.
5. Select the notifications to send when an alarm occurs.
6. Type the text for High Limit, Low Limit, Off Normal, Fault, and Normal alarm messages.
7. If you want to include a link, select Display a link in the alarm message.
a) To include a URL, select URL and then type the URL.

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b) To link to a display, select Workstation Display, select Display, and then select a display
from the drop-down list.

c) To link to a device template, select Workstation Display, select Template, and then select
a template from the drop-down list.

8. Click SAVE.
Configuring alarm priorities
Create custom alarm priorities that can be assigned during alarm configuration. The most urgent
alarms appear at the top of the alarms list. The default priority is 127; it cannot be edited or
1. From the Alarm Manager, click the gear icon in the upper right corner.

2. Select the Configure Priorities tab.

3. Click Alarm Priorities. The Alarm Priorities page appears.

4. To change a priority number or text, select the existing value and then type a new one.

5. To create a new priority, click Add.

6. Type a priority number in the range of 0–255. Lower numbers represent higher priorities.

7. Type a text label that describes the severity of the alarm.

8. To delete a priority from the list, click the big red X next to it. On the Alarm Manager table,
any alarms configured with the deleted priority will show the number of the deleted priority
and the word “PRIORITY”.

Assigning alarm priorities

Associate alarm priorities with user groups.

1. From Alarm Manager, click the gear icon in the upper right corner.
2. Click Alarm Priorities. The Alarm Priorities page appears.
3. Select the Assign Priorities tab.
4. Select a group from the Groups drop-down menu
5. pe or select the priorities for the group. Members of the group will see only those alarms that
match the assigned priority.

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Setting the alarm archive interval

Set the archive interval to 60, 90, 120, or 180 days. Alarms older than this will be moved to an
archive table and will not be displayed in Alarm Manager.
1. From Alarm Manager, click the toolbox icon in the upper right corner.
2. Select Alarm Setup.
3. Select an archive period. Alarm occurrences older than selection will be cleared from the
Alarm Manager table, but remain in the alarm historical database.
Turning audio annunciation ON or OFF
Select whether to play a sound when an alarm is annunciated.

1. From Alarm Manager, click the toolbox icon in the upper right corner.
2. Select Alarm Setup.
3. Under Audio Annunciation, select ON or OFF.
Changing the alarm annunciation sound
Customize the sound that is played when an alarm is annunciated.

Prerequisite: You must have an alternate alarm sound file available in .aac format.

1. Browse to <rep>/<job>/AppData/alarms.
2. Rename alarmsound.aac so you can re-use it in the future.
3. Copy the alternate file to the folder and then rename it alarmsound.aac.
4. The new sound file will play the next time an alarm is annunciated.

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Re-configuring a live data point

1. In Alarm Manager, click Action on the row that lists the alarm you want to change.
2. Select Live Data from the drop-down menu. The Reconfigure Live Data Point window

3. Configure the point.

Setting Description

Device Instance Select a device from the drop down list.

Object Select the object type and instance of live data the point.

Unit text Type the unit text (degrees, cfm, and so on) that will appear to the right of
the value.

Decimal Places Select the number of digits to display after the decimal.

Deleting an alarm
Permanently remove an alarm and all occurrences from the Alarm Manager table and the
historical alarm database.
1. From Alarm Manager, click Action on the row of the alarm you want to delete.
2. From the context menu, click Edit. The Edit Alarm dialog box appears.
3. Click Delete.

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Acting on alarm occurrences

Acknowledging alarms
Set the alarm status to Acknowledged and enter the acknowledgement in the system activity
log. Acknowledging an alarm also acknowledges all other unacknowledged occurrences of that
1. In Alarm Manager, select the alarm(s) you want to acknowledge.
2. Click Acknowledge from the global Action menu.

3. All occurrences of each selected alarm are acknowledged.

Clearing alarms
Clear alarms from the Alarm Manager view to reduce screen clutter. Clearing does not delete
the occurrence from the alarm database.

Alarms cannot be cleared until they return to normal.

1. In Alarm Manager, identify the occurrence that you want to clear.

2. Click Action and then select Clear.
3. In the verification window, click OK.
Purging alarms
Remove alarm occurrences from the current view and from the alarm database.
Alarms cannot be purged until they return to normal.
1. In Alarm Manager, identify the occurrence that you want to purge.
2. Click Action... and then select Purge.
3. In the verification window, click OK.

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Disabling an alarm
Disable alarms to prevent nuisance notifications while troubleshooting. Alarms cannot be
disabled until they are acknowledged.
1. In Alarm Manager, click Action next to the alarm you want to disable.
2. Select Disable. The alarm will not be annunciated until it is enabled.

About alarm handlers

About alarm handlers
Each alarm in Compass has an alarm handler assigned to it.
The alarm handler determines which devices are notified when an alarm occurs. These devices
are called alarm recipients. Alarm recipients can include one or more of the following:
• The primary workstation (client workstations must never be defined as recipients)
• A pager
• An email account.
The alarm handler maintains a list of recipient profiles. Each recipient profile determines the
type (off-normal, fault, normal) of alarm the recipient accepts and the actions the recipient
carries out.
When you set up an alarm handler, you can select existing recipient profiles or set up new ones.
Once you create a profile, any alarm handler can use it, and multiple profiles can be set up for a
single recipient. Alarm handlers are saved to the Compass server and to the host device.

Note: Compass Essentials does not support creating or editing alarm handlers
from the browser interface.

Creating an alarm handler

1. While creating or editing an alarm, open the Alarm Handler drop-down menu.
2. Select Create New Alarm Handler.
3. Type a description. This will appear in lists of alarm handlers.
4. Add recipients.
5. Select whether to require acknowledge for alarms, faults, and return to normal.
6. Click SAVE.
7. Editing alarm handler configuration
8. From the Compass primary workstation, right-click the point associated with the alarm.
9. Select Alarms and then click Configure.

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10. On the POINT ALARMS, select the alarm by clicking the check box next to it and then click
Edit Selected Alarm.
11. Click the Edit button next to the Alarm Handler field.

Field Description

Host Device Read-only field that lists the alarm handler.

Description The name shown in lists of alarm handlers.

Recipients The workstation, pagers, and/or email addresses that

will be notified when an alarm occurs.

Acknowledge Messages The events that must be acknowledged.

• Require acknowledge Alarm
• Require acknowledge Fault
• Require acknowledge Return to Normal
IMPORTANT ! All three of these must be selected for
alarms to be reported to Alarm Manager.

Configuring workstation alarm recipients

Set up a workstation to annunciate alarms.
1. From Alarm Manager, click Action and then select Edit.
2. Click the Edit button next to the Alarm Handler name. The Edit Alarm Handler window
3. Click the recipient and then click Edit.

Field Description

Workstation Select the Compass primary workstation. Do not configure client

workstations as alarm handlers.

Log into alarm Record the alarm in the alarm history log. This must be selected.

Annunciate if... Require a user to acknowledge the alarm. This must be selected.

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Field Description

Print Send the alarm to the primary workstation's default printer.

Handled Events Select the events that will trigger an alarm.

IMPORTANT: All three selections must be selected to ensure that all
events are notified to the Compass Primary Workstation (server).

Activity Time Period Select the days and times that the recipient will receive alarm
IMPORTANT: This must be set to Any time (all days selected and no
times entered)

Configuring pager alarm recipients

1. Click the Edit button next to the Alarm Handler name. The Edit Alarm Handler window
2. Click the recipient and then click Edit.

Field Description

Pager Compass generates this value by appending a

unique ID to the description.

Description Type a description for the pager — “Weekend

Pager” for example.

Phone Number Use numbers and spaces. To specify the baud

rate, add a forward slash and the baud rate at the
end of the phone number. For example, “/2400”.
This can help resolve connection problems.

Alphanumeric Pager When selected, Compass sends an alphanumeric

alarm description to the pager.

Pager ID Type the pager identifier that the paging service

uses to route the message.

Numeric Message If the pager is not alphanumeric, type a numeric


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Field Description

Dial Out Through Controller Select the controller at the local site that will dial
out the alarm. This controller must have a modem
and must have Supports Alerton Process
IDs selected on the Capabilities tab in Device

Handled Events Select the events that cause an alarm to be

annunciated to this pager.

Activity Time Period Select the days and times that this pager will
receive alarm notifications.

Configuring email alarm recipients

1. From Alarm Manager, click Action and then select Edit.
2. Click the Edit button next to the Alarm Handler name. The Edit Alarm Handler window
3. Click the recipient and then click Edit.

Field Description

Email Type a label for the email recipient.

Description Type the text that appears in recipient lists.

Email address Type the email address where the alarm

notification will be sent.

Email through workstation Select the Compass primary workstation. Do not

select client workstations.

Handled Events Select the events that will trigger an alarm.

TIP:To maintain accurate alarm counts and
durations, select both Alarm (to off-normal) and
Return to Normal.

Activity Time Period Select the days and times that the recipient will
receive alarm notifications.

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Adding an alarm recipient

1. From a data display, right-click the point you want to add an alarm recipient for.
2. From the context menu, select Alarms and then click Configure. If an alarm has not been
created for this point, you will be prompted to create a new alarm.
3. Select the alarm and then click Edit Selected Alarm.
4. Click Edit.
5. Click the + button at the top of the Recipients area.
6. Select the type of recipient - workstation, email, or pager.
7. Configure the recipient.
Additional Important Information:
Selecting only client workstations will result in alarms not being logged because logging occurs
on the primary workstation. The Compass primary workstation (server) is the only workstation
recipient that should be defined in the alarm handler - client workstations should not be defined
as a recipient.
Removing an alarm recipient
Use caution when removing alarm recipients that belong to multiple alarm handlers. Doing so
may prevent the other handler from sending a notification.
1. Right-click the point you want to remove the alarm from.
2. From the context menu, select Alarms and then click Configure.
3. Select the alarm by clicking the box at the left.
4. Click Edit Selected Alarm.
5. In the Alarm Handler field, click Edit.
6. Select a recipient by clicking it and then click Remove.

About DataViewer
DataViewer presents up to ten trendlogs and/or energy logs in an interactive graphical interface.
To view data in summary and Main charts set date, time and then select logs.
Control area
Control area is use to select time frames, select logs, and load data. After assortment of
necessary data, user can collapse the control area to maximize the space available for chart. To
collapse the control area, click the arrow on the border between the areas. Click the arrow again
to expand the control area.

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Set Date/Time
This is where you select the time frame for the data that is retrieved and how much of that data
is displayed on the charts. When the date/time range is set to Current/Current, the DataViewer
refreshes data based on the shortest sample interval of all logs in view.

Select Trendlogs and Energy Logs

You can select up to ten logs to display by clicking the selection button.

Load Data
Once you set a time frame and select the logs you want to view, click Load Data to retrieve data
from the Compass primary workstation. Use Load Data to retrieve fresh data or when you have
selected different logs.

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Chart area
The chart area is where trendlog data is displayed. It is made up of a summary chart and a main

Summary chart
The summary chart shows data for the entire selected date/time range. It shows only the
principal trendlog or energy log and is less detailed than the main chart.

Main chart
The main chart shows a subset of the data shown on the summary chart. It is more detailed
than the summary chart and can be set to show minimum and maximum values for individual

About trendlogs and energy logs

About trendlogs and energy logs
Trendlogs and energy logs help you troubleshoot problem areas and identify critical operating
trends in your system. For example, you might log the temperature in a room to see if the
system is keeping it within desired setpoints. Energy logs help you analyze energy demand and

When you set up a log at the Compass operator workstation, you instruct a host device to
sample values from a property at regular intervals. You can log points from a controller other
than the device that hosts the trendlog/energy log, but this will increase network traffic.

Viewing trendlog and energy log data

DataViewer shows data in two charts: the summary chart and the main chart. Trendlog/energy
log data is represented on the charts by colored lines. The amount of data shown on the charts
depends on which view you have selected. Open DataViewer by clicking the feature button in
the Feature Button panel.
Using the summary chart
The summary chart shows data for the principal log retrieved from the Compass primary
workstation. Only the principal log is represented on the summary chart. Use the panning
arrows to pan forward and back. A shaded area on the summary chart indicates the time frame

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of the data shown in the main chart. You can click and drag this highlighted area to pan through
Using the main chart
The main chart shows a subset of the data shown on the summary chart in greater detail. You
can zoom in on specific areas of the chart and then pan forward and backward through the data.
All selected trendlogs are represented on the main chart.
Chart range
The chart range at the top of the main chart shows the beginning and end dates and times for
the data shown.
The chart legend, located below the summary chart, shows the date/time and trendlog values
based on the location of the cursor in the main chart. Log names/descriptions and values are
shown in their associated colors.
The legend shows blank values until the cursor moves onto the main chart. Then it shows the
date/time and values as the cursor moves across the chart. Small dots appear on the lines in
the main chart to indicate the date/time being shown.
When the cursor is moved off of the main chart, the legend shows the values that were shown
at the time the cursor was moved off.
Using the tabular view
• Click View as Table to display log data in tabular view. The table shows one column for the
time stamp and one column for each selected log. You can add or remove logs.
• Click column heading to sort the data. Click the column heading again to change the sort
order (ascending versus descending).
• Click View as Graph to switch to graphical view.
Creating a trendlog
1. From a data display, right-click the point you want to log.
2. From the context menu, select DataViewer;and then click Add Trendlog
3. Accept or change the default trendlog configuration settings. The trendlog handler and
trendlog instance are generated and assigned automatically when you save the trendlog.

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Additional Information:

Field Description

Log Description The text that appears in lists of trendlogs. Use a consistent
naming convention for all trendlogs.

Run Trendlogs Clear this check box to select a time frame for the trendlog.
Indefinitely Clear it to enter start and end times for the trendlog.

Trend Interval The number of seconds between samples. If the monitored

point is not on the host device, then the minimum interval is 5
seconds. If the monitored point is on the host device, then the
minimum interval is 1.

Notification Threshold The number of samples to collect before notifying the trendlog

Buffer Size The amount of disc space to set aside for this trendlog.

Display Settings — Units The text that appears after the value (degrees, watts, or hours,
for example).

Display Settings — The number of digits shown after the decimal point.
Decimal Places

Log Description The text that appears in lists of trendlogs. Use a consistent
naming convention for all trendlogs.

Run Trendlogs Clear this check box to select a time frame for the trendlog.
Indefinitely Clear it to enter start and end times for the trendlog.

Trend Interval The number of seconds between samples. If the monitored

point is not on the host device, then the minimum interval is 5
seconds. If the monitored point is on the host device, then the
minimum interval is 1.

Notification Threshold The number of samples to collect before notifying the trendlog

Buffer Size The amount of disc space to set aside for this trendlog.

Display Settings — Units The text that appears after the value (degrees, watts, or hours,
for example).

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Field Description

Display Settings — The number of digits shown after the decimal point.
Decimal Places

Viewing trendlog configuration

1. From a data display, right-click the point you want to log.
2. On the context menu, select DataViewer and then click Edit Trendlog.
Editing a trendlog
1. From a data display, right-click the point you want to log.
2. On the context menu, select DataViewer and then click Edit Trendlog.
3. Configure the trendlog.

Field Description

Log Description The text that appears in lists of trendlogs. Use a consistent
naming convention for all trendlogs.

Run Trendlogs Indefinitely Clear this check box to select a time frame for the trendlog.
Clear it to enter start and end times for the trendlog.

Trend Interval The number of seconds between samples. If the monitored

point and the is not on the host device, then the minimum
interval is 5 seconds. If the monitored point is on the host
device, then the minimum interval is 1.

Notification Threshold The number of samples to collect before notifying the

trendlog handler.

Buffer Size The amount of disc space to set aside for this trendlog.

Display Settings — Units The text that appears after the value (degrees, watts, or
hours, for example).

Display Settings — Decimal The number of digits shown after the decimal point.

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Field Description

Host Information (read only) The device where the trendlog data will be stored, the
device that will route trendlog notifications, and the trendlog
instance assigned by Compass.

Archive Settings — Auto Sets how often trendlog data is archived.

Archive Period

Archive Settings — Replace Replaces (in the case of csv files) or appends (in the case
previously archived logs from of mdb files) the data from the same time period.
the same period

Archive Settings — Remove Purges old data and defines how many periods to retain.
all but the most recent x
periods from the log when

Archive Settings — Archive Archives all data in the database, not just data from the
all entries in log when period selected in Archive period.

Archive Settings — Archive Sets the format of the archive file. You can select both
formats formats.

Database Settings — Samples The maximum number of samples to store in the database.
The oldest samples will be deleted as new samples are

Database Settings — Stores only samples that are different from the previous
Compress database samples sample. This helps minimize the size of the database.
Samples gathered before this feature is activated will be

Deleting a trendlog
1. From a data display, right-click the point associated with the trendlog you want to delete.
2. On the context menu, select DataViewer and then click Edit Trendlog.
3. Click Delete.

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DataViewer tools
Use the tools above the main chart to enable or disable min/max values, copy a URL, enable or
disable tool tips and to export data.
Show Min-Max Values
The line that represents trendlog/energy log data on the main chart is an average value. When
Show Min-Max Values is selected, the minimum and maximum values are displayed as
shadows below and above the log’s line in the main chart. This is not selected by default.

Copy URL to Clipboard

If you want to link to a particular view or embed a view in a graphic display, copy the URL to
your computer's clipboard. Then paste it into an email, embed it on a graphic display, or paste
the URL into a web browser and bookmark it.
On devices with pointer, click the Copy URL icon, ensure the URL is highlighted, and then click
On touchscreen devices, tap the URL icon, long press the edit field, and then tap Copy.

Export log data

If you want to view log data in another program, you can export the data to a comma separated
value (CSV) file that can be edited in a spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel. Select
the logs and time frame you want to export and then click the export icon.

If you select a large data set that will take a long time to export, Compass asks you to confirm
the operation. To reduce the time required to export data, select a view that will return less data.

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NOTE: The Export function is not available on touchscreen devices.

Toggle tool tips

Tool tips appear in pop-up boxes when you hover over a control. This feature is off by default.
Click the icon to enable tool tips.

About the DataViewer interface

About the DataViewer interface
DataViewer shows data in two charts: the summary chart and the main chart. Trendlog/energy
log data is represented on the charts by colored lines. The amount of data shown on the charts
depends on which view you have selected. Open DataViewer by clicking the feature button in
the Feature Button panel.
Using the summary chart
1. The summary chart shows data for the principal log retrieved from the Compass primary
workstation. Only the principal log is represented on the summary chart.
2. Use the panning arrows to pan forward and back
3. A shaded area on the summary chart indicates the time frame of the data shown in the main
chart. You can click and drag this highlighted area to pan through data
Using the main chart
The main chart shows a subset of the data shown on the summary chart in greater detail. You
can zoom in on specific areas of the chart and then pan forward and backward through the data.
All selected trendlogs are represented on the main chart.
Chart range
The chart range at the top of the main chart shows the beginning and end dates and times for
the data shown.
The chart legend, located below the summary chart, shows the date/time and trendlog values
based on the location of the cursor in the main chart. Log names/descriptions and values are
shown in their associated colors.
The legend shows blank values until the cursor moves onto the main chart. Then it shows the
date/time and values as the cursor moves across the chart. Small dots appear on the lines in
the main chart to indicate the date/time being shown.
When the cursor is moved off of the main chart, the legend shows the values that were shown
at the time the cursor was moved off.
Using the tabular view
• Click View as Table to display log data in tabular view. The table shows one column for the
time stamp and one column for each selected log. You can add or remove logs.

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• Click a column heading to sort the data. Click the column heading again to change the sort
order (ascending versus descending).
• Click View as Graph to switch to graphical view.
Selecting logs to view
Select a primary trendlog/energy log and, optionally, companion logs to show in the charts. Logs
for which the user does not have sufficient privileges are not listed.
The primary trendlog/energy log appears in the summary chart and the main chart.
1. Click the selection button.
2. Type part of a log name or description and then click Search. You can search without typing
search criteria, but this will return all logs and the list might be large. If the search returns
more logs than the number set in the Max Logs to Display field, a message appears.
Refine your search criteria or increase the Max Logs to Display value.
3. Select companion logs.
4. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Companion logs appear only in the main chart and can be toggled
ON or OFF. Companion logs are associated with a primary log only for the duration of the
DataViewer session unless you save the selection.
5. If you are using a touchscreen device, tap the selector arrow to display the list of logs.
Select a log and then click OK. To add additional companion logs, click the selection button
and either select a log from the list or perform another search.
6. Click Load Data. DataViewer retrieves data for the selected log(s) and displays it in the main
7. To remove a companion log from the main chart, clear the selection check box next to it and
then click Save Logs Selection.
Additional Information:
• Companion log selections are retained when you exit DataViewer. The next time you open
the primary log, the companion logs will also open
• Energy logs cannot be viewed in Compass Essentials.
• Companion logs cannot be created or deleted in Compass Essentials.
Panning and zooming
Navigate the data by panning through the summary and main charts and by zooming in on the
main chart.
Use the panning arrows to move backward and forward through the data. The panning buttons
on the main chart will only be enabled when the main chart is zoomed in. You can also pan
through data by clicking the shaded area in the summary chart and dragging it left or right.
Main chart panning
You can only pan across the main chart after you have zoomed in. When you click a panning
arrow next to the main chart, DataViewer moves the selected data by 25% of the selected

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date/time range. Selected data is shown as a shaded area in the summary chart. When you are
zoomed in, the date/time range shown in the main chart is represented as a darker shaded area
within the shaded area on the summary chart.

Summary chart panning

When you click a panning arrow next to the summary chart, DataViewer moves the selected
date/time range according to the view you have selected. Compass updates the Date and Time
fields to indicate the date/time range being viewed. When you pan left across the summary
chart, the date/time range is updated and auto refresh is disabled. When you pan to the far right
of the summary chart, Compass sets the date/time range to current/current and enables auto

If you are in this view: DataViewer shifts:

2-Hour 10 minutes

Day 2 hours

Week One day

Month One week

Select a subset of data to view by clicking and dragging in the main chart. The main chart will
refresh to show the range of data selected. The axis labels on the chart will reflect the values of
the zoomed view.
Horizontal zooming
Zoom in on a date/time range by clicking and dragging in the main chart to define a new
date/time range. When you zoom in horizontally, the summary chart shows the zoomed-in time

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frame as a dark area in the context of the currently selected view. You can zoom in multiple
times. To return to the original view, double-click the main chart or click the zoom out icon.
On a touchscreen device, use standard touchscreen actions to zoom.
Vertical zooming
Zoom in on a subset of data by clicking the desired starting point and dragging your mouse up
or down to the desired end point. You can zoom in multiple times. To return to the original view,
double-click the main chart or click the zoom out icon. On a touchscreen device, use standard
touchscreen actions to zoom.
Viewing log data in a table
Switch to a tabular view of DataViewer data
1. Click View as Table to display log data in tabular view. The table shows one column for the
time stamp and one column for each selected log. You can add or remove logs.
2. Click a column heading to sort the data. Click the column heading again to change the sort
order (ascending versus descending).
3. Click View as Graph to switch to graphical view.
Setting the time frame
Use the Time Frame area to set the date and time range for data to be retrieved and displayed.
The range is shown just above the main chart. The view you select determines the beginning
time for the range of data retrieved from the primary workstation.
Set to Current Date/Time
This button sets the End Date and End Time to the present date/time on the Compass primary
workstation and then retrieves data based on the view and trendlogs or energy logs selected.
When the date/time range is set to the current date and time, the fields read “Current”. When
displaying the current date and time, DataViewer will automatically refresh data based on the
shortest sample interval of all logs in the viewer.
Select Date and Time
You can accept the default date and time or specify a different date and/or time.
To specify a date and/or time
1. Use the date picker or type the date of the latest data you want to retrieve from the primary
2. Type an end time and then select AM or PM.
3. Click Load Data.
About the secondary Y-axis
If a companion log is measured on a scale or in units different from the primary log, you can
display the companion log data on a secondary Y-axis.

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The secondary Y-axis appears on the right side of the main chart. To show a secondary Y-axis,
select the 2nd Y Axis check box to the right of the log description and then click Load Data.
When data for a log is shown on the secondary Y-axis, a corresponding color swatch appears
next to the axis. This helps you know which axis a log is shown on.
For touchscreen user
• No tool tips: Tooltips are not supported on touchscreen devices.
• No data export: data export is not supported on mobile devices.
About host devices
A host device supervises, stores, and runs automation features (alarms, trendlogs, schedules,
and so on).
Once automation features are created in Compass, they are downloaded to a host device where
they run locally. If the connection to the operator workstation is lost, or is temporary in the first
place, the host device continues to run the automation features.
Ascent Control Modules (ACMs), Global controllers (BCMs), VLC-1688 controllers, and
expandable controllers (VLXs) function as host devices. When selecting a host device, choose
the one nearest to the device that hosts the relevant data point.

Use schedules to plan building operations based on the time of day, holidays, and special
Schedules can control zones and binary objects (ON or OFF) that support the priority-array
property. A schedule set, which you assign to one or more points or zones, consists of three
components: work week, holiday, and event.
• The work week schedule component controls day-to-day operations.
• The holiday schedule component controls days when a facility is typically unoccupied.
• The event schedule component controls time periods outside normal occupied times.
The holiday schedule overrides the work week schedule, and the event schedule overrides the
holiday and work week schedules.

You can view schedules by searching or by using the context menus.

Creating a schedule
The process of creating a new schedule starts from the context menu of the point you want to
1. On a graphical display, right-click the point.
2. From the context menu, select Schedules and then click Add Point Schedule or Add Zone
3. Select, copy, or create Work Week, Holiday, and Event schedule components.

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Editing a schedule time block

When viewing schedules from a Compass workstation, you can make changes to existing time
1. When viewing a schedule, click a time block label.
2. The time block editor — Edit Work Week, Edit Event Time block, or Edit Holiday Time block
— appears.
3. Type start and end times. Time formats are configured at the Compass primary workstation.
(Refer Compass workstation Help for details).
4. Select the days that the time block will be effective.
5. Click OK.

Changing schedule components for a point

1. Right-click the point.
2. From the context menu, select Point Schedule.
3. Expand the Selected Schedule Components area.
4. Use the drop-down menus to select or copy schedule components for the point. The
selected schedule components are reflected in the schedule display.
5. Click Save Schedule.

Adding an event
You can add events to a schedule using a web browser on a Compass workstation.
1. Right-click a point and then select Zone Schedule or Point Schedule.
2. Click Add Event or drag the button to the desired time slot. The Add Event Timeblock
window appears.

3. Select Command ON or Command OFF.

4. Click the calendar icon and select a date for the event. If the event occurs on multiple days,
select Repeat and then select an end date.

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5. Select All Day or type start and end times. Type times in hh:mm AM/PM format: for example,
12:00 PM.
6. Click OK.

Adding a holiday
To set your system OFF for an entire day, add a holiday to the schedule.
1. From a display, right-click a point and then select Zone Schedule or Point Schedule.
2. Click Add Holiday or drag the button to the desired day. Add Holiday Time block window

3. .Click the calendar icon and select a date for the holiday. If the holiday spans multiple days,
select Repeat and then select an end date.
4. Click OK.

Setting the default workweek for a schedule

1. From a display, right-click a point and then select Zone Schedule or Point Schedule.
2. Click Add Work Week.
3. Select start and end times for a typical work week.
4. Select Repeat timeblock on other days and then select the days in a typical work week.
5. Click OK.

Viewing points and zones controlled by a schedule

You can see a list of points and zones that are controlled by a schedule.
1. From a schedule page, click See controlled points and zones.
2. Click the tabs at the top of the list to see the points and zones controlled by the schedule.

Removing a schedule from a point

1. Right-click the point.
2. From the context menu, select Schedules and then click Point Schedule.
3. Expand the Selected Schedule Components area.
4. Click Unschedule Point/Zone.

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Viewing a list of scheduled points and zones

You can quickly view a list of scheduled points and zones.
1. From the feature button menu, select SCHEDULE POINTS/ZONES.
2. Type part of an object name or object description and then click Search. To list all
scheduled points/zones, leave the field blank.
3. To view the schedule for a point or zone, select it and then click View Schedule.

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About EASE
Event Assist Scheduling Engine (EASE) is a web application that helps users to create and
manage events through a user-friendly interface. EASE can also be used in the optimum start
operation to resolve conflicts between events by using configurable and easily extensible rules.
This web application provides security by allowing only authorized users to configure and
manage the system.
What's New
• Zones using the optimum start feature can be scheduled through EASE
• EASE covers all three sets of schedules (standard /Event/Holiday) in a single schedule.
Prerequisites for EASE
1. EASE feature is included in Compass license.
2. Navtree is setup as per the instruction (Refer EASE user guide or EASE Help)
3. User is added in a group that has EASE privilege with necessary group permission
configured in the Navtree.
4. ACM capabilities are setup to support EASE.

Navigating to EASE in Compass

Once the Compass is enabled with EASE feature, user can navigate to EASE through two
different ways given below:
1. On the Compass Top Display, Click EASE Icon.

2. Click Feature Dashboard on the Compass Top Display and then click EASE

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Creating a Schedule using EASE

1. In the EASE UI Click Calendar drop-down. Select desired resource from list of Schedulable
resources in the Resource Hierarchy. For example, Alerton North Office.

2. Click Resource Settings under Settings drop-down menu.

3. The Schedule Options window opens for the selected resource “Alerton North Office”.

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Adding Work Week Schedules

1. Click ADD in Schedule Options window to open the Add Work Week Schedule dialog.

2. Enter the name of the Work Week Schedule in the Name field.
3. Click Binary or Setpoint to select the Schedule type.
a) If the binary is selected, enter the Start Time and End Time. Select the desired
command On or Off for the resource during the Start and End time of the schedule.

b) If the Setpoint is selected, then Click Type drop-down to select the Setpoint type. Enter
the desired Setpoint values and Start and End time of the schedule.

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4. Select desired days

6. Click SAVE.

Editing Work Week Schedule

1. In the Schedule Options window, click EDIT to edit the Active Work Week Schedule.

2. Click "X" to delete On/Off settings for any particular day

3. Update the Required fields and then click SAVE.

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Adding Holiday Schedule in EASE

1. Click Calendar drop-down to open Schedule options window. Select the desired resource
from Resources Hierarchy and then Click Resource Settings.
2. Click ADD in Schedule Options window to open the Add Holiday Schedule dialog.

3. Enter the Holiday Schedule Name.

4. Enter the Holiday Name.
5. Select When the holiday occurs and the Durations.
7. Click SAVE.

Editing the Holiday Schedule in EASE

1. In the Schedule Options window, click EDIT to edit the Active Holiday Schedule.

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2. Click ‘x’ to delete the associated holiday setting from the Holidays List.
3. Click SAVE

Adding Event in EASE

1. Click ADD EVENT on the EASE Home page.

2. Enter Event Name.

3. Select Binary and/or Setpoint checkbox event type.
4. Select Start and End Dates and Times.
5. Select the Resources for which the Event needs to associate with

Editing Event in EASE

1. Select the resource for the Event schedule.

2. Click event on the calendar. For example, Stand-up Meeting.

3. Click EDIT EVENT. Edit Event window opens, modify the required field.

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Recurrence in EASE
Recurrence allows operators to schedule frequently repetitive events in the facility. Users can
specify a Recurrence Pattern and Recurrence Range of the events.
The Various type of recurrence patterns in EASE are as follows:
• Daily Recurrence Pattern
• Weekly Recurrence Patter
• Monthly Recurrence Pattern
• Yearly Recurrence Pattern

Note: For more information refer EASE User Guide or EASE Help

EDIT Series
This feature enables the user to edit the remaining event schedules until the recurring series
ends. To modify the required field in Edit series Click Recurring Event > EDIT EVENT > EDIT
SERIES in Edit Event dialog box.
Edit Event dialog box and Edit Series are shown below.

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A user can create pre-defined templates for event schedules to quickly modify the schedules. In
EASE user can create a new event template, new event from existing template and save
existing event as a template.

NOTE: For more information refer EASE user guide or EASE Help

Optimum Start
Optimum start adjusts the heating or cooling start time to bring zone temperatures to the
appropriate setpoint for occupancy. For example, a user wants the classrooms in a school to be
at a comfortable temperature (individual setpoint) before class begins. This can be done by
setting up each classroom as a zone and linking a schedule to each zone. The user can set up
optimum start for each zone (classroom). Optimum start calculates when to start warming or
cooling the classrooms based on the setting
Now Zones used in Optimum Start can be Scheduled through EASE.

NOTE: For more information refer EASE user guide or EASE Help.

View up to 20 points for multiple devices on a single display.
Summary pages present system data in a tabular view so that you can monitor a set of points
for multiple devices. The points are presented horizontally and devices are listed down the left
side of the page.

The allowable number of points is driven by factors such as device count and network
bandwidth. In general, performance will be better than graphic displays for the same number of
points. However, initial loading time and display update performance will be affected by total
number of points on the summary page. Use 300 points as a guideline, although testing on
pages with up to 800 points has shown acceptable update times.

Summary pages are configured by populating a spreadsheet and importing it into Compass.

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Configuring summary pages

Import Excel files into Compass to create summary pages.
PREREQUISITE - Macros must be enabled in Excel.
Summary pages are defined by entries in a spreadsheet. The first rows of the spreadsheet
define the point and properties that will affect what is displayed. Subsequent rows list the device
instances. You can add or delete columns as needed.
1. Copy the spreadsheet template (summary-page-template.xlsm) from
Compass/Alerton/Standard/AppData/Summary Page to the navtree folder in your rep/job
2. Rename the template to distinguish it from other summary page templates.
3. Open the template and type a name for the summary page. This name will appear in the
Compass Summary Page menu.
4. To add an image at the top of the summary page, type the file name of an image in the
rep/job/bitmaps folder. To show an image from another rep/job, type the rep/job and the file
name (generic/generic/image.jpg, for example).
5. Type up to 20 column labels in row 8 to the right of the Default Value label. Columns define
which points and properties are displayed for each entry in the Device Instance column.

Additional Information: When typing column headers, use line breaks (Alt+Enter) to make labels
display on multiple lines. Excel text wrapping will not be reflected in the summary page.
6. Configure the point and property for each column.

a) Place the cursor in a cell on the Point row and then press Ctrl+O. The Select
Property window appears.

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b) Select the object type.

c) Type the object instance.

d) Select a property. This is either the present value or the value being written to the priority

e) Select an index. This is the index that the present value writes to (if you selected Present
Value as the property) or the priority index of the value that will be displayed (if you
selected Priority Array as the property).
RESULT: A numeric string is written to the cell. The string is a type of short hand for the
point configuration.

7. Type default values for the decimal places and commandable parameters of each point. The
other parameters are not currently used.

Parameter Description

decimal The number of characters displayed to the right of the decimal.

places Analog points only.

commandable Allows the value of the point to be changed from the summary

Polling Policy The frequency at which data is refreshed on the summary page.
Setting this to slow can help reduce network traffic.

Link Creates a hyperlink to a display, template, or summary page. When

the user clicks the device description, Compass opens the link.

8. Configure device name links (optional). By default, device names are configured to open the
device properties template (99999999.dvtx).
a) Type Link in the Parameter column. Leaving this blank will default to the device properties

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b) Type a device template number, display number, or URL in the Default Value
column. To link to templates or displays in another rep/job, type the
rep/job/filename path (generic/generic/000110010.dspx, for example).
c) Additional Information: You can truncate URLs ( and shorten
template/display names (850.dspx will link to 000000850.dspx).
9. Enter device instances.
a) Enter device instances in column B below the point configuration rows. Devices
without exceptions to the default values will be listed only once.
b) To override a default value, type the parameter name in the Parameter column
and then type a value in the Default Value column.

c) To override more than one default value, create multiple entries for the device.

10. Save and close the spreadsheet.

11. Wait two minutes for Compass to scan the navtree folder and update the Summary Page
12. Open the Summary Page window and check for the new summary page.
13. Open the log file (rep/job/config/navtree/summarypage.log) and scan it for errors.

Additional Information: The log file will contain errors related to non-summary page files.
Ignore these errors.

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Viewing summary pages

View up to 20 points for multiple devices on a single display.
1. From the Feature Dashboard, click Summary Pages.
2. Click Expand to select a summary page.
3. Click Select a Summary Page to load.
4. Click name of the page you want to view.
5. If an image appears at the top of the summary page, use the small arrow icon at the bottom
center of the image area hide or show it.
6. Click a column heading to sort the data in ascending order; click the heading again to sort it
in descending order.An icon appears in the column heading indicating the sort order.
7. Click a device description to open a device template, display, or URL. Use Ctrl+click to open
a new tab. Use Shift+click to open a new window.
8. Right click a device description to access a context menu (does not apply to communication
failure alarms).

Changing system data from summary pages

Write new values to points displayed on a summary page.
1. To change a single data point, click the value and then type or select a new value.
2. To change multiple data points, click the pencil icon above the column header.
a) Click the selection boxes next to the points you want to change or, to select all points in
the column, click the selection box in the column header.
b) Click any selected point.
c) Type or select a new value. The new value is applied to all selected points.
3. If comments are required for system data changes, type a reason for making the change.
Requiring comments is configured in General System Setup on the Preferences tab.

Viewing snapshots of summary page data

Snapshots capture system data at a point in time and are useful for analyzing network
performance over time.
1. From a summary page, select the Snapshot tab.
2. The Snapshot Manager lists the available snapshots.
3. Click the column headings to sort the list.

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About data displays and templates
Data displays give general system information and help users navigate to other displays and
Data displays can present specific operating data from a device. This job is typically left to
device templates and object templates, primarily as a matter of saving work. Why create 50
separate displays for similar devices when you can do the same job with a single device

Device templates are powerful because a single device template can present operating data
from any number of similar BACnet devices.

Object templates are similar to device templates. Use them when you want to view the same
properties in any number of objects.

Editing displays and templates

If you started the Compass web interface from a workstation, you can initiate an editing session
for the display you are currently viewing.
1. Open the display you want to edit.
2. From the Tools menu, click Edit Current Display.

3. Use the Data Display Editor to create or change displays and templates. For detailed
instructions on editing displays, see the Display Developer’s Guide or, from the Data Display
Editor Help menu, click Edit Mode Help.

Changing data on displays

While viewing a data display, you can change current values. Changing values requires
sufficient user privileges.
1. Use the cursor to select the point value.

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2. Type a new value and then press Enter. The Change Notes window may appear. Requiring
change notes is set in General System Setup on the Compass primary workstation.
3. Type the reason for the change. The comment will be logged in the User Activity Log.

Additional Information: If you change a schedule point description, the new description will not
appear in search results until you restart Compass or manually rebuild the search index from the
primary workstation.

About the navigation tree

About the navigation tree
The navigation tree is the primary navigation tool in the Compass web interface. It appears at
the left of the display area and gives users a road map of the system.
Navigation tree basics
The navigation tree is created by editing spreadsheet files located in the config/navtree folder of
the rep/job. A template file (navtree.xslx) is included as part of the Compass installation.

To control access to the system, you can create trees for specific users and groups. User- and
group-specific trees are appended to the standard tree.

Compass loads the navigation tree on startup, so when you edit one you must restart Compass
before the changes are visible in the interface.

Pinning the navigation tree

Clicking the pin icon in the upper right corner of the navigation tree will cause it to remain visible
while you work in the display area. The display area will automatically be resized to
accommodate the tree.

Creating a navigation tree

The navigation tree appears at the left of data displays and templates. It provides a visual aid for
navigating your system. You create navigation trees by placing a spreadsheet file in a navtree
folder on the primary workstation. You open the navigation tree by clicking the navigation tree
icon in the left tool bar.
1. Use a spreadsheet program to open NavTree.xlsx. The file is located in the navtree folder in
the rep/job (typically C:\Alerton\Compass\<version>\<rep>\<job>\config\navtree\).
2. Type labels in the Node Label column. Use descriptive terms like Admin Building, Floor 1,
and so on. Do not use dollar signs in node labels. Ensure node names are unique at any
given level (do not create two Room 110 entries on Floor 1, for example).
3. Type back slashes (\) in front of the node labels to assign hierarchy. A label with no
backslash is a first-level node; a single backslash indicates a second-level node; two
slashes indicate a third-level node; and so on. Each backslash will cause the node label to
be indented on the navigation tree.

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4. In the Target Display column, enter the display, template, or summary page that will open
when a user clicks the navigation tree entry. Leaving this field blank makes the node a text-
5. label; nothing happens when a user clicks it.
a) Type file names for displays or templates. Add paths for files that are not in the current
b) Type summary page titles to link to summary pages.
6. For nodes that target templates, type device instances in the Device Instance column. When
a user clicks the node, the template opens with data from the specified device.
7. Type a User Security level (0 to 10) for each node. A user must have security privileges
equal to or greater than this value to open the node. For information about security levels,
see the Compass Installation and Operation Guide.
8. To create a user- or group-specific navigation tree, save the file with a filename in the format
navtree-user ID.xlsx or navtree-group ID.xlsx. For example, to create a custom navigation
tree for the Technicians group, you would save the file as navtree-technicians.xlsx. File
names are not case sensitive.
RESULT: Next time Compass starts up, it will add the user- and group-specific navigation
trees to the standard navigation tree based on user ID. The user-specific tree is at the top,
then the tree(s) for any groups that the user belongs to, and then the standard navigation

9. If Compass is running, restart it.

Checking navtree issues
1. Check that the spreadsheet program has not converted a node entry to a URL. URLs in the
spreadsheet may cause the navigation tree to malfunction.
2. Check that a duplicate node does not exist in the spreadsheet. If a duplicate node does
exist, then delete the second entry because the navigation tree stops at the duplicated node
and will not complete.
3. Check the navtree.log log file for error messages. The log is created when Compass imports
the spread sheet(s) and is located in the <rep/job>/config folder.

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About system tools
Use system tools to perform administrative functions such as changing passwords, viewing
system activity, and managing user sessions.

Changing your password

Changing your password regularly helps ensure system security. Passwords are case sensitive.
Use robust password policies to ensure data and systems are protected.
1. Click your user ID in the upper right corner of the screen, and then select Change
2. Type your current password.
3. Type your new password twice. Compass validates your password as you type and displays
a green check mark next to the field when the password meets requirements.
4. Click SAVE.

Viewing system activity

The System Activity monitor shows events that happen in the Compass system. It shows what
has changed, when it changed, and who changed it. It also shows user comments if any were
1. Open the Feature Dashboard by
• Clicking the Feature Dashboard icon in the left navigation pane and then clicking SYSTEM
• Selecting System Activity from a context menu on a display.
2. The system monitor lists the most recent events. If you opened the monitor from a context
menu, the By Point field identifies the point you navigated from and only events for that point
are shown.
3. Clear Filter.
Additional Information: You can show and hide the filter controls by clicking the Filter Options
4. Sort the list by clicking the column headings.

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Managing user sessions

The USER SESSION MANAGER helps you monitor user activity and end unneeded sessions.
The list includes columns for: User (the user ID of each user logged in), Host (the IP address of
the session), Idle Time (how long the user session has been idle), and Activity (the most recent
actions taken by the user).
1. Click the Feature Dashboard icon in the left navigation pane.

2. Click the USER SESSIONS feature button. Compass shows a list of current user sessions.
3. Sort the list by clicking a column heading.
4. To end a user session, select it and then click Force Logout. Compass asks you to confirm
the action.
5. Click OK.

Monitoring wireless networks

Monitoring wireless networks
The wireless network status page lists the AZW-5000 devices and Wireless Temperature
Sensors (WTS) in your system and presents real-time data that helps you gauge the
effectiveness of the wireless network. Three tabs at the top of the page allow you to view live
data, view snapshots, and compare data sets side-by-side.
1. Open the Feature Dashboard.
Comparing data sets
Compare two snapshots or compare a snapshot with live date.
1. Select the Compare tab.
2. Click Data sets to compare.
3. Select snapshots or live data from the drop-down lists. Sort the list by clicking the column

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About System Request Monitor
System Request Monitor (SRM) captures the background operations of each device in the
system and provides status of the operations. You can view information such as number of Host
devices, Start and End time, Status, etc., to monitor the device operations. Use Filter Options to
view specific data for the date range or status type you specify.

System Request Monitor interface

1. Click the Feature Dashboard icon in the left navigation pane.
2. Click System Request Monitor to view a list of all schedule operations with the last operation
created shown first.
3. To navigate to additional pages in the list use click pagination 1, 2, 3, 4 etc. on the right-
hand side of the page.

Using filters
Click Filter Options to expand and collapse the filter area. Use Filter Options to view the
operations on these criteria:
1. Operation Status (In Progress, Success and Error)
2. Date Range (From Date and Time to Date and Time)
3. Pagination Select the number of operations to be displayed per page
4. Update To update the data display based on the selected filter criteria
5. Clear Filter To reset to default options

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NOTE: Enter the dates in MM/DD/YYYY format and the time in HH: MM: SS

Viewing operations
The System Request Monitor displays all operations that meet the status and date range criteria
selected in the filter options. By default, they are sorted by start time.
The system request monitor provides the following information of each operation. For example,
schedule download operation.
1. Operation Name
2. StartTime: Start time and date of the schedule.
3. EndTime: End time and date of the schedule.
4. Status: Schedule download Success or in progress or Error.
• Success: The Schedule Download operation is successfully completed.
• In Progress: The Schedule Download operation is in progress.
• Error: Schedule Download operation has failed.
5. Initiated By: System or User
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: To display more operations per page, click the Pagination drop-
down menu and select desired number of operations to display per page.

NOTE: Currently only EASE data is integrated to System Request Monitor, so

only Schedule Download’s from EASE application are captured. In future you
can monitor other operations also through System Request Monitor.

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Viewing schedule hosts

Use to view Host Device information. You can also view the download status of the schedule
from the Host devices. For example, how many downloads were successful, how many are in
progress, and how many are in error.
To view Schedule Host devices information:
1. Expand an operation for example, Schedule Download.
2. Click the number under Number of Schedule Host.

3. The Schedule Download details dialog box opens:

4. Host Device: Name of the Host device.
5. StartTime: The time and date a schedule will start.
6. EndTime: The time and date a schedule will end.
• Success: The scheduled download operation from the particular host device is successfully
• In Progress: The scheduled download from the particular host device is in progress.
• Error: The scheduled download from the particular host device has failed.
Affected Resources: Number of the Resources that were affected by the download from a
particular Host Device.

In the above example, all the Host Devices scheduled for download at 12/11/2017 12:01:14 AM
are displayed. The date and time when the Schedule Download ended, the download status

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Compass 1.6.5 Browser Interface User Guide

Message Success and the total number of Resources under each Host Device that are affected
with this operation are also displayed.

Viewing affected resources

Use to view the list of Resources under each Host Device to which a particular schedule is
Expand the Affected Resources drop-down menu.
The Resources list is displayed. For example, in the below image schedule download from Host
Device (Dev 31000) to resources Site_0_Floor_0_Zone_0 etc., has started at 10:40:56 PM on
11/27/2017 and is In Progress.

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Rebuild Schedule
To import resources rebuild Schedule is used. The procedure for Rebuild Schedule is as follows
1. Compass web UI click Rebuild Schedule. The Compass web UI is as shown bellow:

2. Click ‘OK’ on the pop-up confirmation dialog window to proceed.

NOTE: To invoke the “Rebuild Schedules” from the Web UI as shown above,
only users with the ‘Import Resources’ privilege will be able to see this button.

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