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Training Guide

Passenger Name Lists

Native Sabre
Software Version 2.6.19

Document Edition 1.4 (07 2022)

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preparation of derivative works, performance or display of this
document or software represented by this document, without the
express written permission of Sabre® is strictly prohibited.

Sabre® and the Sabre logo are trademarks and/or service marks
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© 2022 Sabre GLBL Inc. All rights reserved.

Table of Contents

1 Passenger Name Lists

1.1 All Booked Passengers List 1
1.2 Redisplaying the Name List 2
1.3 Frequent Traveler Name List 2
1.4 Passenger Cancellations Lists 4
1.4.1 Passenger Cancellations By Boardpoint 4
1.4.2 Passenger Cancellations By Specified Prior Date 5
1.4.3 Passenger Cancellations By Cancel Date 5
1.4.4 Passenger Cancellations By Status Code 6
1.4.5 Queue placing the Cancellation List 6
1.5 Corporate PNR Name List 7
1.6 Pre-reserved Seat Name List 8
1.6.1 PRS Name List Funnel Flights 9
1.7 Special Meals Name List 10
1.8 Connection Name List 10
1.9 Waitlist Name List 12
1.9.1 Waitlist Confirmation Name List 12
1.10 Large Party Name List 13
1.11 Non-Revenue Name List 14
1.12 Jumpseat and Positive Space Name List 14
1.13 Reconfirmation Needed Name List 15
1.13.1 Using a Class of Service Indicator 15
1.14 Unticketed Passengers 16
1.14.1 Unticketed Count 16
1.14.2 Ticketed/Unticketed Counts 16
1.14.3 Unticketed Passengers Name List 17
1.15 Last Booked List 18
1.16 Pre-Removed Name List 19
1.17 Name List of Infant PNRs 19
1.18 Electronic Ticket Passenger List 20

A Quick Reference

Training Guide iii Table of Contents

Document Revisions

Date Section Description

13 Jul 2022 Throughout Internal standardization review and edits

15 Jul 2019 Frequent Traveler Name List Added variations to the LV format

Unticketed Count Corrected the spacing in the response examples

Ticketed/Unticketed Count

25 May 2018 Passenger Name Lists Changes to system response for Frequent Traveler Name List

15 Jan 2015 Throughout Brought to template

Training Guide iv Table of Contents


Item Objective
Objectives By the end of the module, participants will be able to demonstrate :
l Accessing and interpreting a name list for a specific flight and date
l Accessing and interpreting a name list by departure city
l Accessing and interpreting a name list of non-revenue passengers
l Accessing and interpreting a name list of connecting passengers
l Accessing and interpreting a name list of large parties
l Accessing and interpreting a name list of frequent travelers booked on flight
l Accessing and interpreting a canceled passenger lists
l Accessing and interpreting a name list of the earliest booked passengers
l Accessing and interpreting a name list of the last booked passengers
l Accessing and interpreting a name list of passengers with pre-reserved seats
l Accessing and interpreting a name list of passengers with special meals
l Accessing and interpreting a count of unticketed passengers
l Accessing and interpreting a name list of unticketed passengers
l Accessing and interpreting a name list of infant passengers
EPR Duty Code: Many of the entries are limited to specific duty codes. The most
common duty code required is a 5, 7, or 8.

Note Duty code 4 does not permit accessing passenger name lists.
Keyword: No specific keyword required.

Preparation Have name lists booked ready for demonstration.

Reference For more information, refer to the Focus Manual Host - F*FMH.

Training Guide v Table of Contents

Training Guide vi Table of Contents
Passenger Name Lists 1
1.1 All Booked Passengers List

You can view a list of passengers holding reservations on a flight, boarding at one point, to any or all
down line off points of the flight.
Note This format is restricted to duty code 5, 7, 8, or ‡.

Example entry:

Item Description
LD Primary passenger list action code

1010 Flight number

/12NOV Slash separator and flight date

ELP Boardpoint

Example Response:

...3 01COX/JAMES...Q ........SLSPED
...7 01CARTER/JOHN...K ......SZAEYP

The following information outlines how to read the first line of the previous example:

Training Guide 1 1 Passenger Name Lists

Item Description
ELPDFW City pair

1 Numerical order of PNR

01 Number in party for surname

CRAFT/BRENDA Surname plus first name or initial (The Sabre system will truncate the name to 12

K Class of service booked

QAQCLR Record locator

If multiple persons are booked in a single PNR under the same surname, the number of passengers is
reflected preceding the surname. Only the first name field in a PNR would be listed.
The system organizes passenger name lists into alpha groups, instead of alphabetical order. The alpha
groups are arranged as follows:

Note To remember the alpha groups, use the following phrase: “All Doctors Have Many Quaint
Traits.” The first letter of each word signifies the beginning of an alpha group.
For example: the first Alpha group begins with A and includes B and C, so all surnames beginning with
A, B, or C are listed in the first alpha group, but not necessarily in alphabetical order (as can be seen in
the previous list display). The name would be listed within the alpha group by the order the PNRs were
booked and the names listed.
Note Passenger name lists can appear in alphabetical order, but this option must be activated by
Sabre®. Authorized personnel should contact Sabre® Global Customer Care to request

1.2 Redisplaying the Name List

You can redisplay the previous name list.


You can also access a PNR by the number from a name list. Once requested, the entire PNR appears.

To return to the name list, use the L* entry.

1.3 Frequent Traveler Name List

As part of the SabreSonic® CSS Loyalty suite, you can access a passenger list by flight to specifically
identify loyalty program customers. The LV list includes all customers with a frequent flyer number who
are booked on a flight.
Note To access the LV list, you must use one of the following duty codes: 1, 2, 5, 7, or 8. You cannot
make this entry while signed in with duty code 4 or -.

Training Guide 2 1 Passenger Name Lists

Example entry:

Item Description

LV Primary Frequent Traveler Name List action code

111 Flight number

/11JAN Slash separator and flight departure date

ADD Board point

-* Separator, display character

The response shows all top-tier frequent travelers booked on the flight, along with a two- or three-
character code to indicate their tier level. For example:


Example row:

Item Description

1 Numerical order of PNR

01 Number in party for surname

ABAND/GEORGE Surname plus first name or initial (Sabre truncates the name in this list display to 12

V Class of service booked

ABCDEF Record locator

BLU Tier level

Entry Variations

Entry Description

LV111/11JANADD- View a list of PNRs containing only those frequent travelers booked on the flight at the
SLV indicated tier level (in this example, only the Silver (or SLV) level members).
l The tier indicator will not appear in the response

Training Guide 3 1 Passenger Name Lists

Entry Description

LV111/11JANADD- Optional format to view a PNR list containing all frequent travelers booked on the flight,
*/ALL regardless of tier level.
l Frequent travelers who are not at a top-tier level will appear in the response without a
tier level indicator
l This option is not active in all partitions. If not active, the -*/ALL format will respond with
a list of only top-tier frequent travelers. If your airline is interested in activating this
option, contact Global Customer Care.

1.4 Passenger Cancellations Lists

You can access a list of all canceled passengers for a flight, out of a specific boarding point, for a
specified number of days prior to today’s date. You can view the list or use the format to place PNRs
onto a queue.
You can use this list when:
l a flight was canceled or when a passenger was canceled from a PNR
l a flight leg was canceled due to schedule change (when the flight itself still operates)
This format will reject after a schedule change only if the entire flight was canceled, or if airport codes
were canceled via the schedule change. If the inventory master records for the flight no longer exist in
the system, this option becomes available and the response would be ‡FLT‡.
Note Duty codes 4 and 6 are restricted from using this option.
When using the date range parameter, the filtering is based on a comparison of the dates associated with
the name (XN) and the segment (XS) cancellation items in the history of each PNR on the cancellation
list. If none are found in the PNR history, the system responds with the PNR by default. Otherwise, the
system includes the PNR only if the transaction date of the history item falls within the implied date
Non-date change flight will always give a valid response, either a list, or, if no passenger exist, an empty
A date change flight may return a different response due to different processing because the internal
PNR index date is not always the date in the LX entry.

1.4.1 Passenger Cancellations By Boardpoint

You can access a list of canceled passengers for a flight out of specific boarding points. Example entries:


Item Description
LX Primary Cancellation Name List action code

181 Flight number

/02MAR Slash separator and flight departure date

Training Guide 4 1 Passenger Name Lists

Item Description
ORD or ORDLAX Boardpoint(s)

1.4.2 Passenger Cancellations By Specified Prior Date

You can access a list of canceled passengers for a specified number of days prior to the current
date.Example entry:

Item Description
LX Primary Cancellation Name List action code

181 Flight number

/02MAR Slash separator and flight departure date

D‡1 Days prior to current date

1.4.3 Passenger Cancellations By Cancel Date

You can access a list of canceled passengers for a flight by a specified cancellation date. Example entry:

Example Response:

1 01PEREZ/MARIA....N .....T....DMTYYM

Read the response as follows:

Item Description
1 Line number

01 Indicates the number in party in the corporate PNR

PEREZ/MARIA Passenger name

N Class

A Who canceled the PNR (A = Airline / T = Time Limit Function)

DMTYYM Record locator

The above response is a list of all the passengers that were canceled on 16AUG from Flight 1300.

Training Guide 5 1 Passenger Name Lists

1.4.4 Passenger Cancellations By Status Code

You can access a list of passengers with a specific status code. For example, you can use this option to
view a list of passengers with the UC code (Unable to confirm or waitlist) at the time of cancellation.
Example entry:

Example response:

2 10FRUIT.........Y...A...LFFCYE

Use the following format to place all PNRs with the UC Status Code on queue 105:

Example response:

ON Q 105

Following are the Action/Status Codes permitted with this option:

Item Description
NO No Action Taken

NS No show

RM Pre-remove Passenger from flight

SB Passenger Boarded Stand By

UC Unable to Confirm or Waitlist

UN Unable – Flight Not Operating

US Unable to Sell – Flight is Closed, Have Waitlisted

WK Was confirmed

XM Cancelled due to misconnect

l This option is not allowed in combination with the date option (D‡NN or ‡DDMMM)
l Duty codes 4, 6, and / are restricted from this option

1.4.5 Queue placing the Cancellation List

You can queue place a list of canceled passengers onto a queue.

Note This entry is restricted to duty code 5, 7, 8, or ‡.

Example entry:
Training Guide 6 1 Passenger Name Lists

Item Description
LX Primary Cancellation Name List action code

181 Flight number

/02MAR Slash separator and Flight departure date

ORD Board point

XX Specified number of days (0-10)

-Q28 Dash (hyphen) and Queue number

Example Response:

1 01FERGUSON/KEN . . . H . . . . A.RIOUWT
2 04GRAY/MISSY M . . . H . . . . A.RIOUWT
3 01OMARA/PATRIC . . . F . . . . T.QQOZYF
4 01OMARA/STEVEN . . . F . . . . T.QQOZYF
5 01MASTERS/BILL . . . H . . . . A.RIOUW

Read the response as follows:

Item Description
DENDFW Board/Off points (Denver to Dallas)

1 Line number

01 Indicates the number in party in the corporate PNR

FERGUSON/KEN Passenger name

H Class

A Who cancelled the PNR (A = Airline / T = Time Limit function)

RIOUWT Record locator

1.5 Corporate PNR Name List

You can access a list of passengers contained in a Corporate PNR (a PNR that begins with a -C/
corporate name field).
Note This format is restricted to duty code 1, 2, 5, 7, or 8.

Example entry:

Item Description
LC Primary Corporate Name List action code

Training Guide 7 1 Passenger Name Lists

Item Description
51 Flight number

/13DEC Slash separator and flight departure date

LGW Boardpoint

Example response:

..1 03SCOTT AFB CA........3....V....SGLEFV
..2 06SCOTT AFB CA........6....V....TRGDAJ
..3 01SCOTT AFB CA........1....V....QDSTGL
..4 05TAFT/LON SAL........5....C....RMICHZ

l Only the corporate or group name appears in the list. If the corporate/group name field is more than
12 characters, Sabre truncates the corporate/group name.
l The corporate PNR name list responds with a list of names regardless of the number in party,
provided the PNRs were created with the -C/ indicator in the name field.
l The large party entry includes only those PNRs with nine or more names (depending on your carrier's
large party settings). If a corporate PNR was divided, and the filed PNR has less than nine in the
party, the LP response does NOT include those names, but the LC response does.
l After passenger names have been added to the corporate PNR, the number of corporate seats held and
the number of passenger names appear in the center of the response.
Example response:

1 03SCOTT AFB CA..3/03....V ..SGLEFV

Read the center of the response as follows:

Item Description
3 Indicates the number in party in the corporate PNR

/03 Number of names in the corporate PNR

If there are no names in the PNR other than the corporate name, the second numeric does not appear.
(See the previous example response.)

1.6 Pre-reserved Seat Name List

You can access a list of passengers who hold pre-reserved seats (PRS) on a flight.
Note This entry is restricted to duty codes 5, 7, or 8.
Example entry:

Training Guide 8 1 Passenger Name Lists


Item Description
LS Primary Pre-reserved Seat Name List action code

83 Flight number

/1JAN Slash separator and flight departure date

FRA Boardpoint

Example response:

..4 01AVANTI........1.M FRAORD 35BSHDBOP

Read the response as follows:

Item Description
1 01BENTLEY/JOHN Passenger name and number in party

1.Q Class

FRAORD City pair

32B Seat number

SMDFHB Record locator

l The names are listed according to the different alpha groups and are not shown in true alphabetical
l A corporate booking reflects both the corporate name and the passenger name, since a passenger
name is required to pre-reserve a seat.

1.6.1 PRS Name List Funnel Flights

The LS format also includes funnel flight numbers when they apply (Funnel flights are when more than
one flight number are combined to make a longer flight over multiple segments.) However, when a LS is
sent to a queue and there are no names on the list, the response does not show the associated funnel

The component flight numbers to a funnel flight appear on the last line of the response. Example
response for a funnel flight:

Training Guide 9 1 Passenger Name Lists

SEE ALSO 730 732 734 736 738

1.7 Special Meals Name List

You can access a list of passengers who have requested special meals (SPM) on a flight.
Note This format is restricted to duty code 5, 7, or 8.

Example entry:

Item Description
LG Primary Special Meal Name List action code

399 Flight number

/04MAY Slash separator and flight departure date

STL Boardpoint

Example response:

..1 01CIVALE/C.........Y.........SKFPWN
..2 01BURELL/REBEC.....Y.........QTVUTX
..3 01GTE SERVICE......M.........QECGAF
..4 01FOX/JOCELYN......Y.........SPHWJF
..5 01GILLETTE/JIM.....M.........QECGAF
..6 01HEFLEY/CAROL.....M.........RNBWCR
..7 01SZUHY/LAWREN.....K.........TRJMHH

The response contains the passenger name, the class of service booked, and the record locator. The type
of meal requested does not appear in the response. Check the individual PNR using the Display PNR
from Name List format (example: L2*) for this information.

1.8 Connection Name List

Note This entry is applicable for duty codes 5, 7, or 8.

Example Inbound Connection Name List entry:


Item Description
LI Primary Inbound Connection Name List action code

Training Guide 10 1 Passenger Name Lists

Item Description
51 Flight number

/15NOV Slash separator and flight departure date

MXP Boardpoint

Example response:

..2 01GUINS/J...C ........DA.982.NIC..RBZDZE
..3 01FOX/FORREST...Y ....DA..81.ABJ..SBVCRD
..5 01LENKEI/P MR...X ....NG.107.VIE..RGGRPQ
..6 01KIM/MYONGMR...Y ....HV.601.ATH..SAMVVF

Note Depending on a global setting, the list may be sorted by board city.

Read the response as follows:

Item Description
1 Numerical order of PNR

01 Number in party for surname

CROWE/EDWARD Surname plus first name or initial (Sabre truncates the name in this list display to 12

C Class of service booked

BA 36 Inbound connecting flight

DEL Boarding point

RIKKPO Record locator

To view a list of all outbound connecting passengers, for both host and OA, substitute LO for LI in the
above format:

The response shows a list of passenger names, classes of service, outbound connecting flight
information, and record locators.
You may also add the LO entry to include the outbound connecting passengers to a specific flight. For
this example, 123 is the flight number in the entry below.

You can also send the LI or LO list to a queue for processing by adding the queue number to the entry:

Training Guide 11 1 Passenger Name Lists

This format sends the list of outbound passengers connecting to flight 123 to queue 50 of your current
AAA city. Any appropriate action may then be taken on the queue.
Note Each carrier can opt for a global setting for the Inbound and Outbound Connection lists, which
causes the list to appear sorted by board city (for the Inbound list) or by destination city (for the
Outbound list). If this setting is desired, authorized personnel may contact Global Customer
Care for activation.

1.9 Waitlist Name List

You can access a list of all waitlisted passengers for a flight out of a specific boardpoint.
Note This format is restricted to duty code 5, 7, or 8.

Example entry:

Item Description
LI Primary Waitlist Name List action code

121 Flight number

/18NOV Slash separator and flight departure date

ORD Boardpoint

Example response:

.........04KING/SUE MRS...H ..........CKBQRD
.........01KING/JAMES.....H ..........CHQXRD
.........02BRADBURNE/MA...Q ..........NICFQL
.........01MCFADDEN/ROG...H ..........DKTXTH
.........02MOREAU/XAVIE...H ..........KZDJQL
.........01COSTLOW/SUE..KL.Y .........MBSKZT

If there are both priority and main waitlists, the priority list appears first. The priority waitlist only
includes PNRs with the JL status code.

1.9.1 Waitlist Confirmation Name List

You can access a list of passengers who have been confirmed from the waitlist, but have not yet been
advised. (They are holding KL status.).
Note This format is restricted to duty code 5, 7, or 8.
Example entry:

Training Guide 12 1 Passenger Name Lists

Item Description
LK Primary Waitlist Confirmation Name List action code

677 Flight number

/23DEC Slash separator and flight departure date

JKT Boardpoint

The system response is a list of those passengers, classes of service, and record locators who have been
confirmed from the priority or main waitlist.


To view a specific PNR, use the Display PNR from Name List format (example: L2*).

1.10 Large Party Name List

You can access the Large Party list, assuming that there are large parties booked on the flight. The
number of passengers needed to be a “large party” depends on your carrier’s definition (typically 9 or
Note This format is restricted to duty code 5, 7, or 8.

Example entry:

Item Description
LP Primary Large Party Passenger List action code

51 Flight number

/12DEC Slash separator and flight departure date

LGW Board point

Example Response:


Training Guide 13 1 Passenger Name Lists

In the example above, the entry requests a list of parties of five or more who hold reservations on a flight
from a specific boardpoint. This can include corporate and Z-name large party bookings.
Only the first name in the PNR appears on the list. The total number in party appears prior to the group
or surname and booking class, which is followed by the record locator.

1.11 Non-Revenue Name List

Depending on your carrier's settings, you may be able to access a name list of non-revenue space-
available (NRSA) passengers who listed for a meal on a flight using the MM Action/Status code.
Note This particular format may not apply to all Sabre-hosted carriers; the LM entry applies only to
those carriers using the Meal List (MM) procedures to book non-revenue passengers.

Example entry:

Item Description
LM Primary Meal-Listed Passenger List action code

216 Flight number

/1NOV Slash separator and flight departure date

EZE Board point

Example response:

1 01ABDALLA DE S...K ........QJTJJD
2 01ADAM/SILVIA...S .........QGPGBK

1.12 Jumpseat and Positive Space Name List

Example entry:

Item Description
LH Primary Jumpseat and Positive Space Passenger List action code

801 Flight number

/13APR Slash separator and flight departure date

DRW Board point

Example response:

Training Guide 14 1 Passenger Name Lists


The LH format reads the PNR and searches for a PS (Positive Space) in the ticketing field. If your carrier
is not using PS in the ticketing field to show positive space travelers, the LH response does not contain
any PNRs.
The A11 in the above example is a pass classification under which the passenger is traveling.

1.13 Reconfirmation Needed Name List

You can access a list of passengers who have NOT reconfirmed their reservations for a specific flight.
Note This format is restricted to duty code 5, 7, or 8.
Example entry:

Item Description
LR Primary Reconfirmation Needed Passenger List action code

1813 Flight number

/20MAR Slash separator and flight departure date

DXB Board point

The LR format searches PNRs for the RR (Reconfirmed) status code and responds with PNRs which do
not have an RR status. At end transaction, Sabre places a PNR on the LR list, the PNR remains on the
LR list with the HK segment until the status code is changed to RR.
Example response:

1 01HESTER/TONI..1.Y ........QHJLSM

1.13.1 Using a Class of Service Indicator

In all of the L-type entries, you can substitute a class of service in place of the slash separator (/). For
L-type Entry Description
LD60V13NOVJNB Name list: V booking class

LI60F13NOVJNB Inbound connections: F Class

LK60B13NOVJNB KL PNRs: B booking class

Training Guide 15 1 Passenger Name Lists

The system response contains the passenger names for only that class of service requested.

1.14 Unticketed Passengers

These options can be helpful to access counts and lists of unticketed passengers.

1.14.1 Unticketed Count

You can access counts, by compartment, of outbound unticketed passengers. Example entry:

Item Description
LU Primary Unticketed Passengers Name List action code

2216 Flight number

/13JUN Slash separator and flight departure date

WAW Boardpoint

Example response:

WAWVIE . 4 . . . . . . 4
TOTAL . 4 . . . . . . 4

The above example reponse indicates there are four unticketed passengers in Y revenue booking
designator (RBD), from WAW-VIE. The TOTAL column reflects the total count of unticketed
passengers on the flight.

1.14.2 Ticketed/Unticketed Counts

You can access a breakdown by compartment of local boarding, inbound connecting, through (“thru”),
outbound connecting, large party, corporate name and waitlist confirmed passengers.
Note This format is restricted to duty code 0, 1, 2, 5, 7, or 8.
Example entry:

Item Description
LL Primary Ticketed/Unticketed Counts action code

504 Flight number

/24DEC Slash separator and departure date

LHE Destination city

Example response:

Training Guide 16 1 Passenger Name Lists

J 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 - 0 0/0 0/0 0
C 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 - 0 0/0 0/0 0
Z 2/0 0/0 0/0 2/0 - 2 0/0 0/0 0
Y 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 - 0 0/0 0/0 0
G 18/0 0/0 0/0 18/0 - 0 18/0 0/0 0
B 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 - 0 0/0 0/0 0
H 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 - 0 0/0 0/0 0
K 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 - 0 0/0 0/0 0
V 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 - 0 0/0 0/0 0
Q 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 - 0 0/0 0/0 0
S 5/0 0/0 0/0 5/0 - 5 5/0 0/0 0
M 15/0 2/0 0/0 17/0 - 4 0/0 0/0 0
U 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 - 0 0/0 0/0 0
------- ------- ------- ------- --- ------- ------- ---
40/0 2/0 0/0 42/0 - 11 23/0 0/0 0

Column Header Explanation

INBND Inbound passengers

THRU Through passengers

OUT Outbound connecting passengers

LGPTY Large Party

CORP Corporate PNRs

WLC Waitlist Confirmed passengers

l The figures on the right side of the slash (/) represent unticketed passengers
l These amounts are included in the counts on the left side of the slash
l The CORP column only includes counts for PNRs with corporate name fields for a party of four or
l PNRs with nine or more will be included in the LGPTY (large party) column
l LGPTY, CORP, and WLC counts are also included in the applicable LOCAL, INBND or THRU

1.14.3 Unticketed Passengers Name List

You can request to view a list of PNRs that are unticketed. Example entry:

Item Description
LL Primary Unticketed Passenger Name List action code

Training Guide 17 1 Passenger Name Lists

Item Description
5125 Flight number

/13MAR Slash separator and departure date

GUA Destination city

The response is a list of passenger names (only the first passenger name in a multi-name PNR will
appear), the number in party, and the record locator.

2 01WRIGHT/N MIS..2.C ......SSIXBJ
1 01ARAVENA/ANA...G ........LXMLQE
2 01BARRIA/DANI...M ....... VIHDJL

l Any PNRs with a ticketing arrangement beginning with 7 T- are not included
l The list includes PNRs with 7TAW (Ticket At Will-Call) ticketing arrangements or 8TL time limits
l The list also includes PNRs that have no time limit or ticketing arrangement
You can also queue place the PUN list by adding the queue number to the end of the entry. For example:

1.15 Last Booked List

You can access a list of the last PNRs booked on a flight based on the initial PNR creation time and date.
The city in the entry is the destination city. Example entry:

Item Description
LB Primary Last Booked Passenger List action code

49 Flight number

/15JAN Slash separator and departure date

ORY Destination city

‡7 Indicates to display the last seven PNRs booked on that flight

Example response:

Training Guide 18 1 Passenger Name Lists


You can also queue place this list by adding the queue number before the number of last booked PNRs.
For example:

1.16 Pre-Removed Name List

You can access a list of all passengers pre-removed from a flight. (Pre-removal of passengers might be
required, for example, when a flight has been overbooked, or when there has been a change of equipment
and the new equipment has a lesser capacity.)
Example entry:

Item Description
LA Primary Pre-removed Passenger List action code

504 Flight number

/14JAN Slash separator and flight departure date

CCS Board point

The response is a name list, including PNR numbers and classes of service.

1.17 Name List of Infant PNRs

You can access a name list of PNRs with the IK status code (Infant without seat). The response is the
infant name list for the specified flight and boardpoint. Example entry:

Item Description
LJ Primary Infant Name List action code

892 Flight number

/06MAR Slash separator and flight departure date

BCN Board point

There are several shortcuts or defaults to the previous entries:

Training Guide 19 1 Passenger Name Lists

l You can omit the date after the slash (/). The system defaults to today's date.
l You can substitute the class of service in place of the slash.
For the queue placement option, add -Q and the queue number to the end of the entry:

1.18 Electronic Ticket Passenger List

Example entry:

Item Description
LDE Primary Passenger List - Electronic Ticket action code

1307 Flight number

/30OCT Slash separator and flight departure date

BKK Board point

Only those passengers who meet the following criteria appear on the list:
l PNR has a TE item
l Ticket is not voided or refunded
l Flight segment is canceled even though they still hold a valid electronic ticket for the flight
The VCR contains a record of the flight number, boardpoint, and date requested. The VCR status is OK.
Example response:



The number right next to the passenger name is the number of passengers in the PNR with the same last
name who have valid electronic tickets.
The index record holds the first twelve characters of the passenger’s name. If the last name is longer than
12 characters, then the first name does not appear in the record. In that case, asterisks appear instead of
the number in party to indicate that the passenger may or may not belong on this list.
You can also access a list of electronic ticketed passengers booked in a specific Revenue Booking
designator (RBD). For example, this would be the format to view a list of passengers with electronic
tickets booked in W class:

Training Guide 20 1 Passenger Name Lists

Quick Reference A
Example Entry Description
LD1010/12NOVPSE Passenger name list

LX181/20MARORY Cancelled passengers by boarding point

LX181/20MARORY-D‡1 Cancelled passengers by specified prior date

LX1300/6SEPEZE‡16AUG Cancelled passengers by cancel date

LX102/04FEBDENDXB-DA‡UC Cancelled passengers by status date

LX181/20MARORY-Q28 Queue cancellation list

LP48/12DECORY Large party name list

LV111/11JANADD- Frequent Traveler Name List

LC1010/5JANZRH Corporate name list

LS216/17OCTDXB Pre-Reserved seat name list

LG51/9MARLHE Special meals name list

LI349/2JANSEA Inbound connection name list

LO349/2JANSEA Outbound connection name list

LO349/2JANSEA-123 Outbound connection name list to specific flight

LO349/2JANSEA-Q50-123 Queue place outbound connection name list to specific flight

LW121/18NOVORY Waitlist name list

LK677/23DECJFK Waitlist confirmation name list

LM216/15NOVDXB Space available name list

LH807/13NOVDXB Positive space name list

LR181/20MARCMB Reconfirmation name list

LU216/14NOVDXB Unticketed count

LL504/4DECLHR Ticketed/Unticketed count

PUN51/13MARLHE Unticketed passenger name list

PUN51/13MARLHE-Q20 Queue place unticketed passenger name list

LB504/13MARCMB‡10 Last booked list

LB504/13MARCMB‡10-Q40 Queue place last booked list

Training Guide 21 A Quick Reference

Example Entry Description
LA504/15JUNCAI Pre-Removal name list

LF172/23MAYGVA Firming name list

L* Redisplay a name list

L2* Access a PNR from a name list

LJ123/14JANDXB View an infant PNR name list

LDE333/20OCTMNL View a list of passenger’s with electronic tickets

Training Guide 22 A Quick Reference

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