Assignment 04 Periodic Table6582a6376fa594001860099e

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Arjuna JEE AIR (2024)


Paragraph for question nos. 1 & 2 Paragraph for question nos. 6 to 8

Elements A, B, C, D and E are having the electronic Some of the properties which depend on electronic
configuration of: configuration of elements such as atomic radii, ionisation
A : 1s2, 2s2, 2p1 potential, and electronegativity etc.
B : 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2, 3p2 6. The element with maximum electronegativity
C : 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s1 belongs to
D : 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2, 3p1 (1) Period 2, group 17
E : 1s2, 2s2, 2p6 (2) Period 3, group 18
(3) Period 4, group 17
1. Which among these will belong to same group in the (4) Period 2, group 16
periodic table.
(1) A and B (2) A and D 7. In period, the ionisation energy is lowest for the
(3) B and D (4) C and E (1) Noble gases
(2) Halogen
2. The element having maximum ionisation energy is (3) Alkaline earth metals
(1) D (2) B (4) Alkali metals
(3) E (4) C
8. The values of electronegativity of atoms A and B are
Paragraph for question nos. 3 to 5 1.20 and 4 respectively. The percentage ionic
From the following information character of A - B bond is:
→ A+2 ( g ) + 3e−
A–(g) ⎯⎯ H1 = 1400 kJ/mol (1) 50% (2) 72.2%
(3) 55.3% (4) 43.0%
→ A+2 ( g ) + 2e−
A–(g) ⎯⎯ H2 = 1400 kJ/mol
He.g. [A+(g)] = –350 kJ/mol Paragraph for question nos. 9 to 11
(IE1 + IE2) for A (g) = 950 kJ / mol Ionization energy is the amount of energy required to
knock out the most loosely bound electron in the outer
3. Find the value of egH of A2+ (g) in kJ / mole. most shell in an isolated atom in the gaseous phase.
(1) +600 (2) –600 I.E1 = 40 eV / atom
(3) –500 (4) +500 I.E2 = 42 eV / atom
I.E3 = 200 eV / atom
4. Find the value of IE1 of A– inkJ/mole. 9. The element may belong to group
(1) +450 (1) 1st
(2) +350 (2) 2nd
(3) +600 (3) 13th
(4) +250 (4) 14th

5. Find the Hhydration of A2+ (g) in kJ/mole. 10. The most stable oxidation state for the metal is
(1) +250 (1) +1
(2) –350 (2) +2
(3) –250 (3) +3
(4) –300 (4) +4

11. Compare ionisation energy of X and X+. 17. The Ist and IIIrd ionisation energy of an element is 20
X = 1s2 2s2 eV and 50 eV respectively than IE2 is :
X+ = 1s2 2s1 (1) 40 eV (2) 60 eV
(1) X+ > X (2) X > X+ (3) 55 eV (4) 10 eV
(3) X+  X (4) None of these
Paragraph for question nos. 18 to 20
Paragraph for question nos. 12 to 14 An atom is assumed to be spherical in shape and thus, the
The minimum amount of energy which is required to size of atom is generally given in terms of radius of the
remove an outermost electron from any isolated neutral sphere and is called atomic radius. It is usually defined as
gaseous atom is know n as first ionisation energy. These the distance between the centre of the nucleus and
are the following factors which effect ionisation energy. outermost shell where electron or electrons are present.
1 The exact measure of atomic radius is not easy due to
(i) Ionisation Energy 
principal quantum number following reasons:
(ii) Ionisation Energy  Zeff (i) The atom does not have well defined boundary. The
(iii) If orbitals are fully filled or half filled so stability probability of finding the electron is never zero even
will be more and ionisation energy will be high. at large distances from the nucleus.
(iv) If penultimate electron will effectively shield the (ii) It is not possible to get an isolated atom. The
nucleus ionisation energy will be less and vise versa. electron density around an atom is affected by the
12. Choose the correct order of 1st ionisation energy. presence of neighbouring atoms, i.e., the size of the
(1) Ne < F (2) O > N atom changes in going from one set of environment
(3) Na > Al (4) Mg > Al to another.
(iii) The size of an atom is very small, of the order of
13. Which of the following has maximum Ist ionisation about 1.2 Å, i.e., 1.2 × 10–10 m.
energy? An estimate of the size of the atom can, however, be made
(1) He (2) Mg by knowing the distance between the atoms in the
(3) N (4) Na combined state. The distance between the atoms, i.e., bond
lengths are generally measured by the application of
14. IE1 and IE2 of Mg are 178 kcal/mol and 348 techniques such as X-ray diffraction, electron diffraction,
kcal/mol. The enthalpy required for the reaction Mg infrared spectroscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance
→ Mg2+ + 2 e– is: spectroscopy, etc. However, bond lengths change with
(1) +170 kcal/mol (2) +526 kcal/mol different type of bonding. Three types of radius are
(3) –170 kcal/mol (4) –526 kcal/mol commonly used, i.e.,
(1) Covalent radius
15. If the ionisation values of elements are plotted (2) Crystal radius
against atomic number, then peaks are occupied by (3) Vander Waal's radius
(1) Alkali metals
(2) Alkaline earth metals 18. The correct order of effective nuclear charge Zeff is
(3) Noble gas elements (1) Na < Mg < Al < Si < P
(4) Halogens (2) Na = Mg = Al = Si = P
(3) Na > Mg > Al > Si > P
16. The correct order of IInd ionisation energy is: (4) None of these
(1) Li > Ne > O
(2) Ne > F > O 19. Choose incorrect option regarding atomic radius.
(3) N > O > F (1) F– < CP– < H– (2) N3– > O2– > F–
(4) N > O > Li (3) Fe2+ < Fe3+ (4) Fe2+ > Fe3+

20. Which of the following set of ions have the same 24. If same structure will maintain for further discovery
value of screening constant for the valence electron, of new elements, then what is the maximum number
calculated from Slater's rule? of elements that can be accomodated by 10th period
(1) Li+, Na+, K+ (2) Na+, Mg2+, Al3+ of periodic table?
(3) F–, Cl–, Br– (4) F–, O2–, S2– (1) 18 (2) 36
(3) 72 (4) 90
Paragraph for question nos. 21 to 23
The ionisation energy (IE1) of an atom is defined as the 25. If each orbital can hold a maximum of 3 electron.
energy needed to rem ove an electron from gaseous atom The number of elements in 4th period of periodic
in its ground state. The 2nd ionisation energy (IE2) is the
table is:
additional energy needed to remove the 2nd electron and
so forth. The successive ionisation energy of any specie is (1) 48 (2) 57
increasing always. (3) 27 (4) 36
21. Suppose a gas mixture of He, Ne, Ar and Kr is
irradiated with photons of the frequency appropriate 26. Element with atomic number 58 belongs to which
to ionise Ne. W hat ions will be present in the IUPAC group number in the periodic table.
mixture. (1) 1 (2) 2
(1) He+ only (3) 3 (4) 4
(2) Ne+ only
(3) He+, Ne+, Ar+ only Paragraph for question nos. 27 to 29
(4) Ne+, Kr+, Ar+ only The force of attraction exerted by the nucleus on a given
electron is decreased due to repulsion caused by the
22. If the ionisation values of elements are plotted intervening electrons. The net force of attraction is
against atomic number, then peaks are occupied by represented by Zeff where Zeff = Z .
(1) Alkali metals 27. The value of Zeff is minimum for
(2) Alkaline earth metals (1) Li
(3) Noble gas elements (2) Na
(4) Halogens (3) K
(4) Same for all
23. The numerical value of energy involved in the given
process; Na ⎯⎯ → Na– is less than that of which of 28. The value of  for 5s electron of Rb37 is
the following processes. (1) 2.2
(1) Na − ⎯⎯ → Na (2) Na ⎯⎯ → Na + (2) 34.8
(3) 27.9
(3) Both (1) & (2) (4) None of these
(4) None of these
Paragraph for question nos. 24 to 26
29. The force of attraction exerted the nucleus will be
Over view of long form of periodic table is as shown in
maximum on:
which seven period and eighteen groups are present.
(1) 4s (2) 4p
(3) 4d (4) 4f

30. Match the column:

Column I Column II
(1) N, F, O, Li (P) Increasing order of |EA|
(2) F, N, Si, Mg, Rb (Q) Increasing order of IE1
(3) K, Na, Al, Mg (R) Increasing order of IE2
(4) N, B, O, Cl (S) Increasing order of radius

31. Match the column: 35. Column I Column II

Column I Column II (1) Si (P) Having diagonal relationship
(1) Ni (P) Elements having same number of with B
unpaired electron in their (2) He (Q) p-block element
dipositive ion in column I. (3) O (R) Two unpaired electrons present
(2) K (Q) At least 13 electrons are having
in its ground state
magnetic quantum number 'zero'.
(3) Mn (R) Atom is paramagnetic. (S) Having highest ionisation energy
(4) Pd (S) Element is not transition element
(T) Element having pseudo inert gas 36. Column I Column II
configuration in its dipositive (1) Cl (P) Non transition element
(2) Be (Q) Having highest electronegativity
32. Match the column: among the three.
Column I Column II (3) Cd (R) Element which is present in II B
(Atomic Number) group
(1) 57 (P) d-Block or p-Block (S) Having highest ionisation energy
(2) 17 (Q) 4th Period element
(3) 19 (R) iolates Aufbau's 37. Column I Column II
Principle (Set of substances) (Characteristic the set)
(4) 29 (S) Not lanthanides (1) Ag+,Cd+2, (P) Corresponding elements are
33. Match the column: (2) F, Br, Cl (Q) Isoelectronic species
Column I Column II (3) Li, Na, K (R) Corresponding elements will lie
(1) Zn (P) Solid at room temperature on similar positions in
(2) Hg (Q) Transition element Lothermeyer's curve.
+2 +2
(3) Cr (R) d-block element (4) Ba , Sr , (S) Arranged in increasing order of
(S) Liquid at room temperature La+1 size.
(T) At least one of the corresponding
34. Match the column: elements belong to different
Column I Column II block.
(Characteristic (Process descirbed) Given Data : Sr (Z = 38), Ba (Z = 56), Ag (Z = 47),
involved in the given Cd (Z = 48), Sn (Z = 50)]
process of Column II
38. Column I Column II
(1) Energy released →S−
(P) S ⎯⎯
(1) K (P) s-block element
(2) Energy absorbed (Q) O− ⎯⎯
→O2− (2) Mg (Q) element of 4th period
(3) Inert gas confi- →Sr 2+
(R) Sr ⎯⎯ (3) Cr (R) d-block element
guration is (4) Zn (S) tansition element
achieved (T) all the electrons are paired

(4) Half filled (S) N– ⎯⎯

39. Column I Column II
Configuration is
(Number of (Period number of modern
Elements long form of periodic table)
(T) Ge ⎯⎯ (1) 8 (P) 2
(2) 18 (Q) 3
(3) 32 (R) 5
(S) 6

40. Column I Column II 43. Column I Column II

(1) Na+, Na, Na– (P) Increasing order of radius (1) Atomic Number = 7 (P) It belong to d-block
(2) B, C, N (Q) Decreasing order of 1E (2) Atomic Number = 21 (Q) Normal element
(3) F–, Cl–, Br–, I– (R) Same number of (3) Atomic Number = 16 (R) It can have
Outermost shell electrons Magnetic quantum
(4) Be, Mg, Ca (S) Same principal quantum number value m=–2
number 'n' for the (4) Atomic Number = 29 (S) If each orbital is
outermost shell containing Occupy by
electron(s). 3-electrons then it
(T) increasing order of total belong to p-block
electrons (T) It have total number
of even electron
41. Column I Column II which has l = 1 and
(1) Be (P) Bridge element 1
(2) Al (Q) Element having 2
diagonal relationship
(3) O (R) Have unpaired electron 44. Column I Column II
(4) Fe (S) Transition element (1) He (g) > H (g) (P) Ist ionisation energy
(T) Have no unpaired electron + +2
(2) Li (g) < Be (g) (Q) Tendency to gain an
42. Column I Column II (3) O (g) > P (g) (R) Electronegativity
List-I List-II (S) Effective nuclear charge
(P) Total number of s-block (1) 14 value
(Q) Maximum number of (2) 15 45. Column I Column II
electrons in some spin (1) N (P) Paramagnetic
in the ground state of (2) Cu+ (Q) Diamagnetic
Chromium (Z = 24) (3) Fe (R) p-block
(R) Number of metalloid in (3) 0 (4) O (S) d-block
group-13 of the modem (T) Partially filled d-orbitals
long form of periodic table
(S) Effective nuclear charge (4) 14.75 [Integer type]
for 3p-electron in the 46. The IE1, IE2, IE3, IE4 and IE5 of an element are 7.1,
ground state of iron 14.3, 32.5, 46.8 and 162.2 eV respectively. The
(Fe = 26), as per stable oxidation state of the element is _______.
Slater's rule.
Codes: 47. Calculate the Zeff (approx) for 4s electron of Ni-atom
P Q R S according to Slater's rule.
(1) 4 2 1 3
(2) 1 3 2 4 48. Find total number ofelements upto atomic number
(3) 2 1 3 4 10 having positive Heg1 .
(4) 1 2 3 4

49. If there were 9 periods in the periodic table & each 61. The number of electrons present in the s-subshell
orbital can have maximum 5 electrons, then how within Mn.
many maximum number of elements will be present
in period 9? 62. The value of  (screening constant) for 3s electron
of P is 10.5 then what is value of  for 3p electron
50. Calculate the value of Zeff on 3d electron of Sc? of S.

51. How many elements from the following are not

63. The internuclear distance (x Å) between C and H in
transition element?
C–H bond is determined by using Schomaker &
Zr, Co, Cd, Hg, Au, Cu
Stevenson equation. If internuclear distance between
52. The amount of energy released when one million the two carbon atoms in C – C bond is 2.4 Å and
atoms of iodine in vapour state are converted to I– between the two hydrogen atoms in H – H bond is
ions is 4.9 × 10–13 J. What is the electron affinity of 0.8Å. Given Electronegativities of C and H are 2.4
Iodine in eV per atom. and 2.1 respectively. Calculate the value of 1000x.

53. Given 64. The number of process that are definitely exothermic
Bond energy of F – F bond = 38 Kcal / mol-1 (Energy is released) out of the following processes
Bond energy of Cl – Cl bond = 58 Kcal / mol-1 are:
Bond energy of Cl – F bond = 61 Kcal / mol–1 (i) 2Cl (g) → Cl2 (g)
Electronegativity of fluorine = 4 eV (ii) Na+(g) + F (g) + e– → NaF(s)
Calculate the electronegativity of chlorine atom. (iii) Cl(g) + H2O + e– → Cl–(aq)
(iv) Al+2(g) + e– → Al+1 (g)
54. Calculate the Zeff on the electron present in 5d- (v) P(g) + e– → P–(g)
orbital of Gd (Atomic number = 64).
(vi) Ne(g) + e– → Ne–(g)
55. Calculate the Zeff of 39th electron of Y (Y ttrium). (vii) Hf of H+(g)
(viiii) A(s) → A(g) where A is any element
56. Find the total number of species having magnetic
moment value of 2.84 B.M. from following species.
Fe2+, Cr, Cr3+, Ti2+, Mn2+, V3+ 65. BF3 has the following structure . If covalent
57. Find the total number of low shielding electrons in
radius of B is 0.85 Å and that of F is 0.73 Å and
Hg2+ ions.
electronegativity of B is 2 and F is 4 then calculate
58. Find the number of 'p' block elements from the
the value of where Y is the intermolecular
following atomic numbers given below. 3
83 79 42 64 37 54 34 distance between two fluorine atoms in Å.

59. Find the total number of electron in d-orbital. 66. Given:

eg H of A+ = – 5x
60. The number of p block elements accordingly to eg H of A2+ = – 8x
following configuration is ________. HIE of A2+ = 15x
eg H of A4+ = – 23x
If the enthalpy change in the given process A+ (g)
1s22s22p63s23p63s2 3p6 3d104s2,
1s22s22p63s23p1 ⎯⎯
→ A4+ (g) is H = ax Then ‘a’ will be

67. Calculate the sum of “Code numbers” of all the 74. Read the following statements:
cases in which correct order of the mentioned (i) The number of unpaired electrons in ground
parameter is represented. state of N-atom is 'x'
S.N. Order Parameter Code N. (ii) The maximum number of unpaired electrons in
1. Na < Cl < F Electronegativity 28 parallel spin in the ground state of Ni - atom
2. Be < Mg < Na Metallic character 53 is ‘y’
3. Al3+ > Mg Ionic radius 14 (iii) The minimum number of electrons in parallel
4. O < F < Cl |egH| 8 spin in the ground state of Cr-atom is 'z'.
5. Cl2O7 > Basic nature 59 The sum of (x + y + z) is:
Al2O3 > Na2O of oxide
For example if S.No. (3) & (5) are correct your 75. According to Pauling, the percentage ionic character
answer should be 59 + 14 = 73 therefore fill 0073. in A – B molecule may be given as:
Percent ionic character =18 (XB – XA)1.4
68. Calculate sum of code numbers of all those orders Where XB and XA are electronegativities of B and A,
which are incorrectly written. respectively and XB > XA. If XA = 1.84 and XB =
S.N. Order Parameter Code N. 3.48, then the percentage ionic character in A – B is
– – (Given : (2)5/7 = 1.64).
1. Ionisation O > S 58
Energy (IE1)
2. Atomi Size Mg > Cl > Si 22 76. For an element, the metallic radius is 20% greater
3. Acidic nature Na2O < H2O 46 than its covalent radius. If the metallic radius of the
of oxides < CO2 <SO3 element is 180 pm, then its covalent radius
4. Number of Na+ <Fe2+ 113 (in pm) is:
unpaired electron < Cr < Mn
77. Among the following compounds, the number of
69. The outermost shell of an element has only one compounds having greater magnitude of lattice
electron in the ground state. If the outermost shell is energy than RbBr, are
the ‘N’ shell, then the minimum and maximum NaCl, KF, RbCl, CsBr, NaBr, KC1, CsI, Rbl.
atomic numbers for the element is/are:
[If the minimum and maximum atomic numbers 78. If therewere more periods in the modem long form
are 9 and 45, then fill the OMR as 0945] of the periodic table, then the maximum number of
elements in the 9th and 10th period should be (If
70. If Q = Zeff of the 26th electron of Fe then find out the number of elements in 9th and 10th period are 3 6
value of 100 × Q? and 8, respectively, then answer as 3608)

71. The difference in atomic numbers of the inert gas 79. Find the group number of element 'X' which belongs
and alkali metal in the 5 th period of the modem to s- or p- block, having successive ionisation
long form of periodic table is energies as per the graph gives below:
72. T heratioof 1st, 2nd and 3rd ionisation enthalpies of
A– (g) is 1 : 3 : 12. If H for the process : A2+ (g) →
A– (g) is – 320 Kcal / mol, then the 2nd ionisation
enthalpy of A(g) (in Kcal/mol) is :

73. The species having one or more unpaired electron

are paramagnetic. Among the following ions:
Cu2+, Zn2+, Fe2+, Ni2+, Cr3+, Co3+, Sc3+, Ti4+
the number of paramagnetic ioins is: If your answer is group-I, write it as 0001.

80. Find the total number of species having two 86. For atom ’A’ ionisation energy is given in eV:
unpaired electron from the following species. I.E.1 I.E.2 I.E.3 I.E.4 I.E.5
Fe2+, Cr, Cr3+, Ti2+, Mn2+, V3+ 11.2 24.3 37.4 48.4 392.0
[If your answer is 9 then write the answer as 0009] How many electrons are present in valance shell of
that atom?
81. Find the difference(magnitude) in effective nuclear
charge between a 3d electron of Ni (Z = 28) and a 2p 87. For X5+ ion, the successive electron affinities (in eV)
electron of oxygen. are 289.7, 270.9, 30.1, 17.9 and 8.3. The expected
number of electrons in the outermost shell of X-
82. Find the total number of elements which have higher atom is
ionisation energy than their both adj acent elements
(either in a period or in a group in the long form of 88. Representative elements 'x', ‘y’ and 'z' are p-block
periodic table.) element except inert gas. If order of their magnetic
Be, B, N, P, Ga, S, Mg moment is x > y > z. Find the difference in possible
value of group number of element 'z'.
83. What is the atomic number of element having
IUPAC name 'Uub'? 89. How many following total number of process are
84. The magnetic moment value of species 'X' is 4.8 →O−
O ⎯⎯ → N−
N ⎯⎯ Cl+ ⎯⎯
B.M. Find out the number of unpaired electrons
→ N+
N ⎯⎯ → Ne+
Ne ⎯⎯ → P+
P ⎯⎯
in 'X'.
S ⎯⎯ → Be+
Be ⎯⎯ →Se–2
Se ⎯⎯
85. From the given compounds if 'X' number of
compounds which are acidic in water. 90. What will be the difference of Zeff in11 Na and 19K

Li2O, SiO2, C12O7, B2O3, Cr2O3, CO, CO2, SO3, for last electron.
MgO, A12O3 then find the value of'X'

Answer Key
1. (2) 37. (1) Q, T (2) P, R, (3) P, R, S (4) T
2. (3) 38. (1) P,Q, (2) PT (3) Q, R, S (4) Q, R, T
3. (2) 39. (1) P, Q (2) R (3) S
4. (1) 40. (1) P, Q, T; (2) S, T; (3) P, R, T; (4) P, Q, R, T
5. (3) 41. (1) QT (2) PQR (3) R (4) RS
6. (1) 42. (4)
7. (4) 43. (1) QS (2) PRST (3) QT (4) PRT
8. (2) 44. (1) PS (2) PQRS (3) PQR
9. (2) 45. (1) PR (2) QS (3) PST (4) PR
10. (2) 46. (+4)
11. (1) 47. (0004)
12. (4) 48. (4)
13. (1) 49. (0125)
14. (2) 50. (0003)
15. (3) 51. (0002)
16. (1) 52. (3.06)
17. (1) 53. (3.22 eV)
18. (1) 54. (3)
19. (3) 55. (0003)
20. (2) 56. (2)
21. (4) 57. (44)
22. (3) 58. (3)
23. (2) 59. (2)
24. (3) 60. (2)
25. (3) 61. (8)
26. (3) 62. (1085)
27. (1) 63. (1573)
28. (2) 64. (0005)
29. (1) 65. (140 Å)
30. (1) R; (2) S; (3) Q ; (4) P 66. (0046)
31. (1) P, Q, R (2) R ,S (3) P, Q, R (4) P, Q 67. (0089)
32. (1) P, R, S (2) P, S (3) Q, S (4) P, Q, R, S 68. (0193)
33. (1) P, R; (2) R, S; (3) P, Q, R 69. (1929)
34. (1) P, S, T (2) Q, R (3) Q, R (4) S, T 70. (625)
35. (1) P, Q, R (2) S (3) Q, R 71. (0017)
36. (1) P, Q (2) P, S (3) P, R 72. (0240)

73. (0005) 82. (0005)

74. (0014) 83. (0112)
75. (0036) 84. (0004)
76. (0150) 85. (5)
77. (0005) 86. (4)
78. (5072) 87. (3)
79. (0002) 88. (4)
80. (0002) 89. (7)
81. (0003) 90. (0)

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