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References and Where to Learn More

Get practical tips on how to create journey maps in the Customer Journey Mapping
Course (included in the IxDF membership).

Zurcher, A. (2014). “Smartphone use in restaurants prompts Craigslist rant,” Echo

Chambers Blog for BBC News.

Ramaswamy, S. (2015). “Outside Voices: Why Mobile Advertising May Be All About Micro-
Targeting Moments”. CMO Blog – The Wall Street Journal. 

Micro-moments, according to Google.

Think with Google’s article on how to identify micro-moments in the customer journey.

2.1: Welcome and Introduction

What is a Native App?.

IA native app only runs on a specific mobile operating system. It won’t run on other mobile
operating systems.

Many companies will develop their app for a single operating system when they choose
the native route. If the app is successful in that environment, they will then go back and
recreate it for other operating systems.

What is a Hybrid App?

A hybrid app works on multiple platforms. You write it with a single standard code
language (such as C# or a combination of HTML5 and JavaScript) and then compile and
execute it on each platform. The use of plugins for that operating system will manage
device-specific interactions

Hybrid development environments include

Ionic: A popular open-source framework for building hybrid mobile apps using web
technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

React Native: A framework for building mobile apps using React, a popular JavaScript
library for building user interfaces

Xamarin: A framework for building mobile apps using C# and .NET, which allows
developers to share code across multiple platforms.

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