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Required nutrient intake refers to the specific quantities of essential vitamins, minerals,
macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, fats), fiber and water that an individual needs to
consume daily to maintain optimal health and support bodily functions
These nutrients play a critical role in various physiological processes such as growth, energy
production, immune function, metabolism, and overall well-being. Adequate intake of essential
nutrients is essential for the body to function properly, repair tissues, maintain organ function
properly and prevent deficiencies or health issues.
They include;

- Carbohydrates; main energy source
45-65% of the total daily calorie intake
-Proteins; essential for tissue repair and growth
10-35% of the total daily calorie intake
-Fats; important for energy storage and absorption of fat soluble vitamins
20-35% of the total daily calorie intake

-Vitamins; essential for various physiological functions .Sources include fruits, vegetables.
-Minerals; vital for bone health, nerve function and enzyme activity. Sources include dairy, nuts

-Crucial for hydration, nutrient transport and temperature regulation
-Daily intake varies but generally 3.7 litres for men and 2.7 litres for women


Recommended dietary intake refers to the average daily intake level of nutrients considered
adequate to meet the nutritional needs of most healthy individuals within a specific age and
gender group. The recommended dietary intake values are based on scientific research and take
into account various factors like age and sometimes activity. These guidelines provide a
reference point for individuals to plan their diets and ensure they are consuming essential
nutrients in adequate amounts to maintain good health, prevent deficiencies and reduce the risk
of chronic diseases
Factors include;

Age, gender and activity level

Recommended dietary intake varies from different age groups, gender and activity level

Daily caloric requirements differ with adjustments for sedentary vs active lifestyle

Food groups and portion

Emphasis on a balanced diet from various fruits, vegetables, grains e. t. c

Portion control to maintain a healthy weight and nutrient balance

Nutrient-specific recommended dietary intake

Specific recommendations for vitamins and minerals to prevent deficiencies

Guidance on limiting intake of certain nutrients like sodium saturated fats and added sugars

Dietary guidelines

Following national dietary guidelines for overall health promotion

Consideration of special dietary needs such as during pregnancy for individuals with specific health




It is characterized by an expensive accumulation of body fat, often resulting from an imbalance

between caloric intake and expenditure

Manifestations include; weight gain, increased body mass index and adipose tissue distribution

Progressions may lead to various health issues such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and joint



Marasmus is a severe form of malnutrition, primarily affecting children due to the deficiency of

Carbohydrates in the diet

Manifestations include; muscle wasting and overall depletion of body fat and extreme weight loss

Progressions leads to weakened immune function, stunted growth, and organ failure

The condition is characterized by a severe deficiency of both calories and essential nutrients

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