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- Ever since people had children, everyone has always wanted to educate them
in the best atmosphere as well as with high quality values, even though, this
task is sometimes hard, due to parents question if their son is being taught in
the right way.

- Since decades, the traditional way of educating children is at home surrounded

by parents and other family members, this is benefitial for adults and children,
owing to, both are able to spend time with each other while parents educate
their son or daughter, teaching them what is wrong or not. Although, being at
home and only relate with family could be harmful, due to young children need
to be as well with people of their age, in addition, parents should educate and
encourage them to make new friends.

- When it comes to educating children in nurseries, this would surely be the best
option if parents are busy with work. Nurseries are equiped with teachers who
have expererience with young children, the objetive of this people is to educate
infants in the best way at the same time as entertain them with activities that
develop their mental skills. Simultaneously, this children are in contact with
people of their age, which makes them more sociable.

- To sum up, nurseries and pre-schools would be the best option, due to
combining spending time with parents and other children is easier by using
nurseries. Eventually, both are great options but pre-schools offer a wide range
of things that other methods of educating can not afford.

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