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Writing Activity – Week 1

Name: Salvador Flores Ortega Group:

Write a paragraph about a friend’s or family member’s job. Do not write the
name of his or her job. Use the model to help you. Use Simple Present
Tense. Write at least 60 – 65 words.


“My cousin Mariel has an interesting job. She has ballet class every morning.
Then, she goes to the gym and exercises for two hours. She has a short break
after lunch, and then she practices her dances. She gives performances on the

My friend has a job that involves working with technology. He is responsible for analyzing and solving
technical issues for their clients. He has a deep understanding of different computer systems and
software. In their job, he communicates with customers to troubleshoot problems and provide
effective solutions. he stays up to date with the latest advancements in technology to continuously
improve his skills. he enjoys the challenges and rewards that come with his job, and he is always
ready to assist others with their technical needs.

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