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Relationship of Pelvic and Thigh Motions During Unilateral and Bilateral

Hip Flexion

Article in Physical Therapy · November 1985

DOI: 10.1093/ptj/65.10.1501 · Source: PubMed


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3 authors, including:

Richard Wallace Bohannon

Physical Therapy Consultants


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Relationship of Pelvic and Thigh Motions During
Unilateral and Bilateral Hip Flexion


We filmed the hip flexion movement with a 16-mm motion picture camera to
determine if a synergistic relationship between the pelvis and thigh existed.
Seventeen young subjects, whose pelvises and thighs were marked with tape,
underwent active and passive, unilateral and bilateral hip flexion while in the
supine position. Analysis of the film revealed that the hip flexion movement is
composed of two components—pelvic rotation and flexion of the thigh on the
pelvis. Between one fourth and one third of the hip flexion movement was the
consequence of pelvic rotation. This rotation always occurred within the first 8
degrees of the hip flexion movement. When therapists evaluate and treat patients
with disorders of the thigh, pelvis, or lumbar spine, they should be aware that
these structures normally move in synergy with one another. We suggest that
the pelvifemoral relationship be examined further in studies with a wide range of
healthy subjects and patients with a variety of clinical disorders.
Key Words: Exercise test, Hip, Movement.

As a result of the studies by Freedman with the kneeflexedand the relationship Rights of Human Subjects at the Uni-
and Munro1 and Doody et al,2 we know between pelvic rotation and hip flexion versity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
that normal shoulder abduction is the with the knee extended during the entire None of the subjects had any known
consequence of a synergistic relation- straight-leg-raising (SLR) movement orthopedic or neurologic dysfunction
ship involving the scapula and humerus. have been documented.9 that might compromise their well-being
More specifically, scapular rotation on Because a knowledge of the normal or the study results.
the rib cage and movement of the hu- hip flexion movement is important to
merus on the scapula are both known understanding any abnormalities of the Instrumentation
to be prerequisites to the completion of movement, we conducted a cinemato-
the shoulder abduction and flexion A motor-driven 16-mm Bolex motion
graphic investigation of the hip flexion
movements. Whether a relationship picture camera* was used to film the
maneuver. The purpose of this study
similar to that at the shoulder exists position of the pelvis and the lower
was to determine and describe the rela-
between the pelvis and the femur is un- limbs during the performance of hip
tionship between the pelvis and the
clear. Although clinicians may use flexion. The film was analyzed with a
thigh during unilateral and bilateral, ac-
forced flexion of either one or both of Vanguard motionanalyzer.†
tive and passive hip flexion movements
the hips to rotate the pelvis and flatten in supine subjects. Our expectation was
the back of a patient lying in the supine Procedure
that both flexion of the thigh on the
position (as in the Thomas test),3 the pelvis (hip flexion) and pelvic rotation We positioned the camera 4 m (13 ft)
relationship between hip flexion and (posterior tilting) would contribute to from and perpendicular to the sagittal
pelvic rotation during the entire hip flex- increases in the angle of the thigh in plane of the subjects and at the height
ion movement has not been described. relation to the horizontal plane (thigh- of each subject's pelvis. We set the film
Only the presence of pelvic rotation4-7 horizontal). We anticipated that most of
and back flattening8 during hip flexion speed at 24 frames/sec.
the pelvic rotation would occur near the Before beginning hip flexion, we
end of the hip flexion movement. marked each subject's left pelvis with a
Mr. Bohannon is Chief of Physical Therapy, METHOD line from the anterior to the posterior
Southeastern Regional Rehabilitation Center, Cape superior iliac spine, as described in a
Fear Valley Medical Center, PO Box 2000, Fayette- Subjects previous study.10 In that study, we pal-
ville, NC 28302 (USA).
Mr. Gajdosik is Associate Professor, Physical pated the iliac landmarks as several sub-
Thirteen female and four male vol-
Therapy Program, University of Montana, Mis- jects performed hip flexion and verified
soula, MT. He is currently a graduate student at unteers with height, weight, and age
that the landmarks remained covered
the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC means of 168.1 ± 8.6 cm, 60.1 ± 99.6
Dr. LeVeau is Associate Professor, Division of
kg, and 22.2 ± 8 years, respectively,
Physical Therapy, School of Medicine, University participated as subjects. Each subject
of North Carolina. participated with informed consent in *Model HR 16, Bolex International SA, Yver-
This article was submitted August 29, 1984; was don, Switzerland.
with the authors for revision 29 weeks; and was
this study, which was approved by the † Vanguard Instrument Corp, Walt Whitman
accepted March 21, 1985. Committee on the Protection of the Rd, Melville, Long Island, NY 11746.

Volume 65 / Number 10, October 1985 1501

of the pelvis-horizontal from the in-
crease in the angle of the thigh-hori-
zontal (thigh-pelvis-thigh-horizontal=

Data Analysis

We performed all data analyses by

using the Stats Plus statistical software
package.11 We determined the mean,
standard deviation, and range for the
increases in the angle measurements.
Linear regression lines were fitted and
Pearson product-moment correlations
were calculated for increases in the an-
gles of thigh-horizontal and pelvis-hori-
zontal for each trial for each subject.
The slopes of these regression lines and
correlations represented the relationship
Fig. 1. Subject marked for measurement of pelvifemoral relationship showing the tape marking between increases in the two angles. A
the pelvis, proximal thigh, and distal thigh. Pearson product-moment correlation
was also used to determine test-retest
reliability by comparing the slope during
TABLE 1 the first and second trials under each
Statistics Based on the Slope of the Linear Regression Line of Increases in the Angle of condition.
the Thigh-Horizontal and Pelvis-Horizontal During Hip Flexion

Slope of Linear Correlation of Increases Results

Hip Flexion Trial 1-Trial 2 Regression Line in Angle of Thigh-
Movement Reliability Horizontal and Pelvis- As can be seen in Table 1, the test-
s Range Horizontal
retest reliabilities were high (range, .93-
Active unilateral .94 .26 .05 .21-.38 .96-1.00 .97). Therefore, all other results were
Active bilateral .95 .30 .06 .21-.44 .89-1.00 based solely on the data from trial 1.
Passive unilateral .97 .27 .04 .21-.33 .97-1.00 Table 2 shows the range of hip flexion
Passive bilateral .93 .30 .04 .26-.37 .98-1.00 in relation to the horizontal plane (in-
crease in angle of thigh-horizontal) un-
der various conditions and the contri-
by the line. In this study, a mark was subject by one of us (R.L.G.), who bution of pelvic rotation (increase in
also placed just distal to the left greater flexed each subject's hip until he felt angle of pelvis-horizontal) to this flex-
trochanter and another just proximal to firm resistance to further flexion. Dur- ion. Figure 2 illustrates that pelvic ro-
the left lateral femoral condyle. After ing right hip flexion, the left thigh was tation contributed substantially to the
the marking was completed, each sub- not stabilized. hipflexionmovement early in the range.
ject was positioned supine on an unpad- Measurements of the angle of the For all conditions, every subject dem-
ded table with a towel placed under the thigh-horizontal and of the angle of the onstrated pelvic rotation before reaching
lower back and hips. Figure 1 illustrates pelvis with the horizontal plane (pelvis- an 8-degree increase in the angle of the
the method of marking and subject po- horizontal) were obtained from the film. thigh-horizontal. Pelvic rotation usually
sitioning. The first measurements were recorded began by the time a 4-degree increase
Each of the hip flexion maneuvers before limb motion began. Every third was reached in the angle of the thigh-
was practiced before filming. The ma- frame of film was analyzed until the horizontal. The data in Table 1 elabo-
neuvers were performed in the following thigh reached its maximum displace- rate on the relationship between thigh
order: active unilateral hip flexion, ac- ment with the horizontal plane. As a and pelvic movement. The correlations
tive bilateral hip flexion, passive unilat- result, 19 to 35 frames of film were between increases in the angle of the
eral hipflexion,and passive bilateral hip analyzed for each trial. All measure- pelvis-horizontal and thigh-horizontal
flexion. Each motion was performed ments were converted to values repre- ranged from .89 to 1.00 depending on
and filmed twice to determine reliabil- sentative of a change in position (ie, a the subject and the hip flexion move-
ity. A metronome established the tim- subject's initial angle of the pelvis-hori- ment measured. These high correlations
ing, and the subjects attempted to com- zontal at 75.6 degrees was considered 0 and the linear appearance of the regres-
plete the full range of each movement degrees, and thefinalangle of the pelvis- sion lines for the increase in the angle
in three seconds. The subjects began the horizontal at 103.3 degrees was consid- of the pelvis with the increase in the
motions on hearing the camera motor ered an increase of 27.7 degrees). We angle of the thigh suggest that the rela-
start. Each subject performed the active determined the increase in the angle of tionship between thigh and pelvic move-
hipflexionsindependently. The passive the thigh with the pelvis (thigh-pelvis) ments is linear. The mean slopes of the
hip flexions were performed on each by subtracting the increase in the angle linear regression lines for subjects under



Maximum Angular Increasea in the angle of the Pelvis and Thigh in Relation to the Horizontal and in the Angle of the Thigh in Relation
to the Pelvis During Hip Flexion

Increase in Angle of Pelvis- Increase in Angle of Thigh- Increase in Angle of Thigh-

Hip Flexion Horizontal Horizontal Pelvis

s Range s Range s Range

Active unilateral 34.2 5.8 25.4-46.2 124.3 6.7 112.7-135.4 90.1 7.2 78.2-103.3
Active bilateral 43.7 7.6 33.1-60.1 138.4 7.6 126.2-152.0 94.7 7.6 80.8-105.9
Passive unilateral 35.4 4.5 30.7-45.6 125.9 5.8 116.2-140.5 90.5 7.2 82.0-109.2
Passive bilateral 37.8 4.4 31.3-44.7 123.7 6.6 113.8-139.6 85.9 7.6 72.5-102.7
Measured in degrees.

the various conditions ranged from .26

to .30. Therefore, on the average for the
whole range of motion, 1 degree of pel-
vic rotation in relation to the horizontal
plane accompanied 3.8,3.3,3.7, and 3.3
degrees of thigh elevation in relation to
the horizontal plane under the active
unilateral, active bilateral, passive uni-
lateral, and passive bilateral conditions,
respectively. Stated otherwise, 3.8, 3.3,
3.7, and 3.3 degrees of thigh elevation
in relation to the horizontal plane were
the consequence of 1 degree of pelvic
rotation and 2.8, 2.3, 2.7, and 2.3 de-
grees of thigh elevation in relation to the
pelvis during active unilateral, active bi-
lateral, passive unilateral, and passive
bilateral hip flexion, respectively.


The ability of patients to complete the
full range of hip flexion is dependent on
both pelvic and thigh movement. When
clinicians measure range of motion and Fig. 2. Relationship between pelvic rotation and hip flexion measured against a horizontal
strength and evaluate patients' abilities reference in one subject.
to perform activities that involve hip
flexion, they should consider this pelvi-
femoral relationship. and Fisk reported that "rotation of the Milch that the Thomas test be discarded
Just as a relationship for scapulohu- pelvis does not take place until the thigh as invalid and measures of pelvifemoral
meral motion exists at the shoulder, so is at least at a right angle to the trunk."5 motion be made in reference to the pel-
a relationship for pelvifemoral motion Evidently, simple observation is inade- vis.7 Among the abnormalities that
exists at the hip. This finding was not in quate to verify the presence of pelvic might affect the pelvifemoral relation-
itself too surprising to us. The high cor- rotation during the early part of hip ship are those resulting in hypermobility
relation between pelvic rotation and hip flexion. As pelvic rotation and flexion or hypomobility of the lumbosacral
flexion suggested, however, that the two of the thigh on the pelvis both appear to spine, sacroiliac joint, or hip. Musculo-
movements were more highly related to contribute to the hip flexion movement tendinous, ligamentous, joint capsule,
one another than we would have ex- throughout the range, we think that or intrajoint problems may result in
pected. To find that pelvic rotation was measuring hip flexion to a point where such changes in mobility. We suggest
responsible for about one fourth to one pelvic rotation begins is of doubtful additional study to examine these pos-
third of the total hip flexion movement value. A better perspective may be to sibilities.
and that pelvic rotation began very early accept that both movements are impor- The results of this study, though
in the hip flexion movement was sur- tant components of hip flexion and that clearly demonstrating the presence of a
prising. The finding was particularly un- any abnormality affecting one compo- pelvifemoral relationship, provide only
expected because Ellis and Stowe re- nent may affect the total hip flexion a limited description of this phenome-
ported hip flexion of 70 to 130 degrees movement. This approach would be non. A large number of subjects would
before "pelvic tilting was observed,"4 consistent with the recommendation of need to be tested to obtain normative

Volume 65 / Number 10, October 1985 1503

values. Moreover, the relationship dem- was less for all hip flexion movements speed of hip flexion may affect this re-
onstrated by the relatively young sub- with the knees flexed (.26-.30) than the lationship as well.
jects in this study may not be represent- mean slope of the linear regression lines
ative of the relationship of individuals of increases in the angle of SLR-hori-
of other age groups. The intimation by zontal and pelvis-horizontal during pas- CONCLUSIONS
Ellis and Stowe that pelvic rotation be- sive SLR (.39) for the same subjects.9
gins earlier in older individuals implies This difference is representative of more When examined by cinematography,
such a possibility.4 pelvic rotation accompanying SLR than the displacement of skin marks over
The relative contribution of pelvic ro- hip flexion with the knee flexed. Such a bony landmarks demonstrated that the
tation to the hip flexion movement ap- difference might be expected as the hip flexion movement is composed of
pears to be essentially the same during hamstring muscles probably exert a two movements—flexion of the thigh
passive and active movements (slopes greater rotary influence on the pelvis on the pelvis and pelvic rotation. In the
differ less than 4%) but greater during during passive SLR than during hip flex- young, healthy subjects tested in the su-
bilateral than unilateral movements ion with knee flexion. pine position, more than one fourth of
(slopes differ by as much as 15%). Sta- Gait studies clearly indicate that pel- the hip flexion movement was attrib-
tistical comparisons would be necessary, vic rotation accompanies hip flexion uted to pelvic rotation. This rotation
however, to establish the difference in and extension in the sagittal plane.1213 always started before 8 degrees of hip
the relationship between pelvic rotation Because gait is such a complex recipro- flexion was achieved, regardless of
and hip flexion under the various con- cal activity, however, the relationship whether flexion was active, passive, uni-
ditions. Such a comparison is beyond between hip flexion or extension and lateral, or bilateral. We suggest further
the scope of this descriptive study. Be- pelvic rotation is difficult to establish. studies to examine the pelvifemoral re-
cause of the similarity of active and The pelvifemoral relationship may, lationship of a wider range of healthy
passive movement slopes, active muscle nonetheless, have considerable impor- subjects and of patients with problems
tension is not implicated as important tance to the performance of such activ- affecting the thigh, pelvis, or lumbar
to the pelvifemoral relationship in ities. The relationship may also be of spine.
young, healthy subjects. substantial importance in athletic per-
The mean slope of the linear regres- formance (eg, kicking) and the adaptive Acknowledgment. We greatly appre-
sion lines of increases in the angle of the performance of various tasks by disabled ciate the assistance of Marian Geddie in
thigh-horizontal and pelvis-horizontal persons (eg, gait by paraplegics). The the preparation of the manuscript.

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