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Part 1. Reading (10 pts) រក្សាសិទ្ធិ 8. (Conscientious) ........

teacher spends hours preparing for classes and

correcting students’ papers.
Read the text and fill the gaps with the words in the a. Careful b. Leading c. Skilled d. Creative
(1) childhood ( ) hunters ( ) discovery ( ) disobedient 9. imperative in your new job.
( ) bred ( ) protection ( ) loneliness ( ) wooden a. Being efficient b. Being on time c. Being courteous
( ) saving ( ) unsuitable ( ) destruction d. Being cheerful
Part 1. Reading (10 pts) រក្សាសិទ្ធិ
Read the text and fill the gaps with the words in the
A pet parrot
From early (1) ................ Chanda had always wanted a pet parrot.
(1) childhood ( ) hunters ( ) discovery ( ) disobedient
( ) bred ( ) protection ( ) loneliness ( ) wooden
Her parents told her that a parrot was an (2) pet, but Chanda insisted. She
( ) saving ( ) unsuitable ( ) destruction
was worried about the (3) ............of the rainforests where parrots live, and
she felt that parrots needed more (4) ............. Her father argued that a
parrot would suffer from (5) ................if it lived in a house. He also
explained that pet parrots are caught by (6) ..........., who need money and A pet parrot
don't care about protecting species. From early (1) ................ Chanda had always wanted a pet parrot.
'They catch the parrots and send them to Somrong in (7).......boxes,' Her parents told her that a parrot was an (2) pet, but Chanda insisted. She
he told her. 'And in any case, parrots are very (8) ..............and don't make was worried about the (3) ............of the rainforests where parrots live, and
good pets. 'Chanda soon made an interesting (9) ..............., however. She she felt that parrots needed more (4) ............. Her father argued that a
found a pet shop which (10) .............parrots instead of importing them. So parrot would suffer from (5) ................if it lived in a house. He also
she took all her (11) ..............and bought a tiny parrot, which she called explained that pet parrots are caught by (6) ..........., who need money and
'Chamreun'. don't care about protecting species.
Part 2. Vocabulary (27 pts) 'They catch the parrots and send them to Somrong in (7).......boxes,'
1. The teacher ...................the best players for the basketball team. he told her. 'And in any case, parrots are very (8) ..............and don't make
a. regarded b. showed c. selected d. took good pets. 'Chanda soon made an interesting (9) ..............., however. She
2. They fell in love................ (as soon as they saw each other.) found a pet shop which (10) .............parrots instead of importing them. So
a. at the party b. at play c. at first sight d. at she took all her (11) ..............and bought a tiny parrot, which she called
work 'Chamreun'.
3. The little girl ......because she could not find her mother in the Part 2. Vocabulary (27 pts)
crowd. 1. The teacher ...................the best players for the basketball team.
a. in a daze b. in a shock c. in tears d. in a hurry a. regarded b. showed c. selected d. took
4. A friend a friend indeed. 2. They fell in love................ (as soon as they saw each other.)
a. in excess b. in need c. in time d. in help a. at the party b. at play c. at first sight d. at
5. The patient is............ (getting better and better) from his long work
illness. 3. The little girl ......because she could not find her mother in the
a. suffering b. deteriorating c. recovering d. escaping crowd.
6. The man ...........that he had made a terrible mistake. a. in a daze b. in a shock c. in tears d. in a hurry
a. announced b. admitted c. reported d. answered 4. A friend a friend indeed.
7. Due to the huge ...........of rubber stocked in the factory, the fire a. in excess b. in need c. in time d. in help
spread rapidly. a. amount b. heap c. size d. 5. The patient is............ (getting better and better) from his long
quality illness.
a. suffering b. deteriorating c. recovering d. escaping
6. The man ...........that he had made a terrible mistake. 4. A friend a friend indeed.
a. announced b. admitted c. reported d. answered b. in excess b. in need c. in time d. in help
7. Due to the huge ...........of rubber stocked in the factory, the fire 5. The patient is............ (getting better and better) from his long
spread rapidly. a. amount b. heap c. size d. illness.
quality b. suffering b. deteriorating c. recovering d. escaping
8. (Conscientious) ........teacher spends hours preparing for classes and 6. The man ...........that he had made a terrible mistake.
correcting students’ papers. b. announced b. admitted c. reported d. answered
a. Careful b. Leading c. Skilled d. Creative 7. Due to the huge ...........of rubber stocked in the factory, the fire
9. imperative in your new job. spread rapidly. a. amount b. heap c. size d.
a. Being efficient b. Being on time c. Being courteous quality
d. Being cheerful 8. (Conscientious) ........teacher spends hours preparing for classes and
Part 1. Reading (10 pts) រក្សាសិទ្ធិ correcting students’ papers.
a. Careful b. Leading c. Skilled d. Creative
Read the text and fill the gaps with the words in the 9. imperative in your new job.
(1) childhood (6) hunters (9) discovery (8) disobedient a. Being efficient b. Being on time c. Being courteous
(10) bred (4) protection (5) loneliness (7) wooden d. Being cheerful
(11) saving (2) unsuitable (3) destruction

A pet parrot
From early (1) ................ Jane had always wanted a pet parrot. Her
parents told her that a parrot was an (2) pet, but Chanda insisted. She was
worried about the (3) ............of the rainforests where parrots live, and she
felt that parrots needed more (4) ............. Her father argued that a parrot
would suffer from (5) ................if it lived in a house. He also explained
that pet parrots are caught by (6) ..........., who need money and don't care
about protecting species.
'They catch the parrots and send them to Somrong in (7).......boxes,'
he told her. 'And in any case, parrots are very (8) ..............and don't make
good pets.'Chantha soon made an interesting (9) ..............., however. She
found a pet shop which (10) .............parrots instead of importing them. So
she took all her (11) ..............and bought a tiny parrot, which she called
Part 2. Vocabulary (27 pts)
1. The teacher ...................the best players for the basketball team.
b. regarded b. showed c. selected d. took
2. They fell in love................ (as soon as they saw each other.)
b. at the party b. at play c. at first sight d. at
3. The little girl ......because she could not find her mother in the
b. in a daze b. in a shock c. in tears d. in a hurry

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