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Respected 24k Opula Residents,


After learning from the few residents that they are unaware of the complete facts
about the dispute matter going on between me and other board members, I hereby
give clarification and awareness to 24K Opula residents.

[1] I joined the board voluntarily with the only motto to give my best for the benefit
of the larger interest of all the 24K Opula Residents.

[2] After joining the board I made an insightful study and researched based on my
knowledge. However, I noticed irregularities in the operation of the board and I
brought the same to the notice of members and pinpointed certain questions to
which I expected that they would reply and also take the corrective action at the
earliest, but to date the same has neither been replied and nor any corrective action

I request you to refer to Annexure – “A” containing a list of questions that I raised to
the board from time to time after noticing the irregularities. These questions are
categorized into:

[A] Questions/queries regarding the Structure of 24k Opula and the legality of the
decision by the Board.

[B] Questions/queries regarding the Financials.

[C] Questions/queries regarding the Compliances/By-laws deviation.

[D] Questions/queries regarding the SGM/Resident Meeting.

[E] Questions/queries regarding the Shop and DOA.

I have been requesting the answers to these questions for a very long time AND the
board has always remained silent and avoided replying. Why?

Instead of giving replies, they started to shape to their wrong motive of removing me
from the board because I did not accept to be a rubber stamp or puppet who would
only do as per their wishes.

Is it wrong or a serious crime to ask questions, give feedback, and seek explanation
from the board members as a resident and Board member??
Why do they feel offended about getting questioned and seeking an explanation
from me? Isn’t it my right to do so? Or should I become their rubber stamp or

I believe that these questions are of utmost importance and in the interest of all the
residents of 24K Opula. The board members should bring clarification and awareness
by answering these questions.

[3] Residents, please take note that I have neither asked for any personal financial
benefit nor the resignation of any of the board members.

[4] I have neither objected to any project which is for the benefit of society.

[5] Being clear about my rights and duties I tried my level best to make residents
aware of the facts and faults in operation, which as a board member I believed in.
But unfortunately, few of the residents don't want such clarity should be given to all

[6] If you see the video recording of the 14th January 2024 SGM, you will hear from
the board itself forcing me to tender my resignation, and only after putting in my
resignation I would be allowed to speak out my concerns or else not.

[7] If the board had replied to my queries the matter would have not been reached
this far. It would have been simply resolved.

[8] Everyone after reading the different emails and oral communications from the
board, it can be seen that for my removal, they have resorted to unfair practices and
crafty methods, misdirecting the residents by presenting twisted facts in meetings to
pass resolutions. Many examples can be given supporting this.

[9] How can board members having self-respect, resort to disrespecting a lady
resident upon approaching the board for the simple use of an amenity? This is the
wrong approach of a respectful board member. Should this be tolerated?

[10] If you read the notice of SGM dated: 11 th February 2024 with an agenda of
removing me as a board member, you will come to know the real intention and
unfair practice that the board has adopted. My question (a) is it fair to remove a
board member without giving him any reason? (b) is it fair to give only 10 minutes to
give my explanation in defence?

I haven’t seen such kind of unfair approach in any lawful system.

[11] Has anybody thought under what circumstances I had to take the legal way out?
And for what benefit? Will I get any personal benefit from the whole dispute? Please

Satyendra Thakur, Board member, C-801.

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