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rate of reaction
instantaneous rate of reaction at (time) [describe
① Plot a slope of the tangent at (time) on the graph

② The slope is the rate of reaction at (time)

calculation =
=> cm3st
* initial rate >
instantaneous rate at time = OS

instantaneous rate of formation / consumption

↳ Itet & reactant

* : graph Mgot Start from 0 !

change in volume of gas


only I product can be gas

* check if gas can be dissolved in Hro

- if v >
- X change in volume

2 .
g . (O2(g) > =

X dissolve in H2O, 1, :)
improvement - dissolve
1, in (mixture) #

use dry ice to saturate (mixture) with CO2 before expt. > minimise error

-gas syringe
thread M


L - CO2 produced per second

Describe slope

O slope steepest & initial rate > conce

of nactants is highest =
> highest rate

② slope less steep >

cone of reactant - => rated

③ slope flattened >

limiting ractant is used up - reaction stops => rate = 0

change is mass of reaction mixture

prevent acid from spraying out but allow co2 escape into air

Dilute H2) + stopper with cotton wool > place
- on electronic balance
start stopwatch AT THE SAME TIME >
record reading of electronic balance at regular time
intervals until reaction finish add Cacos
difference =

Alternative : (before expt) put everything in conical flask

a measure once
=> gaseous product
lafter expt) measure again
o cotton wool

mass of or released

- balance
change in pressure > continuous pressure
- readings
use pressure sensor connected to data-logger interface
↑ suction flask

gas formed i > pressure

4- > pressure X change when reaction finishes

change in color intensity

* only measure couc
. => X be a solid !
4 X amount
* only either product/reactant A colour
CHscOCHy (aq) + [r(99) >
CHICOCHc[(ag) + H (99)
colourless brown - colourless <

- measure using colorimeter

↳ light source with filters to select a suitable color of light which is

* absorbed most by the colored chemical species in the sample *

pass through the sample onto a detector

suggest why a colorimeter can be used to follow the progress of the reaction [memorise]
I' ious are colourless in color while It is brown
· Intensity of brown color of reaction mixture
due to iodine ↑ as reaction proceeds
colorimeter measures amount of light absorbed by the brown reaction mixture when a beam

of light passes through the reaction mixture (i .e

. .
absorbance is directly proportional to the colour intensity of the reaction mixture and the

conce of the brown iodine in the reaction mixture

suggest the cour of iodine can be obtained from colorimeter readings

prepare a calibration curve by plotting the absorbance of iodine sample of known cour ,
cour · of iodine

from calibration curve , read off the cour of iodine according to absorbance recorded
if reactant/product more than 1 color >
mask the color change of indicator -
> X determine end pt

Jodium thiosulphate + HC) (clock reaction)

Naz]rOs(ag) + ~401(99) >


2 NacI(ag) + Soc(99) + S (s) + H20(1)

rate = time
look at the cross from vertically above

when enough sulphur has formed >
reaction mixture become turbid that the cross is obscured
u -

amount of sulphur needed

time to reach turbid Stage

Titrimetric analysis = ) destructive volume of 41

take small samples at regular intervals

same as Naor curve

stopping the reaction in the sample (quenching) ~

=> large amount of ice water

we m

↓ cone . D temp/brate ) time

* limitation :
if reaction too fast > X
use lat least (nr v)

only use part of the reaction mixture to titrate

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