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1. Choose the correct option

a. I study/ am study at UTN.

b. I not work/ don’t work here. I am from /I am from in Caseros.

c. We are students. My/Our teacher is Mr. Garcia.

d. The English class is the/at 8 am.

e. Our company produce/produces parts for the automobile industry.

f. I don’t / doesn’t work every day.

g. There are some / a problems.

h. How fast / soon do you drive?

i. There is a / some water

2. Correct the mistakes

A. Where are you study? WHERE DO YOU STUDY?

B. She goes the gym on Monday and she playS volley in the UTN team.

C. We have Math from 9 at 12 o’clock. FROM 9 TO 12

D. Did she watched the movie yesterday?

E. He is the better student in the Algebra class. THE BEST

F. My sister has IS eleven years old

G. Had they a good time last night?. DID THEY HAVE A GOOD TIME LAST NIGHT?

H. My father is AN architect.

I. What time DO you do go to bed?

3. Complete the dialogue. Use THERE IS/ARE – IS THERE / ARE THERE (positive or

Excuse me, IS THERE a bank near here?

Yes, THERE IS It’s opposite the square.
ARE THERE shops in the centre?

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