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Authentic Digital Practice Test

C1 Advanced Writing
Sample answers and examiner commentaries
Part 1, Essay

Human happiness is the goal that every single one of us wants to achieve. Nonetheless, it is paramount to
understand that each one of us contributes to the others’ state of mind.
The work environment is an important factor when it comes to happiness, since it affects other aspects of
life when it is unstable or hard to keep up with. Given the situation, that, for instance, a person gets stressed
and anxious owing to their work, or their projects, or maybe even the people they work with, which could
be overwhelming at some point, they will probably bring that fact to other aspects of their lives (as previouly
mentioned), such as their house, their family, affecting also their social interactions and relationships.
On the other hand, social interactions are paramount when it comes to humans’ lives, given the fact that
we are social beings. Our social interactions will determine in some ways, who we are and how we feel. If a
person feels low, sad, they would most likely self-isolate in order to not damage the other person because of
their sadness. As it was stated above, we all, as a group of people, contribute to others’ state of mind, and
whether it is a good contribution or a bad one, we should be aware about this, and take it into accont.
To sum up, despite the fact that both the arguments previouly mentioned were compelling, I am inclined to
state that I consider social interactions the most contributive factor to human happiness.

Subscale Mark Commentary

Content 5 All of the content is relevant to the task and the writer has addressed the
content points about work environment, leisure opportunities and social
interaction, and the role they play in achieving happiness successfully.
The target reader is fully informed of the opinions of the writer, and relevant
examples are provided.
The essay is well developed and presents a clear line of argument.
Communicative 3 The writer uses the conventions of essay writing to communicate their ideas in
Achievement an appropriate way.
The opening paragraph states the reason for writing, and the text leads on to
further discussion of the ideas and opinions of the writer.
There is a relevant conclusion which sums up which of the points has more
influence, and the communicative purpose of the essay has been fulfilled. There
are minor irrelevancies. The target reader’s attention is held throughout.
Organisation 3 The essay is appropriately organised into paragraphs, with an introduction, main
body and conclusion.
Although the three content points have not been discussed in separate
paragraphs and there is some overlap regarding how we have an impact on
other people, the organisation of the text is generally successful.
The writer uses a range of cohesive devices to generally good effect
(Nonetheless, Given the situation, On the other hand, to sum up).
Language 2 There is some appropriate use of topic vocabulary (projects, relationships,
social beings).
Errors in spelling and usage (previouly, accont, self-isolate, not to damage,
contributive) do not impede communication.
The writer uses different sentence structures for a range of purposes (Our social
interactions will determine, in some ways; I’m inclined to state that) but there are
a number of errors (As it was stated above, in order to not damage, should be
aware about this).

Authentic Digital Practice Test C1 Advanced Writing 1

© Cambridge University Press & Assessment 2024
Part 2, Proposal

As every year, the annual cultural event of the IntroCulture has attracted culture enthusiasts from four corners
of the world. We would like to declare our willingness to host a three-day gastronomic event at the heart of
Burgundian renowned vineyards.
Advantages of Beaune
Located in the south of Burgundy, the gastronomic capital of France, Beaune is well-known for its wine
production and business. Since 15th century, Beaune has successfully preserved the renaissance building of
“Hospices de Beaune” where the world-class wine auctions are held every winter. Thanks to its long history,
its dedication to its cultural heritage and surrounding countryside blanketed with grapevines, Beaune has the
potential to be the host to visitors from all over the world.
It is with great honor that we propose a range of lively activities to the participants of the event. Seldom can
one miss the opportunity to participate in the wine aucction of wine, organized in Hotel de Dieu for a few
centuries. Simoultanously with the aucction, we will organise a wine-tasting evening where prime wines of
all French regions are served. In addition, the city’s artisans will be receiving guests in their cellars where the
winemaking process will be explained animatedly.
Despite the fact that France is the country for luxury goods, we believe Beaune has never been represented
internationally. Hosting this event is a great contribution to the city’s ambition to become the most popular
gastronomic tourist destination in the world.

Subscale Mark Commentary

Content 5 All of the content is relevant to the task, and the writer has addressed all parts
of the question, including why the organisation should choose the writer’s town,
what activities would be included in the event, and how the town would benefit
from hosting the event.
The writer expands fully on each of the points, providing relevant examples. The
target reader is fully informed.
Communicative 4 The writer has followed the conventions of writing a proposal successfully,
Achievement and uses an appropriate style and register. Each point is addressed in its own
section and the target reader’s attention is easily held throughout. Sufficiently
complex ideas are communicated by the writer in an effective way and the
communicative purposes of the proposal have largely been fulfilled. The tone is
interesting and engaging.
Organisation 4 The proposal is well organised and each content point is appropriately
addressed under a relevant heading. This provides a clear and logical
framework for the text.
The opening paragraph introduces the purpose of the proposal clearly and
The writer uses a variety of cohesive devices and organisational patterns with a
good degree of flexibility (We would like to declare our willingness, Seldom can
one miss, Despite the fact that).
Language 4 A range of vocabulary is used precisely and effectively, including less common
lexis, (gastronomic capital, dedication to, cultural heritage, artisans).
The writer also uses a wide range of simple and more complex grammatical
forms with control and flexibility (Located in the south of Burgundy, it is with
great honour that, Beaune has never been represented internationally).
Occasional errors may be present but they do not impede communication.

2 Authentic Digital Practice Test C1 Advanced Writing

© Cambridge University Press & Assessment 2024
Part 2, Review

Nowadays English is a particularly useful language due to globalization. Most countries include this language
in their school requirements, which means that millions of students are now looking for materials to help with
their studies. That is where “English for U” and “Let’s talk about English” come in handy, being that they are
both websites dedicated to facilitating the language learning process.
Both websites contain the basic information: proper grammar usage, vocabulary, reading and writing
materials and listening tests. However, while “English for U” only includes the very essential that is required,
“Let’s talk about English” includes not only that but also numerous work sheets and practice tests with the
answer keys. On the other hand, unlike the second website, the first contains learning material for all levels of
English, allowing for a continuous study.
It is also important to discuss the website’s interface, because what is the use of all this information if no one
can find it? In “Let’s talk about English” all the material is divided by categories: the theory, the practice and
the answer keys, in a very organized manner, making it very easy to search for whatever you’re looking for.
The aesthetic of “English for U” is much less captivating but the information is easy to get to and in the end
that is what matters.
In my opinion, despite having practice tests with answer keys, a very useful tool, “Let’s talk about English”
lacks in the theoretical department, and therefore the first website mentioned is the go to for studying and
learning English.

Subscale Mark Commentary

Content 5 All of the content is relevant to the question and the response is fully developed.
The writer successfully compares two websites, and addresses the points of
content and use, expanding on these fully and providing relevant examples.
The text ends with a suitable recommendation for one of the websites, and the
target reader is fully informed.
Communicative 4 The communicative purpose of the task has been achieved and the conventions
Achievement of a review are followed.
The reader’s attention is held throughout, though the long second paragraph
could have been divided into more manageable chunks of information for the
reader. The writer makes compelling arguments for and against each website,
and describes their function and usability.
The text flows in a logical manner and complex ideas are presented effectively.
The style and register is appropriate for the task.
Organisation 4 The review is generally well organised and clear. Further paragraphing of the
second existing section might help the reader follow the flow of text a little
more easily. The writer uses different sentence lengths to good effect and the
introduction and conclusion are effective.
The text is coherent and the writer uses a variety of cohesive devices and
organisational patterns (That is where … come in handy, It is also important,
In my opinion).
Language 4 The writer uses a range of everyday vocabulary that is relevant to the task
(globalization, materials, numerous) and attempts to use more complex language
(interface, aesthetic, captivating).
A range of grammatical forms is used with a good degree of control and
flexibility (dedicated to facilitating the language learning process; and therefore
the first website mentioned is the go to for studying and learning English).
Occasional errors do not impede communication.

Authentic Digital Practice Test C1 Advanced Writing 3

© Cambridge University Press & Assessment 2024
Part 2, Letter

Dear Mr. Mayer

My name is Laura Meier and I am the head of the Marketing team at Coop. I am reaching out to you to
provide you with some more detailed information about your internship at our company starting next week.
Our department’s main focus is on how to advertise products effectively to our customers. Starting on
Monday, you will be introduced to the whole team during our weekly Monday morning coffee break. The
different teams within our department will then shortly brief you about their main tasks and how you will be
contributing to their work during your internship.
Looking at your promising CV, we think you have the potential to manage a small project on your own. As
you’ve mentioned your interest in product design, you will get the chance to develop the design of our highly
promising “High protein” line.
Don’t worry – the team and I will provide you with some useful gadgets and you’ll have one of our product
designers working closely with you on the project. Additionally, you’ll meet me once a week to talk about
your progress and whatever is on your mind.
Last but not least, I am happy to inform you that your personal discount card has been sent to you yesterday.
The card gives you a 20% discount in any Coop and has many other benefits which you can find on our
website here:
If you have any questions or concerns regarding your internship with us, please do not hesitate to contact me.
We are very much looking forward to having you with us for the next three months.
Best regards

Subscale Mark Commentary

Content 5 All of the content is relevant to the task and the writer has fully answered
the question.
The writer addresses all of the content points: describing the primary functions
of the department, detailing the work the student will do, and explaining how
the student will be helped and what benefits he will gain.
All of the information provided is appropriate and the target reader is
fully informed.
Communicative 3 The writer uses the conventions of letter writing fairly successfully, with
Achievement appropriate opening and closing formulae and a logical progression of ideas
throughout the text, with two or three main paragraphs.
Details are communicated clearly, though there could be further explanation
provided for the points, including what exactly the department does and what
the student will do.
The tone and register are generally appropriate to the task.
Organisation 3 The text is well organised and coherent on the whole, and the writer makes
use of cohesive devices and organisational patterns to good effect (As you’ve
mentioned, Last but not least, Additionally, If you have any questions).
Information is appropriately divided into sections for the most part, though there
appears to be a slight paragraphing error between the third and fourth sections
of the text.
Language 3 The writer uses a range of vocabulary, including less common lexis
appropriately (reaching out, potential, brief you, questions or concerns,
internship), with occasional misuses (For example, gadgets instead of devices).
There is a range of simple and complex grammatical forms, which are used with
control and flexibility (Starting on Monday, you will be; Looking at your promising
CV, I’m happy to inform you that…)

4 Authentic Digital Practice Test C1 Advanced Writing

© Cambridge University Press & Assessment 2024

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