Pra-Akselerator - Problem Validation (REVISION 2)

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Nama Anggota Kelompok :

1. Fransiskus Seppungan
2. Gabriella Indriyani Samaileppet
3. Muhammad Dicky Valentino
Problem validation
1. Segment Agritech :
Precision Agriculture

2. Subsegment :
small farmer groups that cultivate corn crops
3. Problem :
 Corn production waste that is difficult to decompose.
 Accumulation of too much corn husks causes land use to increase.
 The buildup of corn husks can cause an unpleasant aroma.
4. List of questions :

1) what are the current activities, and what processes are in place...?
2) what are the stages of the cultivation activities being carried out, and how long
does the process take...?
3) for the harvesting process or phase itself when does it usually occur...?
4) what are the activities carried out in the harvesting process...?
5) how long does the harvesting process take?
6) the harvest obtained will be used and the waste or residue from the harvest
process will be used next...?
7) When does this corn waste usually accumulate or experience a significant
8) What are the impacts of this corn waste that are considered to be disturbing to the
9) what actions have been taken in dealing with this particular case or waste
10) is the handling done traditionally or modernly...?
11) Are there any alternative measures taken in the handling process...?
12) what costs are involved in the process of handling this corn waste...?
13) how long does it take to do the corn waste handling process?
14) how much is usually spent for each waste treatment process carried out ...?
15) who is involved in the process...?

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