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ICT CDS GROUP – introduction to basic it concepts.

1) So far, we’ve had most schools give their approval and we would need the education district
to assist us In liaising with the school to give consent and assistance to the Corp members.
2) Schools in view, :
a) Gbaja girls
b) Ansarudeen
c) Eric moore high
d) Stadium high
3) Our letter should also include a certificate of participation to the students.
4) The LGI requires that the Corp members be seldom seen at the lgi.

5) So the program would be done twice a month at each school,

6) Then a report for on progress and challenges for each school would be given at the end of
each month
7) Ive developed training modules for canva, video editing, excel and a general template for
training modules

Month 1: Introduction to Graphic Design Principles

- Week 1: Understanding the basics of graphic design
- Introduction to design elements: line, shape, color, texture, typography
- Overview of design principles: balance, contrast, alignment, proximity
- Week 2: Introduction to Canva
- Creating an account, navigating the interface
- Understanding Canva's tools and features
- Week 3-4: Hands-on practice
- Creating simple designs (social media posts, posters, invitations) using Canva templates
- Experimenting with different design elements and layouts
Month 2: Typography and Color Theory
- Week 1-2: Typography fundamentals
- Understanding font styles, sizes, and pairing
- Typography hierarchy and readability
- Week 3-4: Color theory basics
- Understanding color harmonies and schemes
- Using color effectively in design projects

Month 3: Advanced Design Techniques

- Week 1-2: Advanced layout techniques
- Grid systems and alignment
- Creating visually appealing compositions
- Week 3-4: Image editing and manipulation
- Working with images in Canva
- Basic photo editing techniques (cropping, resizing, filters)

Month 4: Branding and Visual Identity

- Week 1-2: Introduction to branding
- Understanding brand identity and its components
- Week 3-4: Creating branded designs
- Designing consistent visuals for a brand using Canva
- Incorporating brand elements like logos, colors, and fonts

Month 5: Design for Digital Platforms

- Week 1-2: Social media graphics
- Designing graphics for various social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter,
- Week 3-4: Web design basics
- Designing website banners, headers, and other web graphics
- Understanding web design principles and best practices

Month 6: Final Projects and Portfolio Building

- Week 1-4: Final projects
- Students work on individual design projects incorporating all the skills learned
- Regular feedback sessions and critiques
- Week 4: Portfolio building
- Creating an online portfolio showcasing the best works
- Tips for presenting and marketing oneself as a graphic designer

Additional Notes:
- Encourage students to explore Canva's resources, such as tutorials, design articles, and design
school for continuous learning.
- Assign regular design challenges to keep students engaged and to practice their skills.
- Provide opportunities for peer review and collaboration to foster a creative community.
- Emphasize the importance of feedback and revision in the design process.

Video editing:
Sure, here's a basic 6-month training module for video editing:

**Month 1: Introduction to Video Editing**

- Week 1: Understanding Video Editing Concepts
- Introduction to video formats, resolutions, and codecs.
- Basics of storytelling and narrative structure in videos.
- Week 2: Introduction to Video Editing Software
- Familiarization with popular video editing software like Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro,
or DaVinci Resolve.
- Understanding the user interface, workspace, and basic tools.
- Week 3: Importing Footage and Organizing Projects
- Importing video, audio, and image files into the editing software.
- Organizing media assets within the software's project panel.
- Week 4: Basic Editing Techniques
- Cutting and trimming video clips.
- Understanding the timeline and basic editing commands (e.g., ripple edit, roll edit).

**Month 2: Advanced Editing Techniques**

- Week 1: Transitions and Effects
- Adding transitions between clips.
- Introduction to basic video effects (e.g., color correction, stabilization).
- Week 2: Audio Editing
- Understanding audio levels and adjusting volume.
- Adding and editing music tracks, sound effects, and voiceovers.
- Week 3: Text and Graphics
- Adding text overlays and titles to videos.
- Incorporating graphics and logos into video projects.
- Week 4: Keyframing and Animation
- Introduction to keyframing for creating motion and animation.
- Basic animation techniques for text and graphics.

**Month 3: Intermediate Editing Skills**

- Week 1: Advanced Editing Tools
- Exploring more advanced editing tools and techniques (e.g., multicam editing, nested
- Week 2: Color Grading
- Introduction to color grading and color correction techniques.
- Using color wheels, curves, and scopes to adjust color and exposure.
- Week 3: Green Screen (Chroma Keying)
- Understanding green screen footage and how to remove backgrounds.
- Adding backgrounds and compositing elements using chroma keying.
- Week 4: Advanced Audio Editing
- Cleaning up audio using noise reduction and equalization.
- Advanced audio mixing techniques for balancing multiple audio tracks.

**Month 4: Project-based Learning**

- Week 1-4: Project Work
- Students will work on various video editing projects to apply the skills learned in previous
- Projects may include creating promotional videos, short films, vlogs, etc.
- Instructor feedback and guidance provided throughout the project duration.

**Month 5: Specialization and Advanced Techniques**

- Week 1: Motion Graphics
- Introduction to motion graphics and animation within video editing software.
- Creating dynamic titles, lower thirds, and other graphical elements.
- Week 2: Advanced Effects and Compositing
- Exploring advanced effects and compositing techniques.
- Using masks, tracking, and blending modes to create complex visual effects.
- Week 3: Advanced Color Grading
- Advanced color grading techniques for achieving specific looks and styles.
- Working with LUTs (Look-Up Tables) and advanced color grading tools.
- Week 4: 3D and VR Video Editing (Optional)
- Introduction to 3D video editing and working with VR footage (if relevant to the student's
interests or industry).

**Month 6: Portfolio Development and Final Projects**

- Week 1-3: Portfolio Development
- Students will compile their best work into a professional portfolio.
- Guidance on presenting and showcasing work effectively.
- Week 4: Final Project Presentation
- Students will present their final projects to the class or a panel of industry professionals.
- Feedback and critique provided to help students refine their work further.

Throughout the training, students should engage in regular practice exercises, watch tutorials,
and seek feedback to reinforce their learning and improve their skills.
Certainly, here's a basic 6-month training module for Excel:

**Month 1: Excel Basics**

- Week 1: Introduction to Excel
- Overview of Excel interface, workbook, worksheets, cells, and ranges.
- Basic navigation and selection techniques.
- Week 2: Data Entry and Formatting
- Entering and editing data in cells.
- Formatting text, numbers, and cells.
- Week 3: Basic Formulas and Functions
- Introduction to basic formulas (e.g., SUM, AVERAGE, MAX, MIN).
- Understanding cell references (relative and absolute).
- Week 4: Working with Rows, Columns, and Sheets
- Inserting, deleting, and resizing rows and columns.
- Managing multiple sheets within a workbook.

**Month 2: Intermediate Excel Skills**

- Week 1: Advanced Functions
- Exploring more advanced functions (e.g., IF, VLOOKUP, INDEX/MATCH).
- Understanding logical functions and nested functions.
- Week 2: Data Analysis Tools
- Introduction to Excel's data analysis tools (e.g., sorting, filtering, conditional formatting).
- Using data validation to control data entry.
- Week 3: PivotTables and PivotCharts
- Creating PivotTables to analyze and summarize data.
- Creating PivotCharts for visualizing PivotTable data.
- Week 4: Introduction to Macros
- Recording and running simple macros to automate tasks.
- Understanding the basics of VBA (Visual Basic for Applications).

**Month 3: Advanced Excel Techniques**

- Week 1: Advanced Data Analysis with Functions
- Working with array formulas for complex calculations.
- Using advanced lookup functions for more sophisticated data analysis.
- Week 2: Advanced Data Visualization
- Creating dynamic charts and graphs.
- Customizing chart elements and formatting options.
- Week 3: Data Import and Export
- Importing data from external sources (e.g., text files, databases).
- Exporting Excel data to other formats (e.g., CSV, PDF).
- Week 4: Advanced Data Management
- Using Excel tables for structured data management.
- Understanding data validation rules and techniques.

**Month 4: Financial Analysis and Modeling**

- Week 1: Financial Functions
- Introduction to financial functions (e.g., PMT, FV, PV).
- Using financial functions for loan calculations, investment analysis, etc.
- Week 2: Scenario Analysis and Goal Seeking
- Performing scenario analysis using Excel's What-If Analysis tools.
- Using Goal Seek to find desired outcomes by adjusting input values.
- Week 3: Building Financial Models
- Creating financial models for budgeting, forecasting, and decision-making.
- Structuring and organizing financial models effectively.
- Week 4: Sensitivity Analysis and Risk Management
- Conducting sensitivity analysis to assess the impact of variable changes on outcomes.
- Introduction to basic risk management techniques in Excel.

**Month 5: Data Visualization and Dashboards**

- Week 1: Advanced Charting Techniques
- Creating advanced charts like waterfall charts, radar charts, etc.
- Using Sparklines for in-cell data visualization.
- Week 2: Dashboard Design Principles
- Understanding dashboard design principles and best practices.
- Planning and structuring effective dashboards for data analysis.
- Week 3: Building Interactive Dashboards
- Creating interactive dashboards with slicers, timelines, and form controls.
- Incorporating dynamic elements and interactivity.
- Week 4: Dashboard Automation
- Automating dashboard updates using Excel features like Power Query and PivotTables.
- Creating macros to automate dashboard tasks and actions.

**Month 6: Advanced Topics and Final Project**

- Week 1: Advanced Excel Tips and Tricks
- Exploring advanced Excel tips and tricks for efficiency and productivity.
- Learning keyboard shortcuts and time-saving techniques.
- Week 2-3: Final Project Development
- Students will work on a final Excel project applying skills learned throughout the training.
- Projects may include financial models, data analysis reports, dashboards, etc.
- Week 4: Final Project Presentation
- Students will present their final projects to the class or a panel of experts.
- Feedback and critique provided to help students refine their work further.

Throughout the training, students will engage in hands-on exercises, case studies, and real-world
applications to reinforce their learning and practical skills in Excel.


**[Tech Course Title] Training Module**

**Course Overview:**
This training module is designed to provide participants with comprehensive knowledge and
practical skills in [Tech Course Topic]. The course will cover fundamental concepts, advanced
techniques, and real-world applications to prepare participants for a successful career in the field
of [Tech Course Topic].

**Duration:** 6 Months

**Month 1: Introduction to [Tech Course Topic]**

- Week 1: Understanding [Tech Course Topic]
- Overview of [Tech Course Topic], its significance, and applications.
- Historical background and evolution of [Tech Course Topic].
- Week 2: Basic Concepts and Terminologies
- Introduction to fundamental concepts and terminologies in [Tech Course Topic].
- Exploring key components and functionalities.
- Week 3: Hands-on Exercises
- Practical exercises to familiarize participants with basic tools and techniques.
- Building simple projects to apply foundational knowledge.
- Week 4: Introduction to Industry Tools
- Overview of industry-standard tools and software used in [Tech Course Topic].
- Installation and setup of necessary software tools.

**Month 2: Intermediate Concepts and Skills**

- Week 1: Advanced Topics in [Tech Course Topic]
- Exploring intermediate-level concepts and techniques.
- Understanding advanced functionalities and applications.
- Week 2: Hands-on Projects
- Collaborative projects to reinforce learning and apply intermediate skills.
- Working on real-world scenarios and problem-solving tasks.
- Week 3: Advanced Tools and Technologies
- Introduction to advanced tools, platforms, and technologies in [Tech Course Topic].
- Hands-on experience with cutting-edge software and hardware.
- Week 4: Case Studies and Best Practices
- Analyzing case studies and best practices in the industry.
- Learning from successful implementations and practical examples.

**Month 3: Specialization and Advanced Techniques**

- Week 1: Specialization Tracks
- Introduction to specialized areas within [Tech Course Topic].
- Choosing a specialization track based on individual interests and career goals.
- Week 2: Deep Dive into Specialization
- In-depth exploration of selected specialization track.
- Advanced techniques, tools, and methodologies.
- Week 3: Practical Applications
- Applying specialized skills to real-world projects and case studies.
- Collaborative projects within specialization groups.
- Week 4: Certification Preparation
- Review sessions and practice tests to prepare for certification exams (if applicable).
- Tips and strategies for successful certification achievement.

**Month 4: Industry Integration and Project Management**

- Week 1: Industry Trends and Innovations
- Keeping abreast of the latest trends, innovations, and emerging technologies in the industry.
- Guest lectures and industry expert sessions.
- Week 2: Project Management Fundamentals
- Introduction to project management principles and methodologies.
- Planning, execution, and monitoring of tech projects.
- Week 3: Agile Methodologies
- Understanding Agile principles and methodologies.
- Agile frameworks and practices in tech projects.
- Week 4: Capstone Project Kickoff
- Introduction to the capstone project requirements and guidelines.
- Team formation and project brainstorming sessions.

**Month 5: Capstone Project Development**

- Week 1-3: Capstone Project Implementation
- Teams work on developing and implementing capstone projects.
- Weekly progress meetings and milestone reviews.
- Week 4: Project Demo Preparation
- Finalizing project presentations and demonstrations.
- Rehearsing presentations and addressing feedback.

**Month 6: Final Presentations and Career Development**

- Week 1-3: Final Project Presentations
- Teams present their capstone projects to instructors, peers, and industry professionals.
- Feedback and evaluation sessions.
- Week 4: Career Development Workshops
- Resume building, interview preparation, and job search strategies.
- Networking opportunities and industry connections.

By the end of this 6-month training module, participants will have gained a comprehensive
understanding of [Tech Course Topic], developed practical skills through hands-on projects, and
completed a capstone project demonstrating their expertise. They will be well-equipped to pursue
career opportunities in the dynamic field of technology.

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