Bahasa Inggris Sumatif Akhir Tahun Tp. 2023 - 2024

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TP. 2023/2024


Hai, hazel. Ketika Anda mengirimkan formulir ini, pemilik akan melihat nama dan alamat email Anda.

* Wajib diisi


Hazel Ryunabil











The purpose of the text below is… * (2.5 Poin)

To share some facts to the readers

To entertain and give a moral teaching to the reader

To persuade the readers to do something

To explain the readers about how to lit a candle

To tell about past events in the Jungle

Read the text below, then answer the following Question !

The first steps in creating an effective financial budget is…. * (2.5 Poin)

Tracking your income and expenses

Setting aside money for entertainment

Not to prioritizing financial goals

Ignoring income and expenses

Prioritizing financial goals

Melati and Isabel Wijsen

Melati Riyanto Wijsen was born in 2000 and Isabel was born 2002. They are
Indonesian climate activist. The two sisters are known for their efforts to reduce
plastic consumption in Bali.
The sisters stayed in Bali with their family in 2013, when Melati was 12 and Isabel
was 10 years old, inspired by a lesson about positive world leaders at the Green School
Bali, they brainstormed ideas and how to aid Indonesia’s problem with plastic pollution,
since it’s the second plastic polluter in the word after China.
When the sisters found out that less than 5% of the plastic bag in Bali were being
recycled. They decided to begin their campaign “Bye Bye plastic bags with the help of
other children in the island. In order to gain public attention, the campaign organized
cleanup, presentation, and distribution of alternative bags. They organized Bali’s
biggest beach cleaned up in 2018 with 20,000 people who collected 65 pounds of
waste. In order to get the government’s help, the sister started a competition in 2015
which would eventually gather 100,000 signatures at the Bali International Airport. It
wasn’t until they stages a dawn to dust hunger strike, when they where finally to able to
successfully arrange a meeting with Bali’s governor, I made Mangku Pastika who
promise to make Bali plastic free by 2018. Bye Bye Plastic Bags is a social initiative and
NGO driven by youth to say no plastic bags. Quickly, the message of youth reached
stages around the world TED, CNN, United Nations and sisters helped build momentum
towards the ban of single use plastic bags which finally came into effect in 2018
thanks to the organization and individuals. The focus and strength of Bye Bye of Plastic
Bags has always been in education through the form of efforts of many linked minded
workshop, presentations efforts of many linked minded workshop, presentations, and
booklets. Bye Bye Plastic Bags can be found in 60 locations around the world with
teams led by young people who wants to bring the message of saying: “No Plastic
Bags Globally”. They also began another campaign called One Island, One Voice which
recognized the Restaurants and markets in Bali who committed to being plastic free.

What efforts are they known based on text above?

* (2.5 Poin)

to clean beach environment

stopping the traveling dolphin circus

cleaning the deep sea

to reduce plastic consumption in Bali

to save the golden centennial

Melati and Isabel Wijsen

Melati Riyanto Wijsen was born in 2000 and Isabel was born 2002. They are
Indonesian climate activist. The two sisters are known for their efforts to reduce
plastic consumption in Bali.
The sisters stayed in Bali with their family in 2013, when Melati was 12 and Isabel
was 10 years old, inspired by a lesson about positive world leaders at the Green School
Bali, they brainstormed ideas and how to aid Indonesia’s problem with plastic pollution,
since it’s the second plastic polluter in the word after China.
When the sisters found out that less than 5% of the plastic bag in Bali were being
recycled. They decided to begin their campaign “Bye Bye plastic bags with the help of
other children in the island. In order to gain public attention, the campaign organized
cleanup, presentation, and distribution of alternative bags. They organized Bali’s
biggest beach cleaned up in 2018 with 20,000 people who collected 65 pounds of
waste. In order to get the government’s help, the sister started a competition in 2015
which would eventually gather 100,000 signatures at the Bali International Airport. It
wasn’t until they stages a dawn to dust hunger strike, when they where finally to able to
successfully arrange a meeting with Bali’s governor, I made Mangku Pastika who
promise to make Bali plastic free by 2018. Bye Bye Plastic Bags is a social initiative and
NGO driven by youth to say no plastic bags. Quickly, the message of youth reached
stages around the world TED, CNN, United Nations and sisters helped build momentum
towards the ban of single use plastic bags which finally came into effect in 2018
thanks to the organization and individuals. The focus and strength of Bye Bye of Plastic
Bags has always been in education through the form of efforts of many linked minded
workshop, presentations efforts of many linked minded workshop, presentations, and
booklets. Bye Bye Plastic Bags can be found in 60 locations around the world with
teams led by young people who wants to bring the message of saying: “No Plastic
Bags Globally”. They also began another campaign called One Island, One Voice which
recognized the Restaurants and markets in Bali who committed to being plastic free.

“…..the sisters started a petition in 2015 which …” the synonym of the bold word is……

* (2.5 Poin)



Appeal to


Imperative sentences consist of … * (2.5 Poin)

Kalimat perintah

Imperative positive, imperative negative

Kalimat majemuk bertingkat


Question tag

How should you ensure that your financial budget is effective in the long term? *
(2.5 Poin)

Ensure it is realistic and sustainable

Make it as complicated as possible

Frequently change your budget without assessing its effectiveness

Prioritize short-term goals over long-term ones

Set unrealistic goals

Polar bear are adapted to life in the polar region, around the North Pole. Their body
have special features that work particularly well in the Polar seas. For instance, they
have sharp and powerful claws for their catching for their food which is meanly seals.
In their own environment, they are excellent hunters, but if they have to live on the
birds and squirrels in other places they would die.
The science that studies the way that different form of live are adapted to their
particular environment is called ecology.
The first lesson of ecology is that all life in an environment depends on other form of
life. Polar bear depend on seals, which can live only where they do because they
depend on particular kind of fish which are found in the arctic seas.
There are certainly important cycles in nature that show plants and animals depend
on each other: for example, the nitrogen cycles, plants take the nitrogen compounds
from the soil and turn them into protein. Animals eat these proteins and return some of
them to the soil as waste products and the rest when they die. Another cycle is the
oxygen, and give out carbon dioxide, plants absorb it to make sugar compounds, and in
the process oxygen is produced and released to the atmosphere.
An ideal ecological system, living things exist in balance. However, particularly
where man interferes, a species may become too successful and abundant, and the
balance is destroyed, for instance, the use of pesticide to kill a particular plant may
also kill predatory insects even birds, and thus other pest are allowed to increase,
therefore great care is needed in the use of pesticides.
Through the ecology we try to restore the balance the ecological system, and thus
save the worlds from devastation.

The habitat of polar bear is in….

* (2.5 Poin)

the north pole

the tropical countries


the south pole

the arctic seas


It may be concluded from the passage that the firs step suggest by the writer to get a
service is by… * (2.5 Poin)

Paying 50 dollars to a serviceman

Going to the apartment manager

Asking the sales representative to come to your house

Leaving your name with the sales representative

Calling or visiting a telephone store


In the context of creating an effective financial budget, the significant of differentiating

between fix and variable expenses is… * (2.5 Poin)

It helps you avoid all variable expenses

It ensures that you allocate all your income to fixed expenses

It allows you to see where you are spending the most and where you can make adjustments

It simplifies your budget by eliminating fixed expenses

It doesn’t affect your budget at all


The following text will be arranged in to the right passage ….

(1) They consist of interesting and unique words.

(2) One example of the blends is "covidiot", which is used for someone who ignores
public safety recommendations.
(3) In addition to those terms, there are also other unique terms that have appeared
during pandemic Covid-9 created as new blends.
(4) Another example is "doom scrolling," which happens when you skim anxiety-
inducing pandemic-related stories on your smart phone.
(5) Whether such terms will be in common usage after the pan- demic is anyone's
(6) Also, German term "hamster kauft, "means panic buying. * (2.5 Poin)








1. Marinate the snappers and shrimps in the lime juice and salt for at least 2 hours.
2. Place the nuts, shallots, both chilies and broth in a blender. Blend to a paste.

3. Skin the roasted eggplant and chop into small pieces.

4. Coat the snappers and shrimps in the paste. Remove and set aside. With the
remaining paste, add the eggplant pieces, tomatoes, salt and pepper.

5. Saute the snappers and shrimps until done around 4 minutes per side. Heat the
eggplant mixture to a serving temperature.

6. Serve the fish over rice, topped with the eggplant mixture and sprinkled with basil

The aim of the text is to …

* (2.5 Poin)

Explain the way to serve a fish dish

Show the ingredients to cook sepat banang.

Persuade readers to eat red snappers.

Inform the way to make a dish from Sumbawa

Describe the steps to cook sepat banang


Which of the following is not suitable to complete the sentence?

In a formal dinner it is good for a guest to… * (2.5 Poin)

Bring some wine

Arrange some flowers

Relax and be comfortable

Bring a present for a hostess

Behave as if were at his own home


Polar bear are adapted to life in the polar region, around the North Pole. Their body
have special features that work particularly well in the Polar seas. For instance, they
have sharp and powerful claws for their catching for their food which is meanly seals.
In their own environment, they are excellent hunters, but if they have to live on the
birds and squirrels in other places they would die.
The science that studies the way that different form of live are adapted to their
particular environment is called ecology.
The first lesson of ecology is that all life in an environment depends on other form of
life. Polar bear depend on seals, which can live only where they do because they
depend on particular kind of fish which are found in the arctic seas.
There are certainly important cycles in nature that show plants and animals depend
on each other: for example, the nitrogen cycles, plants take the nitrogen compounds
from the soil and turn them into protein. Animals eat these proteins and return some of
them to the soil as waste products and the rest when they die. Another cycle is the
oxygen, and give out carbon dioxide, plants absorb it to make sugar compounds, and in
the process oxygen is produced and released to the atmosphere.
An ideal ecological system, living things exist in balance. However, particularly
where man interferes, a species may become too successful and abundant, and the
balance is destroyed, for instance, the use of pesticide to kill a particular plant may
also kill predatory insects even birds, and thus other pest are allowed to increase,
therefore great care is needed in the use of pesticides.
Through the ecology we try to restore the balance the ecological system, and thus
save the worlds from devastation.

“…..the word from devastation “ (paragraph 6) means…

* (2.5 Poin)







This text can infern to... * (2.5 Poin)

Cheating is a bad habit that has short and long term consequences

You cannot go to meetings at work

Cheating can get you expelled from school

Cheating makes students lazy

You cannot work in any company because you are a cheat.


The purpose of these text is... * (2.5 Poin)

To show good and bad impacts of cheating

To discuss the cheating phenomenon among students.

To persuade readers not to cheat

To retell a cheating experience

To show the number of cheating cases


"It only makes them lazy." (Paragraph 1) What does the underlined word refer to? *
(2.5 Poin)





A bad habit


"Rona" or "the rona" as slang for coronavirus has been observed in the U.S. and
Australia, but the dictionary editors haven't documented wide enough usage to ... its
inclusion. * (2.5 Poin)




pass over



Polar bear are adapted to life in the polar region, around the North Pole. Their body
have special features that work particularly well in the Polar seas. For instance, they
have sharp and powerful claws for their catching for their food which is meanly seals.
In their own environment, they are excellent hunters, but if they have to live on the
birds and squirrels in other places they would die.
The science that studies the way that different form of live are adapted to their
particular environment is called ecology.
The first lesson of ecology is that all life in an environment depends on other form of
life. Polar bear depend on seals, which can live only where they do because they
depend on particular kind of fish which are found in the arctic seas.
There are certainly important cycles in nature that show plants and animals depend
on each other: for example, the nitrogen cycles, plants take the nitrogen compounds
from the soil and turn them into protein. Animals eat these proteins and return some of
them to the soil as waste products and the rest when they die. Another cycle is the
oxygen, and give out carbon dioxide, plants absorb it to make sugar compounds, and in
the process oxygen is produced and released to the atmosphere.
An ideal ecological system, living things exist in balance. However, particularly
where man interferes, a species may become too successful and abundant, and the
balance is destroyed, for instance, the use of pesticide to kill a particular plant may
also kill predatory insects even birds, and thus other pest are allowed to increase,
therefore great care is needed in the use of pesticides.
Through the ecology we try to restore the balance the ecological system, and thus
save the worlds from devastation.

The habitat of polar bear is in….

* (2.5 Poin)

the north pole

the south pole

the tropical countries

the arctic seas



Polar bear are adapted to life in the polar region, around the North Pole. Their body
have special features that work particularly well in the Polar seas. For instance, they
have sharp and powerful claws for their catching for their food which is meanly seals.
In their own environment, they are excellent hunters, but if they have to live on the
birds and squirrels in other places they would die.
The science that studies the way that different form of live are adapted to their
particular environment is called ecology.
The first lesson of ecology is that all life in an environment depends on other form of
life. Polar bear depend on seals, which can live only where they do because they
depend on particular kind of fish which are found in the arctic seas.
There are certainly important cycles in nature that show plants and animals depend
on each other: for example, the nitrogen cycles, plants take the nitrogen compounds
from the soil and turn them into protein. Animals eat these proteins and return some of
them to the soil as waste products and the rest when they die. Another cycle is the
oxygen, and give out carbon dioxide, plants absorb it to make sugar compounds, and in
the process oxygen is produced and released to the atmosphere.
An ideal ecological system, living things exist in balance. However, particularly
where man interferes, a species may become too successful and abundant, and the
balance is destroyed, for instance, the use of pesticide to kill a particular plant may
also kill predatory insects even birds, and thus other pest are allowed to increase,
therefore great care is needed in the use of pesticides.
Through the ecology we try to restore the balance the ecological system, and thus
save the worlds from devastation.
The ecology in certain area will be in danger if…
* (2.5 Poin)

Man interferest his environment too much

Plant takes nitrogen compound from the soil

Polar bear don’t eat seals anymore

seals eat a lot of fish

The farmer use the pesticides


To whom is the text likely intended? * (2.5 Poin)







What should you do when establishing financial goals within your budget? * (2.5 Poin)
Avoid setting any financial goals

Allocate a portion of your income to each goal

Allocate a portion of your income to each goal

Prioritize entertainment expenses

Avoid creating a budget altogether


“In order to request a telephone service in the United States…”. Another word which
often in place of request is..... * (2.5 Poin)

call on



ask for



Which of the following does not show the Americans friendliness? * (2.5 Poin)
wanting their guest to relax

making their guest comfortable

inviting friends to their homes for dinner

treating their guest as member of their family

asking their guest to bring present for them


Melati and Isabel Wijsen

Melati Riyanto Wijsen was born in 2000 and Isabel was born 2002. They are
Indonesian climate activist. The two sisters are known for their efforts to reduce
plastic consumption in Bali.
The sisters stayed in Bali with their family in 2013, when Melati was 12 and Isabel
was 10 years old, inspired by a lesson about positive world leaders at the Green School
Bali, they brainstormed ideas and how to aid Indonesia’s problem with plastic pollution,
since it’s the second plastic polluter in the word after China.
When the sisters found out that less than 5% of the plastic bag in Bali were being
recycled. They decided to begin their campaign “Bye Bye plastic bags with the help of
other children in the island. In order to gain public attention, the campaign organized
cleanup, presentation, and distribution of alternative bags. They organized Bali’s
biggest beach cleaned up in 2018 with 20,000 people who collected 65 pounds of
waste. In order to get the government’s help, the sister started a competition in 2015
which would eventually gather 100,000 signatures at the Bali International Airport. It
wasn’t until they stages a dawn to dust hunger strike, when they where finally to able to
successfully arrange a meeting with Bali’s governor, I made Mangku Pastika who
promise to make Bali plastic free by 2018.
Bye Bye Plastic Bags is a social initiative and NGO driven by youth to say no plastic
bags. Quickly, the message of youth reached stages around the world TED, CNN,
United Nations and sisters helped build momentum towards the ban of single use
plastic bags which finally came into effect in 2018 thanks to the organization and
The focus and strength of Bye Bye of Plastic Bags has always been in education
through the form of efforts of many linked minded workshop, presentations efforts of
many linked minded workshop, presentations, and booklets. Bye Bye Plastic Bags can
be found in 60 locations around the world with teams led by young people who wants
to bring the message of saying: “No Plastic Bags Globally”. They also began another
campaign called One Island, One Voice which recognized the Restaurants and markets
in Bali who committed to being plastic free.

Melati Riyanto Wijsen and Isabel Wijsen have done…

* (2.5 Poin)







Who will install the telephone? * (2.5 Poin)

an apartment manager

a manager

a serviceman

an employer

a sales representative



1. Marinate the snappers and shrimps in the lime juice and salt for at least 2 hours.
2. Place the nuts, shallots, both chilies and broth in a blender. Blend to a paste.
3. Skin the roasted eggplant and chop into small pieces.
4. Coat the snappers and shrimps in the paste. Remove and set aside. With the
remaining paste, add the eggplant pieces, tomatoes, salt and pepper.
5. Saute the snappers and shrimps until done around 4 minutes per side. Heat the
eggplant mixture to a serving temperature.
6. Serve the fish over rice, topped with the eggplant mixture and sprinkled with basil

The text above we call it…

* (2.5 Poin)

Review text

Procedure text

Analytical exposition text

Comedy text

Narrative text

The text mainly discuss about… * (2.5 Poin)

the misuse of pesticides

an ideal ecological system

polar bears

cycles in nature



“lt, will be a wonderful trip,” Ani told them.

We can say that it….a wonderful trip * (2.5 Poin)

Will be


Would be

Would have been

Will have been


The text discuss about….. * (2.5 Poin)

hospitality among friends in the US

informal dinner

American family-style dinner

the expression, “make yourself at home”

inviting friends for a dinner


What will happen if we lit the candle in

the story? * (2.5 Poin)

An end of a story

A hope which will come true

The young wonderer’s hopeless

A betrayal of a kind friend

An arrogant person that will loss his hope


The characteristic of the Devil is… * (2.5 Poin)


Kind hearted





If the pandemic Covid-19..., we would not know the variety of blending terms related to
Covid-19 * (2.5 Poin)

Had not occurred

Does not occur

Would have occurred

Will not occurs

Did not occur


"... it is obvious that cheating is a bad habit...." (Paragraph 3) "... it is obvious that
cheating is a bad habit...." (Paragraph 3). The underlined word mean..... * (2.5 Poin)







Polar bear are adapted to life in the polar region, around the North Pole. Their body
have special features that work particularly well in the Polar seas. For instance, they
have sharp and powerful claws for their catching for their food which is meanly seals.
In their own environment, they are excellent hunters, but if they have to live on the
birds and squirrels in other places they would die.
The science that studies the way that different form of live are adapted to their
particular environment is called ecology.
The first lesson of ecology is that all life in an environment depends on other form of
life. Polar bear depend on seals, which can live only where they do because they
depend on particular kind of fish which are found in the arctic seas.
There are certainly important cycles in nature that show plants and animals depend
on each other: for example, the nitrogen cycles, plants take the nitrogen compounds
from the soil and turn them into protein. Animals eat these proteins and return some of
them to the soil as waste products and the rest when they die. Another cycle is the
oxygen, and give out carbon dioxide, plants absorb it to make sugar compounds, and in
the process oxygen is produced and released to the atmosphere.
An ideal ecological system, living things exist in balance. However, particularly
where man interferes, a species may become too successful and abundant, and the
balance is destroyed, for instance, the use of pesticide to kill a particular plant may
also kill predatory insects even birds, and thus other pest are allowed to increase,
therefore great care is needed in the use of pesticides.
Through the ecology we try to restore the balance the ecological system, and thus
save the worlds from devastation.

The main idea of paragraph 3 is…

* (2.5 Poin)

There’s an interdependence of living things in a particular area

Plants and animals depend each other

ecological system needs well treatment

Plants produce and release oxygen to the atmosphere

polar bears depend on seals


The purpose of the passage is to give (an)…to us * (2.5 Poin)






She was crying, she said that the devil had stolen her magic candle.”
the underlined pronoun refer to... * (2.5 Poin)

The young devil

The writer

Old woman

The young wonderer

The devil


To should you categorize your expenses to create an effective financial budget by… *
(2.5 Poin)

Avoid categorizing expenses all together

Categorize only variable expenses

Combine all expenses into a single category

Device expenses into housing, transportation, groceries, and entertainment

Categorize only fixed expenses


The COVID-19 pandemic has produced its fair share of new terms that are blends of
other words, and many of these are on the editors' watch list (paragraph 3). The clause
can be restated as .... * (2.5 Poin)

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to some new terms that are a mixture of other expression, and a few
of them are on the editor's preference

The COVID-19 pandemic has derived some new terms that are a mixture of other expression, and a lot
of them are on the editor's watch list.

The COVID-19 pandemic has taken from a few new terms that are a mixture of other words, and some
of them are on the editor's watch list

The COVID-19 pandemic has kept some new terms that are a mixture of other words, and many of them
are on the editor's watch list.

The COVID-19 pandemic has created a lot of new terms that are a mixture of other expression, and
many of them are on the editor's watch list


Melati and Isabel Wijsen

Melati Riyanto Wijsen was born in 2000 and Isabel was born 2002. They are
Indonesian climate activist. The two sisters are known for their efforts to reduce
plastic consumption in Bali.
The sisters stayed in Bali with their family in 2013, when Melati was 12 and Isabel
was 10 years old, inspired by a lesson about positive world leaders at the Green School
Bali, they brainstormed ideas and how to aid Indonesia’s problem with plastic pollution,
since it’s the second plastic polluter in the word after China.
When the sisters found out that less than 5% of the plastic bag in Bali were being
recycled. They decided to begin their campaign “Bye Bye plastic bags with the help of
other children in the island. In order to gain public attention, the campaign organized
cleanup, presentation, and distribution of alternative bags. They organized Bali’s
biggest beach cleaned up in 2018 with 20,000 people who collected 65 pounds of
waste. In order to get the government’s help, the sister started a competition in 2015
which would eventually gather 100,000 signatures at the Bali International Airport. It
wasn’t until they stages a dawn to dust hunger strike, when they where finally to able to
successfully arrange a meeting with Bali’s governor, I made Mangku Pastika who
promise to make Bali plastic free by 2018. Bye Bye Plastic Bags is a social initiative and
NGO driven by youth to say no plastic bags. Quickly, the message of youth reached
stages around the world TED, CNN, United Nations and sisters helped build momentum
towards the ban of single use plastic bags which finally came into effect in 2018
thanks to the organization and individuals. The focus and strength of Bye Bye of Plastic
Bags has always been in education through the form of efforts of many linked minded
workshop, presentations efforts of many linked minded workshop, presentations, and
booklets. Bye Bye Plastic Bags can be found in 60 locations around the world with
teams led by young people who wants to bring the message of saying: “No Plastic
Bags Globally”. They also began another campaign called One Island, One Voice which
recognized the Restaurants and markets in Bali who committed to being plastic free.

The text above can be infer to…

* (2.5 Poin)

Melati Riyanto Wijsen and Isabel Wijsen stayed in Netherland in 2013

Bye Bye Plastic Bags in a Social Initiative driven by local government in Bali

Melati and Isabel began begin their campaign Bye Bye Plastic Bags when they found less than 5% bags
of the plastic in were recycled

The green school Bali brainstormed ideas on how to aid Indonesia’s problem with water and air

Bye Bye Plasic Bags can be found only in Bali Island


Pay attention to the following statements:

1. Melati Riyanto Wijsen were born in Lombok, East Nusa Tenggare
2. Melati Riyanto Wijsen and Isabel Wijsen decided to begin their campaign Bye Bye
Plastic Bags with the help of other children in Bali Island
3. The focus and strength of Bye Bye Plastic Bags has always been in education
through the form of workshop, presentation, and booklet
4. Bye Bye Plastic Bags began to another campaign to the restaurants and markets in
Bali to use Plastic and bottle
5. Melati Riyanto Wijsen and Isabel Wijsen started a petition to gather 100,000
signatures at Kuta Beach Bali in order to get the government’s help

The correct statements based on the text show by numbers…. * (2.5 Poin)

4, and 5

3, and 5

2, and 3

3, and 4

1, and 3

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