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Which type of overfishing occurs when the older (adult) population

of the fish are depleted preventing the species to replenish
themselves? This is considered the most common form of
overfishing. *
a. Growth overfishing
b. Recruitment overfishing
c. Ecosystem Overfishing
d. Both A and B

3. Fishery independent data do not rely from actual fishery data but
rather from research programs/experiments at sea carried out over
relatively short periods of time. Which of the following INCORRECTLY
describes swept area method? *
a. Bottom trawls are the fishing gear used to collect data.
b. It estimates total biomass and catch rates.
c. It estimates biomass of all species in the area.
d. It can allow estimation of growth and mortality parameters.

Correct answer
c. It estimates biomass of all species in the area.

2. Lander and his fellow fishermen decided to increase the time they
spent fishing by 2 hours every day. After weeks of bountiful catch,
they increased fishing frequency from 3x a week to daily. However,
after a few months, they were no longer catching any fish, even in
areas where they deployed FADs. What is the probable reason? *
a. The fish stock in the area is greater than the biomass that can support MSY.
b. The increase in fishing effort resulted in increase in yield.
c. Reproduction and growth rates of fish stock are already sub-optimal.
d. A portion of fish immigrated due to the presence of FADs.

4. Six months after Historia’s initial sampling in question number 15,

she found out that the biomass of Tilapia in Laguna de Bay is now at
500,000 tons with exploitation rates F/FMSY of 2.0 and BMSY
remaining the same. What should Historia advise BFAR? *
a. Total allowable catch can still be increased since fish stock is still underfished.
b. Encourage increased fishing effort since there is no overfishing occurring.
c. Enforce a closed season since Tilapia is overfished and overfishing is occurring.
d. Suspend Tilapia fingerlings stock enhancement programs since it is underfished.

6. Otoliths commonly known as "earstones," are hard, calcium

carbonate structures located directly behind the brain of bony fishes.
Which of the following type of otoliths is used to determine annual
growth rings during fishery-independent surveys? *
a. Sagitta
b. Asteriscus
c. Lapillus
d. Utricule
Correct answer a. Sagitta

10. According to the Beverton and Holt’s Yield per recruit (Y/R) model,
the maximum yield from a cohort can be realized only by exploiting it
an age or size (optimum length) at which the cohort’s biomass
reaches its maximum. When the optimum length is achieved before
exploitation, growth overfishing may be prevented. Which of the
following factors DECREASE the expected Y/R for a cohort? *
a. Increased K (growth rate)
b. Later age at first capture (Tc)
c. Increased fishing mortality, F
d. Fishing gear with higher selection factor, S
Correct answer
c. Increased fishing mortality, F
1. Which of the following refers to the yield level which coincides
with the level of harvest or effort that maximizes the sustainable net
returns from fishing? *
a. Maximum Sustainable Yield
b. Maximum Economic Yield
c. Total Allowable catch
d. Catch Quota

5. Which of the following stock assessment models are NOT used for
rough approximation of the existing status of the stocks? All of the
following models are holistic since they do not consider the events
within a population, and particularly ignore the growth and mortality
of the individuals forming the population, EXCEPT: *
a. Schaefer model
b. Fox model
c. Swept area model
d. Von Bertalanffy growth function

8. Different methods exist in the estimation of parameters of the von

Bertalanffy growth function (VBGF) particularly the curvature
paremeter, K and maximum length, L∞. Which of the following can be
used only if the provided length at each data or modal length is
measured at REGULAR time intervals for a single age class or
cohort? *
a. Von Bertalanffy plot
b. Gulland and Holt plot
c. Ford-Walford plot
d. Ricker plot

Correct answer
c. Ford-Walford plot

7. Mikasa observed that three months after suspending the fisheries

administrative order prohibiting the use of mesh size less than 3
centimeters, the total length of fish in the market decreased by 10
centimeters. Which type of overfishing was occurring? *
a. Growth overfishing
b. Recruitment overfishing
c. Ecosystem Overfishing
d. None of the above

19. The process of directing the movement of a ship from one place
to another taking the shortest, safest and the most convenient
route. *
a. Navigation
b. Marine transportation
c. Marine science
d. Seamanship

16. It is the internationally recognized distress signal for a life-

threatening emergency. *
a. Midday
b. Maydauy
c. Mauday
d. Mayday

15. It an act or skill of seaman dealing with all practical operations of

navy and merchant vessels. It consists or ship handling, ship
maintenance, cargo handling and stability of the vessel. *
a. Seamanship
b. Seaman
c. Mariner
d. Navigation

11. It is the first ever fisheries law in the Philippines. *

a. PD 704
b. RA 8550
c. Act 4003
d. PD 1599

Correct answer
c. Act 4003

18. Prime meridian is otherwise known as _____. *

a. Greenwich meridian
b. Equator
c. Latitude
d. Longitude

17. In navigation, this is the unit used to describe the speed *

a. Position
b. Knot
c. Direction
d. Time

20. The local name of fish corral is ________ *

a. Baklad
b. Bubo
c. Korales
d. Saliwsiw

14. __________ is a band of dry land and adjacent ocean space (water
and submerged land) in which terrestrial processes and uses directly
affect oceanic processes and uses, and vice versa; its geographic
extent may include areas within the landmark limit of one (1)
kilometer from the shoreline at high tide to include mangrove
swamps, brackish water ponds, nipa swamps, estuarine rivers, sandy
beaches and other areas within a seaward limit of 200 meters isobath
to include coral reefs, algal flats, seagrass beds and other soft-
bottom areas. *
a. Exclusive Economic Zone
b. Demarcated Areas
c. Coastal Area / Zone
d. Distant Water

Correct answer
c. Coastal Area / Zone

13. The fishing net is considered using a fine mesh when the mesh
size is below the specified size under FAO # 155. *
a. 4 cm
b. 3.5 cm
c. less than 3 cm
d. 4.5 cm

12. It is an international agreement between governments with the

aim of ensuring that international trade in specimens of wild animals
and plants does not threaten their survival and consists of three
appendices. *
a. Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species (CITES)
b. Convention on the Conservation and Management of Highly Migratory Fish Stocks in the
Western and Central Pacific Ocean
c. International Plan of Action (IPOA)
d. United Nations Convention on Law of the Sea (UNCLOS)

27. An area which assures the natural conditions necessary to

protect nationally significant species or group of species or physical
feature of the environment. *
a. Fish Sanctuary
b. Marine Park
c. Marine Reserve
d. Wildlife Sanctuary
30. A type of deep-sea conditions where nutrient-rich deep water is
transported into the surface layer, promoting multiplication of
phytoplankton and producing concentration of food. *
a. Upwelling
b. Frontal Zone
c. Eddies
d. Divergence

21. They are guarding barriers which are so constructed as to lead

fishes during the course of their migration to an enclosure where they
are caught. *
a. Skimming net
b. Fyke net
c. Fish corral
d. Gillnet

28. A fishery policy by which a system of equitable resource use and

allocation is established by law through fishery rights granting and
licensing procedure as provided for under RA 8550. *
a. Open access
b. Limited Access
c. Closed season
d. All of the above

23. The maximum Gross Tonnage to qualify as Municipal Fishing

Vessel. *
a. 2.9 GT
b. 3.0 GT
c. 3.1 GT
d. None of these

25. It is the period where taking of a specified fishery species or the

use of a specified fishing gear or both is prohibited in a specified
area/s in Philippine waters. *
a. Open season
b. Closed season
c. Catch Ceiling
d. Total Allowable Catch

24. A type of fishing gear classified according to fishing method

which is by covering the fish with the fishing gear and is commonly
used in shallow areas. *
a. Fishing gear
b. Set Fishing Gear
c. Drift Fishing Gear
d. All of these

Correct answer
b. Set Fishing Gear

22. It is defines as the manner or system of the operation used in

gathering/taking or catching of fish. *
a. Fishing Gear
b. Fishing Method
c. Fishing
d. Fish Attraction

Correct answer
b. Fishing Method

29. In fish, the processes are regulated by the production of

gonadotrophic realesing hormone by the hypothalamus and
gonadotrophic hormones by the anterior portion of the pituitary
gland. *
a. Excretory
b. Gonadal maturation
c. Sexual dimorphism
d. Digestive

26. It is a type of surrounding net where the means of closure is thru

the purse line hauled manually onboard. *
a. Purse seine
b. Ring net
c. Surrounding gill net
d. Round haul seine
Correct answer
b. Ring net

38. It is the classification and administration of all designated

protected areas to maintain essential ecological process and life
support systems, to preserve genetic diversity, to ensure sustainable
use of resources found therein and to maintain their natural
conditions to the greatest extent possible. *
a. Marine Protected Areas (MPA)
b. National Integrated Protected Areas System (NIPAS)
c. Fish refuge
d. Fish Sanctuary

32. It is a system with the main purpose to plan, develop and manage
fisheries in a manner that addresses the multiple needs and desires
of societies, without jeopardizing the options for future generations
to benefit from the full range of good and services provided by marine
ecosystem. *
a. Ecological approach to fisheries
b. Biological diversity
c. Ecosystem approach to fisheries
d. Right-based management approach

Correct answer
c. Ecosystem approach to fisheries

37. These are fishing activities in areas or of fish stocks in relation to

which there are no applicable conservation or management measures
and where such fishing activities are conducted in a manner
inconsistent with State responsibilities for the conservation of living
marine resources under international law. These activities are
called: *
a. Unregulated fishing activities
b. Destructive fishing activities
c. Unreported fishing activities
d. Illegal fishing activities
Correct answer
a. Unregulated fishing activities

33. Fish are caught below the size or age required for reproduction. *
a. Growth overfishing
b. Recruitment overfishing
c. Ecosystem overfishing
d. Economic overfishing

34. It is an international agreement between governments with the

aim of ensuring that international trade in specimens of wild animals
and plants does not threaten their survival and consist of three
appendices. *
a. Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species
b. Convention on the Conservation and Management of Highly Migratory Fish Stocks in the
Western and Central Pacific Ocean
c. International Plan of Action (IPOA)
d. United Nations Convention on Law of the Sea (UNCLOS)

Correct answer
a. Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species

39. It is a type of fishing gear resembling an inverted mosquito net

which is lowered underneath which is lowered underneath a boat to
impound school of fish attracted by light. Majority of fish caught are
pelagic fishes. *
a. pushnet
b. bagnet
c. purse seine
d. beach seine

36. These are fishing activities undertaken in the area of competence

of a relevant regional fisheries management organization which have
not been reported or have been misreported, in contravention of the
organization. These activities are called: *
a. Illegal fishing activities
b. Unreported fishing activities
c. Destructive fishing activities
d. Unregulated fishing activities

40. Scylla or mudcrab is a catadromous species. Which part of its life

cycle is spent in brackishwater? *
a. Spawning
b. larval development
c. growth and maturation
d. spawning and larval development
Correct answer
c. growth and maturation

35. The Committee on Fisheries (COFI) of the Food and Agriculture

organization called for the development of new concepts leading to
responsible, sustainable fisheries. It provides principles and
standards applicable to the conservation, ,management and
development of all fisheries and adopted on 31 October 1995. What is
this document? *
b. Declaration of Cancum
c. UNCED Agenda 21
d. Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries

31. The current that originates in the east of the Philippines and
passes through Taiwan to the east of Japan is called . *
a. Oyashio current
b. Kuroshio current
c. Alaska current
d. Humboldt Current

46. It is a framed shallow lift net which is baited, sunk to the bottom
by line and weighs, and once in a while, hauled suddenly to the
surface, thus requiring only periodical attention. *
a. cover pot
b. crab lift net
c. cast net
d. set net

50. A branch of knowledge that deals with the study of the sea, all its
physical, chemical, geological and biological aspects. *
a. Oceanology
b. Rheology
c. Hydrology
d. Oceanography
47. These are trawl provided with comparatively short wings and
having a wooden beam attached to the tip of the upper mouth in order
to keep the mouth of the gear open. *
a. Beam trawl
b. Otter trawl
c. VD trawl
d. Irish trawl

44. A weather prediction based on the fast movement of surface

weather system; assumes that the system will move on the same
direction. *
a. Steady-state forecast
b. Probability forecast
c. Analogue forecast
d. Persistence forecast

Correct answer
b. Probability forecast

43. Refers to the annual catch allowed to be taken, gathered or

harvested form any fishing area in consideration of the need to
prevent overfishing and harmful depletion of breeding stocks of
aquatic organisms. *
a. Catch ceilings
b. Catch yield
c. Maximum sustainable yield
d. Fish production

Correct answer
a. Catch ceilings

42. The beam trawl tuna long and line, and ring net were introduced
by ______ in the early 1900. *
a. American
b. Japanese
c. Spaniards
d. Malayan

41. Triangular bag net framed with a collapsible wooden or bamboo

handle being operated by one man. *
a. Skimming net
b. Lever net
c. Scoop net
d. Push net

48. Fishing ground with the highest commercial fishery production Is

________, followed by South Sulu Sea and Visayan Sea. *
a. West Palawan Waters

b. Visayan Sea
c. Sulu Sea
d. Moro Gulf

49. Otoshi-ami is locally known as ________. *

a. sapaw
b. lambaklad
c. sinsoro
d. pangulong

45. _________ is a longline anchored or in some way attached to the

bottom so that it is not free to move with the current. *
a. Long line fisheries
b. Set long line
c. Pole and line
d. Drift long line

55. An indirect method of estimating fish population that is based in

the estimation of the past population sizes. *
a. Catch arid Effort method
b. Virtual Population Analysis
c. Acoustic Techniques
d. Egg and Larval Survey

Correct answer
b. Virtual Population Analysis

54. A method used in establishing the age composition of a stock

which involves the use of growth rates inferred from marking and
tagging experiment to infer age at length or weight. *
a. Analysis of Length Frequency Distribution
b. Mark and Recapture Techniques
c. Hard Part Analysis
d. Age-Weight Frequency

58. The ______ of a biological species in an environment is the

maximum population size of the species that the environment can
sustain indefinitely, given the food, habitat, water and other
necessities available in the environment. *
a. Net population
b. MSY
c. Carrying capacity
d. Stock density

51. A method in determining stock size usually employed in a small,

discrete freshwater stocks that support recreational fisheries and for
which complete statistics are difficult to find. *
a. Catch per Unit Effort
b. Mark-Recapture Method
c. Direct count
d. Survival and Mortality
Correct answer
b. Mark-Recapture Method

52. The following are goals of marine fisheries management in the

Philippines except *
a. To sustain optimum yield from the fishery resources
b. To maintain production to a level of self-sufficiency
c. To improve foreign exchange
d. To minimize participation of the local fishing industry in the exploitation of resources

57. It is in biological sense, is the quantity of fish taken by man from

a given are within a period of time. *
a. Yield
b. Productivity
c. Abundance
d. Harvest

Correct answer
a. Yield

53. A method used in establishing the age composition of a stock

which involves the use of length position information which is
separated into normal components and subsequent assignment with
ages. *
a. Analysis of Length Frequency Distribution
b. Mark and Recapture Techniques
c. Hard Parts Analysis
d. Age-Weight Frequency

59. Amatong is a cheap, environment-friendly, indigenous, yet

lucrative fish-aggregating device that originated in Banacon Island,
Getafe, Bohol. It can provide shelter and food to various kinds of fish,
crustaceans and other organisms, making it an economically viable
livelihood. Amatong is also known as _________. *
a. Fish trap
b. Lift net
c. Lantern net
d. Miracle hole

56. What method are is in the estimation of parameters of the VBGE

provided the length at release and length at recapture form tagging
data, or if modal lengths of a year class has been monitored at
irregular period? *
a. Ricker Plot
b. Ford-Walford Plot
c. Tagging data
d. Tag plotting
Correct answer
c. Tagging data

60. A string of land margining a body of water, the part of a seashore

between the low water line usually at the seaward margin of a low
tide terrace and the upper limit of wave wash at high tide usually
marked by a beach scarp or berm. *
a. Beach
b. Foreshore Land
c. Shoreline
d. Island

67. Six critical action to reverse the decline of the Philippine marine
fisheries need to be implemented within a framework that reflects on-
going process for fisheries and coastal resource management. One of
the action requires the rehabilitation of mangroves and the
establishment of marine protected areas ( MPAs). This action is
included in one or the following: *
a. Protection, rehabilitation and enhancement of coastal habitats.
b. Reduction and rationalization of fishing effort
c. Improve utilization pf harvests
d. Enhanced local stewardship and management of resources

70. It is a Code of groups of dots and dashes, or shorts and longs

each group representing a letter or number which can be made by
flashing a light, by sound or by using a flag used in signals of vessels.
In the code, alphabet, the letters which occurs most frequently in
English has been given the shortest symbols. *
a. radiotelephony
b. Morse code
c. Semaphore
d. International Code flags

68. Temperature is one of the major oceanographic parameters

affecting the characteristics of oceans and also affects the
distribution and abundance of marine organisms. Temperature
readings very from the surface of the ocean to deep sea level. Based
on conductivity temperature depth analysis of some water mass, the
temperature of the ocean at certain depth level show an abrupt
decrease of the temperature reading and this is called: *
a. isobaths
b. thermocline
c. euryhaline
d. halocline

62. The most important type of fishing gear which catches pelagic
fish species and using a fish aggregating device or light. *
a. Trawl
b. Danish seine
c. Purse seine
d. Push net

Correct answer
c. Purse seine

69. it is part of the sea bottom topography where the total sea area
lies above it. This area us of special economic importance because it
is where the major commercial fisheries place. *
a. Continental Slope
b. Abyssal Plain
c. Ocean trench
d. Continental Shelf

Correct answer
d. Continental Shelf

The waters east of the Philippines are affected by major large-scale

ocean currents of the Pacific. The major current system affecting the
eastern Philippines is… *
a. Oyashio Current
b. North Equatorial Current
c. Equatorial Counter Current
d. South Equatorial Current

Correct answer
b. North Equatorial Current

63. The Cromwell Current (also called Pacific Equatorial Undercurrent

or just Equatorial Undercurrent), is a subsurface current that extends
the length of the equator in the Pacific Ocean and flowing. *
a. Eastward
b. Northward
c. Southward
d. Westward

Correct answer
a. Eastward

65. With the promulgation of the Philippine EEZ, the total territorial
marine water area including the EZZ is… *
a. 1.9 m km2
b. 2.2 m km2
c. 2.5 m km2
d. 3.0 m km2

In terms of commercial fisheries production, the two (2) most

productive fishing gears are the following: *
a. Trawl and purse seine
b. Danish seine and ringnet
c. Purse seine and ringnet
d. Bagnet and Trawl
Correct answer
c. Purse seine and ringnet

64. A current in the southern hemisphere moving from west to east at

approximately 40o – 55oS, caused by prevailing western winds. It
encircles the earth, crossing the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific oceans;
the cold Bengal, West Austrialian and Peru currents branch off from it
in oceans. *
a. Peru Current
b. East Wind Drift
c. West Wind Drift
d. Gulf Stream
72. Marine territorial water area of the Philippines including the EEZ
is appropriately 2,200,000 sq. km which is divided into coastal water
about 266,000 sq. km and oceanic water of 1,934,00 sq. km. what are
the appropriate shelf are of the Philippines in 200 m depth and length
of its coastline?
a. 182,600 sq. km shelf area; 25,000 sq. km. length of coastline
b. 183,600 sq. km shelf area; 26,000 sq. km. length of coastline
c. 184,600 sq. km shelf area; 27,000 sq. km. length of coastline
d. 186,600 sq. km shelf area; 28,000 sq. km. length of coastline

76. It is defined as any area of the intertidal or subtidal terrain,

together with its overlying water and associated flora, fauna,
historical and cultural features, which has been reserved by law or
other effective means to protect part or the entire enclosed
environment. *
a. Coastal ecosystem
b. Marine Protected Areas
c. Coastal Zone
d. Fish Sanctuary

75. A string of land margining a body of water; the part of seashore

between the low-water line usually at the seaward margin of a low
tide terrace and the upper limit of wave wash at high tide usually
marked by a beach scarp or bern. *
a. Fully-developed fishpond Area
b. Aqua-Silviculture
c. Foreshore land
d. Strait

71. One length of a chain cable used in anchoring is equivalent to: *

a. 10 fathoms
b. 15 fathoms
c. 20 fathoms
d. 25 fathoms

73. What fishing gear is prohibited under FAO 203 due to its
destructive effect to corral reefs and other marine habitat? *
a. trawl
b. beach seine
c. rakes and dredges
d. “Muro-ami”

79. Techniques or methods of fishing that are not detrimental or do

not impair the sustainability of fish stocks and their habitats and
ecosystem. *
a. Resource enhancement
b. Responsible fishing technology
c. Fisheries management
d. Responsible fisheries

78. A specialized version of a marine reserve where various uses are

encouraged which emphasize education, research and preservation
sometimes implemented by zonation schemes. *
a. Fish Sanctuary
b. Marine Reserves
c. Marine Parks
d. Coastline

Correct answer
b. Marine Reserves

74. The maximum harvest allowed to be taken during a given period

of time from any fishery are, or from any fishery species or group of
fishery species, or a combination of area and species and normally
would not exceed the MSY is known as: *
a. Maximum Sustainable Yield
b. Total Allowable Catch
c. Catch Ceiling Limitation
d. Sustainable Fishing

77. If the gross tannage of a fishing boat is 3.18 m3, what are its
particulars? *
a. 10m x 1.5m x 1.0m
b. 1m x 2.0m x 1.0m
c. 12m x 1.5m x 1.5m
d. 9m x 2m x 1.5m
Correct answer
a. 10m x 1.5m x 1.0m

80. This refers to areas in any body of water where fish and other
aquatic resources congregate and become objects of capture. *
a. Fishing grounds
b. Fishing sector
c. Fisheries
d. All of the above

93. it is the identification and counting of fishes observe within a

defined area. *
a. survey method
b. Visual census
c. Manta tow
d. Point intercept

Correct answer
b. Visual census

90. These are seed-producing marine plants that occur in shallow,

nearshore water colonizing the soft, shallow and sandy muddy
bottom *
a. Seaweeds
b. Sea grass
c. Mangroves
d. Kelps

89. This is an extinct volcanic ridge located in the Philippine Sea

approximately 250 km east of the northern Coastline of Dinapigue,
Isabela. *
a. Panatag shoal
b. Philippine volcanic ridge
c. Philippine rise
d. Scar borough Shoal
Correct answer
c. Philippine rise

82. A mass of thunderstorms and clouds with straight cyclonic end

circulation of between 20-34 knots *
a. Typhoon
b. Tropical storm
c. Tropical disturbance
d. Tropical depression

94. This PAG-ASA rainfall warning is given if the rain reaches 15-30
mm. it is observed in 1hr and expected to continue in the next 2hrs *
a. red warning
b. Orange warning
c. Yellow warning
d. Green warning

Correct answer
b. Orange warning

98. Which of the following method is the most appropriate in

assessing the status of coral reef *
a. Manta tow
b. Transect method
c. Quadrat method
d. Visual census

Correct answer
a. Manta tow

92. These type of coral formation is characterized by attachment of

coral at one or more point, leaf-like or plater-like appearance. *
a. Branching
b. Encrusting
c. Mushroom
d. Foliose

100. Which of the following does not belong to the disputes and
issues over equivalent to 3 million square kilometers out of the sea's
3.5 million square kilometers surface area of the South China Sea? *
a. territorial disputes in the Spratly Islands between the Philippines, China, Vietnam, Malaysia,
and Brunei;
b. territorial dispute between the Philippines and China over Scarborough Shoal
c. maritime dispute between China on one side and on the other side, the Philippines, Vietnam,
Malaysia, Brunei and Indonesia as these countries resist China’s 9-dashed Lines claim as it
encroaches on their Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZs).
d. Maritime dispute between the Philippines and China over all the islands in the West Philippine
Sea including the Philippine Rise

Correct answer
d. Maritime dispute between the Philippines and China over all the islands in the West Philippine
Sea including the Philippine Rise

In measuring pressure, one standard atmosphere is equivalent to how

many millimeter of mercury? *
a. 670
b. 760
c. 607
d. 706

Correct answer
b. 760

83. Ocean currents produced by the frictional force between the wind
and sea surface *
a. Drift current
b. Compensation current
c. Divergence currents
d. Convergence currents

Correct answer
a. Drift current

96. it is described as the condition of the atmosphere at given time

and place. *
a. Weather
b. Climate
c. Atmospheric pressure
d. Temperature

81. Its is the part of the sea bottom from the shoreline up to a depth
of 200m. *
a. Continental shelf
b. Continental slope
c. Littoral zone
d. Abyss

87. An instrument designated to measure wind speed? *

a. Anemometer
b. Altimeter
c. Aerovane
d. Hygrometer
91. which of the following is not a species of Seagrass? *
a. Halophila
b. Nucticula
c. Thallassia
d. Enhalus

99. A substrate category which describes coverage of loose brushes

fragments of strong corals on coralline algae on the bottom, with a
diameter greater than 1 cm. *
a. Live hard coral
b. Live soft coral
c. Coral rubble
d. Dead standing coral
Option 5

Correct answer
c. Coral rubble

88. The boundary zone separating the northeast trade winds of the
Northern Hemisphere from the southeast trade winds of the Southern
hemisphere *
a. Intertropical Convergence Zone
b. Territorial water
c. Lifting Condensation Level
d. Occluded Front

85. This provides the list of all species of plant and animals
endangered by trade. *

95. Based on the updated tropical cyclone classification, _______ is

characterized by winds uo to 89-117 kph *
a. Tropical depression
b. Tropical storm
c. Severe tropical storm
d. Typhoon

Correct answer
c. Severe tropical storm

86. It is the horizontal transfer of any atmospheric property of the

wind. *
a. Accretion
b. Advection
c. Convection
d. Backing wind

97. This is a document that present secondary information and

primary data gathered from resource assessment activity in a
organized and integrated form *
a. Participatory Coastal Resource Assessment
b. Integrated Coastal Management plan
c. Coastal Resource Management plan
d. Coastal Environment Profile

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