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Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2013: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition

June 3-7, 2013, San Antonio, Texas, USA




Thomas D. Krüger, Sauro Liberatore, Eric Knopf, Alastair Clark

ALSTOM (Switzerland) Ltd.
5401 Baden

In rotordynamic analyses, support structures are commonly
represented by lumped mass systems (single-degree-of-freedom, A state matrix
SDOF). This representation is easy to implement using standard an coefficients of denominator polynom
rotordynamic tools. However, in reality the dynamic behaviour B input matrix
of the support structure (e.g. pedestals, casings, foundations) are bm coefficients of numerator polynom
in general much more complex. Only a multi-degree-of-freedom
C output matrix
(MDOF) representation provides modelling close to reality.
For many applications the dynamic behaviour of the support D direct matrix
structure significantly influences the rotordynamic characteris- D(s) denominator
tics of the shaft train and therefore needs to be included in the F force
assessment. Due to this impact, a good quality of the dynamic H frequency response function (FRF)
model used for the support structure is imperative. Regarding H matrix of FRFs
the rotor itself, the modelling is well understood and the predic- I identity matrix
tion quality is excellent, not least due to the jointless welded rotor √
j −1
Numerous theoretical approaches exist for considering the K stiffness matrix
complex dynamic behaviour of the support structure, all com- M mass matrix
ing along with both drawbacks and opportunities. By discussing N(s) numerator
the characteristics of established approaches for modelling the p modal state vector
support structure, the paper particularly presents an advanced q physical displacement
theoretical approach based on a state-space representation us-
s jΩ
ing modal parameters.
A case study of a real shaft train is shown, including a u input vector
comparison of achieved results using the SDOF and the pre- x state vector
sented MDOF approach. By validating with experimental re- y output vector
sults, the excellent prediction quality of the MDOF approach is Z damping matrix
confirmed. The implementation of this approach enabled to fur-
ther improve the reliability and the efficiency, which means high
accuracy combined with low computation time, in performing
rotordynamic assessments.

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1 Copyright © 2013 by Alstom Technology

Z̃ modal damping matrix compared to the FE model incorporating the complete cas-
γm Hankel singular value ing.
ζm modal damping • Both approaches are very well suited for sharing data be-
Φ modal matrix (mode shapes) tween different disciplines, like structure dynamics, civil en-
gineering and rotordynamics. This ensures a smooth and
ϕmk , ϕml mode shape components
constructive interdisciplinary work.
Ω angular frequency
Ω̃20 modal stiffness matrix The MDOF approach using modal parameters has been in-
ωm eigenfrequency troduced and established in the rotordynamic assessment with
the introduction of a new generation of GT in the Power Plant
Birr (Switzerland) configuration. In the following sections, the
individual approaches are described in detail, whereas the usu-
INTRODUCTION ally applied single-degree-of freedom (SDOF) approach serves
The dynamic behaviour of turbine sets is determined by the as a starting point and as an introduction to the topics. The use of
characteristics of the rotating system itself, by the dynamic be- lumped mass systems (SDOF) for modelling the substructure dy-
haviour of the bearing (and seal) elements (fluid-structure inter- namics of a rotor system is well-established since decades in ro-
action) and by the supporting structure (rotor-casing interaction, tordynamic analyses. The SDOF approach is advantageous with
rotor-foundation interaction). Looking at the application of a respect to its simplicity. Physically, its application is reasonable
heavy duty gas turbine (see Figure 1), the dynamic behaviour as long as only one natural mode of the substructure interacts
of the rotor system can be significantly influenced by the gas significantly with the rotor in the frequency range of interest or
turbine casing and support elements, which leads to changes of if the interaction is tolerably small.
critical speeds, to differences in the forced response behaviour However, depending on the complexity of the substructure
and therefore in the operational behaviour of the shaft train. Par- the SDOF approach may suffice only as an approximate descrip-
allel to the increasing market demands on operational flexibil- tion of the real dynamic behaviour. If several natural modes are
ity, the rotordynamic assessment procedures have to react to this
by providing appropriate methods and tools to fulfill these de-
mands. The dynamic behaviour of the gas turbine casings and
support structure is usually assessed by large 2D or 3D finite ele-
ment models. The dynamic behaviour of the GT casings is quite
complex, showing numerous eigenmodes in the frequency range
of interest (multi-degree-of-freedom (MDOF) behaviour), inter-
acts with the rotor system at the bearing positions and therefore
needs to be included in the rotordynamic assessment. The paper
presents in general two approaches to include the MDOF char-
acteristics in the rotordynamic assessment:

• description via frequency response functions (FRFs)

• description via state space representation, preferably in a
modal form

Both approaches are straightforward, whereas the state space

representation is more sophisticated and enables to perform any
typical rotordynamic calculation. The input data for both repre-
sentations can be derived from finite element models (see Figure
1) or from experimental modal analysis
Besides some differences in the capabilities (see subsequent
sections) both MDOF approaches share the following advan-

• The dynamic behaviour of the substructures is described by

a small amount of data. Therefore commercial and tailored
rotordynamic tools can be used ensuring a low computation
• The accuracy of the results for the rotor system is identical FE GT CASING MODEL (TAKEN FROM [1])

2 Copyright © 2013 by Alstom Technology


can be considered as an essential necessity in rotordynamic anal-

yses of high reliability. However, a MDOF description of the
support structure apparently comes along with much higher com-
plexity in the mathematical description than the SDOF approach.
Nevertheless, the mathematical description should be as simple,
concise, consolidated and systematic as possible. Preferably, it
simultaneously features the capability of performing all
• the analysis of natural behaviour,
• unbalance response calculations and
• transient calculations.
present in the operating range featuring high interaction with the Furthermore, since complex structures consist of several compo-
rotor or if there is a high spacial coupling e.g. between different nents, usually more individual disciplines are involved in provid-
bearing locations over the support structure, the approximation ing inputs for the rotordynamic analysis. Therefore the MDOF
might not be sufficient to reflect reality. For example, Figure 2 description should allow for the demanding need of smooth in-
shows a FRF at one degree of freedom of a GT support system, terdisciplinary working.
defined as dynamic compliance A method of modelling the support structure has been es-
tablished, helping to meet these manifold requirements. For this
q(Ω) method, natural frequencies and mode shape components are the
FRF : H(Ω) = ; [H] = m/N , (1) only input needed. They are used for formulating a state space
system as constitutive mathematical description which is pro-
vided as input to the rotordynamic model.
i.e. the ratio between dynamic displacement q(Ω) and force
F(Ω) dependent on frequency Ω. Assuming the real behaviour to
be represented by the multi-degree-of-freedom (MDOF) system, Frequency Response Functions: Lookup Tables
the SDOF approach accommodates only a single mode. This can FRFs represent the state-of-the-art approach of considering
be an acceptable approximation for a specific speed, but high de- complex dynamic behaviour of the support structure in rotordy-
viations may need to be accepted for wide speed ranges. More- namics. Multiple natural modes, cross-coupling as well as cross-
over, with a SDOF model no interaction between different loca- talking effects can be considered. Today’s rotordynamic soft-
tions or degrees of freedom can be described. Only a MDOF ware is able to deal with a support structure defined via FRFs.
representation provides the opportunity of modelling close to re- Usually lookup tables are used as input to define the FRFs, e.g.
ality in the case of complex dynamic behaviour, characterised by with data columns containing frequency, amplitude and phase
• multiple natural modes, (see Figure 3 as an example).
• cross-coupling effects, i.e. interaction between horizontal Figure 4 illustrates the use of FRFs in the rotordynamic
and vertical direction, and model of a combined cycle power plant shaft train equipped with
• cross-talking effects, i.e. interaction between several bearing a gas turbine. The GT rotor is supported by a casing. The casing
positions. structure exhibits complex dynamic behaviour and interacts sig-
nificantly with the rotor. With a 3D finite element model of the
The example shown in Figure 2 emphasises the need for us- casing a forced response analysis has therefore been performed
ing a MDOF description of the support structure. Particularly in order to derive FRF lookup tables. These have been attached
if the mentioned characteristics are present, MDOF modelling at the bearing positions to the rotordynamic model. Unbalance

3 Copyright © 2013 by Alstom Technology



response predictions have been performed using this approach.
One advantage of lookup tables is the inherent flexibility of
the definition. Any input data regardless of the source – calcu- Manual Polynomial Fits
lations or measurements – can be used. However, the analytical Figure 5 shows an exemplary result of a polynomial fit with
capabilities are restricted to harmonic response calculations only. a numerator order of 2 and a denominator order of 4 with the full
Neither an eigenvalue analysis nor transient calculations can be frequency range having taken into account. The fit quality can be
obtained by using FRF lookup tables. A parametric description rated as non-satisfying, so redoing the fit is required. The man-
is needed instead. ual fit process is evidently based on trial and error, can be rather
time consuming and needs sound user experience. It involves po-
tential risks, e.g. partly questionable results and numerical prob-
Frequency Response Functions: Polynomial Fits lems, especially with high polynomial orders requested.
One solution of getting a parametric description of the shaft Another side effect of performing individual polynomial fits
support dynamics is to apply polynomial fits to the FRF lookup manually consists in similar poles showing up for the FRFs.
tables. Fundamentally, a FRF can be described by the complex Physically the structure has as many conjugate complex pole
rational function pairs as natural modes. Hence the number of poles describing
the structure dynamics is limited. Since the fit algorithm pro-
M vides for good fit quality in a least squares sense only, one phys-
∑ (bm sm ) ical pole may show up as several numerical poles close to each
N(s) m=0
H(s) = = N
; s = jΩ (2) other. These scattered poles (Figure 6) will occur later on in the
∑ (an sn ) rotordynamic eigenvalue analysis again. The user has to decide
n=0 which eigenvalues are reasonable and which can be disregarded
– again based on experience and with additional effort.
consisting of a numerator polynomial N(s) and a denominator
polynomial D(s) with m constant coefficients bm and n constant
Automatic Polynomial Fitting
coefficients an respectively. Algorithms based on the least square
The described manual process has been made automatic in
method exist [2, 3] in order to estimate the coefficients bm and
order to tackle the drawbacks coming along with it. The auto-
an from a lookup table H(Ω) representing H(s). Each individ-
matic process has been implemented in a software tool providing
ual FRF of the dynamic support description needs separate treat-
a stepwise increase of the orders for the numerator and denom-
ment, including
inator polynomials. All physically meaningful order combina-
• defining the orders of the numerator and the denominator tions are performed, i.e. polynomial orders of equation (2) must
polynomial, satisfy M ≤ N − 2 for bound mechanical structures. The quality
• defining the frequency range to be covered, of each individual fit is tested by calculating the correlation be-
• a rating of the fit quality tween the source FRF and its estimated polynomial expression.
• repeating all the steps until a satisfying quality of the fit is At the end of all fits, the solution providing the highest correla-
reached. tion is automatically chosen.

4 Copyright © 2013 by Alstom Technology


In order to avoid similar poles, a pole check has been imple-

mented. All poles found within a user specified tolerance circle
(see Figure 6, uncertainty range) are considered as one pole. Its
value is determined by the mean value of all poles located in the
tolerance circle. The scattering poles are replaced by the mean
Figures 7 and 8 show exemplary results of the automated
polynomial fitting procedure. The results in Figures 7(a) and
7(b) have been achieved by a user specified maximum polyno-
mial order of 4. Regarding the FRF on the main diagonal of the
transfer matrix (Figure 7(a)), two main peaks have been identi-
fied very well. However, due to the low maximum order, some
peaks particularly in the low frequency region are missed. A
minor fit quality has been achieved on the cross-coupling FRF
shown in Figure 7(b). Not only many peaks are missed but also
identified peaks have been estimated poorly.
Figures 8(a) and 8(b) illustrate the result of fitting the same FIGURE 7: AUTOMATIC POLYNOMIAL FITS OF FRFS,
FRFs, but with a maximum admitted order of 72. As expected MAXIMUM ORDER 4
the final correlation between the source FRF and the fit gets
much higher (99.9 % on the main diagonal, 98.5 % on the cross-
coupling FRF). In order to achieve this result, polynomial orders
with the vector of inputs u, the vector of states x and the vector
not higher than 34 were needed.
of outputs y. The state matrix A describes the system’s natural
Another way to avoid multiple poles is to firstly identify behaviour, the input matrix B the influence of inputs onto the sys-
one denominator common to all FRFs and secondly fit the nu- tem, the output matrix C the influence of the system states onto
merators individually. This approach has been discussed by the outputs and the direct matrix D the proportionality between
R ICHARDSON and F ORMENTI [4]. inputs and outputs. Equation (3) represents a system of first order
differential equations in time.
Any differential equation of N-th order in time can be con-
State Space Representation verted to the form given by equation (3). Hence, converting the
Another approach for getting a parametric description of the second order differential equation of motion
support dynamics can be based on the use of the state space rep-
resentation. Generically a state space system is defined by
Mq̈ + Zq̇ + Kq = F (4)

ẋ = A x + B u
y = Cx + Du with mass-, damping- and stiffness terms M, Z and K respec-

5 Copyright © 2013 by Alstom Technology


H(Ω) = C ( jΩ I − A)−1 B + D , (6)

while considering the equation of motion (4) the transfer be-

haviour is given by

K − Ω2 M + j (Ω Z)
H(Ω) = . (7)

Equations (6) and (7) give an entirely identical result for the
FRFs H(Ω). In order to retrieve FRFs in the form proposed,
the system matrices defined in physical coordinates – or at least
(a) FRF MAIN DIAGONAL part of their entries – must be known. Particularly for the state
matrix A in equation (5) the full system matrix M is required due
to the need for its inversion. The feasibility and the handiness of
this approach is restricted, since usually 3D finite elements are
used for modelling the support structure coming along with big
system sizes. Restrictions also exist, if experimental source data
is available only.

The Benefit Of Using Modal Parameters

Equation (5) uses physical coordinates as states. By per-
forming an eigenvalue analysis on the equation of motion (4),
its eigenvalues λ and the modal matrix Φ containing the eigen-
vectors can be determined. Applying the modal transformation
q = Φp with physical coordinates q and modal coordinates p
(b) CROSS-COUPLING FRF equation (4) can be converted into its modal form

| {z } | {z } | {z }
1 Z̃ Ω̃20

tively into the state space representation yields assuming the modal matrix Φ to be mass normalised. Ω20 is a
diagonal matrix containing the squares of the eigenfrequencies.
ẋ A x B u If the damping of the system can be described proportional to
z}|{ z }| { z}|{ z }| { z}|{ M and K, Z̃ is diagonal as well, containing the real parts of the
q̇ 0 I
q 0
 eigenvalues λ . In equation (8) the system is described modally
= + F decoupled. Once the eigenfrequencies ωm and the modal matrix
q̈ −M−1 K −M−1 Z q̇ M−1
(5) Φ are known, the FRF from input l to output k can be calculated
 q   by the modal superposition
q = I 0 + 0 F

|{z} | {z } |{z} | {z } |{z} N
y x u ϕmk ϕml
C D Hkl (Ω) = ∑ , (9)
m=1 (ω 2 − Ω2 ) +
m j (2 ζm ωm Ω)

by determining forces F as inputs and displacements q as out-

puts. Considering the state space representation (3), the transfer making use of the N mode shape components ϕml at input l and
behaviour between its inputs u and outputs y in general is defined ϕmk at output k. ζm represents the modal damping of mode m.

6 Copyright © 2013 by Alstom Technology

The state space representation in modal form of system (8) be- time consuming and error prone. This should be avoided, auto-
comes matic procedures are recommendable instead. Automatic proce-
dures for reducing the number of considered modes are presented
ṗ 0 I
p 0 in the later section about System Reduction.
= + T F
p̈ −Ω̃20 −Z̃ ṗ Φ
  Case study
The following section shows a case study of a new gen-
q = Φ 0 + 0 F .
ṗ eration GT where the FRFs have been introduced and applied
for considering the GT casing dynamics in the rotordynamic
The only difference between the state space systems (5) and assessment of the Power Plant Birr in Switzerland (see Fig-
(10) consists in the definition of their state vectors, using physi- ure 4). For this shaft train configuration, significant rotor-
cal q and modal p respectively. The described dynamic properties structure-interaction was expected.
stay the same, the forces F (inputs) and the displacements q (out- As mentioned, the casing exhibits rather complex dynamic
puts) as well. Both inputs and outputs stay in physical represen- behaviour, including 64 modes within the frequency range of in-
tation even in the modal form (10). Therefore, also the transfer terest, cross-coupling as well as significant cross-talking between
behaviour determined by equation (6) remains unchanged in the the bearings. A 3D finite element model of the casing has been
case of using state space system (10). Furthermore, not the full used to properly estimate its eigenfrequencies and mode shapes.
modal matrix Φ is needed to build the state space system, but The casing interacts with the shaft train via two radial journal
only the mode shape components at the in- and outputs (here: bearings. For each bearing, the casing dynamics horizontally
forces/displacements respectively). and vertically has been taken into account. These 4 degrees of
Besides the representation shown here, other definitions of freedom require 10 individual FRFs1 (see also Figure 12) for de-
state space systems exist. S CH ÖNHOFF ET AL . [5] present a sam-
ple of these definitions and discuss their individual properties
in further detail. For a more generic discussion about capabili- 1 due to the symmetry of the transfer matrix
ties and fields of application for state space formulations see e.g.
A couple of benefits come along with the use of modal para-
meters. The source can be either a calculation or an experimental
modal analysis. Using finite element models, an eigenvalue cal-
culation requires significantly less computational time compared
to harmonic response calculations. A state space representation
can be formulated. If needed, FRFs as lookup tables are deter-
minable via either equation (6) or equation (9). In contrast to
the polynomial fit method, the use of modal parameters ensures
physically entirely meaningful results in all rotordynamic analy-
ses. Additionally the comparatively high efforts for performing
polynomial fits are avoided. System reductions can be easily per-
(a) 1st MODE SHAPE
formed by using the modal state space representation (10). Fur-
thermore, modal parameters represent a simple and unique data
format ensuring an efficient interdisciplinary exchange. Together
with the use of the state space representation the approach is very
well formalised and therefore easy to handle. Used in the rotor-
dynamic model, it is applicable to eigenvalue analyses as well as
to unbalance and transient response calculations.
The number of modes for typical support structures like cas-
ings or foundations can be rather high. However, by using the
modal representation even a high number of modes can be han-
dled with low numerical effort. The result is then identical com-
pared to the source model, e.g. FE model of the GT casing. The
(b) 2nd MODE SHAPE
effort for the user is minimised, particularly a manual selection
between significant and unimportant modes is not necessary. The
experience shows that especially the manual selection can be FIGURE 9: SDOF SUPPORT, CALCULATED MODE SHAPES AT

7 Copyright © 2013 by Alstom Technology

(a) 1st MODE SHAPE


closer to reality. Especially, the sound representation of the

(b) 2nd MODE SHAPE
phase characteristics (see Figure 2) and the cross-talking (see
Figure 12) plays a significant role and contributes to the im-
proved prediction.

System Reduction
scribing all cross-coupling and cross-talking terms. Instead of In the case study the high number of modes to model the
generating FRF lookup tables and fitting polynomials, the modal support structure has been mentioned. Many of the modes can
state space representation (10) has been used for the dynamic be less significant for the overall rotordynamic behaviour e.g.
analysis. A speed dependent eigenvalue analysis was performed because of their local character. But each mode considered to
resulting in a Campbell diagram and the prediction of critical describe the support structure dynamics will appear as mode in
speeds. The comparison is shown exemplarily for the first and an eigenvalue analysis of the coupled system as well, regardless
second critical speed of the GT shaft. of it’s relevance for assessing the coupled system behaviour. This
The mode shapes of these critical speeds are shown in Fig- fact emphasizes the benefit of reducing the system.
ures 9 and 10, whereas Figure 9 represents the SDOF casing Deriving proper FRFs from equation (9) by involving all
model and Figure 10 shows the mode shapes for the MDOF modes is straightforward. However, getting equivalent FRFs
approach. It becomes evident that the differences in the mode based on a reduced set of modes requires additional consider-
shapes between the two support models are comparatively small, ation. A reduced system should be as small as possible and –
since these modes are shaft dominated. to some degree contradictory – still reflect the system dynam-
The higher quality of the MDOF support model becomes ics realistically. In modal representation a system reduction can
obvious when comparing the calculated critical speeds with the be achieved by truncating modes. In order to do this, limiting
ones identified in the Power Plant. The relative deviations are the frequency range of interest is the first step. However, if for
shown in Figure 11. Using a SDOF model for the support struc- instance runup behaviour of the shaft train is of interest, limit-
ture, deviations up to 17 % need to be accepted, whilst the MDOF ing the frequency range may remain pointless. Rather adjuvant
model provides maximum deviations from the identified values instead is to identify relevant modes and neglect the irrelevant
around 2 % which is remarkable for such a complex system. ones. One approach in this manner is offered e.g. by evaluating
If the complex support structure dynamics are considered Hankel singular values, representing a measure for the energy
properly, the noticeable effect of dynamic interaction between each mode adds to the system dynamics. Determining Hankel
the rotor and its support is taken into account and results get singular values in an exact manner is time-consuming [6], espe-

8 Copyright © 2013 by Alstom Technology


cially for big systems, but usually the bearing locations. The use of Hankel singular val-
ues offers a promising way of reducing even very big systems
efficiently without noticeable loss of quality.
||Bm || · ||Cm ||
γm = (11)
4ζm ωm
provides a sufficient approximation. Having defined system dy- The paper summarises different approaches to include the
namics by a modal state space representation, equation (11) eas- dynamic characteristics of structures like gas turbine casings and
ily can be evaluated. Bm and Cm are the parts of the input and support elements in rotordynamic analysis. The lumped mass
output matrix referring to the m-th mode, || · || denote their ma- (SDOF) approach has still its value for early stage analysis or for
trix norms. For each individual mode one Hankel singular value systems not showing significant rotor-structure interaction (e.g.
γm is determinable. Low values indicate insignificance of the ac- pedestal supported generator rotors). It is clear that the more so-
cording mode shape. phisticated MDOF approaches based on FRFs or the state space
The capability of applying Hankel singular values for sys- deliver a more realistic result over the interesting speed ranges.
tem reduction is illustrated in Figure 12 using the example of the With the availability of accurate finite element models, the re-
GT casing (cf. Figure 4). The plot is the result of an automatic quired input data for the computation of the FRFs as well as for
procedure driven by achieving a target correlation between the the modal state space representation are at hand. By the repre-
full and the reduced system. For the given combination of inputs sentation of the support structure in the state space using modal
and outputs, an overall correlation of 99.927 % has been reached parameters, an efficient, reliable, user-independent way of con-
with including only half of the poles of the full system (28 of 62). sidering complex support dynamics has been implemented. The
At this point, another advantage of the presented method re- approach inherently ensures physically meaningful results only
veals. Only those modes are automatically taken into account and can be used consistently for all calculations needed for a ro-
which are observable and/or excitable at the interface positions, tordynamic assessment: eigenvalue analysis, unbalance as well

9 Copyright © 2013 by Alstom Technology

as transient response. This approach combines the advantages
of high accuracy with comparably low computing time, which is
a big advantage for rotordynamic analysis, where a lot of load
cases need to be assessed. With the use of the modal parame-
ters for the representation of support structures, the interfaces
to other disciplines like civil engineering (e.g. for foundation)
and structure dynamics (GT casing) can be easily standardised
and the data exchange is independent from the calculation tools
used. This is an additional benefit as every discipline usually
uses special tools for their part of the assessment. With the intro-
duction of a new GT generation, it has been experienced that the
presented methods are very well suited for close to reality pre-
dictions of the rotordynamic behaviour, while ensuring a stan-
dardised and simplified data to manage the interactions between
the different engineering disciplines.

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10 Copyright © 2013 by Alstom Technology

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