20240624-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. To Adam Horsburgh CEO & Ors Austin Health

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3 Adam Horsburg CEO &m Ors 24-6-2024
4 Austin Health
5 Forwarded via email
6 feedback@austin.org.au
9 20240624-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to Adam Horsburg CEO & Ors Austin Health
10 Adam,
11 hereby on behalf of my 91-year-old wife Olga Hlavka-Schorel (an inpatient of Austin
12 Hospital (Austin Health) I lodge a formal complaint against a female nurse of Austin Hospital
13 and below I will set out some details! I was in 2020 granted Enduring Power of Attorney, via
14 Olga’s lawyers and also granted Medical authority.
16 On Saturday 22 June 2024 I forwarded to Marisa an email reproduced below, albeit I discovered
17 she be returning to work on Tuesday 25 June 2024. Nevertheless, I below include the email, and
18 a copy of acknowledgement it was received.
20 Olga and I had concerns about possible problems at Austin Hospital and therefore I held it better
21 to email the 22-6-2024 email.
23 Regretfully, in the end it appears to me you seem to have disregarded my past writing (see below
24 quotations)
26 Dr Anthony Fauci (USA) in 2015 stated that in his view mask do not work and a major problem
27 with the 1918/10919 Spanish Flu was people were not dying from the Flu but from wearing a
28 mask. However, despite this he as an advisor to then President Donald J trump recommended to
29 enforce the wearing of mask, social distancing, etc. Recently when questioned under oath by the
30 Congress (USA) he admitted that there was no science upon which he made social distancing
31 applicable and neither so with the mask. In my extensive writings as published at my blog at
32 https://www.scribd.com/inspectorrikati you find his statement and that of numerous others
33 quoted. Including that a German court held that there was no SARS-CoV-2 VIRUS “COVID-19
34 virus” and recently a USA Court held that the alleged “covid vaccine” is not a vaccine but a
35 “gene therapy”.
37 I also quoted that the WHO headed by the Director-General a VETERINARIAN was the one
38 dictating in march 2020 the MASK and other MANDATES.
40 In my view you as a CEO could not accept that a VETERINARIAN dictates to medical
41 establishments such as hospitals for humans as to what medical treatment should or should not
42 be provided to a patient.

24-6-2024 Page 1 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail
admin@inspector-rikati.com See also www.scribd.com/inspectorrikati
Page 2

1 While medical doctors (for humans) may prescribe medication and vaccinations, where
2 medically appropriate, to prescribe a “medical therapy” this must be soundly bases upon
3 appropriate medical examinations, including relevant medical test.
5 I understand that for example by December 2021 Northern Hospital provided allegedly 800,000
6 so called “covid-19 vaccination” this even so they were actually “gene therapy”
7 DEPOPULATION “bioweapons”, which in my understand is a violation of bio security laws as
8 well as the rights of any patients to be misled they were vaccinated when in fact they were
9 injected with a “gene therapy” item and so no patient ever could have been giving “informed
10 consent”.
12 In my view Austin Health may very well end up being sued by medical staff (including nurses)
13 for demand it to be jabbed and to demand the wearing of mask that appear to me have no
14 medical benefit but ample of harm.
16 Olga entered Emergency Department on Sunday 23 June 2024 and in my view the Emergency
17 Department needs someone competent to reorganise it. But that is another issues.
19 After about 4½ hours Olga finally made it to a cubical to be seen by a doctor. I expressed at the
20 time to the doctor that Olga was very pleased by the conduct of the doctor and I was as to his
21 alertness to details. In my view a 10 out of 10.
23 As for the nursing staff, I would also say 10 out of 10.
25 I used to manage factories and as such have an understanding about workforce and so when I
26 indicate a 10 out of 10 then that is based upon my experiences!
28 Olga was then transferred to Short Stay Unit for overnight assessment. Olga wanted me to stay
29 overnight with her, and I did so in a reclining chair. The conduct of the staff was pleasant and in
30 the overall I would say that by the time I left I held 9.7 out of 10 for them.
31 As for the Short Stay Unit facilities, etc, I would rate is 10 out of 10.
33 Spending most of the time awake I had little sleep and Helen a nurse suggested I go home to get
34 some sleep, and I did.
36 I returned at about 6.15 pm and finding Olga in distress at Ward 7 East 9.
37 Olga explained that after I left suddenly the service seemed to deteriorate
39 Even so Olga had problems standing, etc, a staff member urged her to get into a chair. It seems
40 that they didn’t want to transport Olga in the bed she was using. In the end they did anyhow.
41 When they were leaving Short Stay Unit suddenly a female nurse put a mask on Olga’s face,
42 without asking her if she could or asking Olga’s consent. Olga informed me she immediately
43 removed the mask and then the nurse again, without saying anything put the mask on Olga, over
44 her face. Olga again took it off and made clear she was exempted from wearing a mask.
45 In my view this was an ‘ASSUALT” upon Olga as no nurse is entitled to inflict harm upon a
46 patient, regardless what idiotic policy a hospital may pursue.
47 Hence, this is a formal COMPLAINT of ASSUALT by a staff member upon Olga. There was a
48 male staff member who seemed to laugh in seeing Olga to stand up for her rights.
49 I assume you are getting paid to do a job and if you had done, as I did, you would have been well
50 aware that you as CEO cannot dictate a hospital policy to pursue a patient to inflict self-harm or
51 for hospital to inflict harm upon a patient.
24-6-2024 Page 2 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail
admin@inspector-rikati.com See also www.scribd.com/inspectorrikati
Page 3

1 It is like a person going to a supermarket and the store requires a person to cut of a finger or an
2 arm to be allowed to go shopping. That would be utterly ridiculous and in my view you should
3 resign also from gross incompetence to have this kind of policy in place.
5 As for the argument that it was a government policy, the Former Minister for health Greg Hunt
6 already made known he was not aware of certain MANDATES and they were not supported by
7 medical evidence.
9 Obviously, considering my extensive writings Austin Health can now prove what scientific
10 medical evidence it relies upon to insist upon mask being used by patients, etc.
11 Again, as I already wrote about years ago, long before the alleged SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19)
12 alleged virus was even referred to a 16-year-old student simply made up the 6 feet social
13 distancing, without any scientific or other medical basis just as a school project. And the world
14 was subjected to all this because a VETERINARIAN dictated this to the world, in March 2020,
15 because the pharmaceutical companies demanded this?
16 And you run this absurdity rather then ensure that medical professionals qualified in human
17 health issues ultimately decide what is best for their patients?
19 As I referred to above Anthony Fauci himself made clear that the people dying during the
20 Spanish flu mainly died from wearing a mask! And you enforced this nonsense also upon doctors
21 and nurses and others?
23 In my view had you bothered to research matters appropriately you would have known years ago
24 that the mask were harmful, and a lot more than just breathing of what a person had just exhaled!
25 See my blog it quoted scientific reports, etc.
27 In my view as a CEO you ought to have been well aware that the Emergency Department is a
28 scandal. If you don’t know this then again I view you should resign.
30 On 23 June 2024 Olga had to wait about 40 minutes before being seen by a triage nurse. Now,
31 the real reason this was so absurd was because in my view it lacks proper management, and I am
32 not in any way seeking to blame the staff working there. If you ever had bothered to be down
33 there at a busy time you ought to have been well aware of this and why not have fixed it?
35 Let me give you some ideas.
37 There are 4 rows of chars of 2 each with 4 chairs each. If those chairs were turned 90 degrees,
38 than this would already commence to make an improvement, when the glass panel wall is moved
39 to be aligned with the door of the triage. Then the limited walkway behind the glass panels to be
40 closed of in the entre and a sliding door ( in front of desk 1) be fitted in the gap between the glass
41 panels and the wall of the Triage. The computer in front of the then sliding door be moved to the
42 newly created wall in front of the other computer and the bench part be removed altogether
43 between the left computer and the Triage wall. Albeit a sliding door could also be filled where
44 there is a walk through from the Triage behind the current position of desk 1.
45 This would mean that instead of the nurde trying to squae her arm through thre about 20cem
46 opening to try to measure a patients blood pressure, etc, she now have them in an enclose part,
47 and patients can talk in confidence rather then in the open.
49 As for desk 2 the desk nearest to the walk way be moved back and then have a sliding door there
50 to enable a person to enter that area and talk in confiednece.
24-6-2024 Page 3 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail
admin@inspector-rikati.com See also www.scribd.com/inspectorrikati
Page 4

1 This would make it much more comfortable for staff as well as patients.
5 Where there is the entrance to the emergency waiting are from the parking bays, Austin Health
6 uses the computer system (with obviously modifications) used by VicRoads Bundoora
8 When a prospective patient walks in the patient then faces a computer screen in which the patient
9 can enter his/her date of birth and then the medicate number.
11 Then a red button “CHILD” or a Red button “ADULT”.
12 The screen to show
13 1. Head
14 2. 2, neck,
15 3. 3 torso
16 4. 4. Arm(s)
17 5. 5 Leg(s)
18 And next to each a red “yes” or a green “no” button.
20 Below that the screen to allow a small keyboard where a patient is invited to make a brief
21 statement:
23 For example:
24 Heart palpitations, headage swollen legs.
26 This so that a triage nurse immediate may be able to consider what may or may not be an
27 emergency.
29 When the prospective patient has filled in details as desired then the patient could press a button :
30 Push for number allocation.
32 The computer now prints out a number.
34 As with the VicRoads each particular selection then can be issued with a certain letters before
35 the number so that Triage staff immediately will be aware if any child is waiting and so what is
36 the alleged illness. Also with other persons if there are any heart failure or other such issues that
37 may require more urgent attention.
39 As with VicRoads screen then will have to display say “C2.3. (meaning Child neck and torso
40 issues) or A5 (meaning Adult with leg(s) issues. The screen then shows the number of the
41 relevant desk to attend to or other area like Triage, etc.
43 Instead of hospital staff (doctors, nurses, other staff) calling out a name, now all that is needed is
44 to press staff the button of their station or location for the patients to go to and the ticket number
45 that was issued.
47 With this instead of a mother holding a toddler in her arms waiting for 40 minutes or more in line
48 just to be making it to the desk, now the mother can take the ticket and sit down and just wait
49 until a screen displays her ticket number and the location where to go.
50 People with injuries can now take the ticket and sit down instead of standing in excruciating pain
51 in line.
24-6-2024 Page 4 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail
admin@inspector-rikati.com See also www.scribd.com/inspectorrikati
Page 5

1 Also, when a person provides a date of birth and a Medicare number then staff can immediately
2 draw up any past medical records of that person, and not having to try to find it and in the
3 process lose time that holds up everyone else waiting.
4 With people waiting in a wheelchair the left side (in front of the Triage) could be designated for
5 patients waiting in wheelchairs, so as not to block others who are sitting on the length of 8 seats
6 (2 benches).
8 It also would clear the walkway as no one would be standing there in line because everyone can
9 sit down without being worried about losing his/her turn in the line.
11 As for the swabbing of the nose, I wrote about this some years ago, with images, that as I
12 understand it this was done with slaves to break the brain barrier to punish a slave! We about
13 2,000 years later seem to use it under a guise that it serves a health purpose when in reality is
14 does nothing of that kind. This, because the PCR test cannot be used as a medical tool to
15 establish if a person suffers from a particular illness, this because it can only magnify something
16 and could in a sense magnify some left overs of an illness suffered decades ago and
17 misconstrued to be a current issue.
19 Getting back to the desk of the nurses. It is absurd a nurse had to try to get through a 20 cm gab
20 to check a patient and/or walk around to get to the patient.
22 With Olga, after I left the Short Stay Unit as I understand from Olga a pharmacist came to Olga
23 and made clear she couldn’t rely upon the handwritten notes Olga had provided as she needed
24 proper records. Olga informed me she came 3 times and also had a red plastic map that actually
25 belonged to Olga with her records in it. Olga obviously needs those records back as after all the
26 doctor in Emergency with our consent photo copied them and as such there is absolutely no
27 justification for Austin Health to keep her red plastic folder with the documents in it. And I view
28 Austin health should ensured they are returned to Olga without undue delay.
30 In a way I can understand that the pharmacist may not desire to rely upon whatever medication
31 Olga had listed, and in that regard it is to her credit, and I understand she even phoned certain
32 pharmacies. But in reality, there was in my view absolutely no need for any panic.
33 After all if Austin Health was proper managed then it should have located on its file a “referral”
34 from Olga’s medical doctor (GP) Dr S. Tan from Watsonia listing all the medications. (Austin
35 then provided a waiting list of 8 months or more!!!!!) Because Austin did not provide a in-
36 house service when needed but for 8 months Olga then engaged a private cardiologist in
37 Bundoora. As such, the pharmacist could have asked staff to check Olga’s medical files!
39 Then, Olga also informed me that some doctor attended (after I had left) and started to ask her all
40 kinds of questions about who does the cooking, etc. Moment, why wait until I have left?
42 Staff in Austin tried to get Olga to accept to transfer to a private hospital and both Olga and
43 myself view that the change in service may simply have been to try to pester Olga out of the
44 hospital. Not because she was not deemed to need medical assistance but because they wanted
45 her to go to a private hospital instead. And this Austin calls equal service regardless of being a
46 public or a private patient.
48 Olga was very much upset when I came aback at about 6.15PM on 24 June 2024 and in my view
49 it was totally uncalled for. The service from being 9.7 to 10 out of 10 suddenly became more like
50 minus 5 of 10!
24-6-2024 Page 5 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail
admin@inspector-rikati.com See also www.scribd.com/inspectorrikati
Page 6

1 The unprovoked attack upon Olga with the mask never should have eventuated. Olga was
2 entitled to medical care and not medical inflicted harm.
4 There was also pressure upon Olga to accept certain injections which Olga refused and she made
5 clear that she ordinary discuss with me anything before she makes a decision. That is what a
6 husband and wife team are about, to work out together what might be deemed the best for either
7 or both.
9 I was also informed by a female nurse at the desk at Ward 7 East that I am required to bring a
10 medical exemption for not wearing a mask. I explained that the Department of Health made clear
11 that this was not required! I added that only for a court this may be required!
12 It seems to me that Austin staff are brainwashed to act in a manner no matter how unlawful and
13 that needs to be stopped!
15 Olga fears to be in Austin as result.
17 Do consider if this were to end up in a court of law then Austin Health would have to provide
18 that SARS-CoV-2 alleged virus was isolated and purified according to the Koch postulate, and
19 this to me courts already ruled against.
21 Also have to prove that there was reliable scientific evidence to prove that mask were to the
22 benefit of people, not what some animal doctor like a VETERINARIAN may have dictated!
23 After all, since when are VETERINARIANS medically qualified to prescribe the treatment of
24 human patients?
26 As an ASSUALT is a criminal offence then Austin Health is obligated to report the matter to the
27 relevant law enforcement authority and failing to do so can itself have further legal
28 consequences.
30 I below quote some correspondences!
32 QUOTE 22-6-2024 Austin Health Feedback Acknowledgement
33 Austin Health Feedback Acknowledgement
35 From:feedback@austin.org.au
36 To:Mr Gerrit H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
37 Sat, 22 June at 7:46 pm
39 Thank you for emailing the Patient Experience Unit at Austin Health. Your feedback is important
40 to us.
42 Please accept this automatic reply as confirmation we have received your feedback. Feedback
43 received after the close of business, will be reviewed on the next business day.
45 If you have provided a compliment, thank you. We will forward your positive feedback to the
46 area manager to share with relevant staff.
48 Feedback relating to a concern, will be forwarded to the relevant area manager to review and
49 provide you a response when requested. Most concerns can be addressed within a few days,
50 however more complex matters may take a number of weeks.

24-6-2024 Page 6 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail
admin@inspector-rikati.com See also www.scribd.com/inspectorrikati
Page 7

1 If your concern relates to a current inpatient stay, please ask to speak to the Nurse in Charge of
2 the shift. If you are not in the hospital, you can contact the main switchboard on 9496 5000 and
3 ask to speak to the Nurse in Charge.
5 Please be mindful our staff are here to help you. Austin Health has zero tolerance for aggressive
6 behaviour. We will not respond to threatening or abusive phone calls or emails.
8 For more information about our feedback management process, please visit our website via the
9 following link https://www.austin.org.au/our-complaints-process/
11 Kind regards
13 Patient Experience Team
14 Austin Health
15 Office hours: 9am to 4pm, Monday - Friday
16 feedback@austin.org.au
17 Phone: 9496 3566
18 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email and any files transmitted with it are
19 confidential and are to be used solely by the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. If
20 you are not the intended recipient and have received this email in error, please be aware
21 that any disclosure, copying or distribution of the information it contains; or taking any
22 action in reliance on the contents of this information, is strictly prohibited and may be
23 unlawful. Please notify us by return email that you have received the email and delete all
24 copies in your system.
25 END QUOTE 22-6-2024 Austin Health Feedback Acknowledgement
27 QUOTE 22-6-2024 email to Marisa ANDREAZZA
28 Re: Gerrit to Marisa, Re Olga Hlavka-Schorel
29 Yahoo/Archive
30 Mr Gerrit H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
31 From:inspector_rikati@yahoo.com.au
32 To:ANDREAZZA, Marisa
33 Cc:FEEDBACK,admin@inspector-rikati.com,Gerrit Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
34 Sat, 22 June at 7:41 pm
35 Marisa,
37 if things are as I contemplate, but pending upon Olga's ability to be able to travel,
38 Olga may attend to the emergency Department of Austin Hospital.
40 Olga suffers a lot of pain and I view that it requires a medical doctor in human issues
41 to assist.
43 The WHO (World Health Organisation) Director-General is a VETERINRIAN I view
44 not medically competent to dictate hospital policies as eventuated during the "covid
45 scam", this even so hospitals were nevertheless enforcing his directions.
47 I did file with the "Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission" a criminal
48 COMPLAINT and below I will indicate some issues.

24-6-2024 Page 7 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail
admin@inspector-rikati.com See also www.scribd.com/inspectorrikati
Page 8

1 In my view medical doctors are to deal with human illnesses and NEVER should be
2 dictated by some VETERINARIAN how to deal with human illnesses/diseases. As it
3 appears that nevertheless the medical profession went along to implement conditions
4 of a VETERINARIAN then I view this ought to be properly investigated as a criminal
5 issue.
7 Olga was denied proper medical care when needed and even when she was directed
8 by Austin Hospital staff to attend to the Emergency Department, when she did she
9 was to stand on the footpath for a supped medical checkup, which I view violates
10 appropriate medical conduct.
12 In fairness the same nonsense was played out in a Bundoora medical Centre where a
13 woman on the footpath had to lift up her clothing for the doctor to medical examine
14 her!!!! I took photos of that incident and provided it to the AFP! As such not
15 fabricating this incident!
17 Olga is in fear that any hospital may rather try to kill her and that is obviously of
18 concern.
20 This is not some wild assumption.
22 A receptionist of an eye doctor was given the option to have a cancer treatment by
23 having the FAKE covid jab or no cancer treatment. She gave me the understanding
24 she would never accept the jab, however afterwards made known she was forced into
25 it, but that she was now in remission. Well, not long thereafter I was informed that she
26 had died from a turbo cancer spreading around her body.
28 I have a 41-year-old son who was forced/coerced to have 2 jabs or lose his job. After
29 that the company downsized ans my son lost his job/ anyhow. Now he was about 2
30 months ago given a time to live of about 2 months to 2 years and if he has another
31 medical episode it might be a mere one week!!
33 https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2024/06/22/medical-
34 democide.aspx?ui=2452e48ee850e01d1c6738932cddb7dcaf9043a15984f355d7aa522
35 cd46b564a&sd=20201124&cid_source=dnl&cid_medium=email&cid_content=art1R
36 eadMore&cid=20240622_HL2&foDate=false&mid=DM1591007&rid=53959624
37 Playing God: An Investigation Into Medical
38 Democide in the UK
40 This is yet another example of how the medical profession has gone off the tracks.
42 The former Federal Minister for Health now claims that certain mandates in Victoria
43 were never in accordance to any medical recommendations!
24-6-2024 Page 8 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail
admin@inspector-rikati.com See also www.scribd.com/inspectorrikati
Page 9

2 Courts already have ruled that the (FAKE) "COVID VACCINE" never was or is a
3 "vaccine" but a "gene therapy".
5 Mask mandates were never based upon scientific evidence either, is now admitted!
6 The same with the 6 feet "social distancing" was without scientific evidence.
8 And yet Olga was denied in-house medical care because of those
9 unconstitutional/unlawful mandated Austin Health dictated to her!
12 As for the issue of the (FAKE) COVID-19 in the USA alone some 10,000 people
13 reportedly died on ventilators, and in China 97% of them!
15 My research indicates that the "ALLEGED" COVID-19 virus never was isolated and
16 purified by the Koch postulate and the alleged sequence the Chines released in
17 January 2020 was actually a computer generated sequence from different sequences
18 that had been fed into the computer!
20 As for any medical doctor to establish if a patient suffers from the ALLEGED covid-
21 19 disease or not then one has to consider also the following, which means that
22 without proper blood test, and other relevant testing a medical doctor would be in my
23 view like playing Tattslotto, and more than likely may leavea patient with the wrong
24 medical care that the patient may require!
25 Supplement 2 part 2 of 2. Was there really a covid or was it a combination of
26 other diseases falsely claimed to be covid-19? Was Bill Gates involved in the mass
27 killings of humans using mosquitos? Let us discover the truth!
28 You can download the document from:
29 https://www.scribd.com/document/744142951/20240622-Mr-G-H-Schorel-Hlavka-O-W-B-to-
30 Australian-Criminal-Intelligence-Commission-COMPLAINT-SUPPLEMENT-2-Part-2-of-2
31 QUOTE 20240622-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to Australian Criminal
32 Intelligence Commission-COMPLAINT -SUPPLEMENT 2-Part 2 of 2 (From
33 pages62 to 72)
34 The above seems to indicate that the flu symptoms and the claimed COVID-19 symptoms are
35 identical other than for the loss of smell and/or taste. Then again prior to the claimed COVID-19
36 existing the loss of smell and/or taste was also contributed to:
38 https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/smell-and-taste-disorders
39 Smell and Taste Disorders | Johns Hopkins Medicine
40 Anosmia. Loss of sense of smell · Ageusia. Loss of sense of taste · Hyposmia. Reduced ability
41 to smell · Hypogeusia. Reduced ability to taste sweet, sour, bitter, ...
43 Smell and Taste Disorders
44 Ear Nose and Throat Pediatric ENT (Otolaryngology)
45 What are smell and taste disorders?
46 The most common smell and taste disorders are:
47 Anosmia. Loss of sense of smell
48 Ageusia. Loss of sense of taste
24-6-2024 Page 9 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail
admin@inspector-rikati.com See also www.scribd.com/inspectorrikati
Page 10

1 Hyposmia. Reduced ability to smell

2 Hypogeusia. Reduced ability to taste sweet, sour, bitter, or salty things
3 In other disorders, odors, tastes, or flavors may be misread or distorted. They may cause you to
4 detect a bad odor or taste from something that is normally pleasant to taste or smell. These
5 disorders can affect quality of life. They may also be a sign of underlying disease.
6 Problems with taste and smell can suggest certain health problems, such as:
7 Obesity
8 Diabetes
9 High blood pressure
10 Poor nutrition
11 Nervous system diseases, such as:
12 Parkinson disease
13 Alzheimer disease
14 Multiple sclerosis
15 What causes smell and taste disorders?
16 Some people are born with these disorders, but most are caused by:
17 Illness (for example, cold or flu, sinus infection, and allergies)
18 Head injury
19 Hormone changes
20 Dental or mouth problems
21 Nasal polyps
22 Exposure to certain chemicals
23 Certain medicines
24 Exposure to radiation therapy for head or neck cancer
25 Cocaine snorted through the nose
26 Cigarette smoking
29 Yes, pull the other leg will you!
31 It must be clear that a person loosing taste/small also can be simply by other ways, as there are
32 videos around, where a person was unable to say if he was tasting union or something else. As
33 such, a person could innocently not being able to taste and/or smell not because of an illness but
34 merely because of some co-incidence having say a blocked nose. And one can get a blocked nose
35 not merely due to some illness but merely working in dust.
37 Obviously the question needs to be asked why on earth Are such absurdities such as so far
38 mentioned going on?
40 Is it that politicians, medical doctors, scientist, journalist, law enforcement officers, judges, etc
41 all list their marbles?
42 It seem to me that it is best to refer to the following video:
44 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09maaUaRT4M
45 MASS PSYCHOSIS - How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL
47 I am not going to do a transcript as the video should be watched.
49 What seems to be clear is that MASS PSYCHOSIS is what I view seems to make politicians,
50 medical doctors, scientist, media, law enforcement officers and a host more all delusional that
51 they suddenly have a power and become totally unable to even understand let alone comprehend
24-6-2024 Page 10 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
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Page 11

1 that they not just place them selves in harms way but are blatantly ignoring the harm inflicted
2 upon their family members and others. How can anyone accept a medical doctor to conceal from
3 a patient the truth about the risk of being jabbed with a poison?
4 How can any politician destroy the very constitutional system that enabled this politician to hold
5 the position he/she does?
7 How can any law enforcement offici8er act in violation of laws that he/she seems wanting to
8 enforce against any law breaker?
10 How can any scientist rely upon “follow the science” when they have corrupted this?
12 How can any media get the trust of the readers when they so blatantly deceived the very readers?
14 Throughout my life I held that the medical profession was trustworthy, but since January 2020 I
15 discovered that most of them are not at all. For sure there are doctors/scientist who are still
16 earning the trust of patients and others because of presenting the TRUTH, but far too often
17 medical doctors and scientist have destroyed the trust in science, etc.
19 We now have that reportedly the FDA (U.S.A.) has given final approval for certain so called
20 “vaccines” this even so the long term effects have not been established and in fact the “clinical
21 trials” are still to go on into 2023, etc.
22 What if the TGA in Australia were to do the same? Would this then somehow legally justify
23 whatever wrongdoing that was done.
24 Well, you can forget about that!
26 As I understand it blood cells ordinary do not stick together and are deemed to be “negative”
27 however it now appears that after the so called “vaccination” they become “positive” which I
28 understand makes blood clothing more likely besides many other issues.
29 END QUOTE 20210824-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to Reece Kershaw Chief Commissioner of the
30 Australian Federal Police-COMPLAINT-Suppl-09-MURDER
31 END QUOTE 20221004-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to R Kershaw Chief Commissioner of the AFP-
32 Suppl 90- Election scams, no electricity, etc
35 https://www.webmd.com/brain/ss/slideshow-causes-of-loss-of-smell-and-taste
36 What's Causing My Loss of Smell and Taste? - WebMD
37 21 June 2022 ... Vitamin Deficiencies ... Loss of taste and smell could be your
38 body's way of telling you you're low in vitamins. Certain conditions and ...
39 https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/symptoms/16708-loss-of-taste-and-smell
40 Loss of Taste and Smell - Cleveland Clinic
41 Losing taste and smell can be an early symptom of a COVID-19 infection. A
42 complete loss of smell (anosmia) or loss of taste (ageusia) is rare. Contents ...
43 https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/anosmia-loss-of-smell
44 Anosmia (loss of smell) - Healthdirect
45 Having anosmia can affect the taste of food and drink. What symptoms are
46 related to anosmia? If you have anosmia, this means you are unable to smell
47 anything.
48 https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/smell-and-
49 taste-disorders
50 Smell and Taste Disorders | Johns Hopkins Medicine
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Page 12

1 What causes smell and taste disorders? · Illness (for example, cold or flu, sinus
2 infection, and allergies) · Head injury · Hormone changes · Dental or mouth ...
3 https://www.yalemedicine.org/conditions/smell-and-taste-disorders
4 Loss of Smell (Anosmia) - Yale Medicine
5 A condition that causes a person to partially or completely lose his or her sense
6 of smell · Symptoms include loss of smell and change in tastes of food ...
7 https://www.cedars-sinai.org/health-library/diseases-and-conditions/s/smell-and-
8 taste-disorders.html
9 Smell and Taste Disorders | Cedars-Sinai
10 What causes smell and taste disorders? · Illness such as cold or flu, COVID-19,
11 sinus infection, and allergies · Head injury · Hormone changes · Dental or
12 mouth ...
13 https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/21859-anosmia-loss-of-sense-of-
14 smell
15 Anosmia (Loss of Sense of Smell) - Cleveland Clinic
16 What causes anosmia? · Nasal polyps. · Common cold. · Influenza (flu). ·
17 Nasal congestion. · Sinus infection (Sinusitis). · Deviated septum. · Hay fever or
18 other ...
19 https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/healthy-aging/expert-answers/loss-
20 of-taste-and-smell/faq-20058455
21 Loss of taste and smell: Natural with aging? - Mayo Clinic
22 Is loss of taste and smell normal with aging? · Nasal and sinus problems, such
23 as allergies, sinusitis or nasal polyps · Viral infections, including the common ...
24 https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/325281
25 Lost sense of taste: Causes and treatments - MedicalNewsToday
26 Many possible causes may lead to a loss of taste, including new medications,
27 dental problems, cold or flu, and COVID-19. The type of treatment will
28 depend ...
29 ·
30 Causes
31 ·
32 Diagnosis
33 ·
34 Treatment
36 https://www.mayoclinic.org/symptoms/loss-of-smell/basics/causes/sym-
37 20050804
38 Loss of smell (anosmia) Causes - Mayo Clinic
39 A stuffy nose from a cold is a common cause for a partial, brief loss of smell. A
40 polyp or swelling inside the nose can lead to a loss of smell.
42 Let us get this again:
44 https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/malaria/symptoms-causes/syc-
45 20351184
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A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
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Page 13

1 Malaria - Symptoms & causes - Mayo Clinic

2 Overview. Malaria is a disease caused by a parasite. The parasite is spread to humans
3 through the bites of infected mosquitoes. People who have malaria usually ...
5 Signs and symptoms of malaria may include:
6 • Fever
7 • Chills
8 • General feeling of discomfort
9 • Headache
10 • Nausea and vomiting
11 • Diarrhea
12 • Abdominal pain
13 • Muscle or joint pain
14 • Fatigue
15 • Rapid breathing
16 • Rapid heart rate
17 • Cough
20 Similarities and Differences Between Flu & COVID-19 & Malaria & Others
23 Symptoms
24 Fever (or feeling feverish) ✓ ✓ ✓
25 Cough ✓ ✓ ✓
26 Shortness of breath/difficulty breathing ✓ ✓ ✓
27 Fatigue (tiredness) ✓ ✓ ✓
28 Sore throat ✓ ✓
29 Runny or stuffy nose ✓ ✓
30 Muscle pain or body aches ✓ ✓ ✓
31 Headaches ✓ ✓ ✓
32 Possible vomiting and diarrhea* ✓ ✓ ✓
33 Change in or loss of taste ✓ ✓
34 Change in or loss of smell ✓ ✓
35 Rapid heart rate ✓
36 Abdominal pain ✓
37 Chills ✓
38 *More common in children than adults.
40 Again:
42 https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/smell-and-taste-disorders
43 Smell and Taste Disorders | Johns Hopkins Medicine

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A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
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Page 14

1 Anosmia. Loss of sense of smell · Ageusia. Loss of sense of taste · Hyposmia. Reduced ability
2 to smell · Hypogeusia. Reduced ability to taste sweet, sour, bitter, ...
4 Smell and Taste Disorders
5 Ear Nose and Throat Pediatric ENT (Otolaryngology)
6 What are smell and taste disorders?
7 The most common smell and taste disorders are:
8 Anosmia. Loss of sense of smell
9 Ageusia. Loss of sense of taste
10 Hyposmia. Reduced ability to smell
11 Hypogeusia. Reduced ability to taste sweet, sour, bitter, or salty things
12 In other disorders, odors, tastes, or flavors may be misread or distorted. They may cause you to
13 detect a bad odor or taste from something that is normally pleasant to taste or smell. These
14 disorders can affect quality of life. They may also be a sign of underlying disease.
15 Problems with taste and smell can suggest certain health problems, such as:
16 Obesity
17 Diabetes
18 High blood pressure
19 Poor nutrition
20 Nervous system diseases, such as:
21 Parkinson disease
22 Alzheimer disease
23 Multiple sclerosis
24 What causes smell and taste disorders?
25 Some people are born with these disorders, but most are caused by:
26 Illness (for example, cold or flu, sinus infection, and allergies)
27 Head injury
28 Hormone changes
29 Dental or mouth problems
30 Nasal polyps
31 Exposure to certain chemicals
32 Certain medicines
33 Exposure to radiation therapy for head or neck cancer
34 Cocaine snorted through the nose
35 Cigarette smoking
38 And again:
39 https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/malaria/symptoms-causes/syc-
40 20351184
41 Malaria - Symptoms & causes - Mayo Clinic
42 Overview. Malaria is a disease caused by a parasite. The parasite is spread to humans
43 through the bites of infected mosquitoes. People who have malaria usually ...
45 Malaria transmission cycle
46 Malaria spreads when a mosquito becomes infected with the disease after biting an
47 infected person, and the infected mosquito then bites a noninfected person. The
48 malaria parasites enter that person's bloodstream and travel to the liver. When the
49 parasites mature, they leave the liver and infect red blood cells.

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A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
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Page 15

1 • Uninfected mosquito. A mosquito becomes infected by feeding on a

2 person who has malaria.
3 • Transmission of parasite. If this mosquito bites you in the future, it
4 can transmit malaria parasites to you.
5 • In the liver. Once the parasites enter your body, they travel to your
6 liver — where some types can lie dormant for as long as a year.
7 • Into the bloodstream. When the parasites mature, they leave the liver
8 and infect your red blood cells. This is when people typically develop
9 malaria symptoms.
10 • On to the next person. If an uninfected mosquito bites you at this
11 point in the cycle, it will become infected with your malaria parasites and
12 can spread them to the other people it bites.
13 Other modes of transmission
14 Because the parasites that cause malaria affect red blood cells, people can also
15 catch malaria from exposure to infected blood, including:
16 • From mother to unborn child
17 • Through blood transfusions
18 • By sharing needles used to inject drugs
21 The notion that loss of smell & taste indicated the non-existing SARS-CoV-2 virus –(COVID-
22 19) in my view is ridiculous as shown above ample of people had in the past and still will have
23 loss of taste and/or smell regardless of the alleged COVID-19.
25 What we have ended up is that in my view wee had someone running around spreading Malaria
26 mosquitos at certain places and then well people ended up with “malaria” such as in New York
27 and what were we then warned about?
29 An ER (emergency) doctor warning that people suffered
30 from high altitude sickness and that the use of ventilators
31 not specifically set for this would kill the patient!
33 I came across a video of Dr Cameron NYC hospital about patients seeming to have
34 “high altitude” problems and that alerted me that I had read Astra Zeneca engaging 2
35 Malaria scientist. I understand that Malaria may cause “high altitude” kind of
36 sickness.
38 QUOTE 20200413-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to Victoria's Human Rights Commissioner Kristen
39 Hilton
40 What this may mean is that this “LOCKDOWN” is based upon
43 Essentially to me it is like the “Salem witch hunt” that went on in the USA where
44 many innocent people died because of this.

24-6-2024 Page 15 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
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Page 16

1 https://youtu.be/Ppy7ZU0oDWg
2 NYC 10 minute video. New York intensive care Doctor confirms 5g symptoms and NOT covid19!

3 This video is about a NYC doctor who spend reportedly some 20 years in ICU, etc,
4 and makes clear that many victims show absurd abnormalities nothing to do with a
5 virus, as if they were so to say just coming down from high altitude and that using
6 ventilators on them could actually accelerate their deaths because it is the wrong thing
7 to use in their circumstances.
9 It might be absurd to consider but an open minded person should as to why so to say
10 “ground zero” of large scale claimed COVID-19 cases are within range of 5G
11 towers. And the harm such towers can cause to the human health system. There are
12 numerous video’s on the internet explaining this all in details but safe to say any
13 “open minded” person should not ignore this possible reference in particular where
14 cruise ships involved reportedly all were using 5G communication systems.
16 If indeed the “LOCKDOWN” (State of emergency) is based upon
18 we have a major problem at our hands. It may be engineered by politicians to push
19 their own political issues, such as extending their powers in violation of the
20 constitution, get rid of using cash transactions, etc.
21 END QUOTE 20200413-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to Victoria's Human Rights Commissioner Kristen
22 Hilton
24 If the malaria symptoms were because of the newly introduced 5G (Telecommunications)
25 which also seemed to coincide with where many of the alleged outbreaks of the claimed
26 covid-19 eventuated, then this too should be of concern.
28 QUOTE 20230701-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to R Kershaw Chief Commissioner of AFP-Suppl 100-
29 arrest criminals in power
30 Dr Cameron of the NYC hospital in early 2020 warned that using ventilators on
31 patients that appeared to suffer from high altitude problems was to effectively kill the
32 patients. And in China about 97% of patients put on ventilators died. It was to me
33 remarkable that AstraZeneca in fact engaged 2 Malaria scientist to create an anti covid
34 vaccine.
35 I understand that Malaria can result in High Altitute Fever.
36 The documents published on my blog will show externsive researched set outs.
37 END QUOTE 20230701-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to R Kershaw Chief Commissioner of AFP-Suppl
38 100-arrest criminals in power
41 QUOTE 20230610-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to R Kershaw Chief Commissioner of AFP-Suppl 95
42 Considering that reportedly those jabbed are more likely to end up not only in hospital
43 but also death and shedding while infected then to limit attendances to those
44 vaccinated is not about “health” issues but about communist “lockstep” NEW
45 WORLD ORDER system.
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A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
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Page 17


2 (N1) URGENT PETITION ! - AHPRA has silenced health practitioners from
3 raising concerns about the Covid-19 vaccine, and from raising all related
4 concerns about this experimental gene therapy [called a vaccine]
5 Yahoo/Inbox
6 Lorraine <netnews@skymesh.com.au>
7 Mon, 11 Oct at 11:38 am
8 Received the following from Patricia --
9 From list member, independent researcher Diane Drayton Buckland
12 Petition EN3375 - AHPRA edict silencing health practitioners
13 Petition Reason
14 There is conclusive evidence [sighted AHPRA documents] that AHPRA has
15 silenced health practitioners from raising concerns about the Covid-19 vaccine,
16 and from raising all related concerns about this experimental gene therapy
17 [called a vaccine]. There is also conclusive evidence that health practitioners
18 have been threatened with dismissal, and with removal from practice, if they
19 raise their concerns publicly and go against the main narrative.
20 Petition Request
21 We therefore ask the House to remove the AHPRA edict and allow all health
22 practitioners the freedom to speak honestly and openly about their concerns.
23 This is a matter of public safety and ethical obligation. There is growing global
24 concern about the short, medium and long-term effects of the Covid-19 vaccine.
25 Removing the AHPRA edict would also allow open debate about the other
26 possible ways of treating Covid-19.
27 Closing date for signatures: 27 October 2021 11:59 PM (AEST) (20 days left)
28 https://www.aph.gov.au/e-petitions/petition/EN3375
31 Epidemics of Chronic Diseases By Diane Drayton Buckland
32 https://fluorideinformationaustralia.files.wordpress.com/2019/05/australian-epidemics-of-chronic-diseases-
33 mental-health_behavioural-disorders-domestic-violence-street-crime-violence-alcohol-_or-drug-addictions-
34 dental-crises-diane-drayton-buckland-3.4..pdf
36 http://fluoridealert.org/researchers/health_database/
37 Vaccination Policy
38 http://www.opensourcetruth.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/STOP-TURNBULL-MORRISON-
42 Researching effects of c pesticides on health
43 https://www.chem-tox.com/
44 Diane Drayton Buckland Fluoride Information Australia
45 Independent Researcher UNPAID
46 fluorideinformationaustralia.wordpress.com
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A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
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Page 18

1 The statement:
3 There is conclusive evidence [sighted AHPRA documents] that AHPRA has
4 silenced health practitioners from raising concerns about the Covid-19
5 vaccine, and from raising all related concerns about this experimental gene
6 therapy [called a vaccine]. There is also conclusive evidence that health
7 practitioners have been threatened with dismissal, and with removal from
8 practice, if they raise their concerns publicly and go against the main
9 narrative.
12 This should underline that GP (General Practitioners) and others no longer can be
13 trusted either, as they are prohibited from warning patients about the truth of the
14 dangers of any jab.
16 It is my view that immediate arrest of all involved regarding the COVID HOAX are
17 to be arrested and held in prison until trial as to prevent them to continue their
18 horrendous conduct. In my view the AFP should no longer so to say sit on its hands
19 and take appropriate action so that the evil doers no longer can continue their
20 horrendous conduct.
22 Those State/Territory police who are listed as informants obviously can also be
23 prosecuted for violating citizens their constitutional rights.
24 END QUOTE 20211014-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to R Kershaw Chief Commissioner of the
25 Australian Federal Police-COMPLAINT-Suppl-18-Arrest them now
27 • Originally as I understood it Astra Zeneca engaged 2 experts in Malaria as to
28 seek to create a vaccine against COVID-19.
29 • Bill Gates was involved in mosquitos being changed allegedly to combat
30 certain diseases.
31 • After people were dying from mosquito bites the government banned Bill Gates
32 to further use of his mosquitos

33 • Dr. Cameron Kyle-Sidell, a critical care specialist

34 at the Mount Sinai Health System in New York,
35 warned about the high altitude issue!
36 • I understand that malaria patients may have high altitude kind of issues.
37 • Bill Gates did release mosquitos in Florida, India and I understand also in
38 California, and might have done elsewhere
39 • Chem spraying (chemical spray by aeroplanes) was originally denied to
40 eventuate but later were admitted and videos exist showing this to happen.

24-6-2024 Page 18 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
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admin@inspector-rikati.com See also www.scribd.com/inspectorrikati
Page 19

1 • Italy had allegedly an outbreak of covid, but later it was found that there were
2 two cities considerable distance apart which had nothing in between and later it
3 was revised that about 97% of the alleged covid deaths were in fact not so.
4 • New York had a considerable death toll but then it was found that about 96% or
5 so actually were people killed by having been on a ventilator. The pressure
6 caused by the ventilator was killing them.
7 • Mask were mandated only to be found they contained all kinds of foreign
8 issues that could enter through the brain barrier and cause death, the same with
9 the swabs!
11 There are numerous other issues but the original claimed covid death likely was an
12 aerosol spray conduct and that to pretend some virus existed (which was never
13 isolated and purified by the Koch postulate) and it was the mislabelled vaccines (a
14 gene therapy) that really was to do the harm and killings.
16 Consider that the mRNA as such could not do the job it was used as a modRNA
17 (Modified mRNA) and also a PlasmaRNA.
18 END QUOTE 20230610-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to R Kershaw Chief Commissioner of AFP-Suppl
19 95
21 QUOTE 20230610-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to R Kershaw Chief Commissioner of AFP-Suppl 95
22 https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2023/06/07/covid-death-
23 coverup.aspx?ui=2452e48ee850e01d1c6738932cddb7dcaf9043a15984f355d7aa522cd
24 46b564a&sd=20201124&cid_source=dnl&cid_medium=email&cid_content=art1Rea
25 dMore&cid=20230607_HL2&cid=DM1412667&bid=1821587728
26 The Great COVID Death Coverup
28 Within weeks of the pandemic outbreak, it had become apparent that the standard
29 practice of putting COVID-19 patients on mechanical ventilation was a death
30 sentence; 76.4% of COVID-19 patients (aged 18 to 65) in New York City who
31 were placed on ventilators died. Among patients over age 65 who were vented,
32 the mortality rate was 97.2%
34 The recommendation to place COVID patients on
35 mechanical ventilation as a first-line response came
36 from the World Health Organization, which allegedly based
37 its guidance on experiences and recommendations from doctors in China. But
38 venting COVID patients wasn’t recommended because it increased survival. It
39 was to protect health care workers by isolating the virus inside the vent machine

41 Data suggest around 10,000 patients

42 died with COVID in NYC hospitals
24-6-2024 Page 19 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
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Page 20

1 after being put on ventilators in spring

2 2020. Other metropolitan areas also saw massive spikes in deaths among
3 younger individuals who were at low risk of dying from COVID. It’s possible
4 many of these deaths were the result of being placed on mechanical ventilation
6 The WHO must be held accountable for its unethical
7 recommendation to sacrifice suspected COVID patients by using
8 ventilation as an infection mitigation strategy — especially
9 considering they’re now trying to get unilateral power and
10 authority to make pandemic decisions without local input
12 Showing how the WHO’s recommendation to put patients on
13 mechanical ventilation resulted in needless death among people
14 who weren’t at great risk of dying from COVID is perhaps one of
15 the most powerful talking points a country can use to argue for
16 independence and rejection of the WHO’s pandemic treaty
18 And

20 In a widely-shared YouTube video6 (above) posted

21 March 31, 2020, Dr. Cameron Kyle-Sidell, a critical
22 care specialist at the Mount Sinai Health System in
23 New York, warned that “we must change what we
24 are doing if we want to save as many lives as
25 possible.” Sidell was adamant that doctors were
26 “treating the wrong disease” and that putting
27 COVID patients on mechanical ventilation was all
28 wrong.
29 “We are operating under a medical paradigm that is
30 untrue,” Sidell said. “I fear that this misguided
31 treatment will lead to a tremendous amount of
32 harm to a great number of people in a very short
33 time … This method being widely adopted at this

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A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
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Page 21

1 very moment at every hospital in the country … is

2 actually doing more harm than good.”
4 QUOTE 20240622-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to Australian Criminal
5 Intelligence Commission-COMPLAINT -SUPPLEMENT 2-Part 2 of 2 (From
6 pages 62 to 72)
10 I urge you to ensure that Austin health dumps any unscientific politicies and that it
11 ensures that medical doctors are appropriately trained in diseases they are to deal with
12 and not end up doing it as if they are playing Tattslotto.
14 Also, when Olga was in Austin Hospital for 10 days ion 8 October 20219, Olga was
15 asked to agree to be as a private patient. After discussing this with me she signed for
16 this. And not long thereafter Olga complained to a nurse she needed another blanket
17 and was denied this (presumably because of hospital policy). Now you had Olga
18 suffering from heart failure and currently her cardiologist has indicated Olga's heart
19 pumps at 30% and her valves are not closing. Obviously, in my non-medical
20 knowledge, she will have problems to keep warm in those circumstances.
21 Here we had Austin collecting many thousands of dollars for Olga to be as a "private
22 patient" in a "public hospital" and then somehow Austin Hospital refuses to provide
23 an additional blanket?
26 To be honest, it is not just Austin Hospital that I view blatantly fails to provide
27 appropriate medical care.
28 Olga informed me that she was in a private hospital Warringa and had an operation.
29 After that she asked the nurse to call the doctor (specialist) because she was in severe
30 pain. The nurse allegedly made clear she had to accept the pain and left. However,
31 some time later Olga saw another person walking about and asked that person to call
32 her specialist. Not long thereafter he specialist attended, and Olga recalled him calling
33 out "Jesus Christ", and immediately took her into the operation room!
35 Currently, Olga has a cardiologist Mr Rayoo (Bundoora) and we both view he is
36 excellent! He treat Olga as a real patient and show every care he can reasonably
37 provide. And that I view is what every patient should be able to obtain from any
38 medical doctor, however regretfully this is generally gone out with the wind.
40 When doctors and nurses are performing dances in the hospital corridors even with a
41 coffin then this may underline there is something very wrong within the hospital
42 system.
44 Despite my past writings Austin health in my view never made any real effort to
45 discus my concerns and well I view a criminal investigation is warranted.
24-6-2024 Page 21 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
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admin@inspector-rikati.com See also www.scribd.com/inspectorrikati
Page 22

2 In the meantime, if Olga was to attend to Emergency of Austin Hospital (Austin
3 Health) then I expect that she be at the very least given appropriate care ordinary can
4 be expected of a hospital!
5 No more the absurdity of a footpath examination and then
6 refused entry!
8 I urge you to pass this email onto the management of Austin Health for its
9 consideration also!
12 Gerrit
14 Constitutionalist & Consultant
17 Mr. G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B., GUARDIAN
19 107 Graham Road, Viewbank, 3084, Victoria, Australia
20 Ph (International) 61394577209
21 .
22 Email; inspector_rikati@yahoo.com.au
24 The content of this email and any attachments are provided WITHOUT PREJUDICE,
25 unless specifically otherwise stated.
27 If you find any typing/grammatical errors then I know you read it, all you now need to
28 do is to consider the content appropriately!
35 On Thursday, 18 April 2024 at 09:36:36 am AEST, ANDREAZZA, Marisa <marisa.andreazza@austin.org.au>
36 wrote:
39 Good morning Gerrit
41 I hope you and Olga have been well.
43 I liaised with the Specialist Clinics Admin Manager who has informed she has cancelled Olga’s appointment .
45 Best wishes to you both - Marisa
47 Marisa Andreazza
48 Patient Experience Officer

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2 Preferred Pronouns – she/her
6 03 9496 3565
8 Patient Experience Unit
9 Wurundjeri Country
10 Level 4, Lance Townsend Building
11 145 Studley Road, Heidelberg
12 PO Box 5555, Victoria, 3084
13 Office hours: 9am to 4pm, Monday - Friday
15 www.austin.org.au
19 We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the land and pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging.
20 We celebrate, value and include people of all backgrounds, genders, sexualities, cultures, bodies and abilities.
25 From: Mr Gerrit H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. <inspector_rikati@yahoo.com.au>
26 Sent: Thursday, 18 April 2024 1:00 AM
27 To: ANDREAZZA, Marisa <Marisa.Andreazza@austin.org.au>
28 Cc: Gerrit Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. <inspector_rikati@yahoo.com.au>; Gerrit Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
29 <admin@inspector-rikati.com>
30 Subject: Gerrit to Marisa, Re Olga Hlavka-Schorel
32 Marisa,
34 I yesterday received a text of an appointment for Olga on 24 April 2024 at 15.00
35 can you cancel this?
37 Olga is today attending to her cardiologist. who 3 weeks ago made known that
38 Olga's heart pumps at about 30% and her valves are leaking but she is too weak
39 for any operation and all that can be done is to change a bit of the medication to
40 make her life as comfortable as possible. Quality of life rather than quantity of
41 life.
43 Gerrit
47 Constitutionalist & Consultant
50 Mr. G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B., GUARDIAN
52 107 Graham Road, Viewbank, 3084, Victoria, Australia
53 Ph (International) 61394577209
54 .
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1 Email; inspector_rikati@yahoo.com.au
3 The content of this email and any attachments are provided WITHOUT PREJUDICE,
4 unless specifically otherwise stated.
6 If you find any typing/grammatical errors then I know you read it, all you now
7 need to do is to consider the content appropriately!
12 QUOTE 22-6-2024 email to Marisa ANDREAZZA
15 QUOTE 20210621-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to Adam Horsburgh CEO & Ors Austin Health
16 Adam,
17 Lina indicated to me in her email that there are Federal and State requirement, albeit she
18 didn’t specifically state the relevant parts she seems to rely upon. I did request for it but had no
19 response. Below I am quoting from a website what was discovered when masks were checked.
20 In my view, it i8s likely that Austin Health staff, patients, outpatients, etc, also may have the
21 same or similar problems. In my view any and all could likely hold Austin Health legally liable
22 if any adverse it eventuate from the mask mandate, in particular those who have mask exemption
23 for medical condition but unlawfully Austin Health forces them to use a mask.
25 https://townhall.com/tipsheet/scottmorefield/2021/06/15/a-group-of-parents-sent-their-kids-face-masks-to-a-lab-for-
26 analysis-heres-what-they-found-n2591047
28 A Group Of Parents Sent Their Kids' Face Masks to A Lab for Analysis. Here's
29 What They Found

30 Scott Morefield @SKMorefield Posted: Jun 15, 2021 9:00 PM

32 Source: AP Photo/Mary Altaffer, File

33 We've been told for well over a year that widespread forced public masking should be
34 implemented because, even if only moderately to slightly to negligibly effective at curbing
35 the spread of COVID-19, there are ZERO drawbacks.
36 "What's the harm?" they ask.
37 "It's only a minor inconvenience," they bleat.
38 "If it saves ONE LIFE, it's worth it!" they implore.
39 Meanwhile, we on Team Reality have not only continued to point to real-world data that
40 shows masking to be entirely ineffective, we've also maintained that forced public
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1 masking, especially long-term, has negative societal and even health ramifications that the
2 powers-that-be are all-too-happy to ignore in subservience to their newfound face mask
3 god.
4 It only stands to reason that one of those health ramifications would be the fact that
5 millions of people, particularly children, have been forced to wear and carry around pieces
6 of cloth they've continually breathed through for hours on end. What lurking pathogens
7 might be found on these disgusting contraptions being incessantly handled, stuck in
8 pockets, and mindlessly tossed on books, tables, and desks? Well, one group of Florida
9 parents sent a batch of masks worn by their children to a lab to find out. And yeah, you'll
10 probably need to make sure you aren't eating dinner anytime soon before you digest
11 THESE results.
12 Via press release:
13 Gainesville, FL (June 16, 2021) – A group of parents in Gainesville, FL, concerned about
14 potential harms from masks, submitted six face masks to a lab for analysis. The resulting
15 report found that five masks were contaminated with bacteria, parasites, and fungi,
16 including three with dangerous pathogenic and pneumonia-causing bacteria. No viruses
17 were detected on the masks, although the test is capable of detecting viruses.
18 The analysis detected the following 11 alarmingly dangerous pathogens on the masks:
19 • Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumonia)
20 • Mycobacterium tuberculosis (tuberculosis)
21 • Neisseria meningitidis (meningitis, sepsis)
22 • Acanthamoeba polyphaga (keratitis and granulomatous amebic encephalitis)
23 • Acinetobacter baumanni (pneumonia, blood stream infections, meningitis,
24 UTIs— resistant to antibiotics)
25 • Escherichia coli (food poisoning)
26 • Borrelia burgdorferi (causes Lyme disease)
27 • Corynebacterium diphtheriae (diphtheria)
28 • Legionella pneumophila (Legionnaires' disease)
29 • Staphylococcus pyogenes serotype M3 (severe infections—high morbidity
30 rates)
31 • Staphylococcus aureus (meningitis, sepsis)
32 Half of the masks were contaminated with one or more strains of pneumonia-causing
33 bacteria. One-third were contaminated with one or more strains of meningitis-causing
34 bacteria. One-third were contaminated with dangerous, antibiotic-resistant bacterial
35 pathogens. In addition, less dangerous pathogens were identified, including pathogens that
36 can cause fever, ulcers, acne, yeast infections, strep throat, periodontal disease, Rocky
37 Mountain Spotted Fever, and more.
38 The face masks studied were new or freshly-laundered before wearing and had been worn
39 for 5 to 8 hours, most during in-person schooling by children aged 6 through 11. One was
40 worn by an adult. A t-shirt worn by one of the children at school and unworn masks were
41 tested as controls. No pathogens were found on the controls. Proteins found on the t-shirt,
42 for example, are not pathogenic to humans and are commonly found in hair, skin, and soil.
43 A parent who participated in the study, Ms. Amanda Donoho, commented that this small
44 sample points to a need for more research: “We need to know what we are putting on the
45 faces of our children each day. Masks provide a warm, moist environment for bacteria to
46 grow.”
47 These local parents contracted with the lab because they were concerned about the
48 potential of contaminants on masks that their children were forced to wear all day at
49 school, taking them on and off, setting them on various surfaces, wearing them in the

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Page 26

1 bathroom, etc. This prompted them to send the masks to the University of Florida’s Mass
2 Spectrometry Research and Education Center for analysis.

5 The below chart, put together by the group of parents, shows the potential dangers from
6 each pathogen:

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A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
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1 Appetizing, eh? Of course, nothing above, or anything else, will deter the extremists
2 in the masking cult, some of whom now want to see masking in schools forever.
6 The following documents can be downloaded from my blog and I view Austin health may do
7 better to consider their content also.
9 How on earth could the TGA, health officials and politicians evaluate “the benefits
10 outweigh the risk” when they lacked any ability to evaluate the “benefits” or the
11 “risk”? Why have politicians if they act like puppets-on-a-string for the private
12 business the World Health Organization (WHO)?
13 This document can be downloaded from:
14 https://www.scribd.com/document/512372286/20210620-PRESS-RELEASE-Mr-G-H-
15 Schorel-Hlavka-O-W-B-ISSUE-the-Benefits-Outweigh-the-Risk-Mantra-the-Constitution
18 Too often politicians, health officials and others are all claiming “FOLLOW THE
19 SCIENCE” but they are ongoing concealing the real FACTS. So, their mantra of
20 FOLLOW THE SCIENCE is nothing more than discrediting the real science for their
21 own twisted purposes to follow the COVID CULT.
22 This document can be downloaded from:
23 https://www.scribd.com/document/511751916/20210615-PRESS-RELEASE-Mr-G-H-
24 Schorel-Hlavka-O-W-B-ISSUE-Follow-the-Science-Then-Do-Not-Conceal-the-FACTS
27 Agai9n, I do not know of any health policy where Austin health can dictate that Olga and/or
28 myself shall wear masks, as the Department of health specifically provided for exclusions on
29 “medical ground”.
30 Further, mask are not designed against COVID-19 and have no known ability to prevent any part
31 of a virus to get through. As such, I view the least staff, patients, outpatients and others may
32 expect you darn well should understand the real “SCIENCE” and not pretend to make a decision
33 allegedly in compliance with Federal/State requirements when in fact violating the Department
34 of Health published details regarding masks.
36 I repeat my request to show me in precise details where the Federal/State authorities have stated
37 that exclusions for “medical conditions” do not apply?
38 END QUOTE 20210621-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to Adam Horsburgh CEO & Ors Austin Health
40 QUOTE 20210729-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to Adam Horsburgh CEO & Ors Austin Health
41 Adam Horsburg CEO & Ors 29-7-2021
42 Austin Health
43 Forwarded via email
45 20210729-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to Adam Horsburg CEO & Ors Austin Health
46 Adam,
47 I refer to the correspondence I received from Austin Health regarding a Tuesday, 3 August
48 2021 consultation at Clinic 4 East Orange – Gastroenterology. My GP (General Practitioner) was
49 consulted by me due to that I had lost a lot of blood on 29 August 2020 having been assaulted by
50 a man about 1/3 my age, who simply couldn’t accept that a person with medical condition
51 doesn’t have to wear a mask. Despite what is set out below for a considerable long period of time
52 Austin health also seemed to pursue mask\face shield wearing regardless of what the Deportment
53 of Health had regulated.
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A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
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Page 28

1 The following also applies to any one attending to a business, including purchasing groceries
2 supplies in a supermarket.
4 https://www.coronavirus.vic.gov.au/face-masks-when-wear-face-mask
5 Face masks - when to wear a face mask | Coronavirus Victoria
7 Can businesses refuse service to someone if they are not
8 wearing a face mask?
9 Businesses should not refuse service to patrons who may have a lawful reason for not
10 wearing a face mask at venues that require mandatory face masks. For more information
11 on face masks and human rights, visit the website of the Victorian Equal Opportunity and
12 Human Rights Commission.
15 https://www.humanrights.vic.gov.au/resources/faqs-face-masks-and-human-rights/
16 FAQs: Face masks and human rights | Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights
17 Commission
18 COVID-19 and human rights. Here’s how we’re responding to the emerging issues:
20 If you have a disability or medical condition that prevents you from wearing a face
21 mask and your employer treats you unfavourably because you aren’t wearing one,
22 could this be unlawful discrimination?
23 If you have a disability or medical condition that affects your ability to wear a face mask,
24 and you have alerted your employer to this, but you face disciplinary action for not
25 wearing a face mask, this may amount to unlawful discrimination under the Act.
28 http://www.opensourcetruth.com/a-group-of-parents-sent-their-kids-face-masks-to-a-lab-
29 for-analysis-heres-what-they-found/
30 A Group Of Parents Sent Their Kids’ Face Masks to A Lab for Analysis. Here’s What They Found
32 • Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumonia)
33 • Mycobacterium tuberculosis (tuberculosis)
34 • Neisseria meningitidis (meningitis, sepsis)
35 • Acanthamoeba polyphaga (keratitis and granulomatous amebic encephalitis)
36 • Acinetobacter baumanni (pneumonia, blood stream infections, meningitis, UTIs—
37 resistant to antibiotics)
38 • Escherichia coli (food poisoning)
39 • Borrelia burgdorferi (causes Lyme disease)
40 • Corynebacterium diphtheriae (diphtheria)
41 • Legionella pneumophila (Legionnaires' disease)
42 • Staphylococcus pyogenes serotype M3 (severe infections—high morbidity rates)
44 This underlines the dangers of wearing a mask, even for some hours during the day. A risk I
45 view cannot be taken, even for a short period of time, and certainly with a mask that has been
46 contaminated by the hands of different persons beforehand.
48 I now refer to a statement relating to you:
50 https://www.austin.org.au/austinhealthwelcomesnewceo/
51 New CEO, Adam Horsburgh, starts with Austin Health

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1 “I am passionate about ensuring that Austin Health builds upon its rich history and
2 reputation for delivering safe, effective and timely patient care. I want Austin Health
3 to be recognised as the safest and most innovative health service; where patient
4 experience is paramount to everything that we do.
7 As for “for delivering safe, effective and timely patient care” I question this to be applicable
8 where since 30 August 2020 I was I view denied appropriate services. For all I know I could
9 have bled to death in the meantime without any single consultation.
10 As I have indicated repeatedly, I have a hearing disability and therefore do not communicate
11 orally via phone/mobile. Neither could a teleconsultation establish what really needed to be
12 checked in person!
13 On Wednesday 29 July 2021 (yesterday) I happen to become aware that the Victorian
14 Government had an advertisement on the radio that claimed there are over 400 “coronavirus”
15 hotspots in Victoria. Yet it is lifting the LOCKDOWN!
17 Let us look at the alleged infections:
19 https://www.cdc.gov/csels/dls/locs/2021/07-21-2021-lab-alert-Changes_CDC_RT-PCR_SARS-CoV-
20 2_Testing_1.html?fbclid=IwAR3lIN3P1HBTmmWaav0od-SKeIJ81c4G1VbmKqr090dknB5Hoo784OXj7sM
22 In preparation for this change, CDC recommends clinical laboratories and testing
23 sites that have been using the CDC 2019-nCoV RT-PCR assay select and begin
24 their transition to another FDA-authorized COVID-19 test. CDC encourages
25 laboratories to consider adoption of a multiplexed method that can facilitate
26 detection and differentiation of SARS-CoV-2 and influenza viruses. Such assays
27 can facilitate continued testing for both influenza and SARS-CoV-2 and can
28 save both time and resources as we head into influenza season. Laboratories and
29 testing sites should validate and verify their selected assay within their facility
30 before beginning clinical testing.
33 It appears to me that already on 20 January 2021 the W.H.O. (World Health Organization)
34 abandoned the use of the PCR test as being unreliable because it couldn’t properly establish a
35 person to be or not to be infected with COVID-19.
37 https://www.pathology.health.nsw.gov.au/covid-19-info/sars-cov2-nat
39 It is performed using either in-house real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing
40 which is used across the world to diagnose COVID 19 infection.
41 The assays used are extremely accurate with a high sensitivity to detect the virus and a
42 high specificity for the virus. The different assays and platforms used across NSWHP have
43 specific indicators of sensitivity and specificity and these are validated by NSW Health
44 Pathology as required by the Australian Standards of NPAAC (National Pathology
45 Accreditation Advisory Council).
46 PCR testing is regarded as the current standard for diagnosis of COVID-19 infection (see
47 the Australian Government Department of Health’s Therapeutic Goods Administration
48 website) and Public Health Laboratory Network (PHLN) data.
49 Generally, the number of cycles run by the PCR systems is 45, however this can vary
50 depending on the machine or assay used. Generally the cut-off or threshold is set at a
51 Ct of 40. However as mentioned above this is set by the manufacturer’s instructions
52 as well as the validation processes required by all Australian laboratories.
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2 It appears to me that therefore the Australian laboratories were incorrectly assessing PCR
3 testing! Somehow no medical doctor/scientist was competent enough to pursue the correct cycles
4 were to be used?
6 https://cormandrostenreview.com/cease-and-desist-order-fuellmich-drosten/
10 • If the test system only begins detection after a large number of replication cycles, the
11 viral load is so low that active infection is ruled out. In the NDR podcast of May 7,
12 2020, you yourself referred to a study according to which a patient is considered “less
13 infectious” above 25 cycles. In fact, the authors of a Canadian study failed to identify
14 any replicable virus beyond 24 cycles (Jared Bullard et al. in Clinical Infectious
15 Diseases, https://doi.org/10.1093/cid/ ciaa638). Nevertheless, when the new case numbers
16 are added up again, nowhere is it checked at which Ct value the cut-off was set in the
17 respective positive test case. This makes the result of a PCR test highly susceptible to
18 manipulation – and thus susceptible to political influence when high case numbers are
19 “needed” in order to intimidate the population. In any case, the values determined on
20 the basis of a PCR test are not a sufficient basis for a complete shutdown of public life
21 and interference with people’s liberties on an unprecedented scale.
22 • A PCR test is not capable of distinguishing mere contamination from infection. As long
23 as the viruses remain on the mucous membranes and do not enter the cells of the body,
24 a person is only contaminated, but not infected. In this case, the viruses do not replicate
25 and therefore do not pose a risk of infection. Nevertheless, a PCR test will deliver a
26 positive result for such people. You yourself pointed out this problem in an interview
27 with Wirtschaftswoche in 2014.
28 • The significance of a positive PCR test also depends on which and how many primers
29 are searched for. The less specific these are for SARS-CoV-2, the lower this
30 significance.
31 • Conclusion: a positive PCR test is not the same as an infection. We don’t know what
32 happened in all the particular testing-labs. It is not surprising that Mike Yeadon, former
33 Chief Scientific Officer for Respiratory Research at Pfizer, strongly advises against the
34 use of PCR for the diagnosis of COVID-19 in a recent article
35 (https://lockdownstics.org/lies- damned-lies- and-health-statistics- the-deadly-danger-of-false-
36 positives/).
39 https://cormandrostenreview.com/cease-and-desist-order-fuellmich-drosten/
43 So you know perfectly well that the closure of workplaces, which threatens the viability of
44 companies, is being mandated on the basis of pure hot air – namely on the basis of figures
45 which must be seen as completely unscientific and are not adjusted in any way for the
46 sources of error. The same applies to the introduction of other restrictions on freedom, such
47 as the introduction of curfews or the tightening of the mask requirement when the “Corona
48 traffic light” jumps to red. And you are not trying to stop this misguided development; on
49 the contrary, you are fueling it. In an interview with DIE ZEIT on October 6, 2020, you
50 defended the senseless adding up of absolute case numbers and the political determination
51 of the completely arbitrary 7-day incidence values, because one could recognize the
52 development early on the basis of the “new infections” (https://www.zeit.de/wissen/2020-

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A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
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admin@inspector-rikati.com See also www.scribd.com/inspectorrikati
Page 31

1 10/christiandrosten-corona-massnahmen-neuinfektionen-herbst-winter-covid-
2 19/komplettansicht).
3 Since you have chosen to falsely equate a positive test with a new infection, this statement
4 can only be understood in such a way that you prefer this interpretation. In this case,
5 however, an increase in “new infections” – i.e. the number of positive test results – does
6 not mean anything at all when it comes to the incidence of infection.
7 The overall truth is quite different: It is not the virus but only test results that are spreading
8 exponentially. The virus itself cannot broadly spread in the community – precisely because
9 the spread has long since progressed and basic immunity has long been present in the
10 population.
11 The collateral damage of the Corona measures cannot have escaped you. By
12 recommending a renewed lockdown on October 27, 2020, without any consideration of
13 other threats to human life, you are personally responsible for all the damage caused by the
14 Corona measures. In the NDR podcast of May 14, 2020 (Coronavirus Update No. 41,
15 transcript p. 4), you expressed an assessment on this that is so cynical that we quote here
16 your own words:
17 “These few tens of thousands, that would be something like a severe flu season in terms of
18 pure deaths. But I think that would be compared to a significantly greater excess mortality
19 over other years. That’s the collateral damage in health because people don’t go to the
20 hospital because of the illness. That is, in all scenarios, we would not have a comparability
21 with seasonal flu here either, but these are the pure cases directly caused by the virus. And
22 that’s not what we’re recording in the excess mortality of influenza. We would have much
23 higher excess mortality.”
24 In plain language, this means that not only do you know that there is collateral damage, but
25 you have the audacity to count those who die because of corona measures as COVID-19
26 deaths.
27 You belong to the signatories of the Leopoldina paper of December 8, 2020, which
28 recommended a hard lockdown after Christmas. The very description of the action required
29 shows that you, as well as all the co-signatories, have completely abandoned the principles
30 of evidence-based science:
33 https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2021/02/22/fauci-states-covid-pcr-test-has-fatal-flaw-confession/
34 Smoking gun: Fauci states COVID PCR test has fatal flaw; confession from the “beloved”
35 expert of experts
37 https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/pcr-testing-incorrect-use/
38 PCR Testing Saga: Were We Duped? • Children's Health Defense
39 02/ 23/ 21
41 PCR Testing Saga: Were We Duped?
42 Were federal health officials and experts at WHO really unaware that the recommended high cycle
43 count (CT) for PCR tests would produce an exorbitant number of false positives for COVID?
44 By
45 Dr. Joseph Mercola
47 Story at-a-glance:
48 • Curative offers a PCR test using spit rather than swabs from the back of your nasal cavity.
49 Initially only authorized for use on symptomatic patients, the company has requested the
50 U.S. Food and Drug Administration expand its authorization for use on asymptomatic
51 individuals.

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1 • According to company data, the spit test accurately identifies about 90% of positive cases
2 when compared against a nasopharyngeal PCR test set to 35 cycle threshold (CT).
3 • According to the FDA, that comparative CT is too low, and will produce too many false
4 negatives. This, despite the scientific consensus, which states anything over 35 CTs is
5 scientifically unjustifiable as it produces enormous amounts of false positives.
6 • According to an April 2020 study, a CT of 17 must be used to obtain 100% confirmed
7 real positives. Above 17 cycles, accuracy drops dramatically. At 33 cycles, the false
8 positive rate is 80%. Beyond 34 cycles, the false positive rate reaches 100%.
9 • Because the PCR test cannot discern between live virus and dead, noninfectious viral
10 debris, the timing of the test is important. Recent research shows the median time from
11 symptom onset to viral clearance confirmed by viral culture is seven days, whereas the
12 PCR test continues to detect nonviable (noninfectious) SARS-CoV-2 for a median of 34
13 days.
14 • For several months, experts have highlighted the true cause behind the COVID-
15 19 pandemic, namely the incorrect use of PCR tests set at a ridiculously high cycle count
16 (CT), which falsely labels healthy people as “COVID-19 cases.” In reality, the PCR test
17 is not a proper diagnostic test, although it has been promoted as such.
18 • An important question that demands an answer is whether the experts at our federal
19 health agencies and the World Health Organization were really too ignorant to
20 understand the implications of using this test at excessive CT, or whether it was done on
21 purpose to create the illusion of a dangerous, out-of-control pandemic.
22 • Regardless, those in charge need to be held accountable, which is precisely what
23 the German Corona Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee
26 Again:
28 • According to an April 2020 study, a CT of 17 must be used to obtain 100% confirmed
29 real positives. Above 17 cycles, accuracy drops dramatically. At 33 cycles, the false
30 positive rate is 80%. Beyond 34 cycles, the false positive rate reaches 100%.
33 So, we have that instead of 17Ct (17 cycles) the TGA and others are using 45 Ct (45 cycles)
34 ,when already at 35Ct (35 cycles) the result is increased then already about 4,000 fold.
35 From this, it ought to be clear that to run 45 Ct (45 cycles) this gives a 100% false positives.
37 Obviously, considering this above stated and also that Bret Hazzard Minister for Health (NSW)
38 made statements (on videos) that he is applying the “NEW WORLD ORDER” then it appears
39 to me that the denial of what I deem appropriate services is not because of any real danger
40 regarding COVID-19 but rather a hypothetical danger for no other reason but for “political
41 science” where “medical science” is ignored. The following may also be considered to underline
42 this.
44 https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/06/shocking-speech-2010-document-exposes-rockefeller-foundation-
45 globalist-scheme-video/
46 Shocking Speech by Thierry Baudet about 2010 Document ...
47 6 June 2021 ... Rair Foundation first broke the story by posting a video of a speech by
48 the Dutch MP, Thierry Baudet, who refers to a 2010 Rockefeller ...
50 https://banned.video/watch?id=60bd9f82a16a826dcebf7905
51 Dutch Leader Exposes Rockefeller Foundation And Globalist Scheme-banned-video
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A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
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2 Chairperson, in 2010, the Rockerfeller Foundation, one of the most influential NGOs in the
3 world, developed a number of scenarios for the future of technology and international
4 development. This report.
5 And in this report, the Rockefeller Foundation described the so called “Lock Step
6 Scenario” on the coming of a world-wide pandemic and its aftermath. Already in 2010.
7 According to this scenario - and I have it here with me - the Chinese would be the first
8 begin with “required quarantine for all citizens” - that’s a quote - and immediate and
9 almost hermetic closing off of all borders. National leaders all over the world would
10 strengthen their power with laws, rules, and restrictions, from the requirement to wear
11 masks to body temperature checks on entering train stations, planes, buildings. It all comes
12 in here. But it doesn’t even stop there.
13 According to Scenario Lock Step, we have a lot more to look forward to:
15 “Even after the pandemic was over, “the researches write, “the authorian control would
16 remain, with supervision of the citizens and their activities, and would even be intensified.”
17 In this report from 2010, even climate lockdowns are hinted at. Precisely what they are
18 already beginning to talk about in our time. I quote: “To protect oneself against
19 increasingly global problems - from pandemics and transnational terrorism to
20 environmental crises and increasing poverty, leaders all over the world will increase their
21 grip on power.” And the report also predicts well how citizens would react to all the
22 regulations. Sorry, I say. Just as now, people shout with joy when they are vaccinated,
23 photos of their injected arm on social media - it is all in this report - and they beg for a
24 Corona passport, the Lock Step Scenario writers predict, just as I said. The more controlled
25 world thus finds, so they predicted in 2010, much acceptance among the people. Citizens
26 voluntarily gave up part of their sovereignty - and their privacy - in exchange for more
27 safety and stability. Citizens were more tolerant and even eager to get more top-down
28 steering and supervision. National leaders had more freedom to enforce order in ways they
29 themselves saw fit. That this would lead to a digital passport, the authors of the
30 Rockerfeller Foundation report had also foreseen. In 2010, the Rockerfeller Foundation
31 was not able to literally predict the current technological state of things, but the thought
32 then that sharpened supervision would lead to a biometric ID for all citizens. And it is now
33 in our paper passports. The digital vaccination passport is just a supplement. Just 13 years
34 after the pandemic, the public would, according to the Rockerfeller Foundation,
35 realize they have been cheated, had enough of the controls and the absurd power
36 fantasies of the masters. And Chairperson, I still hope that the Rockerfeller Foundation is
37 wrong on that point. All of their forecasts have come true, but I hope that here they are
38 really wrong, that a point comes that we wake up, that we realize that this is a collective
39 psychosis. that the locking up of our country, of half of the world, lasting a year and a half
40 because of a flu variant, is madness. That we run around with the BS - non-functional
41 masks, that we abide by the complete nonsensical distance regulations. And see our
42 businesses, our social life go to pieces. that we with great, first-line medicines like
43 Ivermectin, tegenhouden, only accelerate experimental injections to the status of
44 “authorized vaccine” that can be given. That we chatter over, “Oh, the infection will come
45 back.” while this past year naturally, it also happened, just as it happens every year, just as
46 naturally, that with autumn, come the new infection, just like always happens. and we
47 pretend that it is because of Corona while what we earlier called the flu, would seem to
48 have completely disappeared. But it is most important, and these will be my closing words,
49 that we realize that with a pretext, one or another hysteria over this Chinese flu, and
50 infrastructure has been put together that in any arbitrary moment, because of any arbitrary
51 event, the authority can be applied again. Lockdowns, masks, keeping distance, no more
24-6-2024 Page 33 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail
admin@inspector-rikati.com See also www.scribd.com/inspectorrikati
Page 34

1 travel, no more hand shaking, allowing absurd experimental injections. This corona period
2 was an obedience training. The Tweede Kamer and the Rutte government have carried out
3 this training brilliantly. Congratulations. Klaus Schwab can be proud of you. The globalist
4 plan can find the passageway, and the next step toward mass surveillance and total control
5 can be set.
7 Chairperson: - Thank you.
9 (The “Tweede Kamer” is referred to in Australia as the “House of Representatives”)
11 Getting back to the statement “for delivering safe, effective and timely patient care” I view
12 you miserably failed in this in regard of my person. I suspect likely the same has been regarding
13 numerous other persons. In my view, while I may have so to say my self professed “Crummy
14 English” not having had any formal education in the English language since I migrated to
15 Australia nevertheless it appears to me that the meaning of “for delivering safe, effective and
16 timely patient care” I is not what I actually experienced to be with Austin Health.
17 In my view, INFLUENZA is a very serious matter in itself, and never should have been used for
18 what I consider political games at cost of appropriate health care services to show down the
19 throat of patients some COVID-19 issue, instead of providing persons with the correct medical
20 service when needed. I can only but assume that as like John Skerritt of TGA you are more
21 interested to apply “government policy” (political science” than “medical science”. In my view
22 you ought to have had put together a medical team dealing with what really COVID-19 was
23 about and how to appropriately establish any person being infected rather than to rely upon the
24 now discredited PCR test which its inventor all along had made clear was not suitable to
25 establish any infection. This is also very relevant that if a person is wrongly assumed to suffer
26 from COVID-19 while in fact suffering from high altitude sickens (such as with malaria) then
27 using a ventilator not programmed for high altitude sickens could in fact cause the death of the
28 patient. As such, proper assessment is critical. Yet, it appears to me that Austin Health
29 abandoned the duty of care and “for delivering safe, effective and timely patient care” and as
30 result I was denied appropriate and timely services, I view I was entitled upon. As such, it seems
31 to me being senseless to have any appointment on 3 August, 2021 at 1.55pm, after more than 11
32 months, and I decline for this to attend. Consider also : Nuremberg Code-Hippocratic Oath for
33 those medical doctors who may have failed to provide appropriate services.
34 END QUOTE 20210729-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to Adam Horsburgh CEO & Ors Austin Health
36 In my view every Austin Health staff members should be checked for any adverse health issues
37 because of the mask and other policies.
38 Do keep in mind that regardless what MANDATE the Victorian government may have pursued,
39 in the end when they were without any lawful basis then those nevertheless pursuing to enforce
40 those mandates I view can be held legally accountable!
42 We need to return to the organics and legal principles embed in of our federal constitution!
44 This correspondence is not intended and neither must be perceived to state all issues/details.
45 Awaiting your response, G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. (Gerrit)


47 (Our name is our motto!)

24-6-2024 Page 34 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
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admin@inspector-rikati.com See also www.scribd.com/inspectorrikati

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