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The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Smart Classes:

A survey
Eleni Dimitriadou Andreas Lanitis
Visual Media Computing Lab Visual Media Computing Lab
Dept. of Multimedia and Graphic Arts Dept. of Multimedia and Graphic Arts
Cyprus University of Technology Cyprus University of Technology
Limassol, & CYENS Centre of Excellence
Cyprus Limassol, Cyprus

Abstract—During the years, the concept of “Smart Classroom” that belong to the three main pillars of “Class Manage-
evolved to reflect technological advances. This survey provides ment”, “Teaching Aids”, and “Performance Assessment” are
a review of research work on smart classroom technologies, presented, while attention is focused on existing and future
with a focus on emerging and Artificial Intelligence(AI)-related
technologies. Smart classroom technologies related to the effective applications of AI in smart classes, enabling the readers to
class management that enhance the convenience of classroom gain an insight related to the opportunities and challenges
environments, the use of teaching aids during the educational involved in applying AI in smart classes. Previous surveys
process and the use of performance assessment technologies related to smart classes include the work of Saini and Goel
are presented. Apart from discussing the range of technological [5], who focus on technologies related to smart content
achievements in each of the aforementioned areas, the role of
AI is thoroughly discussed allowing researchers and developers preparation and distribution, smart student engagement, smart
in AI to realize the existing uses of AI in smart classes and get assessment, and smart physical environment. While this survey
informed about future perspectives and challenges in adopting has some similarities to our approach, in our case we focus
AI-based techniques in smart classes. our attention on the use of AI in conjunction with emerging
Index Terms—Artificial intelligence, Emerging technologies, technologies in a smart class environment. In a more recent
Smart classroom.
survey Li and Wong [6] present application domains, research
issues, research participants, learning devices or tools, learning
environments and learning features, which were found in 90
The concept of “Smart Classroom” was first proposed by studies related to smart classrooms. Unlike the current survey,
Rescigno [1] in relation to the classroom use of several tech- the work of Li and Wong [6] is directed towards educators,
nologies that flourished during the eighties, such as personal to help them understand their role in smart learning practice.
computers, video programs presentation, the use of closed- Spector et. al. [7] point out the significance of technological
circuit television, and the use of networking facilities. Through advancements into the introduction of innovative learning
the years the meaning of a “Smart Classroom” evolved to approaches, and hence divide smart learning environment
reflect technological advances. Recently, Micrea et al. [2] state foundations into three main cores, philosophical, phycological
that a smart classroom is based on devices of automated com- and technological. These fields contribute into the creation
munication and mobile learning, mobile technologies, video of an effective, adaptive and innovative learning environment
projectors, sensors, cameras, facial recognition algorithms with the aim to develop the mindset of students. In addition,
and other modules controlling different physical environment Tabuenca et al. [8] state that a smart learning environment
parameters. Based on the latest technological developments, includes both the students and the teacher as it gives them the
in this study we define a smart classroom as an integrated opportunity to exploit technological tools in order to execute
learning space that combines Artificial Intelligence (AI) and their tasks.
emerging technologies to offer an intelligent learning space In the remainder of the paper, we present a literature
either in-class or remotely. review for smart classroom technologies related to classroom
Emerging technologies are defined as the most impactful management, teaching aids, and performance assessment. In
and recent technologies of our era [3] while “Artificial Intel- Section 3, we elaborate on the role of AI in smart classes,
ligence” (AI) is defined as the ability of computer systems to followed by a discussion and concluding comments.
do human tasks (like learning and thinking) that frequently
can only be attained with the use of human intelligence [4]. II. S MART C LASSROOM T ECHNOLOGIES
This survey provides a review of research work on smart In this section key smart-class technologies related to
classroom technologies, with a focus on emerging and AI- effective class management, teaching aids, and performance
related technologies. A wide range of smart-class technologies assessment are presented (see Table I). The proposed smart
class technologies taxonomy in Table I, is inspired by the a rotating camera to capture images of the students. Student
taxonomy proposed by Saini and Goel [5] who separate smart action recognition can be extended to cover the recognition of
class technologies into the categories of smart interaction actions performed by students attending online courses [15],
and engagement, performance assessment, smart content and supporting in that way the remote learning activities.
presentation, and smart physical environment. Based on a wide 2) Smart Environment: Smart buildings are described as
range of papers and surveys in the fields of pedagogy and whole structures that use existing technology resources and
technology, along with recent advances in technological tools AI to produce a secure, functioning and friendly setting
and AI-based methods, the refined version of the taxonomy that utilizes resources wisely and economically [16]. Smart
shown in Table I is adopted. buildings provide numerous advantages for both users and
the ecosystem, since the utilization of smart technologies
TABLE I allows power consumption to be reduced, repair expenses to
be decreased, real-time activities to be enabled, problems to be
Teaching Aids Performance
predicted beforehand, devices to be controlled in real time, and
Smart Environment Robotics Student performance environmental effects to be improved [17]. Sensor technology,
Attendance Management Virtual/Augmented Teacher performance
the Internet of Things (IoT), external telecommunications
Mixed Reality assessment and smartphone software technology are commonly used to
Surveillance/Security E-learning
Platforms power advanced technologies in smart classrooms [18].The
Remote Classroom
capacity of AI technologies to forecast and identify patterns
is a crucial feature; as a result, they can be flexible and cope
with complicated human habits and meet their unique demands
A. Classroom Management by processing large amounts of data offered by smart space
The term classroom management refers to the way or devices [19].
approach that a teacher uses to manage a classroom as part
B. Teaching Aids
of an effort to maintain a comfortable and safe teaching
environment that contributes to the efficient class delivery. In a modern smart-classroom, the teaching process is as-
In relation to class management technologies, in this survey sisted by a plethora of technological means, to maximize
we focus on the issues of Smart Environment, Attendance the engagement and interaction of students. Towards this
Management, and Surveillance/Security. end different types of technology in the form of robotics,
1) Surveillance/Security: Computer Vision techniques in virtual/augmented/mixed reality, e-learning platforms, visu-
smart classroom are often used to help educators to analyse alization techniques, and flipped classroom technologies are
videos and images of their students as a means of acquiring being used. In this section we provide an overview of these
important information regarding students. Typically computer technologies.
vision is used for attendance management and student action 1) Robotics: Robots used in education can be ‘Real’ de-
recognition. Facial recognition can be utilized to implement vices [20, 21], or they can be software agents in the form
innovative attendance management systems in smart class- of chatbots [22, 23]. A real robot is device incorporating
rooms that automatically record the presence of a registered hardware and software, that can perform actions usually un-
student in class [9]. Human action recognition is a vision- dertaken by humans. Since the introduction of the first robot
based technique that can identify actions performed by humans by Papert [24] several educational animal-like or human-like
in video sequences [10]. The ability to recognize human robots have been presented to suit different levels of education.
behavior can be extremely important in a smart classroom [11] Educational robots are usually programmed to demonstrate the
as it can be used for determining student activity through the content of a subject topic interactively, and to allow students
analysis of eye, face and body motion. to ask questions that a robot answer.
Several researchers addressed the problem of using AI in The notion chatbot is a combination of two words: “chat”
the form of Computer Vision algorithms for automated student demonstrating conversation and “bot” standing for robot [25].
attendance registration and for recognizing students’ actions. Chatbots involve only a software implementation, they they
Chowdhury et al [12], proposed an automatic student atten- can be run through computers or smart mobile devices. Chat-
dance system based on face recognition using Convolutional bots simulate conversation with human users via the use of
Neural networks (CNN’s) to detect and recognize multiple instant messaging services and students being facilitated as
student’s face from real-time video stream obtained by a static chatbots can answer questions regarding the educational ma-
camera located in a classroom. Instead of using a static camera, terial. Most studies demonstrated that using chatbots in classes
Mery et al. [13] describe a student attendance system based may offer pupil a more pleasant educational procedure through
on deep learning used in crowded classrooms (70 students), close engagement [26], enhance communication and learning
in which the session images are captured by a smartphone abilities [27], and boost pupil intellectual development [18].
camera. Instead of using a static or a mobile camera, Gupta Initially, robots were constructed to perform repetitive tasks,
et al. [14], presented a Computer Vision based Unobtru- without any AI. However, the importance of having intelligent
sive Classroom Attendance Management System, that uses machines led to the use of a series of sensors that provide
information about the environment along with the integration engaging experiences [42]. Computer vision techniques like
of AI for processing and making decisions based on the pose estimation, object detection, scene labeling and semantic
information received by the sensors [28, 29]. Typical sensors segmentation are used to control AR content, project an object
used in robotics include microphones, Time-of-flight (ToF) in the scene, trigger a spot or occlude objects from the scene
optic sensors, cameras, and motion detectors [30] that when [43].
used in conjunction with AI algorithms can be used for sensing 3) E-Learning Platforms: E-learning platforms are sys-
an environment [31]. AI-based functionality incorporated in tems that use on-line content to support synchronous or
robots include speech recognition, motion control, computer asynchronous learning in platforms such as Moodle and Black-
vision, natural language processing, smart agent technology, board [44]. Synchronous learning is teacher-led and occurs
movement control, and control for grasping objects. On the in real time; to this end, students log on at a predetermined
other hand, the operation of chatbots is a mix of artificial time and communicate directly with the teacher and their
intelligence and Natural Language Processing (NLP) [32]. peers. In asynchronous learning, the process is student-led and
2) Virtual/Augmented/Mixed Reality: Smart classrooms of- occurs at a time, which is most convenient for the student;
ten incorporate virtual, augmented, and mixed reality as a thus, students join the platform at a time and place of their
means of introducing immersive learning experiences[33]. Vir- choice and interact with the learning material [45]. E-learning
tual Reality (VR) concerns the 3D simulation of an imaginary in the smart classroom aims to develop students’ learning
or real environment, that the user can visualize, explore and ability, as it concentrates on linking the digital generation,
interact with it [34]. Quite often VR is used as an empathy enhancing individualized opportunities of learning, sparking
inducing medium in educational applications [35]. According learning innovation, promoting teachers’ digital pedagogy and
to Sobota et al. [36], the two techniques that are widely acquiring the best ICT investment by schools [46].
used to offer immersive experience regarding virtual reality Quite often AI is introduced in E-learning platforms in
in smart classroom environment are CAVE (Cave automatic order to maximize the learning experience of students through
virtual environment) and HMDs (Head-mounted displays). the use of adaptive educational systems.Adaptive educational
Furthermore, there are different VR accessories which can systems use the learner profile to diagnose individual charac-
combine with HMDs and CAVEs, such as gloves, suits or teristics and abilities, supporting dynamic and adaptive teach-
controllers which can offer more exciting experience. ing course delivery. Apart from supporting adaptive learning
Carmigiani and Furh, [37] define Augmented Reality (AR) AI is also utilized in other aspects of the learning process.
“as a real-time direct or indirect view of a physical real-world For example, natural language processing algorithms [12]
environment that has been enhanced/augmented by adding are often used to identify plagiarism and avoid transcrib-
virtual computer-generated information to it”. There are dif- ing in assignments submitted by students [47]. Furthermore,
ferent types of augmented display devices in a smart class advanced data search capabilities allow the extraction and
environment such as tablets, smartphones, smartboards, along indexing of massive amounts of data in colleges and major
with dedicated AR headsets such as Microsoft HoloLens. academic institutions [48]. In some cases, data related to notes
According to Torres et al. [38], AR in smart classrooms can taking and discussions between peers is analysed to indicate
be used the following forms: Enlarged book, virtual models any misunderstandings or even student interests, and it is
of specific complicated structures, educational games, virtual then delivered back to instructors as a summary for every
models which produce sounds, magic eyeglasses, magic mir- participant [49].
rors, magic doors, navigation support and cooperative space. 4) Flipped/Virtual/Remote Classroom: Flipped, virtual and
According to Chamba-Eras and Aguilar [39], AR is recom- remote classrooms offer students a unique experience that
mended to compensate various deficiencies that might occur renders the learning process a fruitful and interesting proce-
in a smart classroom environment such as difficulties in doing dure for both the students and the teachers. The term ‘flipped
complicated and dangerous experiments or unavailability of classroom’ was firstly mentioned by Lage et al. [50] as
appropriate facilities. “Inverting the classroom means that events that have tradition-
Mixed Reality (MR) refers to a blending of real-world and ally taken place inside the classroom, now take place outside
virtual/digital world objects which are visualized together on the classroom and vice versa”. Flipped classroom focuses
only one display in a coherent space [40]. MR results to more on the learner and therefore it is characterized as a
the creation of mixed environments and visualizations of co- valuable complement to an intelligent classroom [51]. Virtual
existing and interacting virtual and real objects in real-time. classroom is defined as a new educational environment that
The introduction of AI into virtual, augmented, and mixed allows students to attend courses online while also facilitating
reality settings has propelled this technology to new heights. interaction and collaboration by using the artificial intelligence
Procedural Content Generation is an AI approach for cre- tools and abilities [52]. The smart virtual classroom should
ating novel personalities and accurate 3D model settings offer all the possibilities offered by a traditional classroom
with no previous information [41]. Furthermore, AI may be and can offer more possibilities such as application sharing,
utilized to generate avatars, digital humanoid characters or educational games, augmented reality techniques, virtual lab-
complementing users that interact and take decisions imme- oratories, interactive intelligent tutoring systems etc. Remote
diately according to the gamers’ choices, resulting in more classroom refers to a teaching method that is based on distant
learning and gives the ability to students who are not actually The technologies used for educational performance assessment
present in class to continue their studies [53]. This method are equipped and updated with AI-based techniques in order to
is proven significant in cases of enforced social isolation, for provide accurate and objective results. Srivastava et. al. [67]
students who live in rural areas, and for students who face any proposed an evaluation framework for assessing and improving
type of disability [54]. teaching methods through the use of IoT systems that collect
AI technologies can support advanced functionalities of data during class hours and process them by utilizing Machine
flipped/virtual/remote classroom. Lo, Hew and Chen [55] state Learning models and cloud computing. In addition, Jensen et
that AI has great potential in the flipped classroom approach, al. [68, 69] present two frameworks for automated feedback
because it enables the personalization and adaptation of the on teacher discourse that employ machine learning techniques,
learning process to the students needs. Shan and Liu [56] like Random Forest classifiers, as well as transfer learning
suggest a model of Hybrid Teaching of Artificial Intelligence methods and a natural language processing algorithm.
and Flipped Classroom, which combines big data, cloud and
online applications to implement comprehensive and individu- III. AI IN SMART CLASSES : A SWOT A NALYSIS
alized learning. Tangkittipon et al. [57] suggest an alternative Based on the findings of this survey, a SWOT analysis of
approach, which includes the implementation of a chatbot that the use in AI in smart classes is presented:
should be integrated to the flipped classroom. Furthermore, STRENGTHS: The strengths of AI in smart classes include
AI technology can be incorporated in virtual classes and the ability to implement clever environment management
provide assistance to educators as this type of environment systems that contribute to an improved and safer environment,
is more challenging, requiring immediate responses and the through the processing of data captured by sensors. Moreover,
control of a remote class. A wide range of AI technologies students can benefit through adaptive modes of interaction
are likely to influence student-teacher interaction in remote tailored for individual needs, allowing each student to get
classes. For instance, Goel and Polepeddi [58] designed Jill unique feedback and advice. AI-based teacher-student inter-
Watson, an AI teaching assistant, to supplement the teacher’s action as well as engagement with the learning material can
interaction with learners by reacting automatically to learners’ boost learning, help students retain information more easily
presentations, providing regular notifications and addressing and increase self-efficiency.
basic, commonly requested inquiries. Perin and Lauterbach WEAKNESSES: The use of AI-based systems in smart-
[59] created an AI grading method that helps teachers to classes has been criticized for inducing disconnectedness,
deliver marks more quickly. Luckin [60] demonstrated AI which is usually expressed as feelings of separation and
solutions that assist both learners and educators by generating disengagement from learning, the curriculum, the peers, the
continuous feedback regarding the way students learn and their teachers and the learning devices. In addition, the installation
achievement according to their educational objectives. Ross et. of technological tools is almost impossible for some schools
al. [61] created customizable tests to help students by tailoring due to the high infrastructure and maintenance cost required.
educational material to their specific requirements, resulting in OPPORTUNITIES: External factors, like the COVID-19
increased student enthusiasm and participation [62]. pandemic, can give a boost in the application of smart class
technologies like flipped, virtual and remote classes allowing
C. Performance Assessment students who are not physically present in class or have any
Student performance assessment aims on the one hand to form of disability to attend their lessons. Furthermore, the
inform the teacher which students have learnt the content of widespread use of smart devices by teachers and students
the lesson and how well they are expected to perform in provide an excellent opportunity to capitalize on the use
the future, and on the other, to grade students and provide of AI-based learning technologies that can be deployed on
feedback about their performance during the learning process personal devices. The widespread introduction of AI in smart
[5].The easiest tool to assess students in a smart classroom classes will also provide to AI-professionals a ’playground’
is the employment of multiple-choice questions, which allow for introducing novel challenging applications that require the
automated evaluation and feedback, with the aid of an online development of dedicated AI techniques.
web server that compares students’ answers with the config- THREATS: Machine learning models usually require a vast
ured correct answer [63]. Apart from student assessment, the amount of data for training, and this raises issues about the
continuous assessment of educators is also highly important way data is collected and processed. Security and privacy are
process in a smart class environment [64]. therefore issues that could pose a thread for future devel-
An important application of AI in student assessment is opment and deployment of AI-based technologies in smart
plagiarism checking, with Turnitin as a frequently used tool classes. In addition, the possibility of introducing bias during
[65]. Moreover, Bhatia and Kaur [66] add an innovative the training process of clever systems, may cause errors that
performance assessment/prediction tool based on quantum can have negative impact on the teaching process. Furthermore
game theoretic (QGT) decision making. This tool incorporates the vulnerability of clever systems to hacking attacks and the
IoT to gather information and data about students, which are overall issue of security is a matter that raises concerns. Last,
evaluated over a computing platform aiming to analyze perfor- but not least technology acceptance by the stakeholders can
mance and determine the academic enhancement of students. pose a serious threat for further development.
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