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➢ Tells Franz that he will not scold Franz
➢ But says that Franz should feel bad
ANECDOTE ➢ Every day student say they have plenty of time, will do it later, but time has ended
➢ Fellows will say, “You are Frenchmen but still do not know to read or write French.”
➢ Says we all have great excuses
➢ Boy named Franz gets late for school
➢ Taunts that parents would have made Franz to work for money
➢ Not prepared for lesson on participles given by teacher – M. Hamel
➢ Says in taunting manner that it is his fault that he sent Franz to water gardens and
➢ Afraid of scolding
announced holidays when he wished going for fishing (Which in real sense, M. Hamel does
➢ Thinks of bunking day Bright weather, chirping of birds, not)
➢ But had the strength to resist open field, Prussian soldiers drilling ➢ M.Hamel talks about French language
➢ Says it the most beautiful, clearest and logical language in the world
➢ Crowd in front of bulletin board
➢ Frenchmen should guard it among themselves and never forget it
➢ Franz ignores as he was getting late
➢ because when a people are enslaved, as long as they hold fast to their language it is as if
➢ Blacksmith, Watcher stops Franz For the last two years all bad news they had the key to their prison
➢ Says not to hurry. Plenty of time had come from there — the lost • M.HAMEL EXPLAINS GRAMMAR LESSON
➢ Franz ignores and takes it as fun on him battles, the draft, the orders of the ➢ M.Hamel reads grammar lesson and explains
• SCHOOL OBSERVATION commanding officer ➢ Franz amazed to see how well he understood it
➢ Everything quiet as Sunday morning
➢ Realises he never listened that carefully and that M. Hamel had never explained with such
➢ Different from usual
➢ Franz saw classmates from outside Usually, great noise, opening and
closing of desks, repeating sounds • LESSON IN WRITING
of lessons, sound of teacher’s ruler ➢ M.Hamel had new copies for them
➢ Saw M. Hamel walking up and down with
striking on table ➢ written in a beautiful round hand — France, Alsace, France, Alsace
Iron ruler under his arms
➢ looked like little flags floating everywhere in the school-room
➢ Franz tries to get inside without getting
➢ every one set to work, very quiet, only sound was the scratching of the pens over the paper
➢ Once some beetles flew in; but nobody paid any attention to them
➢ “Will they make them sing in German, even the pigeons?”
➢ M.Hamel saw Franz but told nothing
➢ Says, “We were about to begin without you”
➢ Franz observes his teacher
➢ Franz sat down at desk
➢ M. Hamel sitting motionless in his chair and gazing first at one thing, then at another, as if he
➢ After a moment, observes very different things 1. Teacher had beautiful green wanted to fix in his mind just how everything looked in that little school-room
➢ M.Hamel announces coat, frilled shirt, black silk cap ➢ forty years he had been there in the same place, with his garden outside the window and his
➢ Order from berlin to schools of Alsace and Lorraine which he only wore on inspection class in front of him
➢ To teach only German in schools from tomorrow days and prize days ➢ it must have broken his heart to leave it all, to hear his sister moving about in the room
➢ This is the last French lesson
above, packing their trunks
• FRANZ’s REACTION 2. so quiet class rooms
➢ But he had the courage to hear every lesson to the very last
➢ Came as thunder clap to him
3.Back benches, which were always • ENDING OF CLASS
➢ Hardly knew how to write
empty were occupied by village ➢ church-clock struck twelve
➢ Felt sorry for not learning lesson people sitting quietly: old Hauser, ➢ trumpets of the Prussians, returning from drill
➢ Books that earlier seemed to be heavy weight were now like with his three-cornered hat, the ➢ M. Hamel stood up, very pale, in his chair
old friends which he did not wanted to give up on
former mayor, the former ➢ “My friends,” said he, “I—I—” But something choked him. He could not go on.
➢ Idea of M. Hamel going away made Franz forget about his
postmaster, and several others ➢ he turned to the blackboard, took a piece of chalk
ruler and how strict he was
➢ wrote as large as he could — “Vive La France!”
➢ Realised blacksmith’s words 4. Everyone looked sad
➢ stopped and leaned his head against the wall
➢ Realised why old men of village were sitting
➢ without a word, he made a gesture with his hand — “School is dismissed — you may go.”
➢ While Franz was thinking about all this, 1. they felt sorry about not going
➢ His name gets called to recite participles to school
➢ Stands up, got mixed on first few words, does not look up
2. it was their way of thanking
master for 40 YEARS OF FAITHFUL

3.show respect to country

FLAMINGO ➢ Saheb has lost the carefree look ok his face, steel canister seems heavier than the plastic
bag he would carry. The bag was his. The canister belongs to the man who owns the tea
ANECDOTES ➢ Saheb is no longer his own master!


➢ Saheb, rag picker, searching (scrounging) in the garbage
➢ Insists on being a motor mechanic
➢ “Why do you do this?” author asks Saheb whom she encounters every morning
➢ “Do you know anything about cars?” author asks. “I will learn to drive a car,”
➢ “I have nothing else to do,” he mutters
➢ “Go to school,”
➢ Every family engaged in making bangles
➢ “There is no school in my neighbourhood. When they build one, I will go.”
➢ Spent generations working around furnaces, welding glass and making bangles.
➢ “If I start a school, will you come?” author asks, half-joking. “Yes,” he says, smiling broadly.
➢ Mukesh’s family among them
➢ None of them know that it is illegal for children like him to 1. furnaces with high temperatures
➢ Author saw Saheb running up to her asking if the school is ready
➢ “It takes longer to build a school,” author says, embarrassed at having made a promise that
➢ law, if enforced, could get him and all those 20,000 children 2. dark dingy cells (small rooms)
was not meant
out without air and light
➢ Mukesh volunteers’ author to take her home which he
➢ Author asks Saheb’s full name 3. spend their daylight hours, often
proudly says is being rebuilt
➢ “SAHEB-E-ALAM”- lord of the universe losing the brightness of their eyes
➢ Author says Saheb would not believe this if he gets to know the meaning of his name
➢ SOCIETY 1. stinking lanes with garbage
➢ Saheb roams the streets with his friends, an army of barefoot boys
➢ Author seen children walking barefoot, in cities, on village roads
➢ Wife of Mukesh’s elder brother 2. homes with crumbling walls,
➢ not lack of money but a tradition to stay barefoot, is one explanation
➢ Mukesh’s father wobbly doors, no windows
➢ only an excuse to explain away a perpetual state of poverty
➢ Mukesh’s grandmother
• SEEMAPURI, WHERE SAHEB LIVES PRESENTLY 1. is a bangle maker 1. making food
➢ Seemapuri, a place on the periphery of Delhi yet miles away from it, metaphorically 1. says “It is his karma, his 2. weak and young
➢ who live here are squatters (type of refugees) who came from Bangladesh (Saheb: from destiny,” 2. long years of hard labour, first as
Dhaka, Bangladesh) in 1971, many storms that swept away their fields and homes a tailor, then a bangle maker 3. not much older in years, but
➢ Seemapuri, a shabby place 2. has watched her own begun to be commanded as bahu
husband go blind with the 3. failed to renovate a house, send
➢ 10,000 ragpickers In structures of mud, with roofs of
dust from polishing the glass his two sons to school 4. in charge of three men
➢ lived here for more than thirty years without an tin and tarpaulin, devoid of sewage,
identity, but with ration cards that enable them to of bangles 4.All he has managed to do is teach
drainage or running water
buy grain 3. “Can a God-given lineage them is the art of making bangles
➢ Food is more important for survival than an identity ever be broken?” she implies
➢ They give reason for living their beautiful homes
➢ Wherever they find food, they make tents around, children
grow up in them, becoming partners in survival and If at the end of the day we can feed
our families and go to bed without ➢ Born in the caste of bangle makers, seen nothing but bangles in every other house, every
survival in Seemapuri means rag picking
an empty stomach, we would rather street in Firozabad piled on four-wheeled handcarts, pushed by young men along the narrow
live here than in the fields that gave lanes
➢ Why for parents? means of survival, source of their daily
us no grain ➢ in dark hutments, girls with their fathers and mothers, welding pieces of coloured glass into
bread, a roof over their heads
circles of bangles
➢ Why for children? garbage wrapped in wonder, like a Their eyes are more adjusted to the
game to find things, fills more hope to find more if a rupee found, excites children dark than to the light outside. That
➢ Savita, a young girl, soldering pieces of glass, her
• SAHEB, NO LONGER A RAGPICKER is why they often end up losing
hands move mechanically like the tongs of a machine
➢ One morning, author saw Saheb, wearing shoes with holes, watching tennis their eyesight before they become
➢ Savita does not know the sanctity of bangles,
➢ Saheb, on his way to milk booth, holding a tea canister in his hand adults.
symbolises an Indian woman’s Suhag, auspiciousness
➢ He now works in a tea stall, salary- 800 Rs. And all meals
in marriage
➢ Does he like the job? Author asks
➢ “Ek waqt ser bhar khana bhi nahin khaya,” says old women- not enjoyed even one full meal
in her entire lifetime
➢ The cry of not having money to do anything except carry on the business of making bangles FLAMINGO
➢ Years of mind-numbing toil have killed all initiative and the ability to dream
➢ fallen into the vicious circle of middlemen who trapped their fathers and forefathers ANECDOTES
➢ even if they get organised, they will be caught by the police, beaten and dragged to jail for
doing something illegal
➢ An incident happened, 10 or 11 years old 2-3 feet at the shallow and
➢ no leader among them, no one who could help them see things differently. Their fathers
➢ Decided to learn to swim at the Y.M.C.A pool in Yakima, safe pool gradually going up to 9 feet
are as tired as they are
➢ From the starting had an aversion(fear) to water because of the
➢ They talk endlessly from poverty to apathy to greed and to injustice
incident happened when he was 3-4 years old
➢ After 2-3 days at the pool, misadventure happened Father took to beach in California –
➢ Together they have imposed the baggage on the child 1. one of the family, caught in a web
• THE MISADVENTURE stood together- waves came- author
➢ Before he is aware, he accepts it as naturally as his father of poverty
➢ Went early, no one was there, quiet place knocked down-was frightened –
➢ To do anything else would mean to dare
2. the other a vicious circle of the ➢ Feared going alone in pool so sat on side of pool to wait father laughed but saved.
➢ For them, daring is not part of his growing up
sahukars, the middlemen, the for others
policemen, the keepers of law, the ➢ Big bruiser boy came, 18 years old, made fun of him
➢ Author cheered when senses a flash of daring in Mukesh
bureaucrats and the politicians ➢ Picked author and threw him at the deeper end of pool
➢ “I want to be a motor mechanic,’ he repeats, He will go to a
garage and learn. But the garage is a long way from his 1. when feet will bottom, he would make a
➢ Swallowed water. Frightened,
home. “I will walk,” he insists. big jump
➢ Made a plan
➢ “Do you also dream of flying a plane?”
➢ Seemed a long way down 2. come to the surface like a cork, lie flat
➢ Mukesh silent. Stares at the ground
➢ 9 feet like 90, lungs about to burst
➢ there is an embarrassment that has not yet turned into regret
➢ When touched bottom, applied all his energy 3. paddle to the edge of pool
➢ But he sticks onto his plan, dreams, this fills in ray of hope in author
➢ He thought he would come to surface like cork
➢ Few airplanes fly over Firozabad. And bach gaya!
➢ Instead came slowly
➢ Opened eyes, saw nothing but water, reached
to grab rope but of no use
➢ Was suffocating, tried to yell, no sound came out
➢ Eyes and nose came out of water but not mouth
➢ Tried to bring legs up, but they hung like dead weight
➢ Screamed but went back to the bottom of pool
➢ Lost all breath, lungs ached, heart throbbed 1. when feet will bottom, he would make a big
➢ But remembered the strategy jump
➢ Went down endlessly, opened eyes, saw
nothing 2. come to the surface like a cork, lie flat
➢ Screams frozen, only the beating of heart and
3. paddle to the edge of pool
pounding of head were a sign that he was alive
➢ Reached bottom, jumped with all his energy And bach gaya!
➢ Jump made no difference
➢ Looked for ropes, ladders, nothing but water
➢ shook and trembled with fright. Arms wouldn’t move. Legs wouldn’t move
➢ Nothing happened
➢ there was light, eyes and nose were almost out
➢ but started down a third time
➢ Sucked for air- got water
➢ Got surrounded by blackness
➢ Too tired to jump, felt no pain and got fainted
➢ When eyes opened, found himself out of the pool, vomiting beside the pool
➢ Hours later, walked home, weak, trembling, could not have dinner, cried on bed FLAMINGO
➢ Never went back to pool, feared water
➢ Whenever thought of going in water legs would become paralysed. Icy horror would grab his ANECDOTES
❖ A poor peddler, sold rattraps, not profitable
➢ This fear ruined his fishing trips
❖ Used to beg, steal to fill stomach
➢ Could not feel the joy of canoeing, boating, and swimming
❖ Lived a sad and monotonous life
➢ Used every way to overcome fear but all waste
❖ One day he got an idea
➢ Finally, 1 October, decided to get an instructor and learn to swim
❖ Whole world is a rattrap
❖ Wishes, money, desires are all bait
➢ went to a pool and practiced five days a week, an hour each day
❖ But he was not caught in this rattrap 1. world had never been kind to
➢ The instructor put a belt around him, and connected it to a rope. The rope was further
❖ Liked thinking about this all time him, so he liked speaking ill about it
around a pulley. This way, the instructor made Douglas go into the water back and forth
❖ One dark night, saw little cottage
by pulling and releasing the rope. 2. it became his favourite past time
❖ Asked for shelter, given
➢ He made Douglas swim bits by bits. Gradually, he made him learn to exhale and inhale
❖ Crofter, no wife, no children welcomed him
while in water and many other strokes. 3. he was happy that he had not
❖ Was happy to talk to someone as was lonely
➢ The author earlier doubted whether he would be able to swim but later commanded over fallen into the rattrap of the world
❖ Crofter made the peddler comfortable
his legs.
❖ Told the peddler that earlier crofter worked
➢ In April, the instructor assured Douglas that he has learnt swimming 1. gave him food
at Ramsjo Ironworks, left job due to age
➢ But Douglas was not confident and went to different places to check Wentworth lake,
❖ Now has cows
➢ This went till July. islands, glaciers etc. 2. gave him tobacco roll
❖ got up and went to the window, took down a
➢ At once, he got scared a bit during swimming but laughed and
leather pouch, showed peddler 30 kronors 3. got out an old pack of cards and
overcame it confidently.
❖ next morning, both leave cottage at the same played ‘mjolis’
➢ He shouted with joy. He finally overcame his fear with his determination and will power.
➢ The experience taught him many things and had a deep meaning in his life.
❖ after half an hour, peddler return, smashes
• CONCLUDING NOTES window, steals the money, puts the pouch back, runs away
➢ In death there is peace. There is terror only in the fear of death. ❖ dared not to continue on public highway, went through forest
➢ “All we have to fear is fear itself” ❖ big and confusing forest, walked and walked, realises he is lost
➢ At last he felt released — free to walk the trails and climb the peaks and to brush aside ❖ realises the first time that he has fallen into the rattrap and the money was bait
fear ❖ saw no way out, tired to death
❖ heard a sound—a hard regular thumping, got up, and went in the direction of the sound.
❖ Reaches the Ramsjo Ironworks, asks for shelter, given
❖ Ironmaster- Mr. Williamson, comes for inspection
❖ Saw the peddler, mistakes him as an old friend Captain von Stahle
❖ Peddler thinks of taking advantage for money, acts as old friend
❖ Ironmaster invites home, peddler denies
❖ Ironmaster sends daughter Edla Williamson
❖ Convinced him, took him in carriage
❖ Edla doubtful, thinks either this man has stolen money or escaped from jail
❖ In carriage, peddler realises again that he is caught into a rattrap
❖ next day was Christmas Eve, ironmaster came into the dining room for breakfast
❖ thinks to help his friend, Edla talks about the peddler, says man does not seem as educated
as a captain
❖ door opened, peddler enters, truly clean and well dressed
1. She has made a promise with
❖ suit of clothes which belonged to the ironmaster
❖ truth realised, peddler insulted, ironmaster asks to leave
❖ Edla supports the peddler 2. It was Christmas eve
❖ Peddler surprised
❖ Ironmaster agrees 3. peddler got only one day to enjoy

4. Edla was kind hearted

❖ Peddler eats, sleeps, eats whole day as if he had never slept that good CH-5 INDIGO BY LOUIS FISCHER
❖ Later, eats the Christmas fish and porridge
❖ Receives present, Suit also gifted SUMMARY CUM ANECDOTE
❖ next morning the ironmaster and his daughter got up ❖ Author first visited Gandhi in 1942 at his ashram in Sevagram, central India
❖ go to the early Christmas service, did not disturb the sleeping peddler
❖ in the Church, get to know about the old crofter ❖ The urging of departure of the British was in 1917
❖ hurries down to home, tensed
❖ ironmaster asked the valet whether the stranger was still there and what did he take ❖ He had gone to the December 1916 annual convention of the Indian National Congress
❖ valet answers that peddler gone,
❖ did not take anything with him but had left a package for Edla party in Lucknow
❖ package contained- a small rattrap, 30 kronors and a letter
❖ letter says that Edla had been very nice to the peddler ❖ There were 2,301 delegates and many visitors
❖ treated him like captain
❖ One among them was Rajkumar Shukla from Champaran, a peasant
❖ so, he wanted to behave like captain
❖ requests Edla to give the money back to crofter
❖ He had come to the Congress session to complain about the injustice of the landlord
❖ rattrap is a Christmas gift to Edla by the peddler who would not have come out of the
rattrap if Edla would not have treated him like a captain system in Bihar and requested him to come to his district
❖ Edla cries with joy ❖ Gandhi told Shukla he had an appointment in Cawnpore and was also committed to go to

other parts of India

❖ Shukla was illiterate but resolute

▪ Shukla accompanied him everywhere
▪ Shukla followed him to the ashram
▪ For weeks he never left Gandhi’s side
▪ “Fix a date,” he begged

❖ Impressed by Shukla’s desire and story Gandhi said, ‘‘I have to be in Calcutta on such-and-

such a date. Come and meet me and take me from there.”



❖ Gandhi and Shukla met again in Calcutta

❖ Both boarded a train for the city of Patna, Bihar

❖ Shukla led him to the house of Rajendra Prasad

▪ Lawyer then president of congress then president of India
▪ Prasad was not at home
▪ Servants took Gandhi as another untouchable poor peasant as Shukla
▪ Was not allowed to draw water from well
❖ Shukla and Gandhi then first went to Muzzafarpur, en route to Champaran to obtain more

complete information about conditions which Shukla was NOT ABLE TO IMPART
▪ For this, Gandhi ji sent a telegram to prof. J.B Kriplani, of the arts college in
Muzzafarpur whom he had seen at Tagore’s shantiniketan school.
❖ At this point, Gandhi arrived in Champaran
▪ Train arrived at midnight, 15 April 1917

❖ Gandhi stayed in Muzzafarpur for 2 days in the home of prof. Malkani, a teacher in govt. ❖ First, he visited secretary of British Landlord Association
school ▪ Gandhi was not given any information claiming that he was an outsider
▪ Gandhi appreciates the fact that Malkani even being a govt. teacher made a
▪ Gandhi replied, HE IS NOT AN OUTSIDER
place to stay at his own house for Gandhi
❖ Then he called on the British Official Commissioner of the Tirhut division in which
Champaran district lay
❖ News of Gandhi’s nature of mission spread quickly through Muzzafarpur and to Champaran ▪ Commissioner bullied Gandhi
▪ Advised Gandhi ji to leave
▪ Gandhi ji did not leave.
❖ Sharecroppers began appearing on foot to see their CHAMPION

❖ Instead of leaving, he proceeded to Motihari, the capital of Champaran

▪ Several lawyers accompanied him
❖ Gandhi chided the lawyers when they told about how they have fought cases for peasants ▪ Went to a house and used it as a Head Quarter
▪ Continued his investigations
and also told Gandhi about the size of their fee. Gandhi ji, said that, where the peasants

are so crushed and fear stricken, law courts are useless and does no good. The real relief
❖ Report came that a peasant had been maltreated in a nearby village
for them is TO BE FREE FROM FEAR ▪ Gandhi ji decided to go and see him
▪ Next morning, Gandhi started on back of an elephant
▪ Police superintendent’s messenger overtook him
▪ Ordered him to return to town
▪ Messenger drove Gandhi home and served him with an official letter TO QUIT
▪ Gandhi ji wrote on paper that HE WILL DISOBEY.
❖ Most of the arable land in Champaran district was divided into large estates owned by

Englishmen and worked by Indian tenants

❖ All night, Gandhi ji remained awake
❖ Chief commercial crop was INDIGO
❖ Telegraphed Rajendra Prasad to come from Bihar with influential friends
❖ Landlords ordered all tenants to plant 15% of their holdings with indigo AND
❖ Sent instructions to ashram
❖ Wired a full report to viceroy
❖ This was a long-term contract
❖ Morning found the town of MOTIHARI BLACKED WITH PEASANTS
❖ Presently, in 1917 landlords learned that Germany had developed synthetic indigo
❖ Officials felt powerless without Gandhi’s co-operation
❖ So, they obtained agreements from sharecroppers to pay them compensation for being
❖ He helped them regulate the crowd. Was polite and friendly
released from 15% arrangement.

❖ Many signed willingly not knowing their intentions

▪ Those who did not sign and resisted hired lawyers but govt. hired thugs ❖ Govt. was baffled

❖ When information of synthetic indigo reached illiterate peasants, they wanted their money ❖ Prosecutor requested judge to postpone the trial
back. ▪ As they wanted to consult their superiors
❖ Gandhi ji protested against the delay

❖ He said that he DISREGARDED the ‘ORDER TO LEAVE’ NOT for the want of respect for the
❖ Gandhi ji and lawyers now proceeded to conduct a far-flung inquiry into the problems of
the farmer
▪Depositions by about 10,000 peasants were written down and notes made on
❖ Magistrate announced that he would pronounce sentence after 2 hours break other evidences.
▪ Documents were collected
❖ Asked Gandhi ji to furnish bail for those two hours ❖ The whole area was throbbed with the activity of investigators, in short tabahi mach
❖ Gandhi ji refused

❖ Judge released him without bail

❖ In June, Gandhi ji was called by Sir Edward, the Governor
▪ Before he went, he met leading associates and led detailed plan for civil
❖ Later, judge announced that he would not deliver the judgement for several days
disobedience if he does not return
❖ Meanwhile, allowed Gandhi ji to remain at liberty ❖ Gandhi ji had 4 interviews with the Governor
❖ As a result, the Governor appointed an official commission of inquiry into the indigo
sharecropper’s situation
❖ Rajendra Prasad, Brij Kishore Babu and several other known lawyers had arrived from Bihar ▪ Commission consisted of landlords, govt. officials
▪ Gandhi ji was the only representative of the peasants
❖ They had a discussion with Gandhi ji ❖ Gandhi ji remained in Champaran for seven months straight, then used to come in between
❖ What would they do if Gandhi ji is sent to prison, Gandhi ji asked? ❖ This occupied almost 1 year in Gandhi Ji’s life
❖ Senior lawyer replied, “they had come to advice and help him, if he went to jail there will

be nobody to advice and they will go home.”

❖ Official inquiry gathered mountain of EVIDENCES AGAINST BIG PLANTERS.
❖ They urged to make refunds to peasants
❖ They withdrew to consult and THOUGHT AMONG THEMSELVES that Gandhi ji was totally a
❖ Asked Gandhi ji about how much to pay
stranger, YET he was prepared to go EVEN TO PRISON for the peasants
❖ They on the other hand had given services to peasants and are the residents of the
❖ Thinking probably that he will not give way, the representative of planters offered to
neighbourhood districts. IF THEY DO NOT STAND UP, IT WILL BE SHAMEFUL.
refund 25%
❖ Lawyers accordingly went back to Gandhi and told him that THEY WERE READY TO


❖ Then he took a piece of paper and divided the group into pairs and put down the order in

which each pair was to COURT ARREST ❖ Gandhi ji explained,

❖ 1. That the amount of refund was less important than the fact that landlords had to

❖ Several days later, Gandhi received a written communication from Magistrate informing surrender their PART OF MONEY AND ALSO, THEIR PART OF PRIDE

him that the Lieutenant governor had ordered the case to be dropped.


❖ 2. As far as the peasants are concerned, earlier the planter had BEHAVED AS LORDS ❖ Gandhi ji got a doctor to volunteer his services for 6 months

ABOVE THE LAW. Now the peasant saw that HE HAD RIGHTS AND DEFENDERS, HE ❖ Gandhi ji noticed the bad state of women’s clothes. Asked Kasturbai to talk to them

LEARNED COURAGE ▪ The saree incident

❖ Events justified Gandhi

❖ Early, in Champaran episode, Charles Andrews, the English pacifist who had become a
▪ Within few years, British planters abandoned their estate
▪ Indigo sharecropping disappeared devoted follower of Gandhi came to bid Gandhi farewell.

❖ Lawyers thought it would be a good idea for Andrews to stay in Champaran and help them.
❖ During his long stay in Champaran, Gandhi ji kept a long-distance watch on ashram.
❖ Andrews was willing if Gandhi ji agreed
❖ He sent regular instructions by mails and asked for financial accounts.

❖ He said that the cause is just and they should rely on themselves to WIN THE
BATTLE. They should NOT SEEK HELP OF ANDREWS as he is an Englishman and
❖ He explained that what he did was very ordinary thing that he declared, that THEY COULD
❖ Champaran episode grew out as an attempt TO REMOVE DISTRESS OF LARGE NUMBER OF


❖ His politics were linked with the day-to-day problems of the millions. HE WAS A




❖ Gandhi ji never contented himself with large political or economic solutions.

❖ He saw the cultural and social backwardness in Champaran villages and wanted to do

something immediately


▪Mahadev desai and Narhari Parikh, 2 young men and disciplines along with
their wives volunteered for work
▪ Several other came from Bombay, Pune and other parts of the land
❖ Devadas, Gandhi ji’s youngest son arrived from ashram and so did Mrs. Gandhi. Primary

schools were opened in 6 villages

❖ Kasturbai taught the ashram rules on personal cleanliness and community sanitation
😊 For Easy-Hindi Explanation of This Chapter, You Can Search “CBSE Winners” on YouTube 😊 😊 For Easy-Hindi Explanation of This Chapter, You Can Search “CBSE Winners” on YouTube 😊

FLAMINGO ❖ The boy from the make-up department blamed that the main reason for all his discomfort and distress was


▪ Got better opening in films than the make-up boy even though he was less educated and entered this
❖ Taken from the book, “My Years with The Boss” by Ashokamitran
field in initial stages
❖ Author used to work at Gemini Studios
▪ Was born a Brahmin which was considered to be a virtue (good luck)
▪ Film producing studio
▪ Cheerful man
▪ Ordered and used make up brand “Pancakes” in truck loads (huge amount)
▪ Capable of keeping a happy face even after his film was a flop
❖ Gemini Studios had a make-up room on the third floor
Very popular brand, used ▪ Was bad at doing things on his own
▪ Earlier believed to be Robert Clive’s stables by famous celebrities like ▪ But his loyalty made him a man of importance
▪ Had the look of hair cutting salon miss Gohar
▪ Everyone thought that he was creative and a perfect fit for film-making
▪ Lights at all angles and 6 large mirrors
▪ Would come up with many different ways to perform a scene in a minute
▪ All incandescent lights
English soldier who expanded ▪ Gave definition and direction to Gemini Studios
▪ Fiery misery of those subjected to make-up as bulbs emitted a British Power in India, fought
▪ Had a separate identity as a poet
lot of heat which were not comfortable. some impossible battles and
married a young woman in ▪ Had the opportunity of getting his poetry extraordinary recognition but he still chose to recite it
▪ First headed by a Bengali who left for bigger opportunities, then
Madras. personally to the masses.
Maharashtrian, an Andhra, a Madras Indian Christian, an Anglo-
▪ Composed various folk story poems and the infamous (famous for wrong reasons) novel, “Thillana
Burmese and the usual local Tamils – shows that there was a great deal of national integration long
before A.I.R and Doordarshan began broadcasting programmes on national integration
▪ a realistic actor, not interested in playing the protagonist (hero of the film)
▪ Had the ability to turn any simple looking human into an ugly creature using heaps of Pancake
▪ Whichever role he performed, he performed it better than the lead actors
products Near about 5 percent movies were shot outdoors ▪ Respectful, affectionate (pyaar karne waala) and welcoming
▪ Followed a hierarchy of applying make-up and rest of them were shot indoors. So, the indoor
▪ Author not sure about the reason behind such hatred towards Subbu
and making them ugly: lighting and set up required the actors to wear
loads of make up to look presentable in front of the ▪ Guessed it to be because his closeness with boss, and that he praised the boss to gain favours
Chief make up man lead actors and actresses camera. ▪ The boy in the make-up room department wished terrible things for Subbu
❖ Subbu was under a department called the Story Department comprising a lawyer, writers and poets.
Senior assistant the ‘second’ hero & heroine
❖ The Lawyer
Junior Assistant Main Comedian ▪ Referred to as the ‘legal adviser’ but people used to call him the opposite because of an incident

Office boy making the remaining crowd look ugly at times of crowd shooting ▪ The incident- Once an angry actress started throwing tantrums (nakhre) on set leaving everyone in
shock while the lawyer secretly switched on the recording. He played it when the actress stopped,
❖ Office Boy
leaving her shocked. It became very hard for her to recover from the tone, volume and tantrums she
▪ Make-up studio had its own office boy
used. Due to this experience, it marked the end of her short but brilliant acting career.
▪ Not a boy but a man in early forties
▪ The lawyer wore different unique clothes, different from the usual uniform- khadi dhoti and Khadi shirt
▪ Joined the studio with the dream of becoming an actor or screen-writer, director or lyricist
▪ He wore pants, tie and sometimes a coat
❖ Ashokamitran- The Author
▪ Narrator called him a ‘neutral man in the assembly of Gandhiites and Khadiites’ because he was
▪ Duty- to cut out newspaper clippings on variety of subjects and store them in files.
different from the rest of them
▪ Many of these had to be written by hand
▪ Was allowed to produce his own film, gets flop-lots of make-up used
▪ Was given a small area in a room with French windows on two sides
▪ Finally, the boss shut down the story department
▪ Most people thought that the job was insignificant (koi zyada mehnat wala kaam nahi tha)
▪ Narrator tells in a sarcastic way that this is the first time where a lawyer lost his job because the poets
▪ People including office boy would lecture him about how talent was getting wasted
were asked to go home
▪ Author wished for more crowd shootings to protect him from lectures

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❖ Gemini Studios was frequently visited by famous poets ▪ Writers at Gemini Studio had not heard of the name.
❖ Mess at studio was excellent ▪ Author wanted to know about the publication before sending his entry
❖ The congress rule meant restrictions and a cup of coffee with friends was the only source of entertainment- only ▪ Went to the library, saw many copies of The Encounter
the office boys and clerks worked ▪ Author pleased by the Editor: Stephen Spender and sent his entry
❖ Poets wore clothes made of Khadi and respected Gandhi ji for its prevelance (commonness) but were not ❖ Many years later
politically inclined. ▪ Writer left Gemini Studios
❖ Poets hated terms like Communism ▪ Had plenty of time but not much money
▪ Communist- a person who believes that all the land and property should be owned by the ▪ Saw books being sold at footpath on sale which attracted him
public/government sector and everyone be paid according to the work they do ▪ Priced at 50 paisa each
▪ They thought that a Communist did not love his family. He would not hesitate in killing them. ▪ Took a copy of the book titled, ‘The God That Failed’
▪ They thought that a communist is there to create violence among innocent people. ▪ It had 6 essays by six famous men who wrote about communism
▪ This thought was popular in South India and the poets ▪ One among the author was Stephen Spender, WHO HAD VISITED THE GEMENI STUDIOS
❖ Gemini Studio welcomed Frank Buchman’s Moral Re-Armament Army (MRA) ▪ Book became important to him
▪ Came to Madras in 1952 consisting of 200 people ▪ He was reminded of him and the reaction to Stephen Spender at the Studios was no longer a mystery
▪ Referred to as the international circus though they were not very good ▪ Thought that the boss at Gemini Studios may not be concerned with Spender’s poetry.
▪ Performed two plays again and again to different parts of Madras and gained appreciation.
▪ Costumes and sets were near to perfect
▪ The MRA was opposed to Communism
▪ However, bosses and businesses remained unaffected
▪ Staff of Gemini Studios enjoyed hosting 200 people as it was different from their usual routine of crowd
performances where pancakes were applied
❖ After a few months, Gemini Studios got another chance to welcome a poet from England
▪ People made guesses about who was going to visit them next
▪ Was not a poet but an editor of a newspaper daily
▪ Highest level of managers at The Hindu were involved which meant that the editor was an important
▪ Staff at the Studio never heard of his name.
❖ Arrival of Guest
▪ Guest was tall, serious-looking British face
▪ Boss of the Studio welcomed him with a speech which was evident that he did not know much about the
▪ No one could understand anything because of his British accent
▪ His visit became a mystery
❖ Ashokamitran’s views on writing
▪ Feels that writing cannot be performed by the intelligent because it is a task of those who are patient
▪ A writer should not have any feelings of rejection
❖ An incident
▪ The Hindu advertised that there was a short story contest
▪ Organised by a British Publication- ‘The Encounter’

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FLAMINGO • Scholar for his idea on semiotics (the study of signs), literary
interpretation before he turned to writing fiction (khud ke man se
banayi hui stories)
ANECDOTES • Achieved superstardom with the publication of ‘The Name of the
Rose’ in 1980, sold more than 10 million copies
❖ -----------------------the interview begins-------------------------------------------
❖ Interviews: invented 130 years ago
(refer to the Video by CBSE Winners on YouTube to understand the rest part.”
❖ Has become commonplace for journalism, every educated is believed to read an
interview at least once.
❖ Almost every celebrity has been interviewed once or more than once
❖ Different views about interview by different people
▪ For: believe it to be a path towards complete truth and consider its practice to be
an art.
▪ Against: From interviewee’s (Jo interview de raha hai) point of view, it is like an
unwanted interference in their personal life.
▪ “In some primitive(ancient) culture, it is believed that if one takes a
photographic portrait of somebody then one is stealing that person’s
soul.” It creates a picture in in the
❖ Many famous personalities have a bad impression in their mind minds of readers and viewers
about interviews. which according to an old
▪ V.S. Naipaul, writer saying, steals the original
 Feels that a bad interview has the tendency of leaving identity of the person.
them wounded for life.
▪ Creator of Alice in Wonderland
 Never consented (to give permission) to be interviewed
 Because was too scared of the interviewer
 Feared that a lot of attention would be drawn towards him
 Would later narrate his success tales of avoiding interviews with satisfaction
and enjoyment.
▪ Rudyard Kipling, Poetic Writer
 Strongly against the idea of getting interviewed
 Wife recorded one incident when their day in Boston was ruined by two
 Husband refused to appear for the interview
 According to him, interviews are immortal (never dying)
 Calls interviewing a crime which should have punishment just like other crimes
 Extremely unpleasant experience
 No man with self-respect would ask or give interview
▪ Saul Bellow, writer
 Described interviews as being like thumbprints on his windpipe.
▪ But according to Denis Brian Means that he felt
 Interviews give us clear impression of the people choked &
suffocated when he
-------------------------PART II----------------------------------------------------- sat for interviews.

“I am a professor who writes novels on Sundays”- Umberto Eco

❖ Extract from an interview of Umberto Eco

❖ Interviewer: Mukund Padmanabhan from The Hindu
❖ Interviewee: Umberto Eco, professor at the University of Bologna in Italy

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FLAMINGO • On Saturday they made their weekly pilgrimage to watch United

• United won because of Danny Casey
• Jansie asks Sophie about meeting Danny Casey
ANECDOTES • Sophie angry at Geoff but makes up story, asks Jansie to not tell anyone
• Sophie, Jansie two friends • After dark Sophie walked by the canal
• Sophie: day dreamer, Jansie: realistic • wooden bench beneath, sat down to wait, perfect place
• Sophie day dreams: owning a boutique, being a manager, actress • waiting, she imagined Danny Casey coming
• Jansie knows both earmarked for the biscuit factory • time elapsed, realised Danny Casey not coming, realises Geoff’s words
• Sophie Reaches home, father taunts, little brother taunts • became sad, hard burden to carry, everyone will doubt her
• Went to look for brother Geoff, repairing motorcycle in room, is an apprentice mechanic • gets past father’s cycle, relaxed that her father not yet got back to home
• Travels to other side of city for work every day, Sophie dreams of being on bike with him • again, imagines Danny Casey Danny Casey meeting
• Geoff did not speak much, words had to be prized out of me, Sophie jealous of silence
• To grab attention, Sophie lies that she met Danny Casey, the famous football player, plays DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SOPHIE AND JANSIE
for United, Geoff’s favourite
• Geoff does not believe, asks where “I met Danny Casey,” Sophie said. Sophie Jansie
• Sophie says she was looking at the clothes in Royce’s He looked around abruptly.
1. day dreamer 1. realistic
“Where?” “In the arcade — funnily
window when someone came and stood beside me
enough.” “It’s never true.” 2. escapist 2. faces reality
It was Danny Casey
• all of them gather near television “I did too.” “You told Dad?” 3. introvert 3. nosey
• Geoff tells father Sophie met Danny Casey
She shook her head 4. knows she has to
• Father ignores, keeps on telling his story 4. wants to open
• Geoff argues with father about how Danny Casey is the best All right, what does he look like?” boutique like Mary work in the biscuit
player “Oh, come on, you know what he Quant factory
• Sophie speaks again, makes up and says Danny Casey’s looks like.”
going to buy a shop “Close to, I mean.” “Well — he has
• Father warns green eyes. Gentle eyes. And he’s
• brother’s bedroom wall, large poster of United’s first team not so tall
• Sophie makes up another story
• tells Geoff she’s going to meet danny

(this conversation is not important for paper) (this conversation is not important for paper)
Excuse me, but aren’t you Danny Casey? Promise you’ll tell no-one?” Sophie said. --- “Nothing to tell is
he said, “Yes, that’s right there?” ------- “Promise, Geoff — Dad’d murder me.” --------
“Only if he thought it was true.” ---“Please, Geoff.” --------
I asked him for an autograph for little Derek, “Christ, Sophie, you’re still at school. Danny Casey must have
but neither of us had any paper or a pen. So strings of girls.” ----------“No he doesn’t.”------------------------------
then we just talked a bit. About the clothes in ---- “How could you know that?” he jeered.---------------------------
Royce’s window. He seemed lonely. he said, if - “He told me, that’s how.” ----------“As if anyone would tell a
I would care to meet him. girl something like that.” “Yes he did. He isn’t like that. He’s...
he would give me an autograph then. Of
course, I said I would.”

“As if he’d ever show up.”

“You do believe me now, don’t you?”

“It’s the unlikeliest thing I ever heard,” Geoff


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VISTAS ▪ It had a letter inside:

❖ Story about Charley, 31 years old

❖ Claimed that he had gone to the third level at the Grand Central Station which only has two levels in reality
❖ Told this to his friend who is a psychiatrist
❖ Friend explained that
• Charley was experiencing hallucination
▪ Also, Charley was unhappy
▪ Due to the burden of modern world problems, he was experiencing something which was not present
❖ Charlie begins to believe that he has been experiencing all this to escape the harsh realities of the modern
world Collecting stamps called ▪ The note signed as Sam
❖ Even his stamp collecting is present in order to make him feel protected. Philately. ❖ Charlie found out from the coin store that Sam had bought old currency worth eight hundred dollars which
❖ But Charlie denies, says his grandfather started stamp collection even when there was peace, harmony and was to be utilised to set up grain business which Sam always wanted to do.
security ❖ Also, Charlie thought that Sam would not be able to his old business which he used to do in the present time.
❖ Even President Roosevelt collected stamps Which old business?
❖ WHAT EXACTLY HAPPENED? ❖ The business of being a psychiatrist
▪ Charlie was wearing a suit and a hat with fancy band ❖ Sam, was Charlie’s psychiatrist
▪ Wanted to get home to Louisa, his wife Where one boarded
▪ Entered the Grand Central and took the stairs to the first level -------------------------------------------------------END----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
trains like 20th century.
▪ Went down another floor to reach the second level
▪ Entered a doorway and got lost Where the sub urban
▪ Found nothing new about it as he usually got lost every time, he came to trains leave..
The Grand Central.
▪ Walked into an unusual corridor, entered into the third level
▪ Thought he is back to the second level but then noticed some things 1. Smaller rooms, fewer
ticket windows, fewer
▪ To make sure, he went to the newspaper boy who was selling ‘The World’
train gates, information
A newspaper which was discontinued years ago. Date on the newspaper
booth was old looking
Was June 1, 1894
▪ Went to the ticket window to get tickets for Galesburg, Illinois for him and 2. saw that everyone was
His wife Wonderful town with lot of greenery, everyone living in dressed like 1890’s
peace before the 2 World Wars took place. 3. saw a very small
Currier& Ives locomotive
▪ Took out money, the clerk informed that this is not acceptable legal money which made him sure
▪ Charley realised that the currency used that time was different, ran away about which time he is in.
as did not wanted himself to get in jail
▪ Next day went to withdraw his entire savings and got them converted into old money
▪ Unfortunately, he could not find the way to the third level corridor again even after trying so hard
❖ After a while, he went back to finding distractions with the help of stamps
❖ One day, Sam disappeared
❖ Charley suspected that Sam had gone to Galesburg because:
It is an envelop with a stamp on it, that stamp
▪ One night, Charley came across a first-day cover.
collectors mail to themselves on the first day of
▪ found by surprise one of his grandfather’s old first
the sale of that stamp to mark the date. The
day covers. envelop is blank and not meant to be opened.
▪ Someone had mailed it to his father at his home at
▪ Post mark showed that it had been there since July 18, 1894.
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VISTAS ▪ To prevent this, 50 expensive rings was sent to officer’s wife to choose one or two rings, but all rings

ANECDOTES ▪ Bill of 3 lakh rupees, but managed to retain his kingdom

❖ Maharaja of Pratibandapuram, Jilani Jung Jung Bahadur
❖ Maharaja’s tiger hunts continued to be highly successful
❖ Also called Tiger King- protagonist (leading character of a story)
❖ Within 10 years, he was able to kill 70 tigers
❖ Very courageous but now dead, manner of death is very interesting
❖ Then, tiger population became extinct in Pratibandapuram
❖ Great miracle took place at his birth.
❖ Maharaja calls dewan, decides to get married to a royal family who lives in state with huge number of tigers,
▪ Astrologers foretold that the child will grow up to become hero of heroes, champion of champions
dewan followed orders
but ...will die one day
❖ Maharaja killed 5-6 tigers every time he visited his father-in-law’s
▪ Ten days old Jilani Jung Jung Bahadur spoke up, “O wise prophets!”
❖ In this manner, 99 tigers were killed
▪ Further says that everyone will die one day, would believe their studies if they could tell the manner
of his death.
▪ Everyone in shock, ten days old baby opening lips, also raising intelligent questions!
❖ Maharaja dreamt of 100th tiger day and night
▪ Astrologers reply, prince born in hour of bull, bull and tigers are enemy, so death will be because of
❖ Tigers got extinct even in his father-in-law’s kingdom
tigers and advice the prince to be aware of tigers
❖ Became impossible to locate tigers anywhere
▪ Prince replies, “let tigers beware!”
❖ Maharaja announced 3 years exemption (free) from all taxes for village which found out the tiger
II ❖ Tiger still not found
1. drank milk of an English cow
❖ Maharaja became angry, ordered dewan to double the land taxes and warned him about losing his job
❖ Crown prince grew taller and stronger day by day
2. brought up by an English nanny ❖ Dewan saw that a tiger had been brought from the People’s park in Madras
❖ Born and brough up like other princes
3. tutored in English by an English man ❖ At midnight, dewan and his wife dragged the tiger to the place where king was hunting
❖ Became king at age of 20
4.saw only English films ❖ Maharaja fired a bullet, tiger fell down
❖ Everyone remembered astrologer’s prediction
❖ Maharaja became extremely happy of killing the 100th tiger, went back happily
❖ Tiger king started tiger hunt, killed a tiger and called the
❖ Hunters went to take a closer look at tiger and realised that the bulled missed the shot and the tiger just
fainted from the sound of the bullet. Hence, 100th tiger was not killed.
❖ Astrologers replied that he may kill 99 tigers but the 100th tiger will be the cause of his death
❖ In fear if losing jobs, no one told it to maharaja and one of the hunters killed the tiger
❖ What if the 100th tiger were also killed? asks king
❖ A few days later, Maharaja’s son’s 3rd birthday was celebrated
❖ “I shall cut off my tuft, crop my hair and become an insurance agent” replies astrologer
❖ Maharaja went to shopping centre and searched every shop. Finally, he spotted a wooden tiger in a toy shop
III and decided to buy it.
❖ Wooden tiger was very cheap but due to fear of maharaja, the shopkeeper demanded 300Rs.
❖ State banned tiger hunting except Maharaja
❖ Maharaja took it and played with his son and the wooden tiger
❖ Any disobedience would lead to snatching of wealth and property
❖ Wooden tiger was made by an unskilled carpenter and had tiny slivers of wood all over it
❖ Maharaja continued on killing tigers, faced dangers, fought tigers with bare hands at times. Each time
❖ One of those slivers pierced the maharaja’s right hand
Maharaja won.
❖ In four days, it developed into a suppurating sore(pus) and spread all over his arm
❖ One day, Danger of losing his throne
❖ 3 famous surgeons from Madras were brought and the operation took place
▪ High ranking British officer visited Pratibandapuram, was fond of hunting tigers and then getting
❖ Surgeons came out of the theatre and announced, “The operation was successful. Maharaja is dead.”
❖ In this manner, the hundredth tiger took its final revenge and killed the tiger king.
▪ Maharaja refused permission
▪ Because he prevented a British officer, the maharaja stood in danger of losing his kingdom itself
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VISTAS Walk on the Ocean

JOURNEY TO THE END OF EARTH BY TISHANI DOSHI ❖ At the end, the author thought upon the capability of nature to maintain its balance.
ANECDOTES ❖ She wondered what it would be like if Antarctica, the place that houses over 90 percent of world’s ice
becomes warm again.
❖ Revolves around the world’s most preserved place, Antarctica where a south Indian person (author) went on ❖ She wonders if we will be there to see it if it ever happens but who knows.
an expedition(journey) with a group of teenagers linked with ‘Students on Ice’ programme who takes young ❖ Thus, by seeing the spirit of teenagers who still have the courage to save the world, she talks about the
minds to different places to make the “future generation of policy makers” learn about the planet at a very uncertainty of events that can happen over a million years.
early age.
❖ Initiative was introduced by Geoff Green who got tired of his regular job once he got rich and wanted to give it
back in some way. ----------------------------------------END OF CHAPTER------------------------------------------------
❖ In the beginning, the author talks about her journey to one of the coldest, driest and windiest continents on
Earth; Antarctica.
❖ author began journey from Madras and on her journey, crossed 9 time zones, 6 checkpoints, 3 water bodies
and 3 ecospheres
❖ took her about 100 hours of combined travelling by car, aeroplane and then a ship
❖ when she first set her feet on the continent, she felt utmost (greatest) relief as it was all white, and the sight
of blue horizon was very comforting Horizon- line at which land and sky appear to meet
❖ Was astonished by the fact that there was a time when
Indian and Antarctica were geographically connected
Part of History
❖ 650 million years ago, there was a super continent known as Gondwana comprising of present-day India and
❖ there was no humans and the climate were warmer which gave rise to huge varieties of flora and fauna
(plants and animals)
❖ it was present for 500 million years until dinosaurs got extinct and human beings came into existence
❖ the huge continent was then forced to separate and form countries as we know today
❖ according to the author, if one wants to have a view of history and to see where we are headed, Antarctica is
the right place
❖ it is the best place to research and understand about mountain ranges, ozone and carbon.
❖ It was a very different experience for the author as being a South Indian sun-worshipping woman, it was hard
for her or anyone else to imagine living in a place where 90 percent of the Earth’s total ice volumes are stored.
❖ Not only biologically or physically difficult, but also for imagination. A place untouched by humans and their
inventions, it gives an experience that makes us forget about all the other things
❖ From small creatures like mites to huge creatures like blue whales, everything can be found in Antarctica
❖ Days are never ending with sun light all the time falling on the southern hemisphere

Human Impact
❖ Human life on earth has been since only 12,000 years which converts into a few seconds on the geological
❖ In this small time, humans have exploited each and every resource creating a chaos in the nature
❖ This exploitation has created a blanket of carbon dioxide around our planet which is further increasing the
average global temperature, thus leading to global warming.
❖ Global warming and climate change are high priority concerns these days
❖ According to the author, if one wishes to study and analyse Earth’s past, present and future, Antarctica is the
place to go
❖ The programme ‘Students on Ice’ has been very successful because it is very easy to sit at home and talk
about real issues, but actually seeing glaciers collapsing gives a glimpse into the future
❖ Antarctica is one of those places with limited biodiversity and has a less complicated eco system.
❖ As a result, little changes in environment can have drastic effects.
❖ “Take care of the small things and the big things will fall into place.”
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VISTAS ❖ Hana screamed at Yumi but later realised that servants can tell this to police officers, hence changed her tone
❖ Hana said Yumi to return to her work, left alone with the White man
CH-4 THE ENEMY BY Pearl S. Buck
❖ Hana took a small clean towel and washed his face, cleaned his upper body, became more restless, called
❖ Sadao came carrying his emergency bag and wearing his surgeon’s coat, prepared to operate the White man
❖ main character of the story- Dr. Sadao Hoki
❖ Sadao started his work, Hana very obedient, helped Sadao in every way possible, brought towels, laid down
❖ house situated on the coast of Japan, used to climb up trees in his childhood
mats, told Sadao about Yumi denying washing the White man but Sadao paid no attention, hands working
❖ his father used to point towards the islands, would say that those were the stepping stones towards the
very fast
future of Japan
❖ Sadao told Hana to inject anaesthesia to patient, Hana never done that earlier, Sadao said that it was very
❖ his father never played or joked with him, was very concerned about his education, sent him to America at
easy, Sadao removed the packing and the blood came out, Hana could not see it, choked, ran out, Sadao
age of 22 to study surgery and medicine
heard sound of vomiting
❖ Sadao returned at the age of 30, became famous as a surgeon as well as a scientist, father died after seeing
❖ As Sadao needed Hana’s help to operate, he thought that it would be better for her to empty her stomach so
him successful
that she would not feel uneasy again.
❖ Sadao was not sent abroad as a doctor along with the army
1. he was working on a research to ❖ Sadao felt irritated that he was not able to help her wife due to the man lying like a dead body
❖ Had a wife, named Hana, met her in America at a Professor’s house who
discover a treatment for wounds ❖ Sadao thought that there was no reason for him to save the man because there was no reason for him to live.
Arranged a party for foreign students
which would make them instantly Even then, his hands continued working and operating the White man.
❖ He waited to fall in love with her until he was sure that she was Japanese
clean ❖ Hana entered room confidently, asked what she was supposed to do, Sadao told her to put some anaesthetic
As Sadao knew that his father would never accept her unless she was a
on cotton and to place the cotton near the man’s nostril, also told her to remove the cotton when the man
Japanese 2. General was suffering from a started to breathe heavily
❖ Married in Japan in a traditional way, had two children disease which needed to be ❖ Sadao was quick, saw bullet near the kidney, made some surgical cuts on the body and removed the bullet,
❖ They were looking towards the beach when they saw a figure appear out operated upon in case of an
the White man murmured “guts”, later became silent, Sadao check pulse again
Of the beach, was a man, heavily injured, lied down on the coast, fainted emergency.
❖ Sadao stopped Hana from giving more anaesthesia, filled a syringe with the medicine and pushed the vaccine
❖ Both ran downstairs to help him, Sadao turned the man’s head, Hana
into the man’s left arm
realized he was a White man (an American)
❖ Man woke up, was full of fear, Hana served him food as the servants refused to enter that room
❖ The man had yellow hair, was wounded badly, blood all over, a gun wound
❖ Hana said man to not be afraid, man surprised that Hana could speak English, Hana told that she lived in
❖ There was no one except Sadao, Hana and the White man
America for a long time, Hana said to man that he would soon become strong
❖ Sadao answered to himself that the best thing was to put the man back into the sea but his hands could not
❖ Sadao visited the man on the third day after operation, man was weak and sitting, Sadao screamed and
stop preventing the blood to flow
ordered him to lie down as he could die if not taken proper rest
❖ Sadao and his wife were in a dilemma (confusion)
❖ White man asked what Sadao would do with him, Sadao said that he himself did not know, disclosed that he
❖ Sadao said that if they give him shelter, they would be arrested for sheltering an enemy
know that the man is a prisoner of man, stopped man from speaking further
❖ If they handed him to the Japanese army as a prisoner, he would die in the prison
❖ Hana came, told Sadao that servants would not stay with them if the American White man lived anymore and
❖ Because both options were not suitable, the best option was to put him back to the sea, but none of them
that Yumi and servants thought that Hana and Sadao liked Americans
❖ Sadao denied, said Americans were their enemies but he had been trained in such a way that he could not let
❖ Sadao picked up the cap and read the words, “U.S. Navy” written on the cap, the man was a prisoner of war
a man die and would help him in whichever way he could
❖ Both discussed that the man must have tried to escape from the prison and had been shot in the back.
❖ Servants taunt Sadao and Hana 1. Old gardener said that the master should have let the White man
❖ Were not able to get the courage to throw him back to the sea
❖ Hana felt that the servants were right bleed when he was so close to death
❖ Sadao reasoned that if the man was well, he would hand him over to the police without any hesitation but he
But she had some feelings for the man
was concerned because the man was injured 2. the cook said disrespectfully that their master was so proud of his
That she herself could not analyse
❖ Hana said that if he could not throw him into the sea, the second option was to carry him home skill at saving lives that he did not bother whose life he was saving.
❖ She did not like the prisoner, injured
❖ Sadao concerned that servants would object as they were sheltering an enemy
man told his name “TOM” to Hana, she
❖ Hana said that they would tell the servants that they will hand the man to the police when he gets recovered, 3. Yumi got worried about the children and wondered that when
ignored, injured man was a great trouble
told Sadao to think of their future and told him to hand over the man to the police after recovery or they will they will grow up, they would be labelled as the children of traitor
to her and was a threat to Sadao and her
be in danger, Sadao agreed (dhokebaaz) and as Sadao was helping an American, all people of
❖ Sadao doing his role of doctor perfectly,
❖ Lifted the man together, carried him to Sadao’s father’s bedroom Japan would consider him to be an enemy of Japan.
Would examine the wound everyday
❖ Sadao asked Hana to get hot water for washing the man, Hana called Yumi (a servant) for washing the man
❖ On the 7 day, two incidents happened, 1. the servants of the house left in the morning, Hana did not show
❖ Man’s heartbeat was very faint, Sadao had to operate to prevent the man from dying
her feelings to the servants and paid them off gracefully and also thanking them for their services, Yumi cried
❖ Hana terrified, Sadao walked out of room to inform other servants, Hana followed as did not wanted to stay
❖ Hana gets worried, asked Sadao that why were they not behaving with the prisoner of war just like other
alone with the enemy 1. Old gardener spoke bluntly to Hana and advised that Sadao should not Japanese would have and let him die? why are they not clear about what to do? Sadao said nothing and went
❖ Servants reaction treat the man because if they treated enemy, they would be punished by into the room where the prisoner of war was resting
Japan (Also told some superstitions) ❖ Instructed the White man to stand for 5 minutes today and increase the time every day, said it would be good
2. Yumi bought the hot water but denied washing the White man for everyone that the man gets healthy as soon as possible, hinted that they wanted to get rid of the American

3. All servants were terrified also.

😊 For Easy-Hindi Explanation of This Chapter, You Can Search “CBSE Winners” on YouTube 😊 😊 For Easy-Hindi Explanation of This Chapter, You Can Search “CBSE Winners” on YouTube 😊

❖ Man said “Okay”, thanked Sadao for everything, Sadao said to not thank him too early, terror on man’s face ❖ White man stared at Sadao and asked whether it was necessary for him to do so. Sadao appealed that the
appeared place he was living in was known to everyone, White man agreed
❖ 2nd incident on the 7th day, a messenger wearing official uniform came to the house, Hana scared, felt that ❖ Sadao made arrangements, pulled out a big boat in the night, placed food, water and two quilts in it, worked
servants must have told that they were sheltering an enemy, unable to speak, messenger stood in front of without a torch as did not want to be spotted by anyone
Sadao ❖ Checked the man’s body temperature and heartbeat, high heartbeat as the American was excited
❖ Messenger said that Sadao was supposed to go with the messenger to the palace, said that the old General ❖ Young man said to Sadao that he was saving his life once again, Sadao said that it was not like that and that he
was in pain and Sadao was supposed to treat him as a doctor, Hana relieved, took a deep breath was sending him because he could not keep him any longer
❖ Sadao said goodbye to Hana, Hana told that she thought that the messenger has come to arrest Sadao ❖ Sadao gave the man his own torch, instructed him that if the food gets over before the Korean boat arrives,
❖ Sadao became sad knowing how Hana is in too much stress due to all the incidents, decided that he must get then the man must signal Sadao with two flashes of the torch at the dusk time (evening jab sunset ho raha
rid of the man by any way hota ha), asked him to be careful 1. to not use torch during night
❖ Sadao went to the General, narrated him the entire story ❖ American shook hands and walked away towards the boat
❖ General felt that Sadao was a necessary part of his life at that moment and said that Sadao cannot be 2. can eat raw fish but must not cook it as
---------------------next scene---------------------------------------------------- the fire could be spotted by the guards
arrested, added that if Sadao gets death sentence and the General needs to get operated the next day, then
who would operate upon him, said that he would not let this happen ❖ A week ago, the General had been operated in an emergency by Sadao, General was weak after the operation
❖ Sadao suggested that there were many other surgeons in Japan, General replied that he did not trust anyone ❖ Sadao informed him that the man escaped, he did not have the courage to ask General about what happened
else other than Sadao, added that the best surgeons had been trained by the Germans and for them, the to the killers he was about to send to kill the White man
operation would be successful even if the General died ❖ At Sadao’s home, servants returned, everything was normal
❖ Very interesting lines: then he asked Sadao that being a Japanese, could he not combine the two foreign ❖ The General was surprised and said that as he was suffering from bad health, he had forgotten about the
elements promise that he had made of sending those killers
▪ 1. The harsh nature of the Germans- referring to giving the prisoner of war to the Japanese army ❖ General felt sorry for being careless, added that it was not that he did not love Japan or he was escaping from
▪ 2. With the emotional nature of Americans- referring to saving his life during operation his duty, looked at Sadao expecting support
❖ Sadao said that he understood the General’s position, he understood that the General was in his control and
Sadao said that he was not sure about it but he was willing to try, General said that the General must not be
as a result, Sadao was safe, said that he trusted the loyalty of General towards Japan
the trial case
❖ General was relaxed and said that Sadao was a good man and that he would be rewarded for his goodness
❖ General said that the best solution was to kill the man silently. Said that the White man would not be killed by ❖ but for Sadao, he got his reward when he found no trace of torch light in the evening which meant that the
Sadao but by General’s hired killers (assassins) White man found a Korean boat and had gone with it safely back home
▪ General would send two killers to Sadao’s house that night or any night ❖ stood at the veranda and thought “WHY COULD I NOT KILL HIM?”
▪ Wanted Sadao to keep the door open of the room where the prisoner rested
▪ Killers would come, kill the White man and would take away his body *MAGIC SENTENCE: Sadao’s heads and hands were moving in different directions
❖ Sadao went back home, kept on thinking about the plan, thought that in this way, he would not be involved in
the death of the America man, decided to not tell Hana about it
❖ Sadao came into the prisoner’s room, surprised to see the man out of his bed, warned the man not to stand ------------------------------------------------------END OF CHAPTER--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
and walk
❖ Man thanked Sadao and said that if he had not reached Sadao that day, then he would have died, added that
if all the Japanese people would have been like Sadao, then the war would not have happened
❖ Sadao said that maybe this could be true, bowed to him and said goodnight
❖ Sadao was restless all night as the killers had to come, imagined the sound of footsteps and that some men
were carrying the American’s dead body, could not sleep the whole night
❖ In the morning, Sadao made an excuse to go to the American’s room, saw the man asleep, could hear the
sounds of his breathing
❖ Hana asked again that what would they do with the man, Sadao promised that he would decide in one or two
❖ Sadao thought that maybe the killers would come the next night, waited, found out that the American was
still there the next morning, waited for another night, both Sadao and Hana got scared of the sound of loud
crash, American still alive and present the third morning
❖ Man announced happily that he was well, Sadao could not withstand waiting for the killers to come the next
night, he was not bothered about the man’s life but he could not bear the stress any more
❖ Sadao said to the man that he was well now and strong enough to sail a boat, planned that if he arranged a
boat, filled it with food and extra clothing, the man would be able to row it to the nearby island which was not
guarded and not inhabited (matlab koi rehta bhi nahi tha us island par and koi army wagerah bhi nahi thi),
instructed the man to live there until he spotted a Korean fishing boat pass by and go along with it

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