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The American Security Superdet system is a Dual Radio-Frequency system, consisting of a Transmitter (TX) and Receiver
(RX). It is a high-speed, fully digitized system that has the ability to detect at wide distances due to its sensitive receiver
and signal processor. An automatic mode enables the system to scan the environment and rapidly adjust to new
interference levels or disturbances. It can easily be synchronized for large installations and is friendly to other systems.

This Express Installation Guide is meant to provide basic information about the RF Dual Superdet system for a quick and
easy installation. It can also serve as a ‘cheat sheet’ of all system settings for any installer, regardless of experience


Please refer to the last section in this document.


Figure 1 – Superdet Transmitter (TX)

1. DIP1: ON = Master, OFF = Slave 5. Power 24VDC Input ( + - + - )

DIP2,3,4: Sweep Frequency Setting

2. SWEEP: Sweep Range Trimpot 6. SYNC OUT: ON = Slave connected, OFF = No

Slaves connected

3. M/S: Master/Slave Jumper 7. POWER: TX Power Setting

4. Slave Out/Slave In Connectors 8. OSC: ON = Master, OFF = Slave

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Figure 2 – Superdet Receiver (RX)

1. LED Indication (if DIP8 = ON)

LED1-4: Signal level
LED5: Caddy
LED6: Noise
LED7: Resonance
LED8: Blanking

2. SENS: Sensitivity of the system. Turn to 100% in Automatic Mode!

SNR: Signal to Noise ratio. Used in noisy environments to reduce false alarms. Clockwise = higher
sensitivity, lower false alarm resistance. Anti-clockwise = lower sensitivity, higher false alarm
resistance. Default = 50%
NOISE: Noise limit. If the detected signal is larger than this value, it will be blanked (ignored).
Maximum clockwise = all signals are blanked. Maximum anti-clockwise = no signals are
blanked. Default = 50%
CADDY: Reaction to distorted signals caused by shopping carts, touching, etc. Maximum clockwise =
the system will block alarms from distorted signals. Maximum anti-clockwise = the system will
false-alarm from distorted signals. Default = 50%

3. DIP1: System Tuning Mode: ON = Automatic, OFF = Manual. Recommended = manual for testing
bad environments, otherwise automatic
DIP2: Environment Scan Rate: ON = Fast, OFF = Slow. Recommended = ON
DIP3: Reaction Speed: ON = Fast reaction speed, lower sensitivity, lower interference resistance.
OFF = Slower reaction speed, higher sensitivity, higher interference resistance
DIP4: System Setting Mode: ON = Digital (buttons), OFF = Analog (trimpots). Recommended = OFF
DIP5: Tag Memory: ON = Nearby tag signal NOT stored in memory, OFF = Nearby tag signal stored in
DIP6: Caddy Alarm Output: ON = On, OFF = Off. Recommended = ON
DIP7: External Blanking (EXT.INP): ON = Off, OFF = On
DIP8: LED Indication: ON = Easydet indication, OFF = Superdet indication. Recommended = ON

4. Power 24VDC Input ( + - + - )

5. VOLUME: Volume of audible alarm

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6. SCREEN Button - LED Indication Mode (DIP8 must be OFF!)

SCR1: Input Signal Level. Optimum – maximum 4 LEDs are ON or blinking
SCR2: Filtered Signal Level. Optimum – maximum 4 LEDs are ON or blinking
SCR3: Resonance Memory. Optimum – maximum 3 LEDs are ON or blinking
SCR4: Resultant Signal. Optimum – 1 LED is ON
SCR5: Alarm Counter Binary Display
SCR6: Average Noise Level. Optimum – maximum 4 LEDs are ON or blinking
SCR7: Instant Value Noise Level. Optimum – maximum 2 LEDs are ON or blinking
SCR8: Setting of System Values (press the SET button to select value, UP or DOWN to change value)
SET1: Blanking Level: Level of noise at which the system triggers blanking
SET2: Blank Time: Time length of blanking
SET3: Sound Timer: Time length of audible alarm
SET4: Sound Type: Modulation of audible alarm
SET5: Light Timer: Time length of alarm light
SET6: Relay Timer: Time length of the relay latch at ALARM OUTPUT
SET7: Caddy Sensitivity: Value of change in the RF field at which Caddy is triggered
SET8: Real Sensitivity: The real sensitivity of the system when in Automatic Mode (8 LEDs =
100%, 4 LEDs = 50%, etc.)

7. RST: Reset Button


 Review the “Rules of Installation” before the installation

 Test the system before traveling to the location

 Before drilling any holes in the store, set up the antennas in the proper configuration and test the environment.
If the environment is poor you may have to move the antennas closer, switch the RX and TX, or in rare cases,
install a different system. Also, check for nearby RF Dual systems. If other systems are nearby, synchronization
may be necessary.

 Connect the systems to the 24VDC power supply. Polarity is important! You may power a maximum of 2 TX and
2 RX with one power supply. Recommended is only 1 Transmitter if possible. To connect power between
antennas, use regular dual pair twisted cable as is used for the power supply. This cable is also good for
synchronization, as described below.

Figure 3 – Dual Pair Twisted Cable

 Set the system to the following recommended settings.

o TX Power: 75% - 3 Crossbar
40% - 1 Crossbar

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o SENS: 100% (especially when in Automatic mode!)

o SNR: 50%

o NOISE: 50%

o CADDY: 50%

o DIP SWITCHES: ON = 1, 2, 6, 8 OFF = 3, 4, 5, 7

 Press the Reset button and then wait for the system to adapt to the environment for about 2 minutes.

 Test detection. If it is good then the installation is complete. If testing the system in Automatic Mode, it is
important to let the system re-adapt every few minutes. Constant testing will cause sensitivity to decrease. If
detection is not good, start more advanced manual tuning. More details are found in the Troubleshooting


If two or more transmitters are installed in the same location or if they are very near each other, synchronization is
necessary. Synchronization allows for the signals of the transmitters to be slightly different so that they do not interfere
with each other and cause false alarms. Synchronization can be done by cable or by air.

By Cable

Cable Synchronization is the best method of synchronization and allows for 100% performance of the system. It should
be used whenever more than one American Security Superdet TX will be installed together, for example when installing
a 4-antenna system of 2 TX and 2 RX. Only Superdet transmitters can be synchronized together. It is not possible to
synchronize by cable a Superdet TX with Easydet TX, Mono, or a transmitter of another manufacturer. For this, air
synchronization must be used.

It is quite simple to synchronize transmitters by cable. The following diagram describes all settings and connections.
There will always be 1 Master and all other transmitters will be Slaves (only amplifiers). The best cable for
synchronization is the dual pair twisted cable that is used for power. It is 150 Ohms.

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Figure 4 – Cable Synchronization of Superdet Transmitters

By Air

Air Synchronization can be used if it is not possible to connect the transmitters by cable (exits are on different sides of
the store) or if the other transmitter(s) is Easydet or from another manufacturer. The procedure is to simply change the
Sweep Frequency so that the two systems are transmitting at slightly different times.

This is done by setting different combinations of DIP 2, 3, and 4 on the TX board. If synchronizing two Superdet
transmitters, set each transmitter to a DIFFERENT combination. If synchronizing with another type of system, change
the combinations of dip switches until the false alarms stop.

It is also possible to use both methods. For example when installing two Superdet transmitters in the same location with
another type of Dual transmitter nearby. First synchronize the Superdet TX with cable, then synchronize by air to the
other system. It is only necessary to change the dip switches on the Master!

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 The system is false-alarming

o Reduce SNR (anti-clockwise) and check detection. The lowest value at which the detection parameters
are still acceptable is the safest for eliminating the false alarm problem.
o Check the level of TX power. Three-crossbar antennas can resonate if the power is too high, so
decreasing power may solve the problem. 75% of maximum is the recommended power level.
o Check for other transmitters nearby. If necessary, synchronize by air.
 Touching effect
o When an antenna is touched by hand the system alarms. In such a case raise CADDY (clock-wise) until
the problem is fixed. Bear in mind that while the CADDY function blocks the touching effect, the system
cannot detects tags and labels. It is one of the methods of how to overcome it. So, the touching effect
may be desirable in this sense. Discuss it with the customer and act accordingly.
 The system does not detect at all
o There may be more than just one reason why this happens. Basically the most common problem is
interference from another system installed in proximity. If the indication LED 8 is constantly lit, the level
of noise is too high. Reduce it by turning the NOISE trim pot anti-clockwise until the LED 8 is only
blinking. The system will then detect tags and labels.
o Check if there is no other system near the installation which uses the same sweep frequency. If so,
change it by setting a different combination of DIP switches on the transmitter board.
o If only LED 7 is lit and the system has no detection, it is very likely that there is a strong resonance
caused by cables, metal objects, or tags and labels. Try to find the cause of the resonance.
 Testing of detection
o Detection of a 4x4 Asialco paper label in the BEST position in a STANDARD environment should be about
1.80 meters
o For detection in all 3 positions of a 4x4 paper label it is not recommended to install the system at a
distance greater than 1.60 meters

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Amersec RF Antennas are designed to be universal (UNI), so that any Amersec RF electronic can be connected to the
pedestal, thus making it easier to test different configurations and electronics. It also means that MetalSpy can be easily
added to an RF Dual system at any time. It is important that the PCBs be connected correctly for proper functionality!

Amersec UNI antennas consist of 3 loops. The “double-8” loop and the “8” loop are merged together in a small 3-
crossbar module, supplied with all UNI antennas. The “O” loop is not connected to the 3-crossbar module. The
antennas are also supplied with 2 cables; a DUAL cable which connects the 3-crossbar module to the Dual PCBs, and a
MONO cable which connects the 3-crossbar module to the Mono PCBs.

RF Antenna Wiring

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1. Connect the cable labeled “MONO” to the small three-crossbar module. The other end is connected to the green
4-pin terminal on the Mono PCB labeled RX-RX-TX-TX.
2. The “O LOOP” is connected together by default. Pull it apart and connect the 2 wires to the 2 positions on the
green 4-pin terminal on the Mono PCB labeled TX-TX.

3. Set the alarm light voltage jumper to 12V, located on the small module for the alarm light.
4. NOTE: If you would like to configure the NG or HF Mono as a 1-crossbar antenna, you may connect it the same
way as LF Mono (see below).

1. LF Mono is the only electronic which does not work well in the default 3-crossbar configuration.
2. The “O LOOP” is connected together by default. Pull it apart and connect the 2 wires to the 2 positions on the
green 4-pin terminal on the Mono PCB labeled O-O.
3. Disconnect the “8” loop wires from the 3-crossbar module and connect them directly to the 2 positions on the
green 4-pin terminal on the Mono PCB labeled 8-8.
4. The “double-8” loop and the 3-crossbar module remain unused.

5. Set the alarm light voltage jumper to 12V, located on the small module for the alarm light.


1. Connect the 3-wire cable labeled “Dual” to the small 3-crossbar module. The other end is connected to the
green 3-pin terminal on the PCB labeled RF OUTPUT (on TX board) or ANTENNA (on RX board).
2. Set the alarm light voltage jumper to 24V, located on the small module for the alarm light
3. The “O LOOP” must be connected together. If the ends of this loop are disconnected, the system will not work.


1. Connect the DUAL TX and RX as instructed above.
2. The “O LOOP” is connected together by default. Pull it apart and connect the 2 wires to positions 1&2 on the
MetalSpy TX, or positions 1&3 on the MetalSpy RX.
3. NOTE: If the MetalSpy is disconnected or removed, the “O LOOP” must be connected back together, otherwise
the RF Dual system will not work!

Version 2.4
20 June 2011
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