E-Commerce Project Requirement Document

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E-commerce Project Requirement Document

1. Project Overview

Project Title:

E-commerce Platform Development

Project Summary:

Development of an e-commerce platform to facilitate online shopping with robust features for

product management, user experience, and secure transactions.


- Create a user-friendly interface for seamless shopping experience.

- Implement secure payment methods.

- Ensure scalability for future growth.


- Project Manager: [Name]

- Development Team: [Names]

- Marketing Team: [Names]

- Clients: [Company/Individuals]
E-commerce Project Requirement Document

2. Scope of Work


- User Registration and Authentication

- Product Catalog Management

- Shopping Cart and Checkout

- Payment Gateway Integration

- Order Management

- User Account Management

- Admin Panel

- Search Functionality

- Reviews and Ratings


- Physical Store Integration

- In-house Logistics Management

E-commerce Project Requirement Document

3. Functional Requirements

1. User Registration and Authentication

2. Product Catalog Management

3. Shopping Cart and Checkout

4. Payment Gateway Integration

5. Order Management

6. User Account Management

7. Admin Panel

8. Search Functionality

9. Reviews and Ratings

E-commerce Project Requirement Document

4. Non-Functional Requirements


- System should handle up to 10,000 concurrent users.


- All transactions must be secure and encrypted.

- Compliance with GDPR and other relevant regulations.


- The platform should be easy to navigate.

- Mobile responsiveness.


- 99.9% uptime.


- Ability to scale up as user base grows.


- Compliance with local and international e-commerce regulations.

E-commerce Project Requirement Document

5. Technical Requirements


- Web-based


- ReactJS for frontend

- NodeJS for backend


- MongoDB

Third-party Integrations:

- Payment Gateways (PayPal, Stripe)

- Shipping Services (FedEx, UPS)

E-commerce Project Requirement Document

6. Timeline and Milestones

Project Phases:

- Phase 1: Requirement Gathering (2 weeks)

- Phase 2: Design (3 weeks)

- Phase 3: Development (8 weeks)

- Phase 4: Testing (4 weeks)

- Phase 5: Deployment (2 weeks)

Key Milestones:

- Completion of Requirement Gathering

- Completion of Design

- Alpha Release

- Beta Release

- Final Release


- Total project duration: 5 months

E-commerce Project Requirement Document

7. Risk Management

Potential Risks:

- Delays in development

- Security breaches

- Data loss

Mitigation Strategies:

- Regular progress reviews

- Implement strong security measures

- Regular backups
E-commerce Project Requirement Document

8. Acceptance Criteria

Criteria for Project Completion:

- All functional and non-functional requirements met

- Successful testing with no critical issues

- Stakeholder approval
E-commerce Project Requirement Document

9. Appendices


- GDPR: General Data Protection Regulation


- [List of references]

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