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Revision sheet

Units 1 & 2
Choose the correct answer:
1) Some villages are dressed in black because they are in
(mourning – depressed – generous – luck)
2) That child is too much ………………. and bullies his classmates.
(depressed – skinny – attractive – aggressive)
3) He’s quite ………………………… and enjoys team sports.
(enemy – attractive – aggressive – stability)
4- Most people need to have ………………… in their lives.
(depression – thought – sadness – stability)
5- The color red is often associated ………………. anger.
(of – to – at – with)
6- Most factories use …………… dye to color the products they
(synthetic – athletic – artistic – handsome)
7- It is a well-known fact that Caffeine is a ……………………
(dominance – stimulant – signal – reddened)
8- The girls were afraid of snakes and picked their way along with
extreme ………………………………
(caution – mourning – signal – synthetic eye)
9- She ……………………… with shame.
(increased – reddened – depressed- consume)
10- The firm is determined to maintain ………………. in the market.

(stimulant – mourning – dominance – natural)
11-Some teenagers develop bad habits because of pressure from

their …………. at school.

(stranger – Flatmates – Peers – Idols)

12- My French teacher is a ……………… and she has been working

at my school for three years.

(Stranger – foreigner – colleague – classmate)

13-The football player is the …………… of many young people.

(idol – Stranger – Flatmate – Enemy)

14- Most teenagers want to be accepted by their ………………

(stability – peers – depression – enemy)

15- He is not from this country, he is a …………………….

(foreigner – classmate – colleague – enemy)

16- Some fashion models are too ……………… They looked as if

they only eat crushed ice.

(pretty – skinny – plump – attractive)

17- My uncle James is the most …………… person I know. He loves

to give people gifts.

(talented – amused – generous – skilled)

18- He was attempted to find a ……………………. Solution to the


(attractive – sadness – healthy – peaceful)

19- You are ……… enough without going on a diet.

(generous – plump – talent – skinny)

20- The watch was a……………from my mother.

(gift – belief – depression – stability)

21- She suffered from severe……after losing her job.

(peaceful – depression – stranger – reward)

22-Salma (worked – is working – works – work) in one of London’s

most famous hotels.
23-Ali often (sings – sing – singing – is singing) in the car.
24-Mr. Samy (read – reads – reading – is reading) a story now.
25-Be careful! A lion (come – comes – came – is coming) behind
26-The moon (is taking – has taken – takes – has been taking) 7
days to travel around the earth.
27-You (are always forgetting –always forget – forgets – forgot) to
pay the bill.
28-Mum (tastes – tasting – is tasting – taste) the food while she is
29-We (think – are thinking – thinks – thought) of going to London
next year.

30-Hana (writes – wrote – write – is writing) a novel this morning.
31-The Earth (gets – get – got – is getting) hotter and hotter.
32-The first bus (leaves – is leaving – has been leaving – left) at 6
a.m. every morning.
33- What (do you do – are you doing – does you do – did you do)
this weekend?
34- Malak doesn’t (eat – eats – eating – ate) sweets.
35-They aren’t (cook – cooks – cooked – cooking) food.
36- We (are going – go – went – goes) skiing next month.
37-Does she (catch – catches – caught – catching) the butterfly?
38-Do they often (play – plays – played – playing) music at school.
39-When the little boy (saw – seeing – is seeing – sees) the wolf, he
gets scared.
40-You are always (reads – reading – read – is reading) my

41-Even the most talented people need a bit of good _______to

become successful.
a) envy b) luck c) punishment d) strength
42-Most people need to have ___ in their lives.
a) depression b) thought c) sadness d) stability
43-I can share all my secrets with Mike. He is very ___.
a) aggressive b) thoughtless c) trustworthy d) calm
44-It says that the team who wears red is more likely to win
because the red color shows ………………………………
a) embarrassment b) dominance c) depression d) envy
45-If you feel down and can't keep going, try to find a good
a) ashamed b) stimulant c) touch d) difference
46-……………… to move to Australia.
a) John is wanting b) Does John want
c) John wants d) Is John wanting
47-I ____ what he tells me because he has lied to me in the past.
a) always believe b) am not always believing
c) don’t always believe d) always believing
48-Some colors like blue ___ people to relax.
a) help b) helps c) is helping d) are helping
49-This car ……………………… to Ahmed
a) belong b) belongs c) is belonging d) belonging
50-We ……………………………… of going to London next year
a) think b) are thinking c) thinks d) thought
51-Anyone know the answer? Don’t all shout ……………… once,
put your hand up.
(at – in – to – with)
52-- The players all have confidence ……………. Their manager.
(at – in – of – with)
53- I am happy, indeed proud, to be associated …………… this
(with – of – at – in)
54- My parents’ divorce had a big effect …………… me.
(of – at – on – in)
55- They’re engaged ……………… be married in June.
(to – with – in – of)
56- We have lots of things ………………… common besides music.
(with – in – at – of)

57- He doesn’t approve ……………. my leaving school this year.
(of – at – in – on)
58-We spent (a- an – the – no article) day in Athens before going
to the farm.

59-They like to play (the – an – no article – a) table tennis

60-Kate is studying to be (the – an – no article – a) astronaut

61-I saw (an – a – some – the) president on TV last night.

62-I go to Paris twice (a – the – an – no article) year.

63-(An – No article – The – A) Sahara Desert is one of the biggest

desert in the world.

64-She lives in a flat in the center of the town. (A – An – Some –

The) flat is very small.

65-The house cost (the – a – an – no article) million pounds

66-I wait for you for (a – the – an – no article) hour.

67-One day, I will buy (a – the – an – no article) house in London.

68-It’s (an – the – no article – a) antique wooden radio.

69-The tourists will stay in (the – an – no article – a) international


70-There was a cinema and a theatre in our town, but (the – an –

some – any) cinema closed last year.

71-I can speak (the – an – a – no article) Chinese.

72-This is Rose. She came from (the – a – an – no article) Mexico.

73-A friendly smile helps to …… the ice when you meet somebody
a) break b) make c) save d) smash
74-- She uses email to keep in ……………… with her friends.
a) trouble b) common c) promise d) touch
75-- When you say "I feel blue" it means that you are …………….
a) happy b) blessed c) aggressive d) sad
76-- Stay away from me, you are getting on my ……………….
a) nerves b) health c) time d) stimulation
77- You must quit smoking and ………………… this bad habit
a) Take b) save c) break d) make
78- The plane was climbing up through ……………. sky.
a) a b) an c) the d) no article
79- Nowadays, nearly all ………. people have got a computer at
a) a b) an c) the d) no article
80- Maxim was at ……………… center of her thoughts.
a) a b) an c) the d) no article
81- I don’t understand why they say Susan is the black …. of their
a) gold b) habit c) sheep d) effect
82-- When Ken finally got the job he wanted, he was ………….
a) depressed b) tickled c) embarrassed d) ashamed
83-Ken felt very happy when he finally got the job, he was …………
(waiting – asking – dying -falling)
84- My brother Billy ………… around the house again. It’s so
(is always running – runs – ran – always runs)
85- Doctor Baker came and gave me a ……………………….
(influence – stimulant – enemy – signal)
86- ……………………… this article?
(Are you understanding – Do you understand – Understand)
87- Everybody thinks that the twins are as ………. as gold but they
are naughty sometimes.
(well behaved – pretty – good – wealthy)
88- Ronnie found ………. bag on the train. He wasn’t sure what to
do with …………. bag.

(a – an – the – no article)
89- He asserted his ………………… over the other party members.
(dominance – synthetic dye – mourning- depression)
90- This sunset …………… me of my holiday last summer.
(reminds – is reminding – remind – are reminding)
91- Tom is very close to his young siblings and likes to ……. out with
(hand – get – load – dying)
92- The business community has lost confidence ……… the
(of – in – with – at)

93-The historians came to the ………… that a natural disaster
wiped out the city.
a) explanation b) situation c) conclusion d) illusion
94- As the cities are becoming ……………, the government is
encouraging people to move into the country.
a) abandoned b) remarkable c) unusual d) overpopulated

95- Archaeologists think that a(n) …………… caused so many

a) epidemic b) myth c) cemetery d) occurrent
96- We decided to ………… the disappearance of the ancient
a) weaken b) reside c) investigate d) situate
97- The …………… is the person who studies history and discovers
ancient monuments
a) geologist b) archaeologist c) scientist d) Egyptologist
98- A/An ……………… is a place where people live.
a) settlement b) citizen c) nest d) scientist
99- …………………. Has affected many countries in Africa.
a) investigation b) Drought c) Ice d) cold
100- A flu …………… broke out in February.
a) envy b) episode c) epidemic d) enemy
101- After the ……………… people were forbidden to fly their
national flag.
a) invasion b) overpopulated c) drought d) embrace
102- The ancient Egyptian ………… is one of the oldest in the world.
a) epidemic b) investigation c) civilization d) theory
103-The police solved the mystery when they found a ……………
who had seen everything.

a) spirit b) discovery c) partner d) witness
104- As the cities are becoming ……………………, the government
is encouraging people to move into the country.
a) abandoned b) remarkable c) unusual d) overpopulated
105- Archaeologists think that a(n) ………………… caused so many
a) epidemic b) myth c) cemetery d) occurrence
106- We decided to ………… the disappearance of the ancient
a) weaken b) reside c) investigate d) situate
107- Mike’s colleagues began to ….... him when he said he’d seen a
a) conclude b) ridicule c) boast d) embrace
108- Seeing the man who is 280 cm tall is such a great
a) evidence b) theory c) phenomena d) magic
109- How do you explain this very strange ………
a) incident b) resident
110- The ……… of Robin Hood still interests filmmakers.
a) trick b) legend
111- The detective’s ………………. was proved to be correct.
a) illusion b) theory
112- A lot of people still believe there are …………… living on mars.
a) aliens b) detectives
113- They had to ………………. the ship because it was sinking.
a) abandon b) weaken
114- The …………… uncovered an ancient statue in the ruins.

a) witness b) archaeologist
115- Most people believe that the existence of the loch Ness
Monster is a .................................
a) report b) myth
116- Did she ……………… that dress herself?
(made – making – made)
117- We ………………... a famous actor last Friday.
(see – sees – saw)
118- While we ……………… the match, my dad was talking on the
(watched – watches – were watching)
119- Mostafa was playing tennis when he ………………… down
(was falling – falls – fell)
120- ………………… mother was putting the children to bed, the
phone rang.
(When – While – Before)
121- What was Hany …………………… this morning?
(clean – cleaned – cleaning)
122- Amr ……………………… a test last week and passed.
(didn’t – did – do)
123- He ………………… me how to play chess three months ago.
(was watching – teach – taught)
124- …………………… Daniel yesterday?
(Do you visit – Did you visit – were you visiting)
125- …………… I was washing my clothes; my brother was doing
his homework.

(When – Once – While)
126- …………………… they swimming when the phone rang?
(Were – Are – Did)
127- Mr. Adam ……… dinner at 6 o’clock yesterday morning.
(had – was having – has)
128- They ………. their keys at their friends’ house last night.
(forget – forgot – were forgetting)
129- What time ……………... home last night?
(you come – did you come – did you came)
130- The teacher wasn’t ………… much homework this week.
(giving – give – gives)

131- I've always had nightmares about that ………………. house

you told me about
a) cemetery b) abandoned c) cave d) weaken
132-The police man's …………… about the murder was totally
a) theory b) myth c) illusion d) history
133- We …………………… across Peru when the earthquake
a) got used to travelling b) were travelling
c) would travel d) travelled
134- While the archaeologists …………………… at the site, they
discovered the king’s tomb.
a) were used to working b) would work c) work d) were working
5- People had to …………………… to higher ground when the
flood reached their village.

a) abandon b) reside c) flee d) suffer
6- A bad diet will seriously…………………… your body.
a) weaken b) abandoned c) headed d) embrace
7- A lot of people think that "Dracula" is nothing, but a
a) myth b) theory c) evidence d) reality
8- The police are trying very hard to find the real ………… of this
a) incident b) clue c) occur d) myth
9 -My best friend and her family …………… to New Zealand in
a) got used to moving b) moved c) were moving d) move
10- I saw a nice T-shirt, ………………. to the shop and bought it.
a) go b) was going c) went d) didn’t go
- I (am used to – used – would – use to) the winding roads near my
2- She (got used to – use – used – would) to work long hours in the
3- The inhabitants (got used – were used – would – be used) keep
warm around the fire.
4- I (use – used – am using – am used) to have moped but now I
drive a car.
5- They (didn’t use – get used – would – were used) to write on
scrolls of paper.
6- I (would – am used to – get used to – use) listen to granddad’s
stories for hours.
7- Janie (is used to – use to – didn’t use to – would) flying kites.
8- Robert and Mary (get used to – used to – would – use to) using
the new software.
9- He used to (eating – ate – eat – had eaten) meat, but he
doesn’t now.

10- We (didn’t use – got used – weren’t used – would) to enjoy
visiting archeological sites.

I (am used - used – would - used to) to the winding roads near my
2) She (got used - use - used - would) to work long hours in the
3) This is a real mystery. We have to (look into - stick to - take in) it.
4) In the past, I couldn’t swing on the monkey bars, but now I (got
used to - got used - used to - am used to) to it.
5) The writing was very old and unclear, but you could just (look
into - let out - make out - take in)
6) Don’t you realize he’s (letting you out - taking you in - making
out) with his silly stories.
7) Neil Armstrong’s achievement was absolutely (remarkable -
conclusion - aggressive - generous).
8) They couldn’t explain why the walls of the house were covered
in a (revolving - sticky - usual - similar) green substance.
9) She isn’t nervous because (she is used to - get used to - didn’t
use to) giving speeches.
10) We would (eat - eating - eats) fish for dinner every Friday.
She has been living in London for five years, so she
……………………………… to the rain.
a) used to b) is used c) used d) get used
2- I ……………… used to studying alone yet.
a) Have got b) haven’t got c) got d) get
3- The detective found very strong ………………… against the
a) incidents b) evidence c) theories d) letters

4- A/An ………………. is a place where people live
a) settlement b) citizen c) nest d) hoax
5- I hate it when my brother plays a ………………… joke on me
a) practical b) amusing c) amazing d) illusion
6- We ..............across Peru when the earthquake happened.
a) got used to travelling b) were travelling
c) would travel d) travelled
7- I ..............the news about his disappearance until this morning.
a) would hear b) didn’t hear
c) got used to hearing d) don’t hear
8- What did you ………………………. do when you were young?
a) Would b) use to c) used to d) used
9- Sherlock Holmes was a famous …………………….
a) doctor b) scientist c) detective d) engineer
Rewrite the following sentences:
1- The company has decreased the price of its cars.
(Use an antonym)

2- The meat was chewy and the sauce was tested unnatural.
(Use a synonyms)
3- The new lights use less electricity.
(Use a synonym)
4- Lori gets shy if we ask her to sing.

(Use a synonym)
5- He made a lot of friends during the course of his career and
there were a lot of problems between them.
(Use an antonyms)
- It’s Seif’s habit to play football on Fridays. (usually)
seif usually plays football..........

2- They plan to travel to Canada next summer. (travelling)

they are travelling to............................
3- Dr. Smith doesn’t see his patients on Sundays. (never)
dr.smith never sees................

4- Mr. Mohamed is travelling to the U.S.A by plane. (not)

……………………………………………………………………….. isnt travelling to................
5- Seif and Amr are studying engineering in Cairo. (Are)

are seif and amr studying...............?
6- She plays tennis in the club. (Where)
where does she play?

7- He thinks he will fail in the exam. (Negative)

he doesnt think.................
8- Yes, our neighbour moves to the city. (Question)
does your neighbor move to the city?

9- Adam does his homework every day. (at the moment)

Adam is doing his homework at this moment
10-Rami doesn’t come late to school. (never)

Rami never comes late to school
Find the mistakes then correct them:
1- Mazen doesn’t knows Tamara very well.

2- Jack is wanting to talk to Nadeem on the phone.


3- He is study art history course to go to college.

4- Michael doesn’t study usually in the evenings.

usually doesnt study
5- He think about his family in Canada.

6- Why he isn’t working now?

isnt he
7- When do the first class start?

8- They play football at the moment?

are playing

9- Does he goes to school by bus?


10- She is seeming like an honest person?


They always watch football matches on TV. (Now)

They are whatching
is always forgetting
2- Ahmed ……………………… (forget) his H.W which is very

3- The cake …………………

smells (smell) good. (Correct)

4- He is never late for school (always)

he is always early to school

5- Everything is arranged for my travel to Alexandria tomorrow.


iam travelling to alex


Fill in the gaps with ‘save – make – keep – break’:

1- You would …….………………… time with a dishwasher.
2- Careful planning and preparation …….…………
make a difference.
3- I try to ………….
keep in touch with current events by reading the
4- I tried to break
…….…………… the ice by offering her a drink, but she
said no.
5- Graham knows he needs to ……….…
save strength. He is fighting a

6- Those who …….………….
make trouble in public places will be
7- I tried for months to ….…………….
break my habit of biting my nails, but
I couldn’t do it.
8- She said she wanted to ….……………
keep promise to her husband
that she would spend more time with the family.
Complete the sentences with these words:
(Black – blue – gold – green – pink- red)
1- The children were ………………………
as good as gold while you were out.
2- She was …………………
green with envy when she saw her sister’s
beautiful new dress.
3- Our teacher saw ……………
red when nobody in the class could
answer the question.
4- I’m tickled ……………….
pink that you enjoyed that cake I made for
5- When he’s feeling ………………………
blue he likes to go to the
cinema to cheer himself up.
6- Daniel is the …………………………
black sheep of the family, he’s the
only one who didn’t go to university.

Rewrite the following sentences:

1- Tom really wanted to get the highest mark in the test so he really
studied very hard. (Use an idiom)
was dying to
2- My mum was very angry when I broke her China vase last night.
(Use an idiom)
saw red
3-Justin likes to spend time with his little sister at the club.
(Use a phrasal verb)

hangs out with
4- My sister is really good at drawing.
(Use a phrasal verb)
natural at
5- The children were well-behaved at dinner time and ate their
meat quietly. (Use an idiom)
as good as gold
6- Tim was very unhappy when his best friend left the school.
(Use an idiom)
felt blue
Rewrite the following sentences:
1- This movie is exiting. (an)

2- I have taken one of the plates. (a)


3- Tigers are dangerous. (The)


4- The farmer picked one of the apples. (an)


5- No pupil is taller than Tom in the class. (the)


6- The player we met was famous. (a)


7- The gift he bought was expensive. (an)


8- Salma is polite. (a)


9- We need one kilo of potatoes. (a)


10- No girl is smarter than Mary. (the)


- River Nile is in Egypt. (correct the error)


2- There’s ……. cat in the garden. I think it’s ………. cat from next

(use a suitable article)

3- Sonia was delighted when I gave her the flowers.

(use an idiom with pink)


4- I want to have a positive effect on the world.



She was embarrass when she fell down.

(use the correct form of the
2- She felt uncomfortable and shy in the presence of the new
(use a synonym of the underline word)
3- She always walks to school every day.
4- This coffee is smelling delicious.
(correct the mistake)
5- Tim was very unhappy when his best friend left the school.
(use an idiom)

Pharaoh’s tombs are of a high artistic and cultural value.

(use a synonym)
2- Nuclear weapons are able to wipe out an entire city in no time.
(use a synonym)
3- It’s possible that we can find the shipwreck, because we
searched for a long time.
(use an antonym)

4- She’s an unpopular classmate due to her strange behaviour.
(use a synonym)

Fill in the gaps with these words:

(clue – conclude – evidence – hoax – investigate –
phenomenon – reports – solve)
There have been many …………… of people seeing the creature
Researchers have attempted to …………… these sightings, but no
one has yet managed to ………………. the mystery. Does the
creature really exist at all, or is it just a(n) ………….? Investigators
have very little ……………... to go on. There is one interesting
…………. in the form of a famous blurry photo of the creature, but it
looks like a man in an ape suit! None of the evidence is very
convincing, which has led most researchers to ……………… that the
Sasquatch ……………. is just someone’s idea of a joke!

Nada graduated from Cairo University last year.

2) Yes, Salma got the full marks last month.
3) Just as Amr was listening to music, Mohab switched it off.
4) I cooked lunch, and My sister listened to music.
5) Mohab has driven a car for 3 years.
(last year)

6) While we were having a picnic, it started to rain.



7) They taught English last year.



8) Yes, I was cleaning my room this morning.



9) They are preparing for the party now.

(all day yesterday)


10) My sister was watching a horror movie last night.



They are preparing for the party now.


2- She had a puppy when she was young.



3- she was walking when she met Ali ( As)


4-The children were thinking that the film was too scary (correct)


5- Many people are unwilling to embrace new technologies.

(use a synonym)

Complete the sentences with the correct phrasal verbs:
1- The old lady was completely …………………… by the robber’s
2- If you look closely at the paintings, you can just ……………………
the name of the artist.
3- I wish our teacher would …………………. one topic, he keeps
changing the subject.
4- She …………………. a terrible scream when she saw what was
behind the door.
5- We’re ………………. possible reasons for the problem.

Read and complete with the suitable form of the word:
1- What ………………… did you draw from the evidence?
2- The ……………… tells us about how people lived in the past.
3- What …………………… did he offer for the broken window?
4- The archaeologist made a ………………………. discovery.
5- I have never heard anything so ……………………………
6- …………………… scientist don’t believe the idea. (similar)
7- She told us a …………………… story about a boy and a horse.
It’s Menna’s habit to listen to some of music before sleeping.(used)
2- Rana always bought presents for her mother. (buy)
3- I don’t go out on weekdays. (be used to)
4- Salma doesn’t hang out with her friends on weekdays.
(be used to)
5- He didn’t like ice – cream when he was young. (used to)

I used to collect stamps when I was eleven years old. (Ask)

2- She got used to visiting her aunt alone. (negative)


3- The detective examined facts about the crime, but he couldn’t

find any clues to help him. (Use a phrasal verb)


4- The doctor gave me a detailed explain of my heart issue.

(Correct the mistake)


I was walking in the park yesterday at 9 am. (What...?)


2- We travelled to China and a storm hit the plane. (While)


3- She studies English every day. (yesterday at 10 o'clock)


4- Sarah couldn’t drive a car, but now she can (Be used to)



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