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2019 / HOME WORK

1. Turn the following sentences from the Active Voice to the Passive voice. (W&M/PG. 68/EX.40/29-34/18)
34. They opened the theatre only last month. (The theatre was opened only last month)
33. People will soon forget it. (it will soon be forgotten)
32. I have sold my bicycle. (My bicycle has been sold)
31. They sell TV’s here. (TV’s are sold here)
30. The enemy have defeated our army. (Our army had been defeated)
29. Somebody has put out the light. (The light has been put out)

2. Fill in the Past tense or Past Participle of the verb given. (W&M/PG. 96/EX.57/1-6/25)
1. see ….. It is years since I ____ him. He has ____ his best days. (saw, seen)
2. fall …. Of late the custom has ____ into disuse. The lot ____ upon him. (fallen, fell)
3. drink …. The toast was ____ with greater enthusiasm. (drunk)
4. speak …. He ____ freely when he had drunk alcohol. Marathi is ____ in Maharashtra. (spoke, spoken)
5. wear …. My patience ____ out at least. The inscription has ____ away in several places. (wore, worn)
6. tear …. In a fit of rage she ____ up the letter. The country is ____ by factions. (tore, torn)
11.12.2019 / HOME WORK
2. Choose the correct alternative (W&M/PG. 103/EX.59/12-19/27)
12. (shall/might/could) you show me the way to the station.
13. To save my life, I ran fast, and (would, could, was able to) reach sasfely.
14. I (would/ used/ought) to be an atheist but now I believe in god.
15. You (needn’t/mustn’t/won’t) light a match ; the room is full of gas.
16. The Prime Minister (would/need/is to) make a statement tomorrow.
17. You (couldn’t wait/didn’t need to wait/needn’t have waited) for me ; I could have found the way all right.
18. I was afraid that if I asked him again he (can, may, might)refuse.
19. She (shall/will/dare)sit outside her garden gate for hours at a time, looking at the passing traffic.

2. Put the following in Indirect Speech. (W&M/PG.218/EX.107/2-9/97)

2. ‘What a stupid fellow you are !’ he angrily remarked. (He angrily remarked that I (he/she) was a very stupid
3. He said, ‘My god ! I am ruined.’ (He exclaimed sadly that he was ruined)
4. He said, ‘Alas ! our foes are too strong.’ (He exclaimed sadly that their foes were too strong)
5. He said, ‘What a lazy boy you are ! How badly you have done your work !’ (He remarked that I/he was a very
lazy boy and that I/he had done my/his work very badly)
6. ‘How smart you are!’ she said. (She exclaimed that I/she/he is very smart)
7. He said, ‘oh ! that’s a nuisance’. (He exclaimed that it was a nuisance)
8. He said, ‘How cruel of him !’ (He remarked that it was very cruel of him)
9. He said, ‘What a pity you did not come !’. (He exclaimed that it was a great pity I (she/he/they/we) had not
12.12.2019 / HOME WORK
Write true or False : (13)
a) Generally speaking most of the common and collective nouns are uncountable. (F)
b) ‘Need’ and ‘Dare’ take verb + “s” or verb + “to” form in the negative. (F)
c) We use ‘Much’ with Adjectives or Adverbs in the positive degree, ‘Very’ with the comperative Degre. (F)
d) When the word with Positive Degree ends in ‘e’ only “r” and “st” are added. (T)
e) If the sentence does not makes sense when the pronoun is omitted, it is emphatic pronoun. (F)
f) A Present Participle is a Verbal Adjective. (T)
g) Abstract nouns may also have a plural form. (T)
h) Auxiliary Verbs are only used with Main Verbs to form Tenses. (F)
i) “Else” is an Adverb, not a Conjunction. (T)
j) Later and Latest denotes time, Latter and Last denotes Position. (T)
k) The Relative Pronoun should be placed as near as possible to the noun or the pronoun it refer to. (T)
l) Only uncountable nouns can be used with the indefinite article in the singular. (F)
m) The verb must agree with its subject in person and number. (T)


Large Enlarge Fright frighten
Apology Apologies Peace pacify
Fine Refine Dear endear
Haste Hasten Food feed

15.07.2020 / HOME WORK

1. Supply verbs in correct concord in the following complex sentences. (W&M/PG.215/EX. 103(1-10))
a. They sold the house because it ____ old. (was)
b. He solemnly assured them that they ____ quite mistaken. (were)
c. I came home before it ____ to rain. (ceased)
d. The soldiers advanced when the bugle ____. (sounded)
e. I asked him what his name ____. (was)
f. He had a cow that ____ enormous quantities of milk. (gave)
g. When the sun set he ____ home. (came/returned)
h. He told them that they ____ wrong. (were)
i. I heard that there ____ a disturbance in the city. (had been/was)
j. Could you doubt that there ____ a God ? (is)

2. Put the following in Indirect Speech. (W&M/PG.218/EX. 107(6-9))

a. ‘How smart you are!’ she said. (she exclaimed that I/he/she is very smart)
b. He said, ‘Oh ! That’s a nuisance’. (He exclaimed that it was a nuisance)
c. He said, ‘Howcruel of him !’. (He remarked that it was very cruel of him)
d. He said, ‘What a pity you did not come !’. (He exclaimed that it was a great pity I (she/he/they/we) had not come)

3. In each of the following sentences supply a verb in agreement with its subject. (W&M/PG.224/EX. 110(20-13))
a. Man’s happiness or misery ____ in a great measure in his own hands. (is)
b. The formation of paragraphs ____ very important. (is)
c. Two-thirds of the city _ in ruins. (is)
d. There ____ many objections to the plan. (are)
e. Neither hid father nor his mother ____ alive. (is)
f. The cow as well as the horse ____ grass. (eats)
g. Ninety rupees ____ too much for this bag. (is)
h. The ebb and flow of the tides ____ explained by Newton. (was)

1. Use one of the following words in its appropriate form to fill in each blank : (PKM/PG. 606)
Surprise, appoint, economy, energy, sleep, manage, success, look
a. It is more ____ to buy a big packet of Surf than a small one. (economical)
b. ____, your own business can cause a lot of financial worries. (Look)
c. Ram’s ____ ____ director came as no surprise. (appointment as)
d. Robin ____ late last night and was late for work the next morning. (slept)
e. Mohan has done ____ well in his final examination. (surprisingly)
f. His ____ in the examination made his parents happy. (success)
2. Join the following pairs of sentences with “who / which”. (PKM/PG. 611)

a. A body was found last week. The police are trying to identify the body.
(The police are trying to identify the body which was found last week)
b. I went to see the doctor. The doctor told me to rest for a few days.
(I went to see the doctor who told me to rest for a few days)
c. She told me her address. I wrote the address down on a piece of paper.
(She told me her address which I wrote down on a piece of paper)
d. The man answered the phone. He told me that you were out.
(The man who answered the phone told me that you were out)

3. Find from the given list of suitable phrases that will replace the underlined verbs in the following sentences.
Write the correct form of the phrases in the boxes given on the right. (PKM/PG. 611)
run away, put off, make out, take out, leave out
a. He had two teeth extracted yesterday. (taken out)
b. The cricket match has been postponed till next Monday. (put off)
c. A very important point has been omitted from the paragraph. (left out)
d. He escaped from home when he was six. (ran away)
e. She could not understand what the teacher was saying. (make out)

4. In the following passage there are certain wrong usage of tense and verb form, which are in italics. Write the
Correct words in the empty space on the right hand column of the passage: (PKM/PG. 617)

I remember the day I meet Jatinbabu ten years ago. I knew him through his letters and met
he could wrote the most charming letters I had ever reading. I saw him for the first write
time at the station when I have gone their to receive him. I will feel at ease he looked read
kindly and warm. Jatinbabu has take a fancy to this city and become a permanent had gone
resident of this place. felt

5. Combine each of the following groups of sentences into a simple sentence. Write the new sentence in the
empty space provided : (PKM/PG. 617)
a. I hear a scream. The scream is frightening.
(I hear a frightening scream)
b. My sister has lost her watch. It is a costly watch.
(My sister has lost her costly watch)
c. I walk for health every day. I walk in the morning.
(I walk for health every morning)
d. His friend promises to come on a visit. He will come on Saturday.
His friend promises to come on a visit on Saturday)

6. Fill in the blanks in the following sentence with appropriate articles and prepositions :

Fifty boys and girls ____ (of) the age group of 10 to 12 are being trained ____ (in) a table tennis camp jointly
organized ____ (by) ____ (the) Bengal Table Tennis association and ____ (the) West Bengal State Council of
Sports ____ (at) the Iden Garden.

7. Make the directed changes in the following sentences without changing their meaning. (A.D.E./ PAGE –
1. I will finish the job by supper time. (use future perfect tense) I will have finished the job by supper time.
3. I have sent ten e-mails yesterday. (use simple past tense) I sent ten e-mails yesterday.
5. It was raining all night and the grass was very wet. (use past perfect tense) It had rained all night and the
grass was very wet.
7. The new minister will be making his television debut this evening. (use simple present tense) The new
minister makes his television debut this evening.
10. A light passenger plane crashed in London. (use present perfect tense) A light passenger plane has
crashed in London.
11. She didn’t write to Samar because she lost his address. (use past perfect tense) She didn’t write to Samar
because she had lost his address.
13. When Vikrant arrived, I had waited for 35 minutes. (use past perfect continuous tense) When Vikrant
arrived I had been waiting for 35 minutes.
14. The boat is full of water. It is sinking. (use future indefinite tense) The boat is full of water. It will sink.
16. My sister has been living in New York. (use present indefinite tense) My sister lives in New York.
18. I wonder, if you will be free this evening. (use past indefinite tense) I wondered, if you were free this
19. I was making coffee. Would you like a cup ? (use present perfect tense) I have made coffee, would you
like a cup?
20. Sahir finished his lunch. He sat down to watch a film. (use past perfect tense) When Sahir had finished his
lunch, he sat down to watch a film.

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