Candela Obscura Assignment - If It Bleeds, It Leads v1.3

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Assignment #708:

If It Bleeds, It Leads
If It Bleeds, It Leads

An Assignment for Candela Obscura

Content warning: Serial Killers, Body Horror, Medical

Experimentation, Allusions to Suicide
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Dramatis Personae

Exploration I: The City Morgue

Exploration II: The Apartment

Escalation I: The Navarre House
Climax: The Mortenebran

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Premise Hooks

A murderer stalks the streets of Newfaire. Noted surgeon Read this section to the players as the hook for this
Dr. Samuel Haversham was killed in his elegant residence adventure:
in the Sidle, and a dark message scrawled in his blood: I
As the investigators unravel the mystery, they see eerily An older man with a revolver careens into the study. He
similar signs cropping up all around them that the killer fumbles for a key in the elegant mahogany desk, locking
intends to strike again. Can the investigators stop them in the door with an unsteady hand. In a rush, he flips over
time? the framed photograph on the desk, knocks framed
Threats artwork off of the walls with a crash of breaking glass,
and tilts a standing mirror so that it faces the wall.
The Mortenebran (body/Bleed): Breathing hard, he wheels wildly, pointing his revolver at
The Mortenebran is a vaguely humanoid creature from the encroaching shadows.
beyond the Flare, possessed of a peculiar sense of justice.
It stalks those who have grievously harmed others, and kills “Come out, you bastard!” he shouts, backing up towards
anyone who gets in its way - investigators included! an elegantly curtained window.

The Paparazzi (brain): A shadow of a clawed hand emerges from just behind
The journalists’ saying goes “If it bleeds, it leads” - and this him. It is about to touch his robed shoulder, when the
investigation is certainly bloody! The press are closely scene cuts to black. There is a scream in the darkness,
following this case with ghoulish interest, raising the tension followed by gunshots.
for your investigators and shining an unwelcome light on the
activities of Candela Obscura.
Feel free to use one of these hooks to further customize the
dramatis personae assignment to your Circle of investigators.

The Surgeon: Scientific Community:

Dr. Samuel Haversham (he/him) You know Dr. Samuel Haversham - as a colleague at
Grayslate Sanitorium, a fellow scientist, or a macabre
The Detective: observer of his lectures in the public morgue. When you
Inspector Vivian Navarre (she/her) receive word of his death, you feel obliged to answer the
call for investigators.
The Paparazzi:
Lydia Devereux (she/her) A Stringer for the Halen Star:
Freelance work is hard to break into as a journalist in
Newfaire. You may have found your big break - Editor Zyair
Adisa (they/them) from The Halen Star needs a stringer on
a breaking murder case, someone close to the action and
unknown to the Periphery. You leap at the career-making

Ghoulish Revenge:
Someone known to you was dissected by the noted
surgeon and put on display in front of an operating theater
of murmuring strangers in the City Morgue. This never sat
right with you, and you’ve been looking for your chance to
discredit the surgeon ever since. As you hear of his death,
you see an opportunity to give the man a taste of his own

As always, customize these assignment hooks to make a

compelling investigation that suits your Circle!

A Note on Clues:
Clues are provided with suggested context, but feel free to
rework the clues to be discovered by your investigators
based on their line of inquiry and dice rolls. If the clue is a
page of a journal, for instance, you might find the same
information by asking a journalist about the subject.
The “Three Clue Rule” describes how to use this technique
Dr. Samuel Haversham, the Surgeon in detail, and is generally a great resource!

Read this section to the players:

You’ve been called in by Candela Obscura at the request

of your local contact in the Periphery. There was a grisly
murder in an affluent section of The Sidle, and the
responding detectives are at a loss to explain the crime.
Arriving on Mulberry Street, you are greeted by solemn
and venerable Brownstones illuminated by recently
installed electric lamps. A crowd of journalists and
onlookers swells with anticipation and morbid curiosity
around the address you seek.
The journalists, feverishly scribbling notes and snapping
the occasional flashbulb photograph, jostle for prime Lydia Devereux, the Journalist
positions to capture any sensational detail of the crime.
The onlookers, a mix of concerned neighbors and If your investigators enter the Haversham residence, read
thrill-seekers, whisper amongst themselves, their faces a this section to the players:
tapestry of shock and fascination.
Making your way into the Haversham home, you see a
neatly ordered display of middling affluence being
Reveal: A classic locked-room mystery, Dr. Samuel actively trodden on. Periphery officers and inspectors are
Haversham was killed in his study with all doors and cataloging the house, looking for clues. Some are milling
windows locked. A grisly scene awaits the investigators. around in small groups, eying you suspiciously. They
Your Circle of investigators are provided with an address on seem to be making little progress.
Mulberry Street in The Sidle, the wealthiest part of an
The first floor contains a well-kept library and sitting
up-and-coming middle class neighborhood. Homes are
respectable brick Brownstones with comparatively spacious room, filled with the latest medical journals and scientific
lawns. texts. A fastidiously cleaned kitchen and dining room are
The address your investigators are seeking has a small also located here.
crowd of reporters and onlookers outside, perhaps 20 The second floor contains a master bedroom, a guest
people in all. Several uniformed Periphery officers have
cordoned off the steps leading up bedroom, and a cordoned-off door to the study.

To enter the home, the investigators will need to be creative.

Your investigators will be rapidly introduced to the senior
The home has the following characteristics: detective on the case, Inspector Vivian Navarre. She is a
tough former beat cop who has recently been promoted to
● The front door is blocked by a police cordon. detective. On her recommendation, your outside group of
Periphery officers will let you through, as you are investigators was brought in when the evidence did not add
expected, but you will need to produce identity up into a feasible crime. Vivian is a recurring character in
cards. The journalists will not miss this. this Assignment, so be sure to volunteer her to provide
● The back door is accessible through a back alley. It information from the Periphery to the investigators as a
is locked but unguarded. liaison. She makes emphatically clear that your
● If accosted by the journalists, be sure to introduce investigators are to avoid the press outside, as she will
the smiling face of Lydia Devereux of the Newfaire tolerate no leaks.
Inquirer. She may even follow the investigators if
they could have reasonably been tailed. She would Inspector Navarre will rapidly catch the investigators up on
love to snap a photograph and get a few details the victim’s background: Dr. Haversham is a respected
like the names of assisting detectives, but she is surgeon who performs well-attended autopsies at the City
perfectly comfortable inventing the rest. Morgue. He is a leading mind in the emergent science of
● Several of the journalists tuck cards into the neurosurgery. His attending work in neurosurgery has saved
investigators pockets or palms, in case the countless lives at Grayslate Sanitorium. He has no known
investigators want to contact them later. enemies.

If the players opt to investigate the room, they may find:
● The door was locked prior to being kicked in by the
Periphery’s responding officers.
● Footprints have thoroughly spoiled the crime
scene, as the responding officers trampled
everything before Inspector Navarre arrived and
took control of the scene. On a remarkably
successful roll, your investigators might glean a
single bloody bare footprint, unnaturally elongated
and leaving marks like claws.
● The blood on the scene, particularly scrawled
across the wall, is contaminated by bleed. Some of
the responding officers may show signs of bleed
● The blood was smeared on the wall by hand and
lacks fingerprints. A particularly astute investigator
will notice a pattern, denoting that the hand had
long fingernails or claws.
● Two bullet holes are in evidence, one through the
desk, and the other through the book shelf on the
opposite side of the room. Whoever Dr.
Vivian Navarre, the Periphery Inspector Haversham was firing at was moving quickly, or the
If the players opt to investigate the home, they may find: Doctor was firing wildly. In reality, it was the latter
● The ash trays in the home are filled to overflowing. option, as the Doctor was grabbed from the
The housekeeper, a nervous individual named window behind.
Alex Sinclair (they/them), notes that Dr. ● The Doctor left a cryptic note in his desk: “Voices
Haversham smoked when anxious. emanate from mirror. Symbolic? Psychosomatic?
● An old photo of Dr. Haversham and his family sits Stress?”
on a table in the sitting room, flipped over so that it
is obscured. He is a widower, and the two children
A note on Journalism in Newfaire
in the photo would be young adults by now. As this Assignment heavily features the press, it helps to
● Dr. Haversham’s doctor's bag contains the tools of know who is who in the world of Newfaire journalism. Feel
his trade as well as patient notes. A surprising free to use the following lore for your background
number of his patients at Grayslate Sanatorium information or supply it to an in-the-know investigator.
died under his care, perhaps a 60% mortality rate.
● As noted in his research notes or diary, the
doctor’s methods are experimental, and he is The Civil Tribune
looking to perfect new techniques in brain surgery.
His reach may exceed his grasp, however, as he Like many turn-of-the-century new outlets, The Civil
believes in popular but inaccurate medical theories Tribune works hand-in-glove with the Primacy. Coverage
like phrenology. is fawning for friends of the government, and scathing
● Dr. Haversham’s housekeeper or colleagues at towards those who stand in the way or expose
Grayslate can confirm that he was unmoved by the inconvenient truths.
deaths of his patients. A few lives were a small
price to pay for the advancement of medical The Halen Star
science, he would say.
If your investigators enter the second floor study, read this A reputable paper with a roster of internationally-known
section to the players: journalists, the Halen Star is progressive periodical often
at odds with the Periphery. One of few publications to
Once the cordon is removed, you are able to enter the contain rare but accurate accounts of the supernatural.
second floor study. The room is wrecked and stinks of
fresh blood mixed with gunpowder. Paintings have been The Newfaire Inquirer
knocked off the walls, their glass shattered on the lush This tabloid will print anything scandalous and salacious
carpet. The long mahogany desk, cracked by a stray for the sheer entertainment value of it. Little attention is
bullet, has a face-down photograph of the doctor’s family. paid to the factual accuracy of the coverage. Some
The door of the room still has a key in its lock on the stories are made up from whole cloth, while others
inside. contain tidbits of truth provided by sources with an ax to
The body of Dr. Haversham lays face down, surrounded grind.
by a dark congealed pool. He has been brutally attacked, McLeod’s Magazine
his robe hanging off in ribbons, slashed as though by
razor-sharp blades. A revolver is curled limply under one Originally a literary journal, McLeod’s publishes both
cold hand. fiction as well as well-researched investigative
journalism. McLeod’s reporters are called “muckrakers”
Scrawled on the wall in the dark brown of dried blood, in
by their enemies in the elite, due to their propensity for
madly weaving handwriting, is the phrase: “I KNOW
uncovering official corruption and scandalous conditions
for the city’s poor.

Exploration I: The
City Morgue

Reveal: Dr. Haversham was unethical, even by the

standards of the day, taking little care to keep his patients
Read the following section as players approach The
Newfaire Morgue:

The Newfaire Morgue is an imposing brick edifice, a

peculiar nexus of curiosity and the ceaseless march of
medical progress.
Within, gas-lit operating theaters draw a mix of medical Dr. Hiroki Tanaka, the Medical Examiner
students, curious intellectuals, and those with a morbid
fascination for the macabre. The echoing footsteps of the
attending anatomists mingled with the occasional gasp or Exploration II:
The Apartment
murmur from the gallery. The entire building, from the
lobby to the operating theaters, reeks of formaldehyde.
An attendant smiles at you politely from the central lobby
desk, ready to offer directions.

Reveal: The killer has struck again - this time, the victim is
The Newfaire Morgue serves two constituencies with its someone the investigators know, the journalist Lydia
public autopsies of the city’s unclaimed dead: scientific Devereux.
types and those with a gruesome taste in entertainment. In
a bustling, turn-of-the-century city like Newfaire, there is no Depending on how the investigators bonded with the
shortage of both. characters in the first act, the introduction to this next phase
may differ. Here are a few suggestions, choose the option
The attendant on duty will assume that you are members of which will resonate best with your table:
the public here to observe autopsies. If you ask to speak ● Lydia sends the investigators a telegram or courier
with Dr. Haversham’s colleagues, you will be directed to Dr. note asking for assistance. She is being stalked
Hiroki Tanaka (he/him). and hearing whispered voices, and has made no
friends in the Periphery to help her with her loose
If the players opt to question Dr. Tanaka, they may learn: ● If the investigators actively dislike Lydia, make the
● Dr. Haversham’s public autopsies were well approach through Inspector Navarre, who would
attended, and he had a flair for both bleeding-edge have been called in to investigate the crime scene
research and showmanship. after Lydia’s death. Inspector Navarre sends a
● His techniques on skull trepanation, drilling into the runner to collect the investigators at once.
skull to reduce pressure after a traumatic injury, Lydia’s apartment is located down a crowded alley in The
are the state-of-the-art and actively saving lives. Sidle, newly built but definitely not an affluent block. The
● Once, a friend or associate of the deceased apartment backs up to the still ruined Westwreck district,
attempted to interrupt an autopsy. This happens with its landmines and shell-pocked landscape.
from time to time, and staff quickly intervene
against any interruptions.
● He believed in phrenology, the pseudoscience that When the players enter the building, read the following:
criminality and other behavior could be determined
by the shape of the skull. Hardly controversial at The apartment block is located down a dead-end alley,
this time, Dr. Tanaka believes it also. just beside the still-scarred ruins of Westwreck.
● With an appropriate test, Dr. Tanaka will reveal that Entering past a bored-looking doorman, you head up the
Dr. Haversham was unconcerned whether the
patients of his experimental treatments survive. stairs beyond a broken brass elevator. Lydia’s address is
The excess fatalities were “a small price to pay” for on the fourth floor, wedged in between tightly packed
medical advancements. apartments.
● With significant convincing, Dr. Tanaka will reveal
that he thinks an unreasonable number of Dr. Luckily, you seem to have beaten the press here. There
Haversham’s patients arrived for autopsies after is no crowd waiting outside the door.
failed operations. More than any other surgeon he
can think of, certainly.

When the players enter the unit, read the following:
If the players opt to investigate the apartment, they may
The unit is cramped, with two small desks and a sofa
crowded into the main room, which doubles as the
● The newsprint on the walls have highlighted stories
kitchen. written by Lydia Deveroux.
One of the desks has a typewriter with a half-finished ● On a successful test, the investigators hone in on
page inserted and yellowed newsprint pinned to the wall one series of news stories featuring a rather
outlandish conspiracy around a local businessman
behind it, with the byline underlined in pencil. accused of selling scarlet moonshine. It’s unclear if
A man who looks to have been crying sits on the sofa, the businessman was guilty of bootlegging, but he
with Inspector Navarre standing beside him taking notes. was almost certainly not the center of a conspiracy
involving agents of Otherwhere. Your investigators
She gives the investigators an inscrutable look as she may have followed the story, either as Inquirer
snaps the notepad closed. readers or as interested parties who knew the
● The contraband trial was short and conclusive like
Four rooms branch off of the main room - two bedrooms, a most trials in Newfaire, but the man was later
bathroom, and a darkroom filled with photography murdered in prison by a believer in the conspiracy
equipment. - “a faithful reader,” the newsprint describes.
● On a successful test, the investigators glean that
these articles are hung up like trophies and were
Inspector Navarre will hold off on speaking to the taken as a point of pride by Lydia.
investigators until they complete their sweep of the ● The typewriter has a half-finished news article on
apartment. She doesn’t want to prejudice their opinions, but the Haversham murder. It is written in Lydia’s
she is convinced that there is a serial killer at work. She will typical style. The last line stops mid-sentence, and
point out the footprints in the bathroom and the typewriter reads “I KNOW WHAT YOU DID I KNOW WHAT
text only if the investigators miss them. YOU DID.” The keys of the mechanical typewriter
have been pressed hard enough to indent the
If the players opt to question the roommate, Gilbert paper where the typebars struck.
Steineman (he/him), they may learn: ● The darkroom has a blurry photograph of a large
shadowy figure outside of the bathroom window, 4
● Gilbert has been crying. He and Lydia were stories up.
friends, and he discovered her drowned in the
bathtub. If the players enter the bathroom, read the following:
● Gilbert works as a fashion photographer, and he
and Lydia share a darkroom.
● He will scoff at any suggestion that they were The tiny bathroom is silent except for the sound of
romantically involved - Gilbert favors men. dripping water and the echoes of voices coming through
● Gilbert will confide in the investigators that he was the thin walls.
worried his roommate was losing her mind. She
said she was hearing voices threatening her, but A body, smaller in death than life, lies slumped over the
when she turned, the speaker was gone. edge of the bathtub, half submerged. Fully dressed in
● With significant convincing, he will also reveal that working attire, you recognize Lydia Deveroux.
Lydia had a cold streak. She seemed genuinely
pleased when a man she published a dubious The floor is wet enough that you need to be careful to
expose about was murdered by other prisoners in step inside.
Brinkley Penitentiary. “Any byline is a good byline,”
she used to say, and murders were the best of all.
If the players opt to investigate the bathroom, they may
● The door was locked from the inside, but jimmied
open by Gilbert when no one answered his knocks.
● The mirror has been struck with a perfume bottle,
the broken shards of both lying in the wash basin.
● The tiny square window has paint over the latch - it
has not been opened in a long time.
● An astute investigator may notice: There are two
sets of bare footprints in the water on the floor.
One sized small, and one unnaturally elongated
and ending with claw marks. The unnatural
footprints appear to originate at the sealed window.
These will soon evaporate as evidence.
● An astute investigator may notice: there are fresh
scratches on the back of Lydia’s neck, under
where her wet hair would fall. She was held under
the water by someone with sharp nails.
As the investigators wrap up here and go to leave, they are
likely to be surprised in the hallway by journalists. Gilbert
informed both the Periphery and Lydia’s employer, where
Gilbert Steineman, the Roommate the information was promptly leaked to several newspapers.

Escalation I: The
bottle with no cap within easy reach. Her eyes look like
she has not slept and she sways in her seat.
“It’s about time you got here. The voices are getting

Navarre House louder.”

Having been haunted by the creature for several hours,

Inspector Navarre is a wreck. She has called for trusted
reinforcements from the Periphery station house, two
Reveal: The serial killer is a creature that hunts the guilty. toughs who will ask no questions and dole out violence
unflinchingly. She then settled into her cups and waited for
Optional: Rather than Inspector Navarre, if any of your your investigators to arrive.
investigators have a terrible deed in their past, you can use
them as the Mortenebran’s final target in this assignment! Inspector Navarre will honestly relate the night she
Inspector Navarre begins to hear voices after the discovery committed murder to the investigators, ashamed but feeling
of Lydia’s body. Years ago, the Inspector shot an unarmed she has nothing to lose. The whiskey doesn’t hurt, either.
man by mistake during a Periphery raid on a speakeasy, She didn’t intend to kill the man, but he surprised her and
and planted a knife on the victim’s body at her Sergeant’s she acted too quickly.
suggestion. This murder has attracted the Mortenebran’s
vengeful gaze. She then asks the investigators to protect her from what is
coming. Your investigators have plenty of time to make
While Inspector Navarre has not pieced together all of the preparations, perhaps a full hour, before The Mortenbran
clues, she knows she needs help as she begins to hear attempts its assault.
vengeful voices and see fleeting figures in mirrors and If the players opt to investigate the Navarre house, they will
window glass. For physical protection, she asks several find:
trusted Periphery beat cops to defend her home. She then ● The Inspector lives here alone with her cat, having
sends word via courier or telegram for the Circle of inherited the place from her parents, two deceased
investigators to assist with the magickal side of things. factory workers.
● Sizeable furniture, like the kitchen table and a
When the players approach the Navarre household, read thoroughly scratched up armoire, can be used to
the following: block the front door and the windows to the back
● Nails and boards can be found in a small shed in
In the predawn hours, the streets of old South Soffit are the miniscule backyard.
nearly vacant, with a few shadowed figures flitting from ● Mirrors are present in the small bathroom and
bedroom, one above the washbasin and one
alley to alley. A matted black tomcat crosses your path, beside the bed.
its back arched and teeth bared. Tightly clustered homes If your players are engaging with the journalism aspect of
are teetering in claustrophobic lots, the windows the story thus far, feel free to have a crowd of press show
watching you in silence. Trellises of overhead walkways up at the house, having been tipped by someone in the
and electrical lines blot out the lightening night sky. Periphery station house. The journalists can distract the
Periphery guards and generally lend a human dimension to
Before long, you arrive at the specified address, an the horror in the final act.
unassuming ranch house nestled incongruously against a
hulking warehouse. The mailbox at the end of the short
drive displays “The Navarre’s.”
An imposing uniformed Periphery officer stands on the
front stoop, a cudgel at the ready. Another paces the
perimeter with a pistol, watching the back entrance.

The Periphery officer is expecting your investigators, and let

you through without objection. If questioned, they will admit
that they don’t know what they are on the lookout for, but
“Navarre says we’ll know it when we see it.”

When the players enter the Navarre household, read the


Inside the house, several gas lamps are burning.

Inspector Navarre is seated at a low stool next to a
kitchen passthrough window. She has a sawed off
shotgun draped over her knee, and a labelless whiskey

Background on the Mortenebran
Climax: The The Mortenebran is humanoid in appearance, but heavily
muscled and taller than average at roughly 7 to 8 feet tall.

Its jaw is overdeveloped and its eyes have a frog-like
quality, bulging out from the sides of its head. It hunts as an
ambush predator, emerging from reflective surfaces, and is
more than a match for most of its solitary prey.
The creature itself is an alchemical chimera, one of the last
Reveal: Your investigators are trapped between an horrific simulacra created in the laboratories of Oldfaire.
interdimensional killer and its quarry - can the investigators Created by a loyal alchemist to hunt down traitors of the
outwit the creature to save Inspector Navarre and Empress Iomene, the creature is imbued with a brutal sense
themselves? of vindictiveness. It will hunt down and destroy anyone it
knows to have committed a heinous act according to its own
The final confrontation with the Mortenebran is a siege draconian logic. A creature marked for death by the
situation. Depending on how well your investigators have Mortenebran will first be stalked, with the monster
prepared, based on what they have gleaned about the whispering from mirrors and windows, detailing the crimes
Mortenebran’s behavior, they will have an easier or more that the victim committed.
difficult time of the grand finale.
After the fall of Oldfaire, the Mortenebran were left to their
As this was a fairly low-risk Assignment up to this point, we own devices, reappearing only periodically to slay those
can set a high initial value on the countdown dice that they deemed unworthy of life. The creatures propagate
represents the Mortenbran’s health in the climax scene. We themselves beyond the Flare, and enter the material world
can begin at 10. For each reasonable precaution the through thinnings like many phenomena. Once inside the
investigators take, reduce the countdown dice by 1 - for material world, the Mortenebran can travel freely through
instance, if they barricade the windows, break the mirrors, mirrors and other reflective surfaces, like glass, spilled
or sober up the Inspector, the Mortenebran has a more blood, and still water.
difficult time assailing the group.

The Mortenebran can be dispatched with pure violence, but
it is a tough creature and this is a difficult approach. It can
also be unsummoned by exonerating its victims. If the
investigators roll well and can explain why either Dr.
Haversham, Ms. Deveroux, or Inspector Navarre are not
guilty of heinous wrongdoing, they can weaken the creature
or unsummon it altogether. If the investigators opt for this
approach, set the countdown dice at 6 instead of 10. Now is your chance to wrap up the assignment and
For each critical success the investigators roll during the describe what happens in the world once the player
climax scene, reduce the countdown dice by 3. For each full characters are gone. Remember that you have full narrative
success, reduce the countdown dice by 2. And for each agency during the hook and the epilogue, so you can
mixed success, reduce the countdown dice by 1. explore the story in ways that you cannot just by following
the player characters.
As a note, the Periphery officers that were brought in by
Inspector Navarre are unused to threats from beyond the
Flare. Without significant convincing, they will break and run The press coverage of events influenced by your Circle of
upon seeing the Mortenebran. investigators can play a significant role in the epilogue. The
If the final confrontation looks to be going completely dogged researchers at McLeod’s might release an expose
sideways for the investigators, a guilty party might offer uncovering Dr. Haversham’s crimes at Grayslate
themselves to the Mortenebran as a sacrifice. Inspector Sanitorium, particularly if the investigators leaked them
Navarre is an ideal candidate. This would of course inflict evidence. The coverage could lead to reforms. The
weighty Brain marks on the survivors. Newfaire Inquirer might even evolve into a recurring foe!

Epilogue Questions:
1. Did the investigators successfully destroy or
unsummon the Mortenebran?
2. Did they help anyone during the course of their
3. Did they bond with any NPCs, and if they did,
what became of them?
4. Did they form any alliances or enmities with the
NPCs or supernatural forces chasing them?
5. Did the investigators successfully rescue
Inspector Navarre?

All artwork was generated using AI, like ArtFlow.

Thank you to u/YaAlex for creating the basis for our

Assignment design template, available here!
A vision of a Mortenebran.

Thank you for playing this game - I do this for fun, and it
brings me joy to be a part of your storytelling world!


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