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Narsinh Mehta:

Characters: Narsinh Mehta, Manek (his wife), Bansidhar (his brother), Gauri (his sister-in-law),
Shiva, Krishna, Gopis, holy man

Bansidhar: My brother… I always knew he was destined to be a devotional poet… It all started when
we were kids…

Bansidhar and Narsinh sitting together.

Bansidhar: Go on, can you try to say ‘brother’. Br-o-ther!

Narsinh just looks at him and then looks down, unable to say anything.

Bansidhar: Oh, Narsinh. You’re 8 years old already, and you can’t speak a word. Our grandmother is
so worried about you too. She told me that the two of us should go see a holy man, and that maybe
he’ll be able to help.

Narsinh just looks at his brother. The holy man enters. Bansidhar gently takes Narsinh by the hand
and guides him to the holy man. The whole time Narsinh keeps his head down, his body language
betraying his lack of confidence.
Holy man: So this young man here has trouble speaking, is it?

Bansidhar: Yes, he’s my brother. He hasn’t said a word since he was a child.

Holy man: Hm… I sense something in him… to Narsinh Hello, child. Can you say the words -
‘Radhe Shyam’? It’s another name for Lord Krishna.

Narsinh’s body language changes entirely - he stands up straighter, his eyes are brighter, he looks
more confident, like he found something that he has been looking for.

Narsinh: Ra-dhe Shya-am. Radhe Shyam!

Bansidhar: That’s when I knew… He had a unique relationship with God. After that, life went more
or less normally. We grew up under the care of our grandmother, who made sure we both got married.

Manek and Gauri walk in and stand next to their respective husbands. They all smile, as if for a
family photo.

Bansidhar: We were happy.

Gauri: We were not happy. I think Bansidhar was happy having his brother’s entire family living with
us, but I simply couldn’t live like that.

She then talks to Bansidhar, but loud enough that the others can hear. Bansidhar tries to make her
speak softer, but she doesn’t pay any heed. Narsinh and Manek try to pretend they can’t hear but
exchange awkward looks; halfway through the next dialogue he nudges her to leave so she doesn’t
hear these cruel words.
Bansi, but we have to make so much extra food with them here… You know how much work it is?
They’re such a burden. You don’t understand. Don’t you want your wife to be happy? Why must you
ruin my life like this? Please! Tell your brother to go away, find another place to live. For me, your
dear wife.

Bansidhar: Please Gauri, let’s talk about this later!

Bansidhar exits, leaving Narsinh and Gauri on stage.

Gauri: I will get you out of this house if it’s the last thing I do!

She exits. A troubled-looking Narsinh buries his face in his hands and then invokes God before sitting
down to meditate.

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