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Dear Mister John,

I hope you are in good spirits. Have you ever found yourself fascinated with AI? The word
“AI” alone accompanies a certain grace, as it has been overly praised over a decade. Truly, AI
is amazing. But, is it really suitable to be used in our classrooms? Well, I hope this letter will
answer this perplexing question.

As we can see from every part of the world, Robots and AI stand out to be a new looming
force, taking over jobs, and assisting humans in every way possible. Not only does AI make
no mistake, it isn’t adorned with human emotions: there is no envy, lust, or anger in them.
Owing to that, it can work all day, all night, without having to take a single break. Such is an
outstanding feat, isn’t it?

The might of AI extends beyond mere lack of feelings: it can embellish our classrooms with
intriguing visuals that will beckon students to engage in lessons with more passion. To add,
they can do almost everything. Can they grade our papers? Yes. Can they compare our
results? Yes. Can they point out obscure mistakes? Yes. Moreover, it can even draw a
schedule for us, and print the latest textbooks. Such a thing, if it is a human, appears to be an
ideal teacher for all students.

However, there is one trait that AI shares with us humans. It is that they are not perfect. The
main thing that makes AI almost inapplicable is nothing other than their lack of emotions.
For we humans yearn for human touch and interaction, AI can never replace teachers.
Therefore, being a teacher involves more than just teaching. One must know how to talk to
students, how to understand them, and how to deal with them. Only through sharing words,
smiles, and physical touches can us humans build healthy relationships. That is why it is not
easy to be a teacher as we humans are polarising beings, inherently cursed with emotions.

Furthermore, Robots are greatly interested by kids who are the most eager to see the latest
technology in their classrooms. Although Robots may benefit them, some students can be
disturbed from their lessons by simply falling in love with glamorous Robots. Or for some
students, Robots can be annoying, and taken less seriously. Simultaneously, we must also
consider the money to purchase Robots and maintain them. But there is one easier option.
What about we just use AI or a robot as an assistant for our teachers?

With no doubt, this option also has its benefits and drawbacks. Firstly, it can undermine
teachers’ confidence in their teachings; and some elderly teachers might not even know how
to use them. For most of the time, it is better to leave teachers alone with their students. Only
by then shall the classrooms thrive with human interactions and emotions, creating the best
studying environment. On the contrary, we cannot shun the outstanding feats of using a
robot as an assistant. Not only can it help teachers grade faster and more accurately, it can
also boost the efficiency of lessons.

I believe enough has been said to give you some ideas about the use of AI in our classrooms.
From my perspective as a student, I do not want to see a plastic toy acting like a teacher in
my classroom. The final decision is up to you, of course. What matters most is supporting
your students no matter what choice is made in the end, which I have no qualms about you
doing. I hope my insights were valuable to you – do let me know what you decide!



Dear John,

I hope this letter finds you happy and well. I am writing this letter to assure you that
everything will go as planned; you don’t have to trouble your mind, fearing that it won’t be
perfect. It will be fine. Don’t think too much about it. My motive behind writing this really
was to share how thinking too much deeply can affect our lives.

Thinking is intertwined with constant pressure and anxiety. Who would want to live a
life filled with such? Sometimes you are simply there to experience it, not to emanate
continuous, endless questions. From thinking too much, you won’t be able to produce a final
decision, for you have been brimmed with self-doubts, fears of getting judged for not being
perfect. Well, not everything is perfect. It’s the nature of us humans. We are, after all,
animals who make mistakes; even the wisest of the wisest aren’t freed of flaws. Thus, don’t
be afraid that everything isn’t perfect. It’s just the way of nature.

However, not thinking entirely is, indeed, dangerous. But analyzing every detail? No.
In the process of doing so, you will miss out the beauty of merely watching, and letting
yourself immersed in this ecstatic theatre of life. You might assume that every single detail
matters, no matter how small it is, since they can become indispensable later. Well, thinking
will somehow give you a clue of what is actually going on. Nevertheless, for instance, a man
of great deeds, like Napoleon, who wavers and doubts in a moment of a difficult decision,
experiences a point where the thinking of cause and effect proves to be insubstantial and fate
reveals itself. Then no more thinking helps, only instinct, faith in yourself.

On the other hand, I must confess that there are good things about thinking. Firstly,
it prepares you to face the worst, and not be crushed down by it forthwith. Moreover, it can
even make things better, since you have been utterly prepared, and adorned with the
insights, which are invisible to those who don’t think. Observing is good, and also a scientific
technique, which gave birth to the most outstanding discoveries. Through that, you can
predict everything. All that being said, it’s, above all, mentally draining and exhausting.

The main problem, tangled with thinking, is that: it cannot help us paint the
future-no matter how much you think, our future is unpredictable, so do our lives. It is not
within our hands, but somewhere beyond, in a place we cannot reach. Another thing is, that
thinking alone won’t solve the problem, but taking actions will. And only through “going with
it”, you can take actions, not by sitting and thinking.

In conclusion, thinking is good, but not over-thinking. If you are an over-thinker, you
can still change your habit, though it may take time. So don’t stifle your mind, by thinking
too much. Pursue happiness. You deserve it, we all do. Well, I’ve said enough, therefore, I
will end my letter here. I hope my insights were helpful to you. Goodbye!

Magazine article.

Small change, Big difference?

“Alas, the world is ending, the sea level is increasing, the atmosphere is getting warmer, and
animals are dying.” Surely, we are all sick of these constant outcries and drama. And now
they are urging us to stop buying green products. Oh, I thought those cute little things are
helpful to solve those issues. What happened? Well, here’s what they have to say.

Apparently, we all like saving our planet Earth, for we are full of benevolence. Oh, how we
love the earth! But what if we have been following the erroneous way to save the Earth the
entire time? Such is a misfortune. There is no denying in our love for green products; we
once thought ourselves saviors of the earth by buying those. But no. We need to do
something bigger, something more effective. Major changes are needed; we must do
whatever is in our power to save the Earth! Sue the companies if there is a need for it. Sue
them all. Don’t you dare touch your electronic devices! Don’t you dare drive! Through
enduring and spending our days drenched in sweats, shall we all save the Earth.

However, to do such a thing almost seems impossible. Although it’s true that animals are
dying and forests are diminishing, climate change isn’t the only problem we face nowadays.
We must also consider other prominent issues such as politics, wars, and poverty. Human
lives are the most important above all; climate is next. To add, imposing a treaty or a rule to
prevent companies from exacerbating climate change isn’t easy because some countries may
have their own interests in them... Owing to that, it takes a lot of time and energy to
successfully produce a law to slow down climate change.

Furthermore, for some people, their lives are merely too stuffed with their personal issues.
They can’t heed to global issues. For that reason, I believe we shouldn’t force someone to
completely change their lives to “save the earth”. Another thing is: why oppose buying green
stuff and individuals’ actions? At least, it’s better than buying plastics. And individuals’
actions can be effective if more and more people are encouraged to do it. Studies show the
majority of young people care about the Earth.

What is interesting is that most people are doubtful whether they are doing enough or not.
Whoever knows what goes on in our atmosphere definitely understands the necessity of
actions. Therefore, every action no matter how big or small must be encouraged! We
shouldn’t disparage each other; anyone who is willing to reduce the rate of climate change is
our ally. Thus, I propose two solutions that we as a school can do.

The first one is a bit controversial, which is promoting veganism. Hold your sighs! Imagine
the amount of fuel burned to prepare your fancy little steak. I also like drilling my teeth into
soft and yummy layers of chicken wings. But after learning about the adverse effects of eating
meat, I’ve switched to being a vegan. Nonetheless, it’s fine if you don’t want to be a vegan;
there is another solution.
The latter one is holding “green events” in which students are grouped together to come up
with ideas regarding what they can do to reduce climate change. It doesn’t matter if your idea
is doing the smallest of smallest actions. By doing this, we can also have time to relax and
socialize with new people in the group while being the saviors of the Earth. So what do you

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